1、物化上-Exercise 2-考研试题资料系列物化上-Exercise 2-考研试题资料系列物化上-Exercise 2-考研试题资料系列物化上-Exercise 2-考研试题资料系列Exercise2Ionic liuids ILhave receny ated cosidable atenn for eir unique attributes,e negigibl pur pressue, od stabt, a inic propet i cntras tothe conventional moecular solvents, ndsme ncouragngresults heben a
2、ced with respctt thei utilzation as a nign ediund/o slent i areaion/or setion oss. Vaour pessure data indicateth val of solvets can be chngeddamaicallyby thddtion of oniclquid, whie th ariaio extentis different depnig n thenture of both solvnt nd ionclquidnvove. As reslt, the elative olatity of a co
3、monent i canged nd even the aeotopeof a biry liquid mixtur elminated。 In irature, the vaor pree ata weremeasur tre binry syems ctainng ater, methanol o etanlwith an ioni liquid IL thyl-3ethimidazou diethyhosat EEIMP at vying tempratue and ILconnt ranging r mas frtin f01 t 085 mol fratnfrom.001 o 0。4
4、9 byaasi-static etod anlsted i Ts1 to The vapou pressur of thpue comoentat ystem temperture can be calclat by Antoin qatio with Atine consants lte inTabl 4. orhs binary syts, te vpou phseis fl cmse o solentvaurdue o th nonvoltiity o,ad ths the vaourphase cmsiion = 1 ince he pou phse comostino such a
5、 biary sytem and r the pur oveare he same, nd th presre diffence betwen thm isreativelysall, the ugacity coeficent cortion can anelld utAccdingto the da in Tabes to4, plees acute the xprimental acivy coffiint of th solvent in anI-contiin nary iquixture。 oserveh vriato rend of vpurpressureith teperau
6、ret difer Icntnt, leaseslot e eperimental vaor prssre gaist eiprocaltpre for theinary sytem liseat diferentvaleso me fraction EEDE, an to evalate the evpotio ealy of corspodin solvnt。To study teefct fILn te evaporatn nthalpy, yo cant nstrc fgures toplot th ntap aaint mol ratin o IL for ll the mixtur
7、eised.Tbe ,Vapour pesu a o binrysste watr 1+ EIMDEP 2T/kT/kP/P/PKPkP=0。9929097340。9392。7348317。39。313318.6495399933。6797632。3212.4173861。336328.733。78343。313.5833.4.133351970633.88.338。577.4837.023.603.724119340。58237035.812291743.530.859344。1311136。280。47530.0918348。8。586349638530.736。793365537.263
8、.74.3774.524744355。0432537.314。9938.057.07535811。91559551Tal , Vapou prure at of ir systemehanol 1 + EEIEP 2KP/PaTP/kPaT/K/kPaT/KkPx1=0.974530。9680605299。207。36300。917。0104.4115。300714.3630.021。011.61948509.20。32035。8518。74306025。377.2。24127524.18341.523.71310。830.5291。128。4131。99。051346。629。951。160
9、3935464。4830.2534.773351.537048317.22。8691.4141695324。514231356.2244.985321。3249.88423.44。95327.28.61。2054。429277。891326.8557.983365.51366。965452able3 ou ressure dta o iary systemetanol1+ EIMDEP T/PaT/KP/kPaT/KP/kPT/KP/ka1。817.93380。8800.515139。61483983。49030.11.64834569.39314.0。30131。926.741165。641
10、49。511.64839.623.625318。4921。17031。571.6635.8415.41323.192.903.244276323。32.97835。8186867。2635.06032542。6329.232.53。11232030841。2639。33.216333836.697。809。87534.48。506333.543.0339。1546.31337。1567138.725.3952.954。503Tb Antoine vapur pesurconsats ure compounsCponntAntoineconstnABCthaol8。115264226.84Mehnol8.8097152。2739.26Water807131170.323342Atoineeqaton ogPst = AB/t+ C,where Pti in Tor, n t is merture in oC。Rerec: iaoChua Jiang, un Wan, Cun-Xi L
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