1、AndThenThereWere笔记一、疑难句子理解1. 原句:Her pocket he arned him. He spun around. Even as he clapped his hand to t heAndThenThereWere笔记一、疑难句子理解1. 原句:Her pocket he arned him. He spun around. Even as he clapped his hand to t hewouldfind itShehad movedayardortwoandwasfacinghim,revolver inLombard 疑问:yourwomanly
2、理解: Adjective: befitting or characteristic of a woman lly maturewoman; Noun:afeelingofsiveconcern yourwomanlysolicitude pickpocket/pkpkt/N-COUNTApickpocketrsonwhostealsthingspeoplespocketsor bagsin public . Bewareof pickpockets, lly whenmaking a参考译文(1)“所以,这就是你态度那么友好的原因!你想。隆2. 原句:The sun was setting
3、when Vera ast. Sheer reaction had kept immobile.Therehad been noroominherforanything buttheglorious sense of Sherealized tshe gry andsleepy.Principally sleepy.Shewanted throwherself onherbed and sleep and sleep and sleep. 疑问:如何理解There had been no room in her for anything but the glorious sense of 理解
4、:anythingbut theglorioussenseofsafetyThere had been no room in herfor anythingSherealized tshe gry andsleepy.Principally sleepy.Shewanted throwherself onherbed and sleep and sleep and sleep. 疑问:如何理解There had been no room in her for anything but the glorious sense of 理解:anythingbut theglorioussenseof
5、safetyThere had been no room in herfor anythingbut the glorioussense of safety room N-UNCOUNT If there is room somewhere, there is enough empty space there for people or things to be fitted in, or for people to move freely or do what they to. There isusuallyroom 80名句中的“noroominher”modate up to80。可以理
6、解为“noroominherheartorAnythingseldom talks ofanything but参考译文:(1)直到日落时终于动了动。自从了后,她一(2)Vera 3. 原句:She stared outto sea. General Macarthur had stared outto sea - whenyesterday?Or wasit the daybefore? Hetoo hadsaid, ThisHe had said it cceptance - almost But toVerathewords-thethought-broughtNo,itshould n
7、ot .疑难点:staredout理解:stareout(also staredown)V tolook atrsonor animal)fixedlyuntilgazeisturned away 死盯When he talked to me, he keptstaring 理解:stareout(also staredown)V tolook atrsonor animal)fixedlyuntilgazeisturned away 死盯When he talked to me, he keptstaring outof thewindow. 死前说This 参考译文:( 1 )他说这话是以
8、一种接受认可,几乎可以说是欢迎的态度。但是对于她凝望着大海。Macarthur 曾经也一直这样大海-什么时候-引论心中升起的“rebellion”是什么呢?她为什么会产生这样的情绪4. 原句:Well, it was over now. She had conquered - had triumphed over the most deadly peril. By her own quick-wittedness and adroitness she had turned the tables on her would-be destroyer.疑难点:triumphed over&turne
9、d thetableson her would-bedestroyer 怎么理解?理解:triumph over 征服,击败,战胜,获胜;(比)占优势Our team triumphedoverturn thetables (on或 upon (would-be /wudbi:/ adj. 的参考译文:很好,一切都结束了。她战胜了最。机智和灵活反的敌人5. 原句:Whatt -hangingfromthe he ceiling?Aropeall ready?的参考译文:很好,一切都结束了。她战胜了最。机智和灵活反的敌人5. 原句:Whatt -hangingfromthe he ceiling
10、?Aropeall ready?Anda chairto stand upon-a t waswhat Hugot could be kicked 疑难点:如何理解noose standupon&kicked 理解:noose /nus/ N-COUNTAnooseisacircularloopofapieceoforwire.Anooseis tied t allowsitto be tightened, and it is usually to trap animalsor hangpeople. 套索; .atofamanswingingfromastanduponstandkickaw
11、ay Heusedtokickawayataballforhoursonend. 他过去常常一连好几个小时地踢球。踢开:to kick away a dog 把狗踢开参考译文那是什么悬在天花板的钩子上?一个已经结好的套索的绳索一把用来站立的椅子可能会被踢开的椅子 ()(2)引申思考:回到房间看到绳索,竟然没有产生一丝怀疑,为什么自己的房间 二提1. 原句: To he other victims, I e? All neat and tidy. As far as concerned he can stay wherehe 疑问:这一段特别是最后一句话怎么理解书友理解:你是想把他加入其他受疑问
12、:这一段特别是最后一句话怎么理解书友理解:你是想把他加入其他受害者的行列吧,把他收拾的干净整齐,三、生词、短语1. aeon/inNformal)anextremelylongperiodoftime;thousandsofyears极漫长的时期;千原句:Aeonspassed. worldsspanandwhirledTimewasmotionlessIt stood-itpassed through a thousand 2. whirl/ wlVtomoveormakesbsthmove,aroundquicklyinacircleorinaparticulardirection 原句:
13、Aeonspassed. worldsspanandwhirled.TimewasmotionlessIt stood-itpassed through a thousand 3. snarl /snl Nusuallysing.anactofspeaking inanangryor bad-tempered way; thesound makewhen you areangry,in pain, :原句:Lombardsaid, and hisvoicewasa snarldangerous4. menacing/mens ADJ seeminglikelytocauseyouharmor的
14、原句:Lombardsaid, and hisvoicewasasnarl - dangerous5. tug /tV aton)sth topull sth hardoftenseveral times常为几次用力)拉,拖,原句:Suddenly shestiffenedto6. spin/ spn V (round/ around)to turnroundquickly once;to 原句:Suddenly shestiffenedto6. spin/ spn V (round/ around)to turnroundquickly once;to makesb do原句:Her arn
15、edhim.Hespunaround.Evenasheclappedhishandtohishe t he wouldfindit7.solicitude/ slstjudN(for sbsth)(formal)anxiouscareforsbscomfort,healthorhappiness原句tsthereason for yourwomanly 8. warilyADVcarefulwhendealingwithsb/sthbecauseyouttheremaybeaor problem对待人或事物时原句:Veracamewarilyforwardtherevolverreadyinh
16、er9. exquisite/kskwztADJ(formal)(ofafeeling 感觉)stronglyfelt】剧烈的;sessed Vera - enormous exquisite re10. perilNformal) (of afeeling 感觉stronglyfelt原句:Well,itwasovernowShehadconqueredhadtriumphedoverthemostdeadly 11.quick-wittedness/kwkwtdnsNablitytothinkelligent 聪颖原句:By her own quick-wittedness and adroitness she had turned the 原句:By her own quick-wittedness and adroitness she had turned the tables on would-be12. adroitness/ drtnsN (formal) beingskilfulandclever, lly indealing with people原句:By h
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