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1、2020-2021学年高中英语UNIT7课件北师大版必修第三册-1811692020-2021学年高中英语UNIT7课件北师大版必修第三.知识体系图解 重点词汇1.madam n.2.documentary n.3.expressive adj.4.artistic adj.5.extensively adv.6.symbolism n.7.sculptor n.8.best-selling adj.女士;夫人纪录片富于感情的;明确表露想法的美术的;艺术的广泛地;大规模地;全面地象征主义 雕刻家 畅销的.知识体系图解 重点词汇1.madam n.9. n.广告10.n.(青)少年11.n.比赛

2、,竞赛12.adv.当前;现时13.adj.可接受的14.n.个人,个体15.vt.感激;欣赏16.adv. 忠诚地,忠实地17.n.敬佩;羡慕18.n.允许;许可19.adj.(行为)带有威胁的20.adj.脏的;凌乱的21.adj.可依法惩处的advertisementyouthcontestcurrentlyacceptableindividualappreciatefaithfullyadmirationpermissionthreateningmessypunishable9. n.广告advertisem重点短语1.喜欢2.除此之外3.各种各样的4. 从到不等5.受益于be fon

3、d ofin additiona variety ofrange from.to.benefit from重点短语1.喜欢be fond of重点句式1.Born into an artistic family,Zhang Daqian was first taught how to paint by his mother and siblings.张大千出生于一个艺术世家,他的母亲和兄弟姐妹首先教他画画。2.It is said that the two artists admired each other.据说这两位艺术家互相欣赏。重点句式1.Born into an artistic .

4、阅读导学A.阅读pp.22-23课文,匹配段落大意Para 1.A.The graffiti “tag” and its purpose.Para 2.B.The change of graffiti and the craze for it.Para 3.C.What is graffiti and the controversies over it.Para 4.D.The outstanding representatives of street artists.Para 5.E.Graffiti has become “street art” and its everywhere.Pa

5、ra 6.F.The attitude of New Yorkers to graffiti up to the 1970.答案Para 1.CPara 2.APara 3.FPara 4.BPara 5.EPara 6.D.阅读导学B.根据pp.22-23课文,选择正确答案1.Which of the following is true about graffiti in the 1970s?A.It was used in advertising.B.It was a form of cultural expression.C.It was considered as something

6、disgusting.D.The popularity of hip-hop music helped to spread graffiti culture.答案 CB.根据pp.22-23课文,选择正确答案答案 C2.In the 1980s,what particular development does the text suggest helped further spread graffiti culture?A.The craze for graffiti.B.The change of graffiti.C.The popularity of hip-hop music.D.Th

7、e display of street art in the galleries.答案 C2.In the 1980s,what particul3.Why Kel Rodriguez and Leonard McGurr are mentioned in the last paragraph?A.To advise us to take up graffiti.B.To tell us street art is promising.C.To encourage us to become street artists.D.To show us two of the examples of s

8、treet artists.答案 D3.Why Kel Rodriguez and Leon1.I wonder if you could also give me more information about how to apply to be part of this festival.(Page 19)我想知道你是否可以给我更多关于如何申请加入这个节日的信息。【词汇精讲】apply在本句中用作动词,意为“申请”,还可表示“使用,应用”。You should apply immediately,in person or by letter.你应该立刻申请,或者亲自去,或者写信。He ha

9、s applied to the company for a post in England.他已向公司申请在英国供职。He applied to join the party.他申请入党。Im trying to apply the theory to my teaching.我正在努力把这一理论应用于我的教学中。1.I wonder if you could also【词汇拓展】(1)apply to. for.向申请apply to do sth申请做某事apply. to.把应用于apply to适用于What I am saying applies only to some of y

10、ou.我所说的只涉及你们中的一些人。This rule doesnt apply to children.这条规则不适用于孩子。(2)application n.申请,申请书applicant n.申请人【词汇拓展】2.I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.(Page 19)我感激你的帮助并渴望收到你的来信。【词汇精讲】appreciate用作动词,意为“感激;欣赏”。还可以表示“理解;领会”。Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether

