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1、三年级上册Unit FourMy home复习三年级上册Unit FourMy home复习bathroombedroomstudyliving roomkitchenbathroombedroomstudyliving rooIts in the _.bedroom living room bathroomkitchen study?看一看,填一填Its in the _.bedroom phonesofatablefridgebedIts a _.phonessofastablesfridgesbedsThey are _ s_.phonesofatablefridgebedIts a s

2、hetheyitheexcuseusechairisntarentshetheyitheexcuseusechairisntGo to the study.Read a book.Go to the living room. Watch TV.Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.Go to the study.Go to the livHave a snack.Have a nap.Take a shower.Read a book.Wat

3、ch TV.Have a snack.Have a nap.Take I have a cat. Shes cute.I have a cat. Shes cute.问在哪里whereA: Where is/are the _?inonundernearB: Its _/Theyre _.问在哪里whereA: Where is/are the on / in / under /near the desk on / in / under /near the deWhere is the phone, John?Its _.under the tableWhere is the phone, J

4、ohn?Its Where is the bear?Its on the bed.Where is the bear?Its on the Theyre _.on the sofaWhere _ my glasses, John?areTheyre _.on the sofWhere are the keys?Theyre on the fridge.Where are the keys?Theyre on Question TimeIts near the chair.Its under the chair.Its on the chair.Where is the dog?Question

5、 TimeIts near the chaQuestion TimeWhere is the dog?Its on the table.Where are the dogs ?They are on the table.Question TimeWhere is the dog?Is she in the _?living roombedroombathroomstudykitchenYes, she is. / No, she isnt.Guess猜测东西的位置Is she in the _?livingIs he/she/it. +in the bedroom(地点)?Yes ,he/sh

6、e/it is.No,he/she/it isnt.Are they/the keys.+near the bed(地点)?Yes,they are.No, they arent.单数复数Is he/she/it. +in the bedrooIs she in the study?Yes, she is.No, she isnt.Is she in the study?Yes, she iIs he in the study?Yes, he is.No, he isnt.Is he in the study?Yes, he is.Is it in the study?Yes, it is.N

7、o, it isnt.Is it in the study?Yes, it is.Is your mother?Yes, she is.No, she isnt.Is your mother?Yes, she is.NoIs your father?Yes, he is.No, he isnt.Is your father?Yes, he is.No,Is your book in the desk?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is your book in the desk?Yes,Question TimeYes, they are.Are they on the pho

8、ne?Are they near the phone?No, they arent.Where are the books ?phone电话 Where are the books ?Where are the books ?Where are the books ?Question TimeYes, they are.AreListen and follow the tape. (听并且跟读)I have a cat. Shes cute.Where is she? Mmm. Is she in the living room ?Is she in the study?No, she isn

9、t .Look, shes in the kitchen.No, she isnt .Listen and follow the tape. (听Be动词(is, am ,are) 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提, 句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 Be动词(is, am ,are) 的用法口诀 Theyre in the door.They are in the door.Are they in the door?Yes, they are.No, they

10、arent.They arent in the door. Theyre in the door.Are th Where is the pencil? - _ in your desk.2. Where are the apples? -_ in the fridge.3. Where is the cat? - _ on the sofa.4. Where are my crayons? -_ on the table.用 Its 或者 Theyre 填空ItsTheyreTheyre Its Where is the pencil?用 Its 或Ex. 练习I want to have

11、a snack. Let me go to the _.2. Lets go to the _ and read a book.3. Make the bed, Mike. Your _ is untidy(凌乱的). 4. I can watch TV in the _.5. Go to the _. Take a shower.kitchenstudybedroomliving roombathroomEx. 练习I want to have a snack. 1.-Is _ in the study? -Yes ,she is. A.he B. she C .it2.-Is he in the bedroom? -No, _. A. he isnt B. she i


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