2022届高考英语二轮复习:新高考读后续写 掌握“四读四写”写作技法课件(33张ppt)_第1页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:新高考读后续写 掌握“四读四写”写作技法课件(33张ppt)_第2页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:新高考读后续写 掌握“四读四写”写作技法课件(33张ppt)_第3页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:新高考读后续写 掌握“四读四写”写作技法课件(33张ppt)_第4页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:新高考读后续写 掌握“四读四写”写作技法课件(33张ppt)_第5页
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2、文各情节之间的逻辑关系。3语言基本功欠缺,语法结构错误,词汇贫乏,人称混乱,时态混用。4表达内容不丰富,语言能力不强,缺乏可读性。5书写不规范,字迹不工整,难识别。二、 怎么办“四读四写”技法指导技法指导1要着重培养阅读理解能力和对语篇结构的把控能力通过阅读把握故事情节、人物特点和语言特点。通过理解分析语篇结构,理清故事发展脉络和关键信息,预测故事的发展方向,提炼语篇的主题。2要培养发散思维和创造性思维,展现创造力与想象力续写内容需要创作,故事角度要新颖,即从常人容易忽视的角度去构思故事,让故事出乎意料之外,又在情理之中。要注意所构思内容的合理性,即人物性格、情节要保持一致,不能有矛盾。故事情

3、节不能违背生活现实、情感现实逻辑。3要树立续写衔接意识考生在续写过程中要着重注意以下内容之间的衔接:续写内容与原文的逻辑衔接、续写内容与所给段首句的衔接、续写第一段段末与第二段段首的衔接以及续写段落内容之间的衔接。总而言之,读后续写“读”至少要包括四项内容读首句;读要素; 读结构;读情感变化;“写”要注意四点依据文章大意, 确定写作内容;依据关键信息,设计故事情节;依据情感变化, 烘托故事气氛;依据语言特点, 选择恰当词句。本文以2021年新课标全国卷为例, 诠释读后续写答题秘诀。典例示范2021新高考卷A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled w

4、ith excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Je

5、ff knew exactly what to do.The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 am. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate an

6、d added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw t

7、he burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff st

8、ayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of bur

9、ning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。As the twins looked around them in disappointment, theirfather appeared._The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. _第一步:读懂大意, 理清脉络1读首句“段首句”决定故事走向。续写部分的两个段首句为我们提供了强大的线索,我们可以根据段首句提

10、供的信息来获得提示。根据第一个段首句As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared可知,“救世主”出现了,即双胞胎的父亲。根据第二个段首句The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.可知,早餐最终做好了。2读要素记叙文有六要素,即为时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)、经过及结局(how)。在读文章时,我们需要特别关注这几个关键要素,因为这是我们获取文章主要内容

11、的重要途径,我们可以利用表格的形式对这个故事的六要素进行分类, 如下图所示:WhoWhereWhenWhatWhyHowTwins(Jenna and Jeff)MotherFatherKitchenMothersDayMakingbreakfastfor MotherTo celebrateMothersDayPorridge boiled over, bread got burned, and the kitchen was in a mess.3.读结构文章结构是文章部分与部分、部分与整体之间的内在联系和外部形式的统一,是谋篇布局的手段。任何一篇文章都有其结构特点,我们在读前文时,应关注

12、文章结构,这对我们顺利完成续写有很大的帮助。通过分析可知,这篇文章的结构模式为:总分式。Para.1The twins had a good idea of making a breakfast for their mother on Mothers Day.(介绍双胞胎做早餐的原因)Para.2The experience of making breakfast.(开始按计划进展顺利)Para.3The unexpected result of making breakfast.(做早餐失败:粥溢锅了、面包糊了,厨房也一团糟)4.读情感变化语言是作者表达其情感的有力工具,正所谓“言为心声”。

13、人物感情的变化往往对情节的推动发展起关键作用。当读者抓住了人物情感变化的主线时,文章的主要情节就更加清晰明了。CluesEmotion changesThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day.(paragraph 1)excitementBut the stove was a mess now. The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.( paragraph

