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1、Period 1Module 2 A Job Worth DoingIntroduction & Reading and VocabularyIntroduction-1 brainstorming (2m) Describe the job with as many words as possible.You may want to use: excitingstressfulwell paiddangerouscool-lookingcome into chaoshave gun on dutyIntroduction-3. Matching (1m)cook barber biochem

2、ist secretary miner volunteerIntroduction-2. Reminder (2m) Fill in with names of jobs just learnt. We ask this person to put electricity in homes.This person work underground.This scientist studies the chemistry of living things.You go to this person to have your hair cut.This person knows a lot abo

3、ut money.This person has offered to do a job-and may not be paid for doing it.electricianminerbiochemistbarberaccountant volunteerIntroduction-4.Discussion (3m) Discuss what sort of job you would(not) like to do and why.Example: I want to be a _, because it _. OR: I dont want to be a _, because it_.

4、dangerous exciting boringinteresting satisfying stressfulintellectual manual badly/well paid Vocabulary and Reading-1.Pre-reading (3m) Look at the picture and answer the questions.According to the title of the text, what do you think the text is about? A. The history of the traffic signal. B. A man

5、working as a human traffic signal for some reason. C. The traffic signal in the old times.In the picture of the text, there is a man holding something in hand. What is the job of the man?Have you seen a human traffic signal before?Vocabulary and Reading-2.Fast-reading (3m) Read the passage and match

6、 the headings.Paragraph 1:_Paragraph 2:_Paragraph 3:_The roadThe man The reasons why he does itVocabulary and Reading-3. Detailed reading (6m) Exercise 4 on Page 13Keys:C 2.B3.C 4. C5.C 6. BVocabulary and Reading-4. True or False(4m) The mountains make communication easy.Many roads are in bad condit

7、ion and accidents are unfrequent.Timoteo has an unusual job.He climbs up to the bend with a large square board in his hand.Some one asked him to do the job.He felt that it was others mission to do it.Vocabulary and Reading-5. Matching (2m) Match the new words with the definitions.A nearly vertical f

8、allA form of transport, especially one with an engine and four wheels.To still be alive , after being in an accident.The total number of dead A part of the road which is not straight.6. To be used to something that you dont see its true value and dont show thanks. 7. To make someone think hard.8. A

9、reason for living. sheer dropvehiclesurvivedeath tollbendtake for grantedmission in lifehave an effect onVocabulary and Reading-6. Answering (8m)How are the life and the condition of communication in La Paz like?Why are there so many accidents there?Why has the death toll fallen?What do the drivers

10、do when they pass by him?What effect did his last experience have on him?Key to answers:Hard/high altitude /difficult / in bad condition/frequent.High mountains / sheer drop/ many bends/ didnt respect the traffic rules.Timoteo Apaza/ traffic signal / directs the traffic.A tip/ pass by / taking the h

11、uman traffic signal for granted.5. Profound effect on/ lucky to be alive/ missionVocabulary and Reading-4.Post-reading (6m)What makes it difficult for the lorries to get through the road?If you were Timoteo Apaza , were you willing to direct the traffic in the dangerous area?Suppose that ten years h

12、ave passed, and Timoteo Apaza is too old to direct the traffic . So please help him find good ways to replace the human traffic signal.Vocabulary and Reading-8. Role-play (5m)Interview As a reporter, you just had read a report about Timoteo. So you want to have a face-to-face interview with him.Characters:ReporterTimoteoVillager AVillager B


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