1、 国际知识产权规则 发展趋势和特点 张乃根 复旦大学 特聘教授 zhangng 校知识产权研究中心 主任 商务部海外维权援助中心专家 概述 加强知识产权实施规则的趋势和特点 从TRIPS到TPP:近20年国际贸易相关知识产权实施规则的发展国际知识产权协调运动的趋势和特点 美国、日本、中国专利法的修改,“申请在先” 欧盟专利法院的建立,协调各国专利保护制度网络版权国际立法趋势和特点 从1996年“互联网条约” 到2012年6月视听表演北京条约WTO知识产权争端新趋势和特点 印度、巴西诉欧盟海关对过境仿制药品措施案 澳大利亚烟草平装法对商标使用的限制措施案 古巴、多米尼加、洪都拉斯、乌克兰、印尼5
2、成员起诉、近40个第三方2013/11/282第三届涉外知识产权论坛 加强知识产权实施规则的趋势第一次将实施规则纳入贸易相关的国际知识产权条约2013/11/283第三届涉外知识产权论坛 TRIPS:第一次将实施规则纳入 贸易相关的国际知识产权条约1995年1月1日生效的WTO/TRIPS协定第三部分:知识产权的实施一般义务民事和行政程序及救济临时措施与边境措施相关的特殊措施刑事程序争端解决:适用于“违约之诉”2007年美国诉中国的知识产权实施措施案2013/11/284第三届涉外知识产权论坛 ACE: 第一次设立的 知识产权实施国际咨询委员会2002年10月,WIPO设立知识产权实施国际咨询
3、委员会(Advisory Committee on Enforcement, ACE)协调各政府间、非政府间国际组织的反假冒货及盗版的活动;开展公众教育;协调开展各国和地区的培训项目交换执法问题的信息2013/11/286第三届涉外知识产权论坛知识产权实施国际咨询委员会2013/11/287第三届涉外知识产权论坛 2011年10月1日 ACTA 签署仪式 美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本、墨西哥、摩洛哥、新西兰、新加坡、韩国、欧盟2013/11/289第三届涉外知识产权论坛 TPP:正在谈判中的 知识产权实施新规则的国际条约CopyrightCopyright damages shall cons
4、ider the suggested retail price or other legitimate measure of value submitted by the right holder.Would eliminate any possibility of parallel trade in copyrighted books, journals, sheet music, sound recordings,computer programs, and audio and visual works (i.e., categories of products in which the
5、value of the copyrightedmaterial represents substantially all of the value of the product) (art. 4.2, and footnote 11)Each Party shall establish or maintain a system that provides for pre-established damages, which shall be available upon the election of the right holderRequires criminal enforcement
6、 for technological measures beyond WIPO Internet Treaties, even when there is not copyright infringement (art. 5.9)Impose a legal regime of ISP liability beyond the DMCA standards (art. 16.3)Requires legal incentives for service providers to cooperate with copyright owners in deterring the unauthori
7、zed storage and transmission of copyrighted materials; (art. 16.3.b.vi.A) Requires identifying internet users for any ISP, going beyond U.S. case law (art. 16.3.b.xi)Includes the text of the controversial US/KOREA side letter on shutting down web sites2013/11/2810第三届涉外知识产权论坛 TPP:正在谈判中的 知识产权实施新规则的国际条
8、约 (续)PatentsParties agree to Patent Cooperation Treaty and the Patent Law Treaty Patents shall be available for any new forms, uses, or methods of using a known product; and a new form, use, or method of using a known product may satisfy the criteria for patentability, even if such invention does no
9、t result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that product. (art. 8.1)Requires patent for second use (art. 8.1)In civil and administrative proceedings involving patents, each Party shall provide for a rebuttable presumption that a patent is valid, and shall provide that each claim of a patent
10、 is presumed valid independently of the validity of the other claims.Placeholder for provisions concerning patent term restoration/adjustment (art. 8.6)Where a Party provides proceedings that permit a third party to oppose the grant of a patent, a Party shall not make such proceedings available befo
