1、航空乘务英语客舱会话1航空乘务英语客舱会话1课程介绍 本课程介绍了机上最常用的服务用语与对话。通过对本课程的学习,使学员熟悉航空乘务工作 的基本内容,并具有基本的英语沟通能力。本课 程的培训程序是: 主题介绍 (main instruction) 关键词汇 (key words) 运用技巧 (using skill) 分组讨论 (discussion) 运用练习 (practice)2课程介绍 本课程介绍了机上最常用的服务用语与Unit One: Boarding - Main Instruction 3Unit One: Boarding Unit One: BoardingKey Word
2、saboardaislegreen-coloredin the middle ofboarding passrowindicateoverhead compartmentallowgo throughwindow seat在(车)上,在(船)上通道,过道绿色的在前面登机牌排,行指示,显示行李架(舱)允许,承认通过靠窗的座位4Unit One: BoardingKey WordsabUnit One: BoardingUsing Skillgreeting: The main purpose of greeting is to build up and maintain good relatio
3、nship.find seat: make sure the seat number-explainask others for help: must start the conversation politly. sentence pattern: Excuse me, Sir - Please - Thanks. - Youre welcome, Sir. May I - Excuse me, Could (would) you please - Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.5Unit One: Boa
4、rdingUsing SkillUnit One: Boarding-DiscussionHow would you greet the passengers when they board the plane?A passengers seat number is 12A. How can you help him to find his seat?When passengers are boarding, one of them is blocking the way in the cabin. What do you say to him?Will passengers be able
5、to change seats freely duing the flight?6Unit One: Boarding-DiscussioUnit One: BoardingPractice7Unit One: BoardingPractice7Unit Two: Seating- Main Instruction8Unit Two: Seating- Main InstUnit Two: Seating- Key Wordstogether window seatlegroomrestrictstretchbalance共同,一起靠窗的座位放脚空间, 踏脚处限制伸展平衡9Unit Two:
6、Seating- Key WordsUnit Two: Seating- Using Skilloffer help: This is social behavior. Cabin attendants always offer help to their customers if they want to give good service. Those who accept help may feel grateful and express their thanks.sentence pattern: Excuse me, I want to -. Can you help me to
7、-? Ill - if -. too -to - Would you please -? Im sorry - . Im afraid that -. Thank you for -.10Unit Two: Seating- Using SkiUnit Two: Seating- DiscussionWhen a passenger wants to change seat with others, how do you help him?When a passenger wants to take a empty seat, what would you say?When a passeng
8、er take the wrong seat, what would you do?11Unit Two: Seating- DiscussioUnit Two: Seating- Practice12Unit Two: Seating- Practice1Unit Three: Seating - Main Instruction13Unit Three: Seating Unit Three: Seating- Key Wordsinstruction go overwillingassistanceenlistin case ofavailablepull outmanagecompli
9、cateproperlyin that caseregulationevacuateuponsignal知识,用法说明书仔细检查,复习乐意的, 自愿的帮助万一,假设有用的,可用的拉出处理,应付,操纵复杂恰当的,适当的在那种情况下规章,规则疏散,撤出依附于,按照信号14Unit Three: Seating- Key WorUnit Three: Seating- Using SkillThe seat beside the emergency exit: its very important to make sure that there is somebody can help the cr
10、ew in case of emergency. They should do upon the crews instruction.sentence pattern: Excuse me, your seat is just beside -. Are you willing to offer the assistance -? Im not sure if I can -. Could you show me -? You are kindly requested to -.15Unit Three: Seating- Using SUnit Three: Seating- Using S
11、kill Your seat is just beside the emergency exit,would you please help the crew to open this door when in the emergency situation? So please read this safety instruction now. 您正好坐在紧急出口座位上,当发生紧急情况时,您是否愿意帮助机组成员打开这个出口? 请您现在阅读一下出口座位须知卡。16Unit Three: Seating- Using SUnit Two: Seating- DiscussionWhat woul
12、d you say to the passenger whose seat is just beside the emergency exit? What would you do if that passenger is not willing to help crew to do something?How would you do if the seat beside the emergency exit is empty?17Unit Two: Seating- DiscussioUnit Three: Seating- Practice18Unit Three: Seating- P
13、racticUnit Four: Baggage - Main Instruction19Unit Four: Baggage - MaUnit Four: Baggage- Key Wordsallowblockregulationemergencygalleyprepare允许,承认防碍, 阻塞规则, 规章, 调节, 校准紧急情况, 突然事件狭长船, 大型划船, 船上厨房准备20Unit Four: Baggage- Key WordUnit Four: Baggage- Using SkillAsk for help: People may ask others for help whe
14、n they are in trouble or in need, but before they do so, they must start the conversation politely.sentence pattern: Would you mind doning -? No, I dont mind. Im afraid we are not allowed to do -. Im afraid you cant do -. too - to - 21Unit Four: Baggage- Using SkUnit Four: Baggage- DiscussionWhen a