11、 or not you will come.如果能提前告知您是否能来,我将不胜感激。You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品无法真正欣赏外国文学的美妙之处。He failed to appreciate the importance of the meeting.他未能领会到会议的重要性。Her family dont appreciate her.她的家人不重视她。2.I appreciate your help and【词汇拓展】appreciate doing sth感激做某事appreciate

12、 sb /ones doing sth感激某人做某事appreciate其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助it。I really appreciate his coming to help.他能来帮忙我十分感激。【词汇拓展】 3.Not only was he extremely productive it is said that he created an average of 500 paintings a year but he was also able to master a variety of painting styles,ranging f

13、rom detailed portraits to expressive landscapes.(Page 21)他不仅非常有效率据说他平均每年创作500幅画而且他也能够掌握各种绘画风格,从详细的肖像画到富有表现力的风景画。【词汇精讲1】average用作名词,意为“平均数;平均水平”,也可用作形容词,意为“一般的,普通的;平均的”。In 1900,the average American lifespan was only 47 years old,but today it is 75 years old!在1900年美国人的平均寿命是47岁,而现在是75岁。He drives at an

14、average speed of 120 miles an hour.他以平均每小时120英里的速度行车。3.Not only was he extremely 【词汇拓展1】an average of平均是above average高于平均水平on (the) average在平均水平上below average低于平均水平He was a good student and scored above average in most subjects.他是一名优等生,大多数学科的成绩都在平均水平之上。400 people a year die of this disease on (the)

15、average.平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。Temperatures are below average for the time of year.今年的温度低于此时的年平均温度。【词汇拓展1】【词汇精讲2】range在本句中用作动词,意为“(在一定的范围内)变化;包括(各种不同的人或事物)”,也可用作名词,意为“种类;范围”。She has had a number of different jobs,ranging from cooks to swimming instructors.她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。Several cars are available with

16、in this price range.在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。【词汇精讲2】range在本句中用作动词,意为“(在一定【词汇拓展2】range from A to B 在A到B之间变化;包括从A到B之间的各种事物range between A and B 在A到B之间变化a range of一系列within/in range (of sth) 在()可及的范围内out of range (of sth) 超出(的)范围The prices of the trousers here range between 30 yuan and 1,300 yuan.这里裤子的价格从 3

17、0元到1,300元不等。The cat stayed well out of range of the children.这只猫离孩子们远远的。【词汇拓展2】4.The two artists had more in common than mutual admiration.(Page 21)两位艺术家的共同之处不只是相互欣赏。【词汇精讲】admiration用作名词,意为“敬佩;羡慕”。They looked at him with great admiration.他们用钦佩的目光注视着他。I have great admiration for him as a writer.我十分钦佩

18、他这个作家。4.The two artists had more i【词汇拓展】(1)with/in admiration钦佩地express/have/show admiration for sb /sth钦佩某人/某事admire vt.赞美,钦佩;羡慕,夸奖admire sb for sth因某事而钦佩/羡慕某人admire oneself自我欣赏(2)admirable adj.可钦佩的;值得赞赏的admiring adj.赞赏的【词汇拓展】His achievements are admirable.他的成就令人钦佩。People admire the moon and enjoy

19、mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.中秋节时人们会赏月品尝月饼。I admire him for his bravery and learning.我羡慕他胆识过人,学识渊博。His achievements are admirab5.Some think it is a crime if done without a property owners permission,while others see this as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.(Page 22)一些人认

20、为在没有得到业主许可的情况下进行(涂鸦)是一种犯罪,而另一些人则认为这是一种丰富的非传统文化表现形式。【词汇精讲】permission用作名词,意为“允许;许可”。The school has been refused permission to expand.学校扩建未得到许可。No official permission has been given for the event to take place.这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。She took the car without permission.她未经许可擅自使用了汽车。5.Some think it is a crime

21、i【词汇拓展】(1)permission n.允许without permission未经许可(2)permit vt.允许,许可n.许可证(书面)permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事(被动:sb be permitted to do sth)permit doing sth允许做某事permit sb sth允许某人某事a fishing/parking permit捕捞/停车许可证(3)permit的过去式、过去分词为permitted;现在分词是permitting。【词汇拓展】6.This tag was a name they created to identify

