高中英语 新外研 必修Unit 6-第6课时-Writing 教学设计_第1页
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1、必修二 Unit 6 Developing ideas - WritingWriting a persuasive letter 读写语篇教学设计深圳市龙华高级中学教育集团 卜雅伟设计理念:普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)(以下简称新课标)首次使用了“大概念”一词,强调“以学科大概念为核心,使课程内容结构化,以主题为引领,使课程内容情境化”(教育部,2018)。大概念是教学设计的核心与基础,它指导教师从更上位的视角出发,整合教学内容,规划教学和评价活动。对学生而言,大观念可以帮助他们在零散的知识之间建立关联、形成结构,为推动整合性的学习创造可能,指向深度学习(李刚、吕立杰,2018)。因此

2、,本课是基于主题语境“人与自然,关爱地球,保护环境”,在单元大观念“正视全球面临的环保问题,了解先进的环保理念,增强环保意识,践行绿色生活方式,树立共同关爱地球,保护环境,与自然和谐相处的价值观”的引领下而进行的教学设计。学前分析:本课是新外研版(2019)必修二第六单元Earth First第五课时Developing ideas Writing.单元主题:人与自然主题语境:关爱地球、保护环境单元主题意义:正视全球面临的环保问题,了解先进的环保理念,增强环保意识,践行绿色生活方式,树立共同关爱地球,保护环境,与自然和谐相处的价值观文本分析:【what】本文语篇类型为倡议信,旨在倡导“光盘行动

3、”以减少食物浪费,降低对环境的污染。【why】 通过该语篇的学习,引导学生初步掌握倡议信的文体特点、写法手法和写作目的,表达保护环境的意愿,并呼吁他人践行环保理念。【How】 本文通过介绍倡议信的结构特点、信的写作格式,倡议信所采用的语言特点传播正确的环保意识和理念,呼吁人们践行低碳的生活方式,从而达到与自然和谐相处的目的。学情分析:学生经过前五课时学习,对环保理念、践行方法都有了基本的了解,能够初步判断所谓的生活常识的正误,且能清晰、有条理的阐述其理由。在此基础上,了解并掌握倡议信的文体特点和写作方法。教学目标:通过本课的学习,学生能够:掌握倡议信的含义、文体特点、语言特点和写作手法。运用运

4、用所学内容写封与环保相关的倡议。在日常生活中践行正确的、环保的生活方式,形成先进的环保理念。教学重点和难点:掌握了解倡议信的写作特点,能够运用所学内容写封与环保相关的倡议。在日常生活中践行环保理念。Teaching procedures活动目标活动形式及步骤活动意图深度学习特征效果评价时间Stage 1激活“保护自然”这一话题的相关背景知识及兴趣,且能够说出浪费对环境造成的不良影响。T greets students and introduces the main theme to students, and then invites them to brainstorm the waste

5、they usually see on the campus.T ask Ss to appreciate a public service advertisement and know the effects of advertisement on people. T asks students to think about as an individual, what we can do to call on others to engage in this “saving food” campaign and then understand what a persuasive lette

6、r is. 1. To arouse students interest in the topic.To awaken students previous experiences about green lifestyle and lead them to know something about food waster and its bad effects on environment.To led Ss know what a persuasive letter is.活动与体验学生能够用英文说出常见的浪费现象。学生能够体会到作为个人,也能通过倡议信的方式影响他人。学生能够了解什么是倡议

7、信。2 mins1 mins1 minsStage 2通过阅读倡议信,获取倡议信的写作格式、文体特点、语言运用特点等。T asks Ss to read the letter to extract detailed information:1) What is the purpose of the letter?2) What is the existing problem?3) What are the proposed actions from Class 8?2. T leads Ss to read the letter again to understand the structur

8、e of a persuasive letter.3. T asks Ss to read the letter to summarize persuasive devices.1. To train students ability of extracting details.To train students ability to summarize the language features and writing techniques.获取与梳理学生能够通过阅读倡议信,总结倡议信的写作格式、文体特点以及语言运用特点。2 mins2 mins4 minsStage 3提升写作能力。1.

9、T introduces Ss some procedures of writing a persuasive letter.2. T leads Ss to brainstorm and summarize the words and expressions and sentence patterns related to the topic.T asks Ss to translate some sentences related to the topic.T asks Ss to write a persuasive letter to call on everyone to participate in “No bottled water campaign”.T asks Ss to reflect on their own writing.1. To let students enrich their words and expressions related the topic.2. To let students enrich their sentence patterns related the topic.3. To train Ss abil


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