1、优秀的丹麦大学留学申请书优秀的丹麦大学留学申请书范文Dear teachers:Hello, my name is Qi Jun. I am a girl from the third grade liberal arts class (11) in Langfang City, Hebei Province. Thank you very much for your patience to read my personal application materials. I know that a text message cannot fully express myself, but I
2、still insist on seeking truth from facts and try to be brief and concise.When I caught the word ,TsinghuaM from the perspective of a child, I only thought that she was a nice name. The longing eyes of the adults made me curious in ignorance. As I grew older, my deeper understanding of her gave me th
3、e fresh and strong feeling of wanting to embrace her. The more you understand her history, the more profound the culture is; the more you understand her spirit, the more you feel the simplicity of human nature; the more you understand her purpose, the more you feel the mighty road ahead. The motto o
4、f HContinuous Self-improvement and Virtue11 has been with me for ten years and paved the way for my growth.Self-improvementI love life sincerely, and I am grateful for my optimistic, cheerful, and tenacious character. I wanted to harvest a ray of spring breeze, but she gave me the whole spring! So,
5、I waved a table tennis racket and a badminton racket to add vitality to her, accompanied her with the sound of piano ding-dong, and used the long flute and the honesty of cucurbit silk. Give her a quiet breath. Away from emptiness, I am constantly striving for life!has never been forced to read a bo
6、ok, and his desire for knowledge is due to his interest. Ever since my memory sprouts, the brilliance of human wisdom shining through the vast knowledge has fascinated me. Once, my strong interest in science made me obsessed with the “gravitation of throwing an apple on my head. However, the feeling
7、 of pain taught me that emotional impulses cannot replace the rigorous logical thinking and reasoning of natural science. When I tended to perceptually looked at science as a second-year high school liberal arts student and tried to think from a philosophical perspective, I suddenly understood: it t
8、urns out that there are so many magical commonalities in liberal arts and sciences, and liberal arts and sciences are for human beings. It is only convenient to study the more refined and specialized division of labor between society and nature. Since then, I have determined to be a person with both
9、 liberal arts and sciences. I believe that the sensibility of liberal arts and the logical thinking of science will make me sit on the blue sky and watch the clouds rise and fall with a smile. I also found a reasonable reason for me to choose Tsinghua University to study liberal arts in a university
10、 with expertise in engineering.I know that my happiness lies in the distant sky, and my doubts and thinking about learning, especially philosophy, seem to be constantly filling my wings. I read nHistory of Western Philosophy11 and other books in private, got a rough understanding of some philosophic
11、al schools, put forward some unscrupulous views, and insisted on pursuing my truth. Wandering in the sea of learning, I am constantly striving to improve myself!The Good and Virtuous CollectionVirtue is the strength and anger of the soul. Being a moral and kind person has always been my yardstick fo