22、themselves and their artwork.(Page 22)这个标签是一个名字,他们创建这个标签来识别自己和他们的艺术作品。【词汇精讲】identify用作动词,意为“确定,发现; 认出,识别”。First of all we must identify the problem areas.首先我们必须找出问题所在。The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.那两具尸体被辨认出是两名贩毒犯罪嫌疑人的。【词汇拓展】identification n.身份证明6.This tag was a na

23、me they c7.Theres a way to benefit from your work without spoiling public property.(Page 23)有一种方法可以从你的工作中受益,而不会破坏公共财产。【词汇精讲】benefit在本句中用作动词,意为“使受益;得益于”,还可以用作名词,意为“益处”。Enough sleep can benefit your skin.睡眠充足对你的皮肤有益。Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but for Thomas Edison.要不是爱迪

24、生的发明,今天我们身边享用的很多东西都将不复存在。7.Theres a way to benefit f【词汇拓展】(1)sth benefit sb 某物对某人有益sb benefit from sth某人从某物中受益for the benefit of为了的利益/好处(2)beneficial adj.有益的be of benefit to = be beneficial to对有益China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the benefit of all its citizens.中国一直在推进公立医院的改革,

25、以造福全体公民。Sunshine is of benefit to plants.阳光对植物有益。【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习1.I wonder if you could also give me more information about how to apply to be part of this festival.(Page 19)我想知道你是否可以给我更多关于如何申请加入这个节日的信息。【词汇精讲】apply在本句中用作动词,意为“申请”,还可表示“使用,应用”。You should apply immediately,in person or by le

26、tter.你应该立刻申请,或者亲自去,或者写信。He has applied to the company for a post in England.他已向公司申请在英国供职。He applied to join the party.他申请入党。Im trying to apply the theory to my teaching.我正在努力把这一理论应用于我的教学中。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习1.I wonder重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】(1)apply to. for.向申请apply to do sth申请做某事apply. to.把应用于ap

27、ply to适用于What I am saying applies only to some of you.我所说的只涉及你们中的一些人。This rule doesnt apply to children.这条规则不适用于孩子。(2)application n.申请,申请书applicant n.申请人重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重

28、点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you.(Page 19)我感激你的帮助并渴望收到你的来信。【词汇精讲】appreciate用作动词,意为“感激;欣赏”。还可以表示“理解;领会”。Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.如果能提前告知您是否能来,我将不胜感激。You cant really appreciate foreign literature i

29、n translation.看翻译作品无法真正欣赏外国文学的美妙之处。He failed to appreciate the importance of the meeting.他未能领会到会议的重要性。Her family dont appreciate her.她的家人不重视她。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.I apprec重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】appreciate doing sth感激做某事appreciate sb /ones doing sth感激某人做某事appreciate其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,

30、需借助it。I really appreciate his coming to help.他能来帮忙我十分感激。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习 重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习 重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习3.Not only was he extremely productive it is said that he created an average of 500 paintings a year but he was also

31、 able to master a variety of painting styles,ranging from detailed portraits to expressive landscapes.(Page 21)他不仅非常有效率据说他平均每年创作500幅画而且他也能够掌握各种绘画风格,从详细的肖像画到富有表现力的风景画。【词汇精讲1】average用作名词,意为“平均数;平均水平”,也可用作形容词,意为“一般的,普通的;平均的”。In 1900,the average American lifespan was only 47 years old,but today it is 75

32、 years old!在1900年美国人的平均寿命是47岁,而现在是75岁。He drives at an average speed of 120 miles an hour.他以平均每小时120英里的速度行车。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习3.Not only重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展1】an average of平均是above average高于平均水平on (the) average在平均水平上below average低于平均水平He was a good student and scored above average in most subje

33、cts.他是一名优等生,大多数学科的成绩都在平均水平之上。400 people a year die of this disease on (the) average.平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。Temperatures are below average for the time of year.今年的温度低于此时的年平均温度。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展1】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇精讲

34、2】range在本句中用作动词,意为“(在一定的范围内)变化;包括(各种不同的人或事物)”,也可用作名词,意为“种类;范围”。She has had a number of different jobs,ranging from cooks to swimming instructors.她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。Several cars are available within this price range.在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇精讲2】ran重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展2】range f