15、passenger wants to put baggage in the galley, what would you say?A passenger,s bag is too big to put in the compartment or under the seat, how do you help him?A passenger leave the bag by the emergency exit, how would you do?22Unit Four: Baggage- DiscussiUnit Four: Baggage- Practice23Unit Four: Bagg
16、age- PracticeUnit Five: Before Take-off - Main Instruction24Unit Five: Before Take-off Unit Five: Before Take-off - Key Wordschampagne towelthirstyhang upclosetcertainlyvaluablewalletsupplementarycomfortable香槟酒,香槟色毛巾口渴的,渴望的挂断, 拖延, 把.挂起来壁橱, 储藏室的确, (口语)当然, 行贵重的,有价值的皮夹,钱夹增补物,辅助的舒适的25Unit Five: Before T
17、ake-off Unit Five: Before Take-off - Using SkillPeople ask for directions or locations when they are in a new place. It is important for flight attendants to make a good service before take-off, because its a good beginning of the flight.sentence pattern: Would you like -? That sounds a good idea. W
18、ould that be all right? That would be fine, thank you. Would you like me to do - for you? 26Unit Five: Before Take-off Unit Five: Before Take-off - DiscussionWhat kind of service should we offer to the passengers before take off?A passenger with a baby doesnt know how to fasten her seat belt. What w
19、ould you day to help her?A passenger asks something to drink before take off, what would you say?27Unit Five: Before Take-off Unit Five: Before Take-off-Practice28Unit Five: Before Take-off-PUnit Six: Before Take-off - Main Instruction29Unit Six: Before Take-off Unit Six: Before Take-off - Key Words
20、reachcruisealtitudejournalelectronicequipmentinterferenavigationcigaretteimmediatelyforbidchewing gum到达,达到巡游,巡航高度定期刊物, 杂志电子的设备妨碍,干扰领航,导航香烟立刻,马上禁止,不许口香糖30Unit Six: Before Take-off Unit Six: Before Take-off - Using SkillThere are sth. can not be done in the airplane. The flight attendants should ask t
21、he passengers not to do sth,sometimes. But they should be politely, and explain the reason as possible as they can.sentence pattern: -You will have to do sth. until - -Would you like to do - -Im afraid we dont have that on board. -You are not allowed to do sth. -It might interfere with sth.31Unit Si
22、x: Before Take-off Unit Six: Before Take-off - DiscussionThe plane is going to take off, but a passenger wants to go to the lavatory. What would you say to him?A passenger is using his mobile phone prior to take-off. How do you stop him?A passenger is smoking in the cabin, how do you stop him?How do
23、 you offer the newspaper to the passengers?32Unit Six: Before Take-off Unit Six: Before Take-off-Practice33Unit Six: Before Take-off-PrUnit Seven: Drink Service - Main Instruction34Unit Seven: Drink Service Unit Seven:Drink Service - Key Wordsavailable mineralpreferplain straight coffeecocktailchase
24、rinstead可利用的, 有用的狂舞,矿石更喜欢,宁愿简单的,平常的纯咖啡鸡尾酒烈酒后饮品代替35Unit Seven:Drink Service Unit Seven: Drink Service - Using SkillWhen people face choices, they need to know more about the things. Its important to be familiar with a basic range of drinks for the flight attendants. sentence pattern: -Would you like
25、sth. to drink? -We have -. -How do you like your -? -Would you care for sth. to drink? -Im afraid we dont have that on board.36Unit Seven: Drink Service Unit Seven: Drink Service - DiscussionHow do the cabin attendants tell the passengers what drinks available?How do the cabin attendants serve the c
26、offee to the passengers?How do the cabin attendants serve the cocktail to the passengers?37Unit Seven: Drink Service Unit Seven: Drink Service-Practice38Unit Seven: Drink Service-PrUnit Eight: Meal Service - Main Instruction39Unit Eight: Meal Service Unit Eight : Meal Service - Key Wordssetroastmain
27、 coursesteaktastyhors doeuvresalmonlobsterdelicacytypically放,置烤,烘主菜肉排,牛排好吃的,可口的(正餐前的)开胃食品鲑鱼, 大马哈鱼龙虾美味佳肴代表性地, 作为特色地40Unit Eight : Meal Service Unit Eight:Meal Service - Using SkillPeople give advice to those who ask for it or seem to need it. There are various kinds of advice. Giving advice is helpin
28、g.sentence pattern: - What would you like for -? - Im afraid we are all out off sth. - Would you care for - ? - What kind of sth. do you have? - Id like to try -. - You ordered -, is that right?41Unit Eight:Meal Service Unit Eight:Meal Service - Using SkillTaking advice and suggestions: - That would
29、 be very nice. - That would be a good idea. - That sounds good. - Id like that very much.Rejecting advice and suggestions: - I regret to say I cant accept your advice. - That would be very pleasant, but I cant -. - I dont think I will, but thank you all the same. - Well, Id rather not, if you dont m
