1、专项法律服务协议Project Legal Service Agreement甲方:xx有限公司乙方:Party A: xParty B: 鉴于甲方想要尽量规避劳动用工风险,完善公司的所有人力资源制度;鉴于乙方在企业劳动合规管理方面有丰富的经验;Whereas Party A intends to perfect its handbook, try to avoid potential legal risk in human resources field;Whereas party B is experienced in the legal affairs in this field;经甲、
2、乙各方友好协商,就甲方委托乙方提供专项的劳动合规管理方面法律服务达成如下协议:Thus this agreement is signed between the parties on the base of equality through negotiations. 乙方接受甲方委托,指派 律师具体负责本次专项法律服务。Party B appoints its lawyers, to provide legal service to party A for this project. 法律服务内容Scope of the party Bs service为甲方起草新的中英文职工或员工手册,并
3、全程参加职工或员工手册通过民主程序制定的过程,包括但不限于指导甲方职工代表的选举、职工或员工手册草案的征求建议或意见通知以及职工或员工反馈建议或意见的收集、召开职工代表大会进行建议或意见的答疑、讨论通过职工或员工手册的内容、职工代表大会会议决议的起草、职工或员工手册的正式实施通知以及对全体职工或员工的告知。Draft employees handbook in both Chinese and English for party A, and participate in the whole procedure from the beginning to the end, including
4、but not limited to: instruct party A to elect employees representatives; asking for employees opinion for the handbook draft, collecting feedback from employees, hold the representatives meeting, answer representatives questions regarding the handbook, discuss the handbook, drafting the meeting minu
5、tes, make the handbook known to all the employees, guarantee the whole procedure is legal and the handbook is effective. 为甲方起草中英文的竞业限制协议、保密协议,服务期协议,解除劳动协议协议,开除信,辞职信和警告信等。Draft the non-competing agreement, confidentiality agreement, service agreement , termination agreement,firing letter, resignation
6、 letter, warning letter and etc. for party A. 为甲方起草中英文劳动协议,并应在劳动协议中明确附件包括公司职工或员工手册等,确保本次制定的职工或员工手册适用今后新进的职工或员工。Draft standard labor contract for party A in both English and Chinese, make sure the handbook is applicable to all the future new employees. 回答甲方关于本法律项目关于问题的咨询.Answer party As questions reg
7、arding this project.其他与本次专项法律服务关于的事宜。Other relevant service. 甲方应指派具体联系人与乙方承办律师对接,并根据服务需要提供相应的资料文件资料。Party A shall appoint a concrete person to be responsible for this project, and provide party B with relevant documents. 乙方应认真履行职责,在维护甲方合法权益的同时应确保制定的职工或员工手册程序合法,起草的所有协议、劳动协议符合现行法律法规规定。The lawyers appo
8、inted by party B shall execute their duties carefully and professionally. While protecting party As legal rights, party B shall guarantee the handbook is in conformity with existing law and regulations. 服务费用及支付方式Service fee and payment1、甲、乙各方确定律师服务费用为人民币30000元(叁万元),包括第二条所述的全部服务内容。The service fee is
9、30,000 (thirty thousand) RMB, including all the service listed in item 2 of this agreement. 2、甲方应在本协议签订后一个月内向乙方支付上述百分之五十的费用。在此项服务履行,甲方验收通过后,再付百分之五十的费用。乙方应提供相应税务发票。Party A shall pay party B the 50% service fee to the following bank account within 1 month after this agreement is signed. After this ser
10、vice is finished and confirmed by Part A, Part A should pay the remaining service fee which is 50% to Part B. Party B should provide related invoice.乙方账户:Party Bs bank account: 开户银行: 户名: 账号:乙方应在本协议生效后日6周内向甲方提供第二条中所述的职工或员工手册、竞业限制协议、保密协议、服务期协议、解除劳动协议协议,开除信、辞职信、警告书、劳动协议的初稿,并根据甲方的修改建议或意见进行修改。Party B sha
11、ll provide party A with all the legal documents listed in item 2 of this agreement within 6 weeks after this agreement is signed, and make modifications after communicating with party As HR manager. 七、本协议以中文和英文书就,两种文本具有同等效力。如有分歧,以中文文本为准。This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English. Both versions shall be equally authentic. In case of any discrepancies, the Chinese version shall prevail.八、本协议一式两份,甲、乙各方各执一
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