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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Miss Smithin our school since five ye

2、ars ago.Ateaches Btaught Chas taught Dis teaching2、I want _ iPad. I hope my mom will buy one for me on my birthday this year.AaBanCtheD/3、The comedy, lost in Thailand(泰囧), opened _December 12 and by December 24 it had made 721 million yuan.Ain Bon Cat Dby4、I wonder if you _ to the wedding ceremony t

3、omorrow. If you _, reply to me please.Awill come; will come Bcome; come Cwill come; come Dcome; will come5、The father was looking for a present for his son, one at a proper price but great use.Ain Bof Cwith Dfor6、Sandy, youd better _ your notes before you do your homework every evening.OK, I will, m

4、um.Alook throughBlook outClook afterDlook around7、My sister has a good habit. She likes to _ all things in right places.Aput down Bput away Cput on Dput out8、Don t you think _ _ necessary for friends to trust each other?Aone Bthat Cthose Dit9、Dont eat too much snacks. Its bad for health. _.ASorry, I

5、 wont.BSure, I willCNever mindDOK. I dont.10、 Mike, _ you answer this question? Of course I can. Its so easy.AcanBmayCmustDneed. 完形填空11、Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around, looking for its 1 piece. But because it was not complete, it could only ro

6、ll ( 滚 ) very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine along the way. It talked with worms. It found lots of different pieces, but 2 of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on 3 for the lost piece. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit 4 The circle put the p

7、iece into 5 It could be whole with nothing lost. It was so happy and began to roll. As it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how different the world was when it rolled so quickly. It felt so sad 6 it stopped, left its found piece by t

8、he side of the road and rolled very slowly.Sometimes we are perfect when we lose something. A man who 7 everything is poor in some ways. He will never have hopes, dreams or something better. He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he was always wanted or never had.We

9、couldnt be perfect. But we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share 8 with others and clever enough to know there is enough love around us and then we can always have a wonderful time in our life.1Amiss Blose Cmissing2Anone Ball Ceach3Alook Blooking Cto look4Aperf

10、ectly Bperfect Cpart5Ait Bitself Cthem6Awhich Bwhether Cthat7Aown Bhas Cowned8Akindness Bsadness Chappiness. 语法填空12、Mr Black works hard these days and is very tired. In the morning Mrs Black wanted to go shopping. She drove the car out and Mr Black 1 (sit) on the back seat. Mrs Black stopped their c

11、ar near a shop. You cant stop here, dear, Mr Black said. Cant you see the sign No2 (park) there? I 3 (not care) , said Mrs Black. Well, I 4 (stay) in the car and have a sleep, Mr Black said. I5 (be) too tired.After a while, a police car came. The policemen saw Mrs Blacks car and took away the car. T

12、hey pulled the car to the police station. Of course Mr Black 6 (take) there too. He was still asleep on the back seat!. 阅读理解A13、Here are two letters to George and his answers.Dear George,Im fourteen and Im much shorter for my age. Whats worse, Im very fat. I want to loseweight to be 55 kg and to be

13、taller and then I can go to the school basketball team and enjoymyself. Can you help me?BobDear Bob,Dont worry if youre shorter than your friends. Teenagers(青少年)grow at different times.It doesnt matter how heavy you are. You are still the same person. Plan your meals with yourmum, and she can help y

14、ou lose weight. Also, try to take more exercise.GeorgeDear George,Im learning French but I dont get good marks. I dont know why. Sometimes I want to giveup. But I know I shouldnt because languages are going to be very important. What should I do?AliceDear Alice,You are right. You should never give u

15、p, and Im sure that youve made more progress thanyou think. You can talk to your teacher and ask her what you should do to get a better grade. Talk to your friends who are good at French. Find something that helps you.George1According to the letters, we know that George is _.Aa teacherBa doctorCa pe

16、rson who can give others adviceDBob and Alices friend2The weight of Bob is _ now.Aabout 50 kgB55 kgCmore than 55 kgDless than 55 kg3Alice is worrying about _.Aher friendsBher marksCher heightDher weight4Bob should _ according to Georges letter.Atake more exerciseBtalk to his friendsCjoin a basketbal

17、l teamDlearn some French5George advises Alice to talk to _ for help.Aher motherBher teacherCBobs teacherDBobs friendsB14、It is easy to say “to be Best Friends Forever (BFF)”. However, a true BFF helps out when the other is in trouble, not just once or twice, but for a lifetime.Milo is six years old.