30、ind.42Unit Eight:Meal Service Unit Eight: Meal Service - DiscussionGenerally, what is the main dish on board?A passenger wants chicken for his main course, but actually there is no more chicken left in the galley. What would you say?When passengers are offered meals on board, beside the main dish, w
31、hat else can they be served?If a cabin attendant wants to pass the tray to the passengers by the window, who are out of her reach, what should she do?43Unit Eight: Meal Service Unit Eight: Meal Service - Practice44Unit Eight: Meal Service Unit Nine: Other Cabin Service - Main Instruction45Unit Nine:
32、 Other Cabin ServiceUnit Nine: Other Cabin Service - Key Wordsbassinetsoilfeeddisturbgratefuldizzysufferairsicknesstabletvomitthoughtful婴儿摇篮弄脏,变脏喂打扰感激的,感谢的(指人)晕眩的, 昏乱遭受, 经历, 忍受晕机药片吐出, 呕吐体贴的, 关切的46Unit Nine: Other Cabin ServiceUnit Nine: Other Cabin Service - Using SkillInfants are special passengers
33、 on board. The passengers with baby need more care. Its the best service to do sth. for the this kind of passengers before the ask for help.sentence pattern: - Ill be glad to. - Do you think -? - Would you like me to do -? - Will you be able to do -? - Did you order - for -? - If there is anything I
34、 can do for you, please let me know. - Ill help you with -. - Im feeling -.47Unit Nine: Other Cabin ServiceUnit Nine: Other Cabin Service - DiscussionHow the cabin attendant should do when the passenger with the baby is boarding?When a passenger ask for the milk for her baby, what kind of things sho
35、uld cabin attendant should ask?When we can set up the bassinet? And when we should take down it?How can we take care of the passenger who is suffering from airsickness?48Unit Nine: Other Cabin ServiceUnit Nine: Other Cabin Service - Practice49Unit Nine: Other Cabin ServiceUnit Ten: Other Cabin Servi
36、ce - Main Instruction50Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - Key Wordsheadsetpop musicclassical musicfolk musiclight clasicfill outimmigrationunaccompanied耳机流行音乐古典音乐民间音乐轻音乐填写移民局无伴侣的, 无随从的51Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - Key Wordsexceedtax-freeli
37、mitin advancecustomseardroppretty suredafinitelyitinerarydescription超过免税限度,限制提前海关耳环非常确定明确地,干脆地旅程,旅行线路 描述52Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - Using SkillPassengers may be not familiar with the airplane. So when the cabin attendants introduce the facilities of the plane, the
38、y should be slowly and clearly.Describing persons or things is useful way of communication. The dedcription gives useful information to the other person. People often describe lost persons or things.53Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - Using Skill sentence pattern: - I enj
39、oy doing -. - You will need it when you -. - Do you have - exceeding the duty-free limit? - I seem to -. - Im sorry to hear that, madam. - When do you think you -? - Would you mind doing -? 54Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - DiscussionWhen a passenger tell you he lost st
40、h. in the cabin, what should you do?How do the cabin attendants introduce the cabin facilities to the passengers, just like: seat back, reading light -?A paasenger has just filled out several forms. He asks:“When do I need these forms? Do I have to return them to you? ” What do you say?55Unit Ten: O
41、ther Cabin Service Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service - Practice56Unit Ten: Other Cabin Service Unit Eleven: Information - Main Instruction57Unit Eleven: Information Unit Eleven: Information - Key Wordsconditionunfavorablefogliftperhapslocalinternational Date Linecomplicatedsightseeingrecommendancient条件,
42、环境不宜的,不顺利的雾(云、雾等)消散可能当地的,地方的国际日更线复杂的, 难解的观光推荐,介绍远古的,旧的58Unit Eleven: Information Unit Eleven: Information - Using SkillPeople may ask for information almost everyday. Information about train schedules, flight schedules, weather conditions, and so on is frequently asked about. Asking for information has become one of the favorite topics of our daily conversations.sentence pattern: - Im sorry to tell you that -. - Whats the matter? - it is going to take sb. some time to do sth. 59Unit Eleven: Information Unit Eleven: Inform
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