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1、 The Man in the Water Roger Rosenblatt第1页R einforcementT ext AnalysisThe Man in the WaterB ackgroundW arming upUnit 4第2页Questions / ActivitiesCheck-on PreviewObjectivesWarming upThe Man in the WaterUnit 4第3页Warming upQuestions / ActivitiesDo you know of any disaster(s) that happened in recent years

2、or recently?When disaster happens, what do we usually want to know?We sometimes identify some heroes in disasters. What do you think about them?第4页Check-on PreviewMatch the words with their correct meaning in the text. 1. aesthetic2. chaotic3. commitment4. standoff5. impacta. a determination to do w

3、hat one considers to be his duty b. being central or most importantc. a situation in which neither side in a fight can gain an advantaged. the force of one object striking or hitting anothere. concerning beauty, esp. beauty in artf. a stop or pauseg. in a state of complete disorder and confusionWarm

4、ing up第5页ObjectivesThrough this lesson, students will be able to recap the basic facts of the plane crush and the following rescue efforts, esp. what the man in the water did; think about the question of heroism and the power of man; analyze the organization and the language style of the text; learn

5、 the related vocabulary and other useful words and phrases in the text.Warming up第6页BackgroundGenreThe DisasterThe Man in the WaterUnit 4第7页BackgroundThe DisasterAircraft type: Boeing 737-222Operator: Air FloridaPassengers: 74Crew: 5Date: January 13, 1982Type: Crash on takeoffAccident site: Washingt

6、on, D.C.Fatalities: 78 (4 on ground)Injuries: 10Survivors: 5第8页BackgroundThe DisasterBWTR第9页BackgroundThe DisasterSummary of the crashBad weather conditions at Washington National Airport when taking offDelays, icing on the wings, poor decisionsCrash onto the 14th Street BridgeHampered rescue respon

7、sesUnlikely heroes第10页BackgroundThe DisasterThe Rescue Site第11页Responses in the mediaNews media outlets followed the story with diligence; it made headlines A Hero - Passenger Aids Others, Then Dies, Washington Post, January 14, 1982“the sixth man”, “the man in the water”Background第12页The Man in the

8、 Water He was about 50 years old, one of half a dozen survivors clinging to twisted wreckage bobbing in the icy Potomac when the first helicopter arrived. To the copters two-man Park Police crew he seemed the most alert. Life vests were dropped, then a flotation ball. The man passed them to the othe

9、rs. On two occasions, the crew recalled last night, he handed away a life line from the hovering machine that could have dragged him to safety. and the helicopter pilot, Donald W. Usher, returned to the scene, but the man was gone. Background第13页The Man in the WaterThe man was later identified as Ar

10、land D. Williams Jr., a bank examiner working for the Federal Reserve system in Atlanta. The 14th Street Bridge was renamed in his honor. In June of 1983, Williams was awarded a medal by President Reagan. Background第14页BackgroundGenreWhat kind of article do we have for this lesson? Where do we gener

11、ally find it?What does this article concentrate on? Does it focus on the description of the disaster or how people are saved? Why?第15页News fall into basic categories: hard news and soft news. “Hard news” includes stories of a timely nature about events or conflicts that have just happened or are abo

12、ut to happen, such as crimes, fires, meetings, protest rallies, speeches and testimony in court cases. These stories have immediacy.“Soft news” is defined as news that entertains or informs, with an emphasis on human interest(人情味) and novelty(新奇) and less immediacy than hard news. “Soft news” can al

13、so be stories that focus on people, places or issues that affect readers lives. These types of stories are called“feature stories.” BackgroundCategory of News第16页Which category do these fall into?flash (快讯) features (特写) urgent (急电) anecdote (趣事;轶事)brief (简讯)personal profile (人物特写)breaking news (突发新

14、闻)Background第17页News FeatureA news feature does not cover all the details a news report has to contain and only focuses on certain aspects of the event on which the reporter has something to say. Though the details about the news event have to be true and exact, the reporter can add his/her own comm

15、ent and interpretation of the event, which he/she is not allowed in a news report. Background第18页Language StyleJournalistic articles: describe the fact with what is seen or heard; sometimes guesses are made, but often with model verbs and continuous tenses to make the description reliable and vivid.