35、rom A to B 在A到B之间变化;包括从A到B之间的各种事物range between A and B 在A到B之间变化a range of一系列within/in range (of sth) 在()可及的范围内out of range (of sth) 超出(的)范围The prices of the trousers here range between 30 yuan and 1,300 yuan.这里裤子的价格从 30元到1,300元不等。The cat stayed well out of range of the children.这只猫离孩子们远远的。重点词汇重点句式文化

36、意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展2】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习4.The two artists had more in common than mutual admiration.(Page 21)两位艺术家的共同之处不只是相互欣赏。【词汇精讲】admiration用作名词,意为“敬佩;羡慕”。They looked at him with g

37、reat admiration.他们用钦佩的目光注视着他。I have great admiration for him as a writer.我十分钦佩他这个作家。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习4.The two 重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】(1)with/in admiration钦佩地express/have/show admiration for sb /sth钦佩某人/某事admire vt.赞美,钦佩;羡慕,夸奖admire sb for sth因某事而钦佩/羡慕某人admire oneself自我欣赏(2)admirable adj.可钦佩的;

38、值得赞赏的admiring adj.赞赏的重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习His achievements are admirable.他的成就令人钦佩。People admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.中秋节时人们会赏月品尝月饼。I admire him for his bravery and learning.我羡慕他胆识过人,学识渊博。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习His achiev重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练

39、习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习5.Some think it is a crime if done without a property owners permission,while others see this as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.(Page 22)一些人认为在没有得到业主许可的情况下进行(涂鸦)是一种犯罪,而另一些人则认为这是一种丰富的非传统文化表现形式。【词汇精讲】p

40、ermission用作名词,意为“允许;许可”。The school has been refused permission to expand.学校扩建未得到许可。No official permission has been given for the event to take place.这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。She took the car without permission.她未经许可擅自使用了汽车。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习5.Some thi重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】(1)permission n.允许without per

41、mission未经许可(2)permit vt.允许,许可n.许可证(书面)permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事(被动:sb be permitted to do sth)permit doing sth允许做某事permit sb sth允许某人某事a fishing/parking permit捕捞/停车许可证(3)permit的过去式、过去分词为permitted;现在分词是permitting。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词

42、汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习6.This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork.(Page 22)这个标签是一个名字,他们创建这个标签来识别自己和他们的艺术作品。【词汇精讲】identify用作动词,意为“确定,发现; 认出,识别”。First of all we must identify the problem areas.首先我们必须找出问题所在。The bodies were identified as those of two suspec

43、ted drug dealers.那两具尸体被辨认出是两名贩毒犯罪嫌疑人的。【词汇拓展】identification n.身份证明重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习6.This tag重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习7.Theres a way to benefit from your work without spoiling public property.(Page 23)有一种方法可以从你的工作中受益,而不会破坏公

44、共财产。【词汇精讲】benefit在本句中用作动词,意为“使受益;得益于”,还可以用作名词,意为“益处”。Enough sleep can benefit your skin.睡眠充足对你的皮肤有益。Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but for Thomas Edison.要不是爱迪生的发明,今天我们身边享用的很多东西都将不复存在。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习7.Theres 重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】(1)sth benefit sb 某物对某人有益sb benefi

45、t from sth某人从某物中受益for the benefit of为了的利益/好处(2)beneficial adj.有益的be of benefit to = be beneficial to对有益China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the benefit of all its citizens.中国一直在推进公立医院的改革,以造福全体公民。Sunshine is of benefit to plants.阳光对植物有益。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【词汇拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随

46、堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习1.Born into an artistic family,Zhang Daqian was first taught how to paint by his mother and siblings.(Page 21)张大千出生于一个艺术世家,他的母亲和兄弟姐妹首先教他画画。【句式剖析】在本句中,“Born into an artistic fami

47、ly”是过去分词作状语。Born into a rich family,he had a happy childhood.出生于一个富庶的家庭,他有一个快乐的童年。Faced with so many problems,we have difficulties in conducting the experiment.面对这么多的问题,我们进行实验有困难。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习1.Born int重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【句式拓展】常用于这个用法的特殊结构有:be lost in迷失在;be absorbed in专注于;be dressed in穿着的衣服;

