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1、2022年深圳市普通高中高一年级调研考试英语试卷共8页,卷面满分150分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。2作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡上将对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答案不能答在试卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,留存试卷,交回答题卡。第一部分 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分3

2、0分)单项选择从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Movies _ from Harry Potter series have proved to be a huge box-office success.A. adaptedB. separatedC. copiedD. downloaded2. Students who exercise _ have better physical and mental health than those who dont.A. hardlyB. patientlyC. regularlyD. annually3. T

3、he man gave a detailed _ of what had happened, which helped the police catch the thief.A. feelingB. guessC. excuseD. account4. Usually the traffic is quite busy in the morning, so you need to allow _ time to get there.A. sufficientB. limitedC. reducedD. convenient5. My time is running out, could you

4、 tell me _ what I should do in the project?A. slowlyB. brieflyC. loudlyD. secretly6. The Tang emperors were very fond of horses, which meant that the animal was a _ subject for artists.A. boringB. humourousC. passiveD. frequent7. Another _ behind footballs popularity is the excitement on the field.A

5、. attemptB. factorC. levelD. story8. Im so tired. I want to give up. Come on! Success favours those who never _.A. explainB. argueC. quitD. forgive9. It is reported that the recent _ has led to more serious water shortage in this region.A. droughtB. floodC. stormD. hurricane10. After taking online c

6、ourses for two months, students missed their teachers and classmates very much, so all of them _ to go back to school.A. hesitatedB. happenedC. desiredD. refused11. Take it as a lesson! Remember “_”. I wont speak that much to unfamiliar people any more.A. Tick all the right boxesB. Loose lips sink s

7、hipsC. Let off steamD. Pull your weight12. Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize for her _ in discovering a new cure for malaria (疟疾).A. differenceB. decisionC. procedureD. achievement13. Sir, please _ your order before signing your name. OK. Let me check it again.A. removeB. confirmC. permitD. atta

8、ch14. Mom, I received an email from the company _ the part-time job to me! Oh, good for you!A. offersB. offeredC. offeringD. to offer15. I will call you weekly and keep you _ of what is going on hereA. informedB. informingC. informD. to inform16. The next train _ is from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.A. arr

9、ivedB. arrivingC. to arriveD. arrives17. Will you be free this weekend? Im not sure, but I _ go to an art exhibition with my parents.A. willB. shouldC. mustD. may18. Why were you so upset yesterday? I hurried to the concert, only _ that the show had been cancelled.A. to findB. findingC. foundD. find

10、19. The speech was meaningful and powerful, _ lots of students to study harder for their dream colleges.A. to inspireB. inspiringC. inspiredD. inspire20. You know, a new park _ near the river now.Wow, well have a good place to relax in the future.A. buildingB. will buildC. to be builtD. is being bui

11、lt第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Your family may love to travel. However, you may worry about the environmental effect of doing so. It is time to take an eco-friendlier trip. We have discovered four destinations for you.ViennaExplore the kid-friendly ci

12、ty of Vienna, Austria. Here, you can find plenty of bike-share stations for getting around. The city has a large number of playgrounds and some fantastic museums for children. In the city, there are many hostels run by local people. There is always one that suits your familys taste.Volcan Tenorio Ar

13、eaWhen you think about taking your kids to Costa Rica, you normally focus on viewing its amazing wildlife. But what about turning to the human activities? One way to do so is to stay on a farm. Kids can take a hand in looking after animals and learning about traditional farming methods.Khao Sok Nati

14、onal ParkIn this park, you can show your children a different side of Thailand. Use a local guide to introduce you to the interesting plants and animals. Stay at one of the locally owned cottages. You can even spend a night in a raft house on Chiaw Lan Lake, which runs without electricity.Countrysid

15、e of FijiLeave luxury hotels behind and head to a village homestay in Fiji. Your kids will learn all about Fijian culture. Your money will go directly to the community. With older children you can join in both sea conservation and community projects, with the help of a reliable organization.21. Whic

