1、Key Points in Chapter 15Thomas HardyIntroductionTess of the DUrbervillesJude the ObscureGeorge GissingGeorge MooreOscar WildeRobert Louis StevensonThomas Hardy (1840-1928)The mood of_,_, and _hanged over the nation, and the age of _s naturalism had arrived.Introduction I He was a son of a _and becam
2、e a_ himself and one of the _most preeminent Victorian writers. In Hardys time, _went hand in hand and in full swing, the nation was heading to the phase of _capitalism, and millions of people found themselves struggling for mere existence.builderbuilderthreescience and industrializationaggressive a
3、nd barbaricfrustrationdespairpessimismEmile Zola左拉,自然主义创始人,1872年成为职业作家,左拉是自然主义文学流派的领袖。19世纪后半期法国重要的批判现实主义作家,自然主义文学理论的主要倡导者,被视为19世纪批判现实主义文学遗产的组成部分。 The practice of describing precisely the actual circumstances of human life in literature.Thomas HardyHis famous verse works include Poems of Past and Pre
4、sent, and the epic drama _. Introduction II Hardy is a _lificHis six “Wessex novels” include Under the Greenwood Tree, Far from the Madding Crowd, The Return of the Native, The Mayor of Casterbridge, _, and Jude the Obscure.Tess of DUrbervillesThey are all _of a kind.The DynaststragediesNa
5、mes of His Works TranslatedUnder the Greenwood Tree(绿林荫下)A Pair of Blue Eyes(一双湛蓝的眼睛)Far from the Madding Crowd(远离尘嚣)The Return of the Native(还乡)The Mayor of Casterbridge(卡斯特桥市长)Tess of the DUrbervilles(德伯家的台丝)Jude the Obscure (无名的裘德)Thomas HardyHardys stories are always moving and bewitching. They
6、touch hearts not so much by plots as through the pathos of the _Introduction IIIemotional tangle(情感纠结). Hardy places emphasis on the deeper psychology of his characters. This is a feat (手法) that indicates Hardys empathy (移情作用;执着) with the_ . Hardys language possesses a silent power and charm. His pr
7、ose is studded with _devices, poetic imagery (象征), and metaphors (隐喻), and is richly connotative (含蓄的;内涵的).modern spiritrhetoricalThomas Hardy It is the most pastoral (田园式的) of Hardys novels. Major characters:_, _, Angel ClaireAlec DUrbervilles Tess The king of the world of the novel is “the Preside
8、nt of Immortals,” or maybe variously called “fate,” “_,” or “chance.” It represents the forces beyond human control but controlling the lives of the humans.Tess of the DUrbervillesdestinyFeatures in Disputes1. Fatalism: Chance and fate; personality and environment2. Naturalism 3. Symbolism4. Humour5
9、. Local colorism: Wessex novels6. PessimismA region and ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southern EnglandCauses of Tess TragedySocietyFamilyPersonalityAlecAngelFor video-1: /programs/view/G_HQ8DKfsWY/ For video-2: /programs/view/bTaoR5Ym1mM/ Thomas HardyJude the ObscureIt was Hardys last but has been
10、seen by many as his best novel.Jude Fawley the Wessex villager is a stonemason with aspirations for Christminister (Hardys coined name for Oxford) religious scholarship. His family has been under a curse that no marriage can end happily.Major characters: Jude, Arabella, Sue Bridehead, Phillotson, Fa
11、ther TimeRobert Louis Stevenson(1840-1928)IntroductionStevenson went against the Victorian “grain.” He wrote romances.Famous works: Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.The late Victorian period was beset with a multitude of problems, and the common run of mankind suffered po
12、verty and indignity. Stevensons Treasure Island came at a time when the hopeless were daydreaming for comfort and relief of some kind. Key Points in Chapter 16Victorian poetryAlfred Lord TennysonRobert BrowningMathew ArnoldAlfred Lord Tennyson(1809-1892)Introduction IHe became the poet laureate afte
13、r the death of Wordsworth.His major works are: The Princess, In Memoriam, Maud, Enoch Arden, and The Idylls of the King.The Idylls of the King was read and enjoyed with avidity by his contemporaries chiefly for its didactic features.In more than one sense Tennyson was a domestic poet, placing abunda
14、nt emphasis on love, duty and allegiance and on marriage and home and children.Alfred Lord TennysonIntroduction IIThe poet always sings praise of the spiritual aspect of love.Today Tennyson is appreciated for his lyrical genius and for his technical virtuosity.The Idylls of the King was an adequate
15、documentation and confirmation of the major features of Victorian life. These include domestic virtues, the emphasis on the home, family affections and love, hero-worship, the identity of the self and self-realization through duty and service, moral earnestness, and positive achievements.The poem is
16、 a clear record of early Tennysons emphasis on art and the artists need to keep his privacy and his private love whole and free from interference.Robert Browning (1812-1889)Introduction IAlthough late to receive recognition, Browning was considered second only to Tennyson in his own day.Today he is
17、remembered for his experiment and use of the dramatic monologue and his contribution to the discovery of the mythical method and symbolism in the writing of psychological poetry.Brownings poetry represents the exuberant and optimistic spirit of his time. His watch word is “strive.”Robert Browning In
18、troduction IIHe made the dramatic monologue a norm as a poetic form for presenting the internal world of the characters.This has a strong modern ring because it resembles a stream-of consciousness style in modern writing. It represents a jump in perception on the part of the artist from writing abou
19、t the externalities of life and people to the scrutiny and exploration of the inner consciousness of the characters.His masterpiece is his epic-length poem, The Ring and the Book. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) Introduction IHe has been known as the Victorian poet of loneliness. he received recognition as poet number three of his time immediately after Tennyson and Browning.Major works: The Scholar Gypsy, “Dover Beach,” Essays in Criticism, Culture and Anarchy, and Literat
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