18、 He has become Eddies BFF. They are special because they are not humans, but dogs. Their owner, Angie Baker, brought them up. They spent many years playing together.However, last year, Eddie suddenly started walking into dustbins and walls. Soon he lost his eyesight. When Milo felt something was wro

19、ng, he decided to act as Eddies “guide” dog. He leads Eddie through the house. When they go for walks, he holds Eddies leash (狗链).Once, Milo had to spend a few nights at the hospital himself. Poor Eddie often bumped (碰撞) into walls and furniture. Ever worse, he got lost during walks. Angie realized

20、how much Eddie depended on his friend. Luckily, Milo is now fine and back at his BFFs side, guiding him through life again.1Eddies BFF is _.AMilo BAngie CBaker Dhimself2What is Eddies problem?AHe lost his friend. BHis leg was broken.CHe lost his eyesight. DHis owner dislikes him.3What does Milo do f

21、or Eddie?AHe takes Eddie to the park. BHe acts as Eddies guide.CHe stays with Eddie at the hospital. DHe finds food and drinks for Eddie.C15、Wuzhizhou IslandWuzhizhou Island, lies in Sanya, is Chinas best waters for scuba(潜水). Divers will appreciate the clear seas, especially off the southern end of

22、 the island, where coral reefs(珊瑚礁) host a colorful range of tropical sea life. As well as Goddess Matsu Temple, there are many places of interest to visit including the Lovers Bridge, Sunrise Rock and Life Well.Namtso LakeNamtso Lake is the largest salt-water lake in the world. Namtso lakes touchin

23、g beauty never fails to attract any traveler who visits Tibet. Bright sky, white clouds and clear water contribute to a picturesque scene, like a fairyland. In Tibetan, Namtso means Heavenly Lake or Holy Lake. Looking at the faraway mountains and nearby water, backpackers only hope that time could s

24、tand still at that moment.Zhangjiajie Scenic SpotZhangjiajie National Forest Park, in Hunan Province, has been described differently, such as “delicate and wild”. Clear water bubbled up from the rocks, winding from west to east. Magical!KailiLying in the southeastern area of Guizhou Province, Kaili

25、City is a living quarter(居住区) of the Miao ethnic minority. So it is a nice place to learn about the culture and life of the Miao people. However, as a tourist destination, Kaili is also famous for its natural landscapes, karst land-form and the ancient architecture(建筑). It is a city with the ancient

26、 culture and modern civilization.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Who may be interested in visiting Wuzhizhou Island?AA professor who studies culture and life of the Miao people.BA young lady who loves the fairyland with mountains and water.CA man who likes scuba diving in the sea.DA student who likes dif

27、ferent views of mountains.2What is NOT mentioned about Kaili ?AIts position.BModern architecture.CNatural scenery.DCulture of Miao people.3A student in Hunan prefers a short journey, which place will he choose?AWuzhizhou Island.BNamtso Lake.CZhangjiajie Scenic Spot.DKaili.4What does Namtso mean in T

28、ibetan?ASalt-water lake.BHeavenly lake.CWhite cloud.DBlue sky.5What do you think this passage is?AA story.BA notice.CAn advertisement.DA report.D16、On Monday, my classmates and I heard that our geography teachers father had died. We were surprised that he was still teaching in school. My best friend

29、 was telling me that by teaching he was trying to forget losing his father and become strong in the way to teaching.We came up with an idea. When we went back to school yesterday, we gave him cheer-up cards which we had taken time to decorate with flowers, hearts and peace signs. As we had handed th

30、e cards to him, we both could see the light in his eyes. The look on his face said how much he thanked what we did for him. The whole scene was very warm and loving, and its hard to express in words. He enjoyed it very much and the expression on his face was really lively. This morning, when we both

31、 went to see the teacher again, he had been so happy, and had given us both a hug. This made us both feel that we just might have made his day, and that he was going to be okay.With that, I want to tell you to take the time to smile at the ones you love. Life is so dear, so let us be happy and enjoy

32、 the gift of life.1From the passage we know the teacher taught the writer .Amath Bgeography CEnglish Dart2According to the first paragraph, the teacher didnt go home because he .Anever cared about his fatherBdidnt want to ask for leaveCwas in low spirits after losing his fatherDtried to forget losin

33、g his father by teaching3In order to decorate the cheer-up cards, the writer and her friends use .Apeace signs and flowers Bflowers and moneyChearts and hugs Deyes and heart signs4We learn from the second paragraph that .Athe teacher would have to leave the schoolBthe students would be punished by t