48、be faced with面对;be devoted to献身于;be addicted to对上瘾;be accustomed to习惯于;be seated in坐在;be buried in埋头于;be exposed to接触;暴露于;be born in出生于;be based on以为基础。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【句式拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点

49、词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.It is said that the two artists admired each other.(Page 21)据说这两位艺术家互相欣赏。【句式剖析】本句属于“It+be+过去分词+that.”结构,句中that引导主语从句。在“It+be+过去分词+that.”结构中,it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语,that仅起连接作用,不作成分。常用于此句式的动词有:say,report,think,believe,know等。It is believed that working hard can lead to success.人们相信努

50、力工作就能成功。It is said that he has passed the driving test.据说他已经通过了驾驶考试。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.It is sa重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【句式拓展】以上句型可转换为“sb/sth+be+过去分词+不定式”。Working hard is believed to lead to success.He is said to have passed the driving test.重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习【句式拓展】重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分

51、写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习What is art?When people think about this question,they will naturally think about all kinds of musical instruments or the great paintings in the art museums.Art seems so far away from the ordinary people,but I dont think so.Art is eve

52、rywhere.For example,the delicious food that is made by our parents is the great art,and the value of the food is to bring people the great joy when they have a taste of it.The scenery around us is the visible art;when we appreciate it,our mood becomes eased.Art is something that brings us the positi

53、ve value,so art is around everybody.If we take time to slow down our pace,we can enjoy art from life and feel the comfortable lifestyle.重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习What is ar重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习如何写好正式的电子邮件假定你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封电子邮件,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容)。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习如何写好正式的电子邮重点词汇重点句式

54、文化意识高分写作随堂练习注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。参考词汇:住宿accommodation重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习注意:重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习一、审题定调1.确定体裁:本单元的写作任务是写电子邮件,内容是写信了解到英国学习的相关情况。因此要在写作中重点了解相关课程的信息:课程开始时间、班级规模的大小、每星期课时数、学费和住宿等。2.确定人称:本文的主要人称为第一人称。3.确定时态:由于本文是咨询性质的电子邮件,记述的是现在或将来的事情,所以时态以一般现在时和将来时为主。二、谋篇布局为使文章能够连贯通顺,习作内容应包括以下三个

55、方面:1.陈述写信的目的和原因;2.表达自己想要了解的具体内容和方面;3.希望尽快得到回复。重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习一、审题定调重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习三、组织语言1.核心词汇attend a summer school参加一个暑期班during the vacation在假期know something more about多了解一些pay for the course支付课程费用whether accommodation is included住宿费是否包含在内host family寄宿家庭university dormitory大学宿舍重点词汇重点句式文化

56、意识高分写作随堂练习三、组织语言重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.高级句式(1)I am a Chinese student and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation.(and连接两个并列分句;不定式作宾语和目的状语)我是一名中国学生,我计划在假期去英国参加一个暑期班。(2)Ive seen your ad,and Id like to know something more about your six-week English course.(and连接两个并列分句;woul

57、d like to do sth)我看过你们的广告,想多了解你们为期六周的英语课程。(3)First,when will the course start and how many class hours are there per week?(由and连接的特殊疑问句)首先,课程什么时候开始?每周有多少课时?重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习2.高级句式重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习(4)Besides,I wish there would not be too many students in a class.(I wish宾语从句用虚拟语气)此外,我希望课堂上不要有太多的

58、学生。(5)Id also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.(由and连接,由特殊疑问词引导的从句作宾语;被动语态)我还想知道我该付多少学费以及住宿费是否包含在内。(6)Would there be host family or university dormitories?(选择疑问句)会有寄宿家庭或大学宿舍吗?重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习(4)Besides重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分写作随堂练习四、连句成文参考范文Dear Sir/

59、Madam, I am a Chinese student and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation.Ive seen your ad,and Id like to know something more about your six-week English course.First,when will the course start and how many class hours are there per week?Besides,I wish there would not be too many students in a class.Id also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.Would there be host family or university dormitories? I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua重点词汇重点句式文化意识高分


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