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1、v1.0可编辑可修改科技英语语法考题考试时间:120分钟系班: 学号: 姓名: 得分:I、英译汉(每题3分)One-time write of the desired data into an erased (插干净了的)PROMs all that is required to store information quickly and permanently.Of the variety of aberrations(像差)the image (像)formed by a single lensis subject to, perhaps the most familiar is the

2、presence of fringes(不重合)of color around whatever is being viewed.Since transformers(变压器)are large, heavy, and expensive, their eliminationfrom the circuit (电路)results in considerable savings.Every element (元素)exhibits (显示)a unique line spectrum (线谱)when a sample of it is suitably excited(激励),and its

3、 presence in a substance of unknowncomposition (构 成)can be ascertained (确 定) by the appearance of its characteristic wavelengths (特征波长) in the spectrum of the substance.The solution (溶液) of water and other materials in which the tissues(人体组织)are bathed is slightly salty, an interesting reminder (暗示)

4、of the first living cells(细胞) which originated in the sea.The ability of the modern computer to perform rapid calculations on large, complex problems has resulted in the recent development of computational techniques not considered in the past.Attractive as these theories and explanationsare, there

5、is no direct evidencethat the child has a special language learningcapacity which is totally absentin the adult.v1.0可编辑可修改8. The second aspect(方面)to determine our progress is the application by allmembers of societyv1.0可编辑可修改8. The second aspect(方面)to determine our progress is the application by all

6、members of societyof the specialmethods of thought and action that scientistsuse in their work.9. The two answers,of course, areidentical(相同的),but how much more simplythe energy principle9. The two answers,of course, areidentical(相同的),but how much more simplythe energy principle(能量原理)leads to the fi

7、nal results!10. Stereophonic (立体的)10. Stereophonic (立体的)sound, or“stereo, “ as it is usually called, refers(话(话to a system of recording or sound transmission using multiple microphones筒)and loudspeakers(扬声器)Broadly speaking, computer security is keeping anyone from doing things youdo not want them t

8、o do to, with, on or from your computers or any peripheral(外部的)devices.Not as familiar is the fact that any substance whatever will be influenced bythe magnetic field, although to an extent which is extremely small compared witha substance like iron.Each element ( 元素)when vaporized ( 汽化)has its own

9、set of frequencies itis able to emit or absorb, in a pattern as characteristic of that element as a set of fingerprints is of an individual human.In any one example, h will either be always odd (奇数的)or always even ( 偶数的),which is all that matters, so that ( - 1)h will always be uniquely ( 唯一地)determ

10、ined.Symbols used in assembly(汇编)language programs are made up of letters anddigits(数字),with the first character(字符) of the symbol a letter.If we were to place a mass (质量)in the gravitational field (重力场),it would experience a force along whatever line of force it was on, with a magnitude (大小)depende

11、nt on how close together the lines of force were in its vicinity (附近).While later chapters describe rules and exceptions in a detail-oriented andv1.0可编辑可修改sometimes mathematical manner, this chapter strives for clarity(清晰) andbrevity(简要)at the expense of completeness.Created by the . Department of D

12、efense in 1969, the Internet was built to serve two purposes.They had proved that all the known planets traveled in ellipses(椭圆)ratherthan in circles (圆)as everyone thought.The tube floats vertically(垂直地)in water, heavy end down.II、汉译英(每题 4分)1、这个功等于该物体(object )的重量乘_( multiply )以物体被提起的距离。2、物体越热,其辐射(r

13、adiate )的能量越多,这一现象是大家所熟悉的。3、当时最重要的成就之一是(人们)认识到了光是一种电磁波(electromagnetic wave)。4、必须求出使x为多大才能使该级数(series )收敛(converge, vi .)。5、计算机是科学家们解题的理想工具。(要求用简单句表示)6、这个元件(component)上的电压(voltage) 为零点零几伏_(volt)。7、这种新方法就是人们所说的“代入法(substitution technique )。8、为使这个式子(equation)成立,x必须小于1。9、我们到底如何定义f(x)是没有关系的。10、电流(curren

14、t )在电路(circuit)中流动的容易程度(ease)取决于电阻的数值。1、为了迅速而永久地储存信息,只需要把所要的数据一次性地写入擦干净了的PRO花中。(all that is required to store”要译成为了储存只需要“ )2、在由单个透镜形成的成像所经受的各种像差之中,也许大家最熟悉的是在观看的成像周围存在颜色不重合(现象)。(“the image formed by a single lens is subject to” 为定语从句修饰 aberrations ; a whatever is being viewed = anything that is being

