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1、课 题 U5 Grammar 2主 备Shan Mei主核Ma Haixia使用者Lu Li课 型 New使用日期11.10【学习目标】1.To know more about Wh-words.2.To complete some more exercises and use the Wh-words correctly. 第一次集体备课通案第二次备课个案【导入新课】Let the students read and say the Wh-words then check if you have grasped it very well.【板书课题】 7A U5 Grammar 2【学习目标

2、】1.To know more about Wh-words.2.To complete some more exercises and use the Wh-words correctly. 【自学指导】Task1 Part B1.Form the questions with the correct question words by yourself.2.Work in groups to discuss and check the answers.3.Each student read and say a sentence to understand.Task2 Part C1.Com

3、plete the conversation with the correct question words by yourself.2.Work in groups to discuss and check the answers.3.Five pair students read and say the sentences to understand. Task3 1.Read and find the phrases.2.Each student says a phrase.3.Read and remember the phrases.4.Ask and answer in pairs

4、 to check each other. 1.玩游戏 2.玩得快乐 3.红色的那个 4.到达 5.穿件红色外套的那个女孩 6.想要一个玩具火车 7.家人聚在一起 8.互给礼物 9.外出吃生日宴 10.在我家附近的一家餐馆 11. 一些其他漂亮的东西 12.多么漂亮的一块蛋糕啊 play gameshave lots of funthe red one get tothat girl in a red coatwant a toy trainfamily members get togethergive each other presentsgo out for a birthday dinn

5、erat a restaurant near my homesome other nice thingsWhat a nice cake Task 4 Have a Competition . Choose your lucky number and do the exercise .Lets see which group is the best!1.Finish the exercises by yourself.2.Work in groups to discuss and check the answers.3. Say and understand the exercises.【堂清

6、知识】1、what-对行为和事物,工作提问。2、which-对特定的人或事物提问3、who-对人提问 4、whose-对人的所有关系提问 5、when-对时间提问 6、where-对地点提问 7、why-对原因提问8、how 提问交通方式和形容词9)、how old 提问年龄 10)、how often,提问频率11、how many提问可数名词数量12、how much 提问不可数名词数量、价格13、what colour提问颜色14、 what time提问时间点 15)、what class 提问班级16)、what do提问干什么事17)、how long提问时间长短 for+18)、

7、how soon-提问时间长短 in+19)、how far-提问距离 play gameshave lots of funthe red one get tothat girl in a red coatwant a toy trainfamily members get togethergive each other presentsgo out for a birthday dinnerat a restaurant near my homesome other nice thingsWhat a nice cake【当堂检测】尝试练习一:就划线局部提问。 My name is Tom.

8、 I am 13 years old. I usually get up at 6:00. My grandparents live in Shanghai.5.There are three pencils in my bag. 尝试练习二:用所给的疑问词填空。1. is the bike?-It is 200 yuan. 2.- are you going to buy?-Im going to buy some books. 3. does your father help with?-Liu Yun. 4. are you going? -The shopping mall. 5. d

9、ays are there in a week? -7 days. 三:Try to complete the dialogueMillie: _are we going to Harbin?Mum:10th February.Millie: _s the weather like in Harbin at that time?Mum: Its very cold.Millie: _are we going to stay in Harbin?Mum: In Grandmas big house.Millie: _does Grandma like eating?Mum: She likes

10、biscuits very much.Millie: _do we need that big bag?Mum: Its because we need to take lots of things to Harbin. 回忆上节课所学内容。学生活动指导:1独立完成2组内轮流核对答案 3展示环节,听口令抢答!学生活动指导:1限时2分钟,自己准备,有疑问问A生。2限时快速写下答案。3组内互换核对答案,并查漏补缺。自己自己总结规律并记住。日清内容一:Read and answer: Ann is from Washington, America. Shes 11 years old. Table

11、tennis is her favorite game. She often plays with her friends after school. She plays table tennis at school. She won the first prize at school last year. Miss White is her Chinese teacher.1.Where is Ann from?2.What game is her favorite game?3.Who does she often play with?4.When does she play table

12、tennis?5.Where does she play table tennis?二:Read and answer: Sam was very busy yesterday. He was watching the morning news at seven at home. He had a meeting at nine thirty. He went to the hospital to see a friend at two. At half past three, he read a book in his office. He played basketball with friends at five. He was tired. 1.How was Sam yesterday?


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