11、re the grant of the patent. (art 8.7)2013/11/2811第三届涉外知识产权论坛 TPP:正在谈判中的 知识产权实施新规则的国际条约 (续)General Enforcement ObligationsEach Party shall provide ex officio border measures with respect to imported, exported, or in-transit merchandise, or merchandise in free trade zones, that is suspected of being c
12、ounterfeit or confusingly similar trademark goods, or pirated copyright goods (art. 14.4)Requires adopting compensation for infringement without actual damages (art.12.3 and 4)For copyright and trademark, criminal punishment would apply even to non-for-profit infringement (art. 15.1)In determining d
13、amages for infringement of intellectual property rights, its judicial authorities shall consider, inter alia, the value of the infringed good or service, measured by the suggested retail price or other legitimate measure of value submitted by the right holder. (art. 12.3.b) 2013/11/2812第三届涉外知识产权论坛跨太
14、平洋伙伴关系九位与会经济体领导人和OPEC会议东道主,于泛太平洋伙伴关系高峰会合影 2010/11/14文莱、智利、新西兰、新加坡、美国、澳大利亚、秘鲁、越南、马来西亚、墨西哥、加拿大、日本2013/11/2813第三届涉外知识产权论坛加强知识产权实施规则的特点1. TRIPS plus: 在TRIPS协定的“起码标准”上增加、提高实施水平;2. 以发达国家、尤其是美国为主导,将“美式”实施机制推广至全球;3. 加强数据环境下的知识产权实施,尤其是对网上版权的保护;4. 加强海关对国际贸易相关知识产权的保护;5. 中国承受压力有增无减。2013/11/2814第三届涉外知识产权论坛 美国海关知
15、识产权保护制度根据海关条例,海关根据备案人申请或依职权查处进口假冒或盗版货;根据关税法337条款的调查程序,查处进口侵犯美国专利的货物;根据美国法典第18篇“犯罪和刑事程序”,禁止在美国转运或出口假冒货;根据对外贸易区法,海关可查处假冒货。2013/11/2816第三届涉外知识产权论坛18 USC 2320 - Trafficking in counterfeit goods or services(i) Transshipment and Exportation. No goods or services, the trafficking in of which is prohibited
16、by this section, shall be transshipped through or exported from the United States. Any such transshipment or exportation shall be deemed a violation of section 42 of an Act to provide for the registration of trademarks used in commerce, to carry out the provisions of certain international convention
17、s, and for other purposes, approved July 5, 1946 (commonly referred to as the “Trademark Act of 1946” or the “Lanham Act”). 2013/11/2817第三届涉外知识产权论坛WCC京都公约专项附约4“推荐做法”(recommended practice)直接自国外进入自由区的货物,除非基于“公共道德或秩序”(public morality or order)或“专利、商标和版权保护”(the protection of patents, trade marks and cop
18、yrights),不应仅以收到禁止或限制为由拒绝其进入,而不论原产国、发运国或目的国。在自由区应实施海关知识产权执法的措施,查处入境的涉嫌侵权货物。2013/11/2819第三届涉外知识产权论坛 中国承受压力有增无减中国入世后全面加强知识产权实施,2008年、2013年全面修改专利法、商标法,2010年部分修改著作权法、海关知识产权保护条例。中国加入了绝大多数现行国际知识产权条约,目前正考虑加入外观设计海牙协定。但是,中国对外贸易、商务活动中,仍面临知识产权保护的巨大压力。2013/11/2820第三届涉外知识产权论坛 2013年全球 第七届反假冒盗版大会 4月24-26日,伊斯坦布尔 /20
19、13/11/28第三届涉外知识产权论坛21来自100多个国家850多个代表团1. Building Respect for IP2. Determining Jurisdiction in Cross-Border Cases3. Public-Private Partnerships and other Self- Regulatory Measures4. Capturing the Elusive Infringer on the Internet5. Awareness and Education 贸易大国的地位与出口侵权货物 居高不下的矛盾 欧盟查处来自 中国的 侵权产品 http:/ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/customs_controls/counterfeit_piracy/statistics/index_en.htm 2013/11/2822第三届涉外知识产权论坛 2012年中国20490亿美元货物出口额的 贸易类别 /publish/portal0/tab44604/mod
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