15、viewed )3、由于变压器体积大、重量重、价格昂贵,所以把它们从电路中去掉会节省很多费用。v1.0可编辑可修改(their elimination 为动宾关系)4、每种元素当其样品被适当激励时会显示出一种独特的线谱来,而它在某一未知构成的物质中的存在可以通过它的特征波长在该物质的线谱中的出现来得到确定。(“ itspresence 为主表关系)5、人体组织所处的、含有水和其它物质的溶液是略带咸味的,这有趣地表明了原始的生物细胞是起源于大海海洋的。(“an interesting reminder”是名词短语作其前面句子 的同位语)6、现代计算机对大型复杂题能进行迅速计算的能力,促使近来开发

16、出了在过去未曾考虑过的计算方法。(“ofthe modern computer to perform”为一种特殊的动词不定式复合结构作“ability ”的定语)7、虽然这些理论和解释很吸引人,但并没有直接的证据表明儿童具有成年人完全缺乏的一种特殊的语言学习能力。(attractive as ”为让步状语从句;there is no directevidence that ”应该译成“没有直接的证据表明,这里that ”引导的是一个同位语从句)8、确定我们进步的第二个方面是社会的所有成员应用科学家们在他们的工作中所使用的特殊的思维和行动方法(的程度) 。(本句原来应该是the applicat

17、ion of A by B ”的搭 配关系)9、当然这两个答案是相同的,不过用能量原理来求得最终结果是多么的简单(得多)啊!(这是一个感叹句,同时“ much more simply 意为简单得多”)10、立体声,也就是人们通常所说的“ stereo ,指的是用多个话筒和扬声器来录音或传送声音的系统。(“as it is usually called 为一种特殊的定语从句,修饰 stereo )11、广义上来说,计算机安全就是使任何人对你的计算机或任何的外部设备、用它们、在 它们上面或从它们那儿不能做你不想要他们做的事情。(本句中“to, with, on, from ”四个介词共用了介词宾语

18、 “ your computers or any peripheral devices )12、大家不太熟悉的是(这样一点:)任何一种物质都会受到磁场的影响,虽然所受影响 的程度与像铁这样的物质相比是极小的。(“whatever ”在本句中是一个普通的形容词作后置定语;aalthough to an extent ”是一个省略式让步状语从句,to an extent ”绝不是v1.0可编辑可修改“在某种程度上”的意思)13、每一种元素气化时具有它自己的一套能够按某种模式发射或接收的频率,这种模式是与一套指纹表征了一个人那样表征了那个元素。(as characteristic of that e

19、lement asa set of fingerprint is of an individualhuman”是形容词短语彳定语修饰 a pattern )14、在任何一个例子中,h将要么总是奇数,要么总是偶数(这一点是最关键重要的),所以(-1) h总是唯一确定的。(“all that matters ”意为“最关键重要的,其本意是“有关系的一切”)15、用在汇编语言程序中的符号是由字母和数字构成的,而符号的第一个字符是一个字母。(with the first character of the symbol a letter属于with + 名词 + 名词”型“with结构”,在此表示一种附

20、加说明)16、如果我们把一个质量放在重力场中的话,它就会沿着它所处的力线经受一个力,该力的大小取决于力线在其附近的疏密程度。(这句属于条件式表示将来情况的虚拟语气句型。awhatever line of force it was on = any line of force that it was on, 不过 any的含义不必译出来;with a magnitude dependent on 为with + 名词+形容词短 语”型“ with结构”作附加说明;“how”引出“ on”的介词宾语从句)17、这一章力求讲得简明扼要而不考虑而牺牲完整性,而后面几章则详细地、有时用数学的方式来描述规

21、则和例外。(本句的“ while ”引导的状语从句表示对照)18、“英特网”是由美国国防部于1969年创建的,建造它的目的有两个。(“Created by”是对句子主语“the Internet”的附加说明)19、他们证明了所有已知的行星都是以椭圆轨道而不是像当时大家所认为的以圆周轨道运行的。(句中“rather than as everyone thought 属于否定的转移”句型)20、该管子垂直地浮在水中,其重的一端朝下。(本句中heavy end down 为在end后省去了 “ being ”的分词独立结构作状语,表示附加说明)II、1. This work equals is equal to; is the weight of the object multiplied by the distance the object is was; has been lifted.The hotter the body (is), the more energy it will radiate, a fa


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