16、Parentheses and short elliptical sentences to make the report vivid.第19页DetailedAnalysisStructureThemeText AnalysisThe Man in the WaterUnit 4第20页Text AnalysisThemeWhat are the possible themes of the article?heroism moral power in time of crisis第21页Text AnalysisStructurePart I: Para. 1-2A brief accou

17、nt of the air crash that leads to the thesis in the air crash, human nature rose to the occasion. Part II: Para. 3-4The account given by the living heroes about what happened and about “the man in the water”.Part III: Para. 5-6The imagined thoughts and feelings of the man on the plane and in the wat

18、erPart IV: Para. 7-9Reflections on mans role in the “classic situation”. “The man in the water” represents human nature at its best.第22页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Main IdeaWhat was unusual about this air crash? Did it make the disaster more special than others?What is the aesthetic crash?

19、 Is it really so?What was the cause of the air crash?What did people actually see in the disaster?第23页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence ParaphraseWashington, the city of form and rules, turned chaotic by a blast of real winter and a single slap of metal on metal. (para.1) The city of fo

20、rm and rules: the city that is neat and beautiful. (Washington was the first carefully planned city in the world with parallel streets cut by diagonal avenues. Its design was considered a masterpiece. )Turn chaotic: become chaotic; be thrown into terrible confusion.A blast of real winter: a sudden s

21、trong really cold wind.Slap: a quick blow with something flat.第24页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Sentence ParaphraseAnd there was the aesthetic clash as wellblue-and-green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk down among gray chunks of ice in a black river. (para. 1) Paraphrasing: Wh

22、en the air crash occurred, it was not just a clash of metal against the bridge, but also a clash between colors: the blue-green color of the plane and the gray and black color of the ice and river.第25页As go(es), compared with the average. 就来说As writers go, Oscar Wilde was not the most talented, but

23、he was among the most popular.$40 a ticket isnt bad as football tickets go.第26页Rise to the occasion / challenge to deal successfully with a difficult situation or problem, especially by working harder or performing better than usual We are calling on all our employees to rise to the occasion and bec

24、ome more efficient and productive.第27页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsaesthetic; elements Phraseson record; bring to tears; in collision; as ever; bring down; rise to the occasionSentence Patternas disasters go, this one was terrible ; why, then, the shock h

25、ere?Grammarappositive clauses第28页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: ExerciseTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 说起科幻电影,阿凡达堪称经典。 As sci-fi movies go, Avatar can be called a classic.2. 就大学校园而言,北外小得出奇。 As university campuses go, that of BFSU is ridiculously small.3. 中国汽车行业必须应对挑战,找到存活和发

26、展方向。 The auto industry must rise to the challenge and find its own way of survival and development.4. 在那样困难时期,中国科学家们争了气,1964年10月成功地在戈壁滩引爆了中国第一颗原子弹。Despite such hardships of the era, Chinese scientists rose to the occasion and successfully exploded Chinas first atomic bomb in the Gobi desert. 第29页Tex

27、t AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Main IdeaWho were able to account for what they did? What did they do? And why did they do so?Who attracted most of peoples attention?What was “the man in the water” like?What did “the man in the water” do?What is the meaning of “the fact that he went unidentified

28、 gave him a universal character”? What is this universal character?第30页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Sentence Paraphrase. delivering every heros line that is no less admirable for being repeated. (para. 3) Paraphrasing: . saying something every hero has said before, but although it has been

29、 said again and again, it is still admirable when we hear it. 第31页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Sentence Paraphrase This man was described as appearing alert and in control.(para. 4) Paraphrasing: This man was described as a person who appeared to be able to think quickly and clearly; calm

