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1、2020年杭州英语中考复习第一部分教材知识梳理212020年杭州英语中考复习第一部分教材知识梳理21教材词块自主测1. spare; in ones spare time2. case; in that case 3. war 4. down5. dialog话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式6. plenty; plenty of7. sense8. reflect9. pity教材词块自主测1. spare; in ones spar10. master11. praise; praise sb. for doing sth.12. kiss13. greet14. capi

2、tal15. noon16. mad; get mad17. passport18. chalk19. blackboard话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式10. master15. noon话题词形词块拓展补充20. coast21. season22. knock 23. worth; be worth doing sth.24. manner25. empty26. exchange27. except话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式20. coast24. manner话题词形词块拓展补充1. electronic 2. painful 3. basic

3、; base on 4. preferred; preference; prefer to do sth.; prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.; prefer.to.; prefer (doing) sth. to (doing)sth.5. shut; shutting; open; shut up; shut off 6. performance; performer 7. behavior 8. smoothly话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1. electronic 话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重9. stuck; stick

4、ing; stick to 10. totally; in total11. wounded话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式9. stuck; sticking; stick to 话1. drop by2. make an effort3. clean.off4. take off5. go out of ones way 6. make.feel at home 7. get/be used to8. try ones best话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式9. get married10. continue to11. be expected to12.

5、 make plans13. go abroad14. by the end of15. national treasure1. drop by话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词16. movie star17. once in a while18. after all话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式16. movie star话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1. cheer me up2. think about3. solve their problems4. its polite for5. heavy traffic;

6、 keep others waiting6. are very different from7. find it difficult to remember 话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1. che1. 定语从句(含关系词that/who/which) (P177)2. be supposed to的用法3. be expected to的用法4. It is adj.to do sth.句型 (P121)话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式1. 定语从句(含关系词that/who/which) (PUnit 9 Music and movies (音乐和电影)

7、Unit 10 Customs (风俗习惯)话题词形词块拓展补充词块语法重点单词词块重点句式Unit 9 Music and movies (音乐和电影1. valueA. v. 重视;珍视B. n. 价值;重要性C. v. 评价;估价 D. n. 价值观(1)Dont be afraid of shynessyou are valued for what you are! (2019安徽完形B)_(2)Someone cant be valued only from his dress.(2017泰安完形)_AC熟词生义1. valueAC熟A. v. 重视;珍视B. n. 价值;重要性C.

8、 v. 评价;估价 D. n. 价值观 (3)They learn the value of money by working hard so that they will not waste any.(2014安徽完形A)_(4)Jin Yong has shaped the values of many Chinese people._BD熟词生义A. v. 重视;珍视B. n. 价值;重要性B2. mad(adj.)A. 很生气;疯的 B. 特别喜欢;痴迷(1)Now everyone is mad about magic. We all want to know how to do a

9、 trick!(2016百色选词填空)_(2)Ill go mad if I have to wait much longer._BA熟词生义2. mad(adj.)BA熟3. season (n.)A. 季;季节 B. 度假旺季;节期(1)It is the start of the holiday shopping season, and it has been the busiest shopping day of the year in the US since 2005. (2015北京阅读表达)_(2)Which season of the year do you like bes

10、t, Tim?(2012安徽9题)_BA熟词生义3. season (n.)BA熟4. emptyA. adj. 空的 B. adj. 空洞的C. adj. 空虚的;无意义的 D. v. 倒空(1)We emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to $3.28.(2018河南阅读B)_(2)He didnt want to live an empty life._(3)The house had been standing empty for some time._(4)He made an empty promise to Emily.