12、r measuring life. Our motherland not only needs high-tech talents who are proficient in scientific research, but also a group of reinforced concrete that supports the backbone of China! This is the precipitation of true Chinese virtues, true national cohesion! I was the schools loving ambassador to
13、the disabled community , Their physical disability and mental tenacity affect every heartstring of my heart. It is my responsibility to help them! I have also served as a voluntary publicist of the citys mobile blood donation vehicle to do my part for the Wenchuan disaster-stricken people and pray s
14、ilently. God bless Sichuan; and in the five ones11 activity of honoring parents, the moment I touched my mothers callous feet, I tried my best to hold back the tears, and I secretly swear: I will use my life to reward you, my mother, in the next life. Let me be your mother, care for you as you do to
15、 me!Honesty! When my wings carry such a weight, when my life is filled with such a sweet fragrance, how can the days burn pale into ashes, how can I not find the way forward? Zhejiang University is autonomous Admissions Recommendation LetterLife PlanningThe social practice again and again has made m
16、e realize the importance of taking effective activities and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, and also understand the heavy responsibilities of being a youth of the motherland. The life trajectory I outlined is by no means a nhome girl in the new era, nor is it a college student in an ivory
17、tower. I am more inclined to take the road of combining scientific research and social practice. While laying a solid academic foundation, actively participate in social practice activities. Use the summer vacation to find internship opportunities, increase practical experience, learn more about soc
18、iety from the grassroots, and cultivate a sense of social responsibility. At the same time, in a university full of fierce competition and challenges, compete with a large number of the most active students and take a broad view of the world , Cultivate correct life values, and finally uphold this t
19、hriving Tsinghua spirit!Yours sincerely,丹麦留学住宿指南一、学校公寓宿舍是大家熟悉的方式,但是一般数量较少,公寓也是不错的 选择,是学校和专门机构进行合作提供的住宿,一般来说会比大家直 接租要廉价一些,并且入住的都是学生,平安更有保障。申请直接在学校官网中进行,会给出申请的链接,大家直接进 入,提交自己的申请就可以了,资格会很快确认下来,大家抵达以后 带着证明直接办理入住就可以了,特别方便。二、独力公寓而直接申请公寓入住,大家会有更高的自主性,能够选择单人 间或者多人间,提出自己更多的要求,会尽可能的满足,当然这样直 接申请,价格会贵一些,主要看大家的需
20、求。申请的话就直接找到官方的网站就可以了,可以进行筛选看房, 不着急直接定下来,先进行预定,等到了现场看了房子以后再签合同, 自己的要求满足后再确认,会更有保障。三、私人住房还可以选择私人房东的房子,这样的房子一般通过中介租会更 平安一些,因为直接对接确认少了第三方的约束,并且对于新生来说, 还是会有比拟大的挑战的,毕竟语言就会是一个阻碍。通过中介的话,可以直接将自己的要求进行告知,后续筛选由 他们进行,这样大家可以比拟节省精力一些,并且在入住中途出现问 题,也可以通过中介维权。四、寄宿家庭如果大家自理的能力比拟差的话,可以申请本地的寄宿家庭, 筛选会经过政府相关部门的审核,不用担忧平安的问题
21、,并且是双向 的选择,在入住中有问题是可以直接沟通的。价格高低取决于大家想要获取的服务,单住宿的话和大家租房 的价格差不多,如果想要获取餐饮的服务的话,那么需要加钱,不过会 比大家在外面吃更廉价一些。丹麦留学衣食住行常识1、衣一一一套正装就可以丹麦人的服饰以休闲服为主,西服也需要,不过一年之中可能 只会穿几次,所以只要准备一套正装就可以了。如果你崇尚,欧洲可 就是你的乐园。虽然在丹麦休闲服也并不廉价,但确实是国际耳熟能 详的,质量也有保障。西服、领带、皮鞋相比之下就廉价多了。意大 利的皮鞋、西服打折时廉价得让你难以相信。上课、上班,很多丹麦 人是休闲打扮,在办公室里公司经理穿着拖鞋、T恤,你也
22、不要奇怪。 防水服在这是必不可少的,11月至1月份是丹麦多雨的季节,并且 下雨时还有风,所以不太适合用雨伞。虽然丹麦是个工业化的兴旺国 家,但污染治理得很好,空气质量也相当不错。因为污染少,衣服不 易脏,外套穿几周没有太大问题,所以对留学生也是件好事,可以省6点洗衣费。这里的洗衣店都要收5克朗,10-20克朗也是合理的价格。(1丹麦克朗约等于1元人民币)2、食多关注超市网站如果你自己做饭,一个月的伙食费简略为1500元人民币,如果 出去吃会增进费用,麦当劳75元人民币一份套餐,和之前我们介绍 过的德国与荷兰差不多。丹麦比拟廉价的超市是Aldi和Netto,中档 的有Fotex,高档的是Irmao Irma的东西要贵很多,不过品种齐全, 看着质量好像都高出一截。Aldi据说是北欧的超市,所售商品比其他 的超市廉价。你可以发现,廉价的地方肯定品种少,Irma和Fotex的 规模大,商品多。去超市买东西一定要注意日子。那里的超市经常打 折,几乎每天都有,但可能今天是这种商品,明天是另一种。如果运 气好,你可以买到比平时廉价很多的东西。举个例子,2.5公斤的鸡腿,平时要55克朗,打折时35克朗,省不少钱。3、住一一合租学生公寓学生公寓
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