30、and with perfect presence of mind. 第32页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Sentence Paraphrase The fact that he went unidentified gave him a universal character. (para. 4) Paraphrasing: People did not know who he was. This made him a kind of symbol, a symbol of human courage. go + subject complem

31、ent (adj. ed-participle, ing-participle, prep. phrase): to remain in a state ofAll my letters went unanswered.He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed.Trans: 因为社会资源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到处罚。Due to limited social resources, many crimes have gone unpunished. 第33页EverymanIt was the title of the a play wri

32、tten by an unknown dramatist probably a few decades before the end of the 15th century. All the events in the play are centered around the salvation history, but the play does not deal with the complete journey from the birth of Everyman to his death; it focuses only on the last phase of his life, t

33、he so-called death-journey of the soul to Judgment. Everyman is a typical human being. It conveys the idea that this anonymous man really represents the best of human nature. What he did was not the act of a supernatural being, but the act of an ordinary person. Yet, the author says here that “no ma

34、n is ordinary”, because every person is capable of rising to the occasion and making history.第34页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsaccount; admirable; commitment Phrasesin the line of duty; refer to; responsible for; known as; in control; go underSentence Pat

35、ternOf the four, three; He was seen clinging to; Be described as ; Every time , he passed it on; The fact that he went unidentifiedGrammarappositive clauses; Indefinite pronouns derived from “some”, “any”, “no”, “every”第35页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: ExerciseTranslate the following senten

36、ces into English.1. 对国产奶粉“信心荒”是造成市面上进口奶粉荒原因。“Shortage of confidence” in domestic brands is responsible for the shortage of import milk powder on the market. 2. 因为社会资源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到处罚。Due to limited social resources, many crimes have gone unpunished. 第36页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: Main Ide

37、aWhat does the writer want to reveal through the imagined scene?“He watched everything in the world move away from him, and he let it happen.” What does the sentence imply? Did he just passively watch and let it happen? Could he stop it? What might be the reason?第37页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPar

38、t III: Sentence ParaphraseStill, he could never have imagined such a capacity in himself. (para. 5) Paraphrasing: However, it was impossible for him to know that he would be capable of such heroism. What the man did was the natural response to the critical situation.第38页Text AnalysisDetailed Analysi

39、sPart III: Sentence ParaphraseFor at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others. He had to know it, no matter how slow the effect of the cold. (para. 6) Paraphrasing: Obviously it requires much more courage to face s

40、ure death knowing that you have a choice (keep one of the rings for yourself) than to face the possibility of death by, for example, a stray bullet in battle. The man in the story did not act on impulse. He did not pass on his rings to others with a total unawareness of the consequences. At some poi

41、nt he must have known that he was freezing to death and would go under any moment. But he still gave the chance of survival to the next person.第39页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsdesperate; stunning; survivor Phrasesowe to; hand over to; take offSentence P

42、atternSo our man relaxed with the others, some of whom would .Grammar第40页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart IV: Main IdeaWhat does “the essential, classic circumstance” refer to?“The one making no distinctions of good and evil, acting wholly on distinctions, principles and, perhaps on faith.” What i

43、s the author trying to say specifically?“He was likewise giving a lifeline to those who watched him.” Why does the writer say so? Why do we believe that man did not lose the fight against nature?What kind of power do we see in “the man in the water”?第41页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart IV: Sentenc

44、e ParaphraseHe was there, in the essential, classic circumstance. (para.7) Paraphrasing: What happened that day was a typical situation in which nature and man fought each other. And when nature begins to show its power, you always find man fighting back. He is always there. We can always expect to

45、find such a hero.第42页Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart IV: Sentence ParaphraseYet whatever moved these men to challenge death on behalf of their fellows is not peculiar to them. Everyone feels the possibility in himself. (para.8) Paraphrasing: Yet whatever made these men or gave them the power to challenge death for others is not unique. Indeed, every one of us has the potential to be a hero. 第43页Text AnalysisDetailed Analy


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