16、h place will attract people fond of cycling?A. Vienna.B. Volcan Tenorio Area.C. Khao Sok National Park.D. Countryside of Fiji.22. What is special about the raft houses in Khao Sok National Park?A. They are close to nature.B. They are surrounded by trees.C. They are operated by local people.D. They a

17、re independent of electricity.23. What do these four trips have in common?A. They favour older children.B. They offer green transportation.C. They help protect the environment.D. They provide farming homestays.Jacky Hunt-Broers ma, who lost one leg to cancer, is seeking to break a world record by co

18、mpleting 102 marathon runs. She set her goal in mid-January. And since then, she has been running the distance of a marathon. Most of the time, she averages just over five hours to complete a run. If she keeps successfully completing marathon runs every day, she will reach her goal by April 28.Until

19、 five years ago, she was not very active. But then she looked into running and decided to give it a try. The sport ended up being quite costly. Currently, she runs on an artificial leg made of a strong, light material known as carbon fiber. The material, which is designed specially for running, cost

20、s about $10, 000.But Jacky says her investment has been well worth it. The biggest struggle used to be that she had to admit part of her body was gone. “Running really changed my life,” she said. “It helped me accept myself as an amputee (截肢者). It gave me a sense of freedom. I fell in love with the

21、process of pushing my body further just to see what I could do.”However, she has faced both physical and mental difficulties during her record-breaking attempt. On one recent day, Jacky said she felt like giving up at 24 kilometers and began to cry. “I had a total emotional breakdown. I was like, I

22、just cant do this.” she said.Jacky is documenting her progress online and has also gained a large social media following. As she nears the end of her goal, Jacky is hoping to inspire a single thought in others. She tells people, “Youre stronger than you think and youre able to do so much more.”24. W

23、hat is Jackys goal according to paragraph 1?A. To defeat a deadly disease.B. To break her 5-hour record.C. To be a professional runner.D. To finish 102 marathon runs.25. What may Jacky think of her running?A. Difficult but rewarding.B. Interesting but challenging.C. Enjoyable and eye-opening.D. Stre

24、ssful and time-consuming.26. Why does Jacky record her running online?A. To prove her ability.B. To encourage others.C. To gain wider attention.D. To increase her confidence.27. Which of the following best describes Jackys experience?A. Health is the key to happiness.B. Actions speak louder than wor

25、ds.C. Chance favours the prepared mind.D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Knowing how to read, write and talk in one language is enough for many people. They prefer to focus their energy on other things that improve their lives. Scientists, however, continue to confirm that bilingualism, th

26、e ability to speak two languages fluently, has more benefits than many realize.First, its good for a childs brain. Learning a second language improves their academic achievements. Many studies have shown that children who learn a foreign language get better grades at school. Bilingual children also

27、display a better facility in their native language. Their grammar, vocabulary and spelling skills are stronger than those of single-language speakers. Children who learn a second language become expert problem-solvers and creative thinkers. Thats because their brains are constantly working to sort o

28、ut which language to speak and when. Studies further show that bilingual teens are better at multitasking.Multilingual parents understand the benefits of learning more than one language. Ben Mazor of Montreal speaks English, French and Hebrew. He says, “Kids brains are like a sponge(海绵). They absorb

29、 everything. It comes to them so easily while theyre young. So why not give them the chance to learn another language?”A number of studies show that bilingualism is valuable to the brain later in life. Scottish researchers did a study using data from 835 native English speakers, who took an IQ test

30、at the age of 11. They were tested again in their 70s. Researchers then compared the tests. Those who spoke two or more languages had obviously better cognitive(认知的) abilities. Dr. Thomas Baka, co-author of the study, concluded, “Our results suggest a protective effect of bilingualism against age-re

31、lated cognitive decline.”So, who would refuse the benefits of learning a second language?28. What does the underlined word “facility” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Ability.B. Interest.C. Taste.D. Method.29. According to paragraph 3, what may parents like Ben Mazor do?A. Learn foreign languages by themselve

32、s.B. Spend more money on home schooling.C. Involve kids in foreign language courses.D. Help kids absorb knowledge like a sponge.30. What has the Scottish researchers proved about bilingualism?A. It extends ones life.B. It improves test scores.C. It cures brain disorders.D. It slows mental ageing.31.

