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1、英文邀请函模板3 篇 邀请函范文英文版Dear Sir or Madam:We are very pleased to invite Mr. * come to our factoryfor visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 . And because the long businessco-operation in future between *对方公司名 and us, they willcome to China for many times. Ple

2、ase note, however, that wedon t assumeany legalorfinancialresponsibilitywhateverregarding the presence of * in China. All expenses of *Sjourneyto/from China,theirstayinChina as wellas healthinsurance will be borne by their employers. We send you ourkindestregardsand best wishesfora pleasanttrip. You

3、rssincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005英文邀请函模板 (二)Dear Sir of Embassy of China,1We would hereby invite Mr. Vasilay Santham from GlobalSteel (India) PVT. Ltd. to come over to our company for business activities from 10th Aug, 2009 to 10th Sep, 2009. His information is as following:Name: V

4、asilay SanthamSex: MaleDate of Birth: 1st jan, 1950Passport No.: G3252594He will go back to India soon after his visit.2We would appreciate you a lot for your kind help!xxxGeneral ManagerCo., Ltd.August 7, 2009英文邀请函模板 (三)Sample formal invitation letterDear Professor _3Wearesopleasedthatyouwillbevisi

5、tingStanfordtospeak at our _ Research Workshop on date. To show ourappreciationforyourwillingnesstoshare yourresearch,wewould like to offer you a modest $_ honoraria, assumingyour visa and tax status allowyou toacceptthis. Pleasebeaware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37%withholding.

6、Inorderto processthis, we will need youtocomplete some paperwork; we will be in touch shortly aboutthis. If you would like our assistance securing a visa to entertheUnitedStates,oranITIN(taxidentificationnumberrequiredtoreceivehonorariapayments),pleaseletus knowwe will be glad to help with this. We

7、are also prepared to coverthecosts(upto$_)foryourtraveltoandaccommodations in the Stanford area. We can make and paydirectlyfor travelarrangements foryou,or, ifyou prefer, wecan reimburseyourforreasonableexpenses(i.e. coach-classairfareforflightsundereighthoursinlength,noentertainmentor alcohol-rela

8、tedexpenditures,tips15%orless). If you choose the latter option, we will provide you withtheforms andinformationnecessarytobereimbursedby4Stanford.Sponsored by a grant form the Mellon Foundation, theResearchWorkshopsatStanfordareuniquespaceswherescholars from a variety of disciplines and professiona

9、l cohortsmeetto discussworkin progress intheirfields ofinterest.Ithink you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverseaudience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop.Wewillmostcertainlyenjoytheopportunitytomeetandexchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere.If t

10、here are specific scholars at Stanford you would like toinvite to your talk, please feel free to do so. We will be back intouch soonto coordinate thelogisticsofyourvisit.Inthemeantime,if you have any questions,pleasefeelfree tocontact myself or _, our workshop s Graduate StudentCoordinator(insertcontactinfohere).The StanfordHumanitiesCente


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