11、_DCAB熟词生义4. emptyDCAB熟 1. My grandfather prefers tea _ milk after supper. 2. Some children prefer _(sleep) with the bedroom lights on. prefer的用法(2017.63)I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢有很棒的 歌词的音乐。(Unit 9 P65)1考点考 点 抢 测练讲重难点to考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5to sleep prefer的用法(2017.63)13. I prefer _(act) on

12、the stage to playing in the sports fields.It seems that you are talented in all kinds of arts and sports.4. Girls prefer _(go) shopping rather than stay at home in their spare time.actingto go考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5actingto go考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5 It isadj.(of/for sb.)to do s

13、th.句型(2018.58) When we see each other, its polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. 当我们见面的时候,男孩握手和女孩互相亲 吻脸颊是礼貌的。(Unit 10 P75) 5. It is necessary _ schools to satisfy the needs of all the students development. 2考点考 点 抢 测for考点1考点2考点3考点4考点52考点考 点 抢 测for考点

14、1考点2考点3考点4考点6. It is careless _ Tom to mistake the instrument for a toy again. 7. He is a kind and patient teacher. Its quite unusual for him _(get) so angry. 8. Its impolite of you _(cut) in line when buying a ticket in the cinema.ofto getto cut考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5ofto getto cut考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨句型含义及用

15、法It isadj. (of sb. )to do sth.某人做某事真是太了。此处形容词常是描述人的性格、品质的词。如:kind, good, clever等。It isadj. (for sb.)to do sth. (2018. 58)做某事对某人来说很。此处形容词常是描述做某事的词。如:difficult, easy, hard, important等。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨句型含义及用法It isadj. (of sb worth的用法 .but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another cul

16、ture.但是如果你想理解另一种文化, 就值得麻烦。(Unit 10 P76) 9. The newly-opened museum is certainly w_ a visit and many people have already visited it. We all think that this book on air pollution is worth _(read). It tells us the importance of environmental protection.3考点考 点 抢 测orth考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5reading 3考点考 点 抢 测ort

17、h考点1考点2考点3考点4满分点拨考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5 辨析except, besides, but与except for(2015.78, 2011.27) Another example is that youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. 另一个例子是除了面包,你不应该用双手吃任何东西, 甚至水果也不行。(Unit 10 P78) 11.Everyone has handed in the test paper _ B

18、illy. He hasnt finished it yet. 4考点考 点 抢 测except考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5 4考点考 点 抢 测except考点1考点2考12. I can do nothing _ stay in bed to have a good rest, because I am seriously ill. 13. In order to make the banana milk shake, we need some honey _ bananas and yogurt. 14.The passage is very good _ some spelling

19、mistakes. Youd better be more careful. 15. Mary caught a bad cold, so she ate nothing _ a piece of cake today. She should go to see a doctor at once.butbesidesexcept forbut考点1考点2考点3考点4考点512. I can do nothing _ 16. Linda is very talented in learning languages. She knows English _ Japanese.17. All of

20、my classmates are on the playground _ Mike. He was asked to go to Mr. Lis office.18. Jason and his classmates usually go to school on foot _ on rainy days.19. I am happy with my neighborhood _ one thing: There is no hospital near it. besidesexceptexceptexcept考点1考点2考点3考点4考点516. Linda is very talented

21、 in 20. How many people will come for dinner tonight?_ me, five people will come for dinner tonight.Besides考点1考点2考点3考点4考点520. How many people will come满分点拨词(组)含义用法例句except(2015.78)除之外(没有)强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个,表示排除关系,有“减除”之意We all went to the park except him. 除了他,我们都去公园了。besides(2011.27)除之外(还有)强调在整体中加入一部分

22、,表示一种累加关系,有“加上”之意Mary knows a little Korean besides French. 除法语外,玛丽还懂一点儿韩语。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5满分点拨词(组)含义用法例句except除之外(没有)强词(组)含义用法例句but除了用于every,all,any, none,who等词后She could do nothing but cry. 她除了哭什么也做不了。except for除之外指排除不同类的东西。用于引出使某陈述不能完全成立的事物,后接名词、代词或名词短语His composition is excellent except for some grammar mistakes. 除几处语法错误之外,他的作文写得很好。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5词(组)含义用法例句but除了用于every,all,any suppose的用法 Another example is that youre not supposed to eat anything with y


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