33、 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Learning Betters Human BrainB. Bilingualism Shows Great AdvantagesC. Language Opens a New World to KidsD. Bilingualism Leads to Academic SuccessFresh fruit juice has become increasingly popular in many diets especially among those consume

34、rs who are pressed for time and concerned about their health. Fruit juice has also been linked to beliefs that it can help people lose weight. But is juicing really as healthy as we think?A recent study reveals hard truths about fruit juice.All fruits contain sugars and dont seem to have harmful eff

35、ects unless they contribute to excess(过量的) daily calories. This is because the fiber which is found in whole fruit is undamaged, and the sugar is contained within the fruits cells. It takes our digestive system a while to break these cells down and for sugar to enter the bloodstream.This is not the

36、case with fruit juice. Different from whole fruit, the natural sugar in fruit juice counts as “free sugars”, just like honey and added sugars. With the fiber removed, fruit juices sugar is absorbed more quickly. A sudden rise of blood sugar causes the pancreas(胰腺) to release insulin(胰岛素) to bring it

37、 back down to a normal level. Over time, this system can wear out, increasing the risk of developing type-2 diabetes(糖尿病).In 2013, after analysing the health data of 100, 000 people collected bet ween 1986 and 2009, researchers found that fruit juice consumption was linked with increased risk of typ

38、e-2 diabetes. Theyve concluded that even when fruit juice is similar in the nutritional content to whole fruit, fruit juice leads to faster and larger changes in insulin levels since liquids pass through the stomach faster than solids.“Although fruit juice is better than no fruit at all, there are l

39、ots of limits,” said Dr. Amy Smith, professor of medicine at the University of Virginia. “It particularly comes with risks when we consume more than I50ml of free sugars per day, or when it puts us over our recommended calorie intake. It provides us with vitamins but fruit juice is far from a quick

40、fix.”32. What leads to the increasing fruit juice popularity?A. Experts recommendation.B. Its obvious medical effects.C. Its assumed benefits to health.D. Peoples improved life quality.33. Why is whole fruit healthier?A. It provides better nutrition.B. Its fiber slows sugar absorption.C. It protects

41、 our digestive system.D. Its fiber helps remove extra sugar.34. How did researchers draw the conclusion in 2013?A. By observing the blood sugar level.B. By comparing liquid and solid intake.C. By analysing previously collected data.D. By interviewing type-2 diabetes patients.35. What is Dr. Smiths a

42、ttitude to fruit juice?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Objective.D. Unclear.第三部分 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many people think of sharks as dangerous monsters. But human beings cause a far greater danger to them than they do to us. Although shark attacks do occur, t

43、hey are quite rare. According to one estimate, however, humans kill 100 million sharks every year. _36_Why should we save the sharks?Sharks take up the top position on the food chain in the ocean. As sharks die off, the population of the animals that sharks consume will increase. This, in turn, mean

44、s that the number of the creatures those animals eat will drop. _37_ Fish that eat algae(藻类) are also included. This can cause algae to spread so much that it damages coral reefs._38_ The ocean not only produces more oxygen than all the rainforests on Earth combined, but also removes half of the man

45、-made greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. Once sharks die off, the global ecosystem will be upset, affecting all creatures including human beings.Dont use shark productsFirst, vitamin energy drinks and leather goods can be made from shark parts. _39_ In addition, shark meat is sold around the world,

46、 sometimes under misleading names such as rock salmon or whitefish.Shark fin soup is a popular dish. However, the process of getting fins is cruel. Fishermen cut the sharks fins off and then throw the shark back into the water, still alive. _40_ Sharks breathe by swimming, so a shark that cant swim