14、3)disappointment续写第一段可推断出, 续写段落的情感应该是由孩子的失望(disappointment)到救世主父亲帮助双胞胎做好了早餐,母亲见到早餐后很惊喜、很感动(surprised, moved)。续写第二段第二步: 根据文本线索, 展开合理续写1依据文章大意, 确定写作内容本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了一对双胞胎在母亲节这天想在厨房给母亲做一份早餐来庆祝这个节日的故事。第一段:双胞胎计划在母亲节那天给妈妈一个惊喜,为她做早餐。第二段:母亲节这一天,双胞胎来到厨房,煮粥,做吐司。第三段:粥煮沸溢了出来,把火烧灭了,灶台乱糟糟的,Jeff的手烫着了,面包片炸糊了。2依据关键信息,

15、设计故事情节续写根据第一个段首句As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared可知,“救世主”出现了,即双胞胎的父亲。后面的内容应该是父亲帮助双胞胎做好了早餐(解决了问题)。续写根据第二个段首句The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.可知,早餐最终做好了。后面的内容应该是母亲见到早餐后很惊喜、很感动。大体走向确定了我们就可以添加细节了:第一段续写:父亲了解了情况父亲让双胞胎打扫厨房(解决了厨房一团糟的问题)

16、父亲帮助做早餐 (解决了早餐做失败的问题)第二段续写:双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐母亲看到早餐后很惊喜母亲吃了早餐母亲赞扬了双胞胎确定了故事的走向和细节,接下来就是遣词造句了。3依据情感变化, 烘托故事气氛在整个故事中, 作者的情感变化为:disappointedhappy。在续写的两个自然段中, 可充分利用这条情感线来烘托故事气氛, 使内容更加饱满。Seeing their disappointed faces, he told them to clean up the kitchen while he helped them make breakfast for Mother.Mother hug

17、ged the twins at the sight of the breakfast, with tears in her eyesThe twins smiled at each other.4依据语言特点, 选择恰当词句(1)确定文章的语言风格。读后续写的评分标准中有一项要求是“所续写内容与所给短文融洽度高”。续写就是以作者的口吻接着写下去,要和作者的语言风格接近。本篇短文语言轻松活泼,有大量动作细节的描写,所续写的内容也要保持一致。(2)细节描写要有画面感。所谓画面感,就是要有生动形象的细节刻画,可以通过三方面的描写来实现:动作、情感和环境。本篇短文的故事发生在厨房,环境的刻画没有发展

18、空间,这一方面可以弱化。本文主要想通过为母亲做早餐来体现家庭成员间的温情,所以应着重于动作和情感这两方面的描写。具体如下:第一段续写:父亲了解了情况:knew what they were up to 动作描写父亲让双胞胎打扫厨房:told them to clean up the kitchen 动作描写父亲帮助做早餐:made some egg sandwiches 动作描写cooked some porridge 动作描写双胞胎的反应:cheered up 情感描写did as told 动作描写prepared the breakfast tray 动作描写added a card t

19、hey had made 动作描写第二段续写:双胞胎祝母亲节日快乐:hugged her and shouted, “Happy Mothers Day.” 动作描写母亲看到早餐后很惊喜:eyes widened at the sight of the breakfast情感描写母亲吃了早餐:bit into a sandwich动作描写母亲赞扬了双胞胎:said it was the best she had ever tasted动作描写以上的描写中语言都简单、平实、生动,这与所给短文保持了风格上的一致。在描写惊喜时,用了with tears in her eyes来表达惊喜的程度,令人眼

20、前浮现出了母亲因惊喜感动而流泪的画面感,比直接用surprise更为形象生动。(3)用多种句式和高频词汇彰显高人一筹的写作技能。各细节敲定后,接下来就是将它们串联起来构成完整的文章。此时我们不能都是一种句式打天下,这样不仅使文章的语言有失丰富性和灵动性,还会使句与句之间的过渡过于生硬,不够流畅。我们可以根据情况灵活使用句式,比如 He saw.可以用Seeing., he.来表达;They cleaned the kitchen可以用被动句 The kitchen was cleaned来表达等等。再比如在描写母亲吃三明治时,用的是短语动词bite into,比eat更能让人想象出吃入东西的画

21、面。第三步:衔接过渡自然还要适当地使用一些衔接词,比如用 within an hour 和 then 来表示故事在时间上的推进,使句与句之间的过渡自然,通顺流畅。One possible version:As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.One look and he knew what they were up to. Seeing their disappointed faces, he told them to clean up the kitchen while he hel

