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1、Lesson Twelve The Everlasting Witness第1页felicitouswell-chosen and suitable OPP infelicitous Her choice of music isfelicitous. 她选择音乐很适当.第2页serenevery calm or peaceful第3页againstseen with something else behind or as a background映衬It is important to know what colors look good against your skin.第4页dedica

2、tedsomeone who is dedicated works very hard at what they do because they care a lot about it:dedicated toThe Woodland Trust is dedicated to preserving our native woodland. 第5页orderedwell arranged or controlled有序;整齐a well-ordered household第6页newsreela short film of news that was shown in cinemas in t

3、he past新闻短片第7页be/get back on your feetto have enough money again, or to be successful again after having problemsI need to get back on my feet again and forget all this. 第8页Healto become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience, or to help someone to do thisThe trauma of divorce c

4、an often be healed by successful remarriage.第9页for that matterused to say that what you are saying about one thing is also true about something else一样地Ben never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that matter.第10页fail somebodyto not do what someone has trusted you to do SYN let somebody downI f

5、eel Ive failed my children by not spending more time with them. 第11页Burden & loadbe burdened with/by something: to have a lot of problems because of a particular thing使负重;装载;烦扰load somebody (up) with something: to give someone a lot of things, especially things they have to carry大量给予第12页retroactived

6、escriptive of any event or stimulus or process that has an effect on the effects of events or stimuli or process that occurred previously对以前人或事有作用第13页pertinentdirectly relating to something that is being considered SYN relevant相关pertinent toThe last point is particularly pertinent to todays discussi

7、on.第14页bemusedlooking as if you are confused SYN bewildereda bemused expressionbemused byHe looked slightly bemused by all the questions.第15页prickprick (up) your ears: if you prick up your ears or your ears prick up, you listen carefully because you have heard something interestingJay pricked up his

8、 ears when I mentioned a vacation.第16页So strong a hope must play delaying gamesMarian strongly hoped to see Jerry, but at the same time she was afraid that it might not be Jerry. So, psychologically, she tried to put off that decisive moment for fear of being disappointed, thus feeling as if the sce

9、ne was delaying in coming. 第17页renewalwhen an activity, situation, or process begins again after a period when it had stopped renewal of Spring is a time of renewal.第18页That was hope and she had to feed it. She had the feeling that the newsreel should last a little longer, and that gave her hope tha

10、t her son might be still alive. She must keep this hope alive and go to see the newsreel in other cinemas.第19页play up & play up toplay something up: to emphasize something, sometimes making it seem more important than it really is: 强调Play up your strongest arguments in the opening paragraph.play (so

11、mebody) up: British English informal if children play up, they behave badly调皮Jordans been playing up in school.第20页play (somebody) up: British English informal to hurt you or cause problems for you折磨My knees been playing me up this week.play up to somebody: to behave in a very polite or kind way to

12、someone because you want something from them企图博得 . 好感; 讨好Connie always plays up to her parents when she wants money第21页Nurse & milknurse:if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it with milk from her breastsmilk:to take milk from a cow or goat第22页Run head on into:迎面撞上第23页Jerk & tremblejerk:to move with a

13、 quick sudden movement, or to make part of your body move in this way急动;猛拉tremble:to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are upset or frightened发抖,战栗,抖颤第24页putter:to walk or move slowly and without hurryingfumble:to try to hold, move, or find something with your h

14、ands in an awkward way探索;笨手笨脚地做第25页Shudderto shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasantMaria shuddered as she stepped outside. shudder withI shudder with embarrassment whenever I think about it.shudder atShe shuddered at the thought that

15、she could have been killed. 第26页occur to somebodyif an idea or a thought occurs to you, it suddenly comes into your mindIt had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her.第27页enunciateto pronounce words clearly and carefully清楚地发音第28页pent-uppent-up feelings or energy have not been

16、 expressed or used for a long timeyears of pent-up anger and frustration第29页be riveted on/to/by somethingif your attention is riveted on something, you are so interested or so frightened that you keep looking at it钉牢;集中;吸引All eyes were riveted on her in horror.第30页grimaceto twist your face in an ugly way because you do not like something, because you are feeling pain, or because you are trying to be funny扮鬼脸,作怪相,装鬼脸,作苦相grimace atShe grimaced at her reflection in the mirror.第31页tittert


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