47、will die.A. It is time for children to learn about sharks.B. Shark oil is also used in many popular beauty products.C. Then the shark dies slowly, sometimes over several days.D. Actually, the killing of sharks will affect the whole planet.E. People in some countries are especially keen on shark prod

48、ucts.F. Among them are some sea fish that humans consume every day.G. This number is a warning that many kinds of sharks may die out.第四部分 完形填空(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A 13-year-old girl from Connecticut came up with a smart idea and brightened the days

49、 of hundreds of sick kids._41_ to see her dear sister lying on the hospital bed three months ago, Ella Casano _42_ the Medi Teddy, a stuffed animal bag that contains an IV pocket(静脉注射袋). The back of the _43_ consists of a net, allowing a doctor or nurse to see through and check on the liquid _44_ th

50、at a child is receiving. From the front, the child sees a _45_ face instead of the IV liquid pocket.At the beginning, Ella hoped to _46_ $5, 000 through a GoFundMe page, which would have allowed her to start producing 500 Medi Teddys, the smallest number _47_ by the manufacturer(厂家) to do the job. _

51、48_, in just over a week, Ellas page collected more than $20, 000. Although her sister recovered soon, Ella was amazed by the unexpected level of _49_ and decided to work harder.She shared with a local newspaper, “It turns out kids arent the only ones who get _50_ by the Medi Teddy. The _51_ for it

52、has been quite obvious among patients, both children and adults, and even pet owners nationwide. We want to continue to _52_ Medi Teddys to as many children as we can to make a _53_ in their lives.”The same motivation has also _54_ Ellas mum. “Its really been heartwarming to receive such _55_ emails

53、 from all over the world,” she said. “And its inspiring me to contribute to the process.”41. A. SadB. NervousC. AngryD. Surprised42. A. boughtB. createdC. foundD. filled43. A. basketB. bedC. windowD. bag44. A. medicineB. sugarC. juiceD. food45. A. seriousB. strangeC. friendlyD. common46. A. earnB. r

54、aiseC. exchangeD. donate47. A. changedB. collectedC. requiredD. reduced48. A. BesidesB. AnywayC. ThereforeD. However49. A. responseB. competitionC. treatmentD. performance50. A. surroundedB. comfortedC. acceptedD. connected51. A. designB. reasonC. needD. test52. A. leave behindB. show offC. hand inD

55、. give away53. A. differenceB. planC. dealD. decision54. A. educatedB. trainedC. advisedD. impacted55. A. privateB. formalC. supportiveD. humorous第五部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Fuchsia Dunlop from the UK likes to post her experiences of food from around the world on so

56、cial media. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, cooking Chinese food _56_(become) a way for her to deal with the “endless lockdown”._57_(realize) her dream of becoming a cook, she decided to come to Chengdu, _58_ she learned local cooking skills in 1994. Seven years later, Dunlop published her first boo

57、k, Sichuan Cookery, _59_(praise) as “one of the top 10 cookbooks of all time”. So far, she has published five books about Chinese cuisines, showing her deep understanding of the food culture that _60_(run) in the blood of Chinese people.Having studied Chinese food culture for nearly 20 years, she re

58、gards Jiangnan _61_ the center of the nations gastronomy(美食学). The decisive moment was in 2008 when she went to Longjing Caotang, _62_ restaurant in Hangzhou. The whole cooking method was so moving and _63_(impress) that, at that moment, she decided to write a book about the area. According to Dunlo

59、p, by presenting the _64_(dish), she is trying to paint a picture of the area and display _65_(it) different sides, from the banquet to the street food.第六部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)根据各句括号内的中文提示,用恰当短语或结构的正确形式完成句子,每空限填一个单词。66. On hearing the good news, all the teachers and students cheered and _ _ thei

60、r feet (站起身来).(根据汉语提示完成句子)67. My suggestion is that you should _ _(道歉) your friend and beg for his forgiveness. (根据汉语提示完成句子)68. However, _ the story _(既不也不) the details of Franklins experiment are entirely true. (根据汉语提示完成句子)69. I looked at the photo,which _ me _(使想起)the days when we were in junior h


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