34、he schoolCthe students would stay with the teacher foreverDthe teacher was moved and would be happy again. 5The writer wants to tell us .Aspecial love can warm a broken heartBteachers should help studentsCwe need to smile at everyoneDlife is a gift for each personE17、阅读理解。Arthur sat at the desk in h

35、is room, pencil in hand. He had to write a story for his English class by Friday. “I dont know what to write about,” he complained to his dog Toby, who was asleep at his feet. Arthur was talkative when speaking to his friends, yet he had trouble finding words when he had to write.By bedtime Arthur h

36、ad drawn a picture of Toby smiling. He had drawn a tree with its branches blowing in the strong wind. He had also written a note asking his friend Lee to go to the movies on Saturday. But he had not written a single word of his story.On Wednesday, Mrs. Solomon, Arthurs English teacher, asked the cla

37、ss to turn in the first draft of their stories. His heart sinking, Arthur turned in the only work he hadthe page with his name, the drawings and the note.Arthur wasnt surprised when Mrs. Solomon asked him to stay after class the next day. But he was surprised by what she said to him. “This is an att

38、ractive story, Arthur. The dog, the movie, the tree in the windI cant wait to find out how they all fit together.”“That isnt my story, Mrs. Solomon,” Arthur admitted. “I havent been able to think of one yet.”“Oh,_” Mrs. Solomon replied, “Look at your note and the pictures and see if a story comes to

39、 you.”That night Arthur sat at his desk, and this is what he wrote: “One Saturday Mike went downstairs to meet his friend Julio at the cinema. It looked as if it might rain, so Mike carried his umbrella. Suddenly a big storm blew in, bending the trees. The noise of the wind sounded like the barking

40、of Mikes dog Toby. Toby really hated storms and barked whenever he wanted to be let inside. Then Mike realized that it wasnt the sound of the wind. It was Toby. The dog was running after him down the busy street, barking. The sound was filled with blame. Mike felt guilty because he had left Toby out

41、side. He turned and headed home with Toby running beside him. Mike let Toby in the door just as the rain started to pour down.”Arthur had a story in the end. The last thing he did was to write his name proudly at the top of the page.1Why did Arthur turn in the page with only his name, the drawings a

42、nd the note at first?ABecause he had no time to fit them together.BBecause he had difficulty in writing a story.CBecause he wasnt willing to do his homework.DBecause he wanted to show his talent for drawing.2What does the sentence “I think you have the seed of a story there”mean?AToby is an imaginat

43、ive and lovely dog.BThe small tree will grow into a big one.CHis friend Lee can give him a lot of support.DHe can develop his story based on the first draft.3Which of the following statements is not right according to Arthurs last story?AA storm made the tree fall down.BMike carried his umbrella to

44、go to the cinema.CThe dog was barking and running after Mike down the busy.DMike returned home and let the dog in the door.4What kind of teacher do you think Mrs. Solomon is ?AShe is a strict teacherBShe is a wise teacherCShe is an honest teacherDShe is an energetic teacher5What can we infer(推断)from

45、 the story?AArthur is a shy and quiet studentBArthur isnt very satisfied with his storyCThere will be a storm on SaturdayDEncouragement is important in teachingF18、 Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the “ He

46、ads-down Tribe . Are you a heads-down tribe member ? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.More and more traffic accidents are happening because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have bee

47、n made. For example, heads-down tribe members who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined. Car drivers and motorcyclists(骑摩托车的人)who break the traffic rule will be fined NT$3,000 and NT$1,000 respectively.As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of

48、money. Besides, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. Lets have a look at an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he bumped into(撞上)a big lost bear. When he lifted his eyes from the phone, he was so

49、scared that he turned around and ran away as quickly as possible. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fu

50、n communicating with others on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobile phones good or not ? It depends on how people use them. Lets be “healthy” users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe”.1What do we know about the “ Heads-down Tribe ” ?AThey are cool kids.B

51、They are dangerous drivers.CThey are good at using the Internet.DThey are always looking at their mobile phones.2What does the underlined word “ respectively” mean in Chinese ?A分别地B迅速地C特意地D逐渐地3Where did the American probably bump into the bear ?AIn the forest.BAt a zoo.COn the street.DAt a park.4According to the passage, what do the “ Heads-down Tribe” do when they eat in a restaurant ?AThey enjoy their meals.BThey take phot


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