22、ped them make breakfast for Mother. The twins cheered up and did as told. Within an hour, the kitchen was cleaned, and Father had made some egg sandwiches and cooked some porridge. Then he went back to bed quietly. The twins prepared the breakfast tray and added a card they had made.The twins carrie

23、d the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. They hugged her and shouted, “Happy Mothers Day, dear Mummy!” Mother hugged the twins. Her eyes widened at the sight of the breakfast. She shook Father who was pretending to sleep. He faked astonishment when he saw the breakfast. Mother bit into a s

24、andwich and said it was the best she had ever tasted. Jeff immediately wanted to have a bite. Jenna caught her fathers eye and they smiled at each other secretly.Writing 12021广州市综合测试一阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It took place in a teachers family. One day, Ben was playing basketball in the l

25、iving room after school, when he accidentally threw the ball at a vase sitting on the shelf. The vase dropped to the floor and a large piece broke off. What made Ben more upset was that the vase was not a common decoration but an antique, which was handed down through generations from the 18th centu

26、ry. It was also his mothers favourite possession. To cover his terrible action, the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.As the mother herself dusted the vase every day, she naturally noticed the cracks (裂纹) that evening. To her surprise, the repair work

27、 was actually very good. At dinner time, she asked her boy if he broke the vase. Fearing punishment, the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbours cat jumped in from the window and he couldnt drive it away no matter how hard he tried. It raced around the living room and finally knocked the vase o

28、ff its shelf. His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before she left for work each morning and opened after she returned. However, in the face of her sons nervous eyes and the suspicious looks of the other family members, Bens mother remained calm. She rea

29、lized she shouldnt just simply blame and punish her son for lying. She came up with another idea.Before going to bed, the boy found a note from his mother in his room, asking him to go to the study at once. The boy thought he would now be punished but, as he had already lied, he was determined to de

30、ny everything to the end, no matter how angry his mum became.In the study, calmly bathed in the light, his mothers face showed no sign of anger. On seeing her son push the door open and cautiously enter, she took a chocolate box out of a drawer and gave him one.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。The mother

31、said, “This chocolate is a reward for your imagination: a window-opening cat!”_Now with some chocolates in his hand, the boys bad attitude disappeared._参考范文:The mother said, “This chocolate is a reward for your imagination: a window-opening cat!” She praised her sons creativity and even encouraged h

32、im to write a detective story. The son was surprised. But before he could say something, the mother continued, “This chocolate is a reward for your ability to repair the vase. A good effort!” She added that he repaired it only with glue (让步状语从句), the cracks were almost invisible. The mother made no

33、mention of her sons mistake, offering only encouragement and praise for his resourcefulness (机敏), along with chocolates as rewards.Now with some chocolates in his hand, the boys bad attitude disappeared. He tried to say something but his mother stopped him. She gave a soft kiss on his forehead and w

34、alked out of the room. After the incident, life at the home was the same as before. The only change was that the boy never lied again. Whenever he thought of lying, the chocolates would flash before him right away. The mother had corrected her sons mistake, not by blame or punishment, but through re

35、wards.Writing 22021南京、盐城市高三一模阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It had been a few months since our beloved boxer Bama passed away. Hed lived a good and long life. Alan and I didnt have children. Our boxer was our baby. After Bamas death, we couldnt bring ourselves to go through his toys to decide

36、what to keep, so we put them all in the basement. I told myself Id do it when I was ready. Apparently, I still wasnt.Now I sat in my yard and wept. My friends and family had suggested we get another dog, but Alan and I dismissed the idea. We couldnt go through that kind of heartbreak again.I gazed o

37、ut over the yard. Across the street was a dog. A boxer. I wiped the tears from my eyes, heart beating wildly. Was he real or just my wishful imagination? I took a second look. The boxer was still there. We locked eyes. He ran across the street, straight toward me. I offered my hand. He sniffed it ea

38、gerly, his bushy tail wagging. He licked me.This dog was younger than Bama, smaller. He was well-fed and clean. He wore a collar but had no ID. I knew he must belong to someone in the neighborhood, but Id never seen another boxer around.The dog lay down beside my feet, his tongue lolling in a smile.

39、 He didnt seem lost. Just as if he were dropping by for a visit.“Alan!” I called. “You have to come to see this!”Alan joined me, and we sat together silently for a moment. Then the boxer got up and walked off. In the following days, hed sometimes appear in the backyard when Alan and I were outside. Other times, hed wait for us on the front porch.With each visit, I co


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