1、古诗三首语文 人教版 五年级下稚子弄冰 01030204目录预习古诗初步感知品词赏句书写指导White space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping whiteWhite space is an advanced method of design.
2、It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds very simple and then use it properlyWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most commo
3、n in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white01030204目录预习古诗初步感知品词赏句书写指导激情谈话,导入新课 同学们,上节课我们已经学习了诗人范成大带来的古诗四时田园杂兴(其三十一),感受到了乡村生活的恬静与儿童的天真可爱,这节课老师又给大家带来了一个天真活泼的孩子,我们快来看看吧! 杨万里,字廷秀,号诚斋,男,汉族。吉州吉水人。南宋杰出诗人,与尤袤、范成大、陆游合称南宋“中兴四大诗人”、
4、“南宋四大家”。作者简介稚子:指幼稚、天真的孩子。脱晓冰:在这里指儿童晨起,从结成坚冰的铜盆里剜冰。铮:指古代的一种像锣的乐器。字词理解磬(qng):四声。古代打击乐器,形状像曲尺,用玉、石制成,可以悬挂在墙上。玻璃:指古时候的一种天然玉石,也叫水玉,并不是现在的玻璃。字词理解White space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly
5、 most common in minimalist design. Keeping whiteWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds very simple and then use it p
6、roperlyWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white01030204目录预习古诗初步感知品词赏句书写指导初步感知稚子金盆脱晓冰,彩丝穿取当银铮。敲成玉磬穿林响,忽作玻璃碎地声。 初步感知 儿童早晨起来,从结成坚冰的铜盆里
7、剜冰,用彩线穿起来当铮。提着银锣似的冰块在树林里边敲边跑,忽然冰锣敲碎碎落地,那声音就像美玉落地摔碎一样。White space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping whiteWhite space is an advanced method of d
8、esign. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds very simple and then use it properlyWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the mos
9、t common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white01030204目录预习古诗初步感知品词赏句书写指导句子解析稚子金盆脱晓冰,彩丝穿取当银钲。 金盆,古时把金属的东西统称作金,这里指铜盆。脱,脱离,取出。晓,清晨。钲,锣。 清晨起来,儿童从铜盆里取出夜间冻好的冰块,用彩色丝线穿上当作银锣。天寒才能结冰,冰块又是很凉的,儿童却早早起来去玩它,写出儿童不怕冷;一块凉凉的冰有什么好玩的呢?有的
10、,可以穿上丝线当锣敲。这是只有儿才想得出的,而且是“彩”线,“银”锣,又很美。说明这个儿童既顽皮,又聪明精灵。句子解析敲成玉磬穿林响 磬(读qng),乐器名,古时常用玉石雕成。悬于架上,以物敲击。这句详细描写儿童提着银锣似的冰块玩耍的情景。说他手提“银锣”在树林里边敲边跑,“银锣”发出玉磬般美妙的乐声。无疑,这声音清脆悦耳,传得很远。“穿”字,有人在林间奔跑的意思,也有声音的传播。诗句将儿童得到“银锣”,兴高采烈的情态传神地描绘出来,让人想见他那狂喜的身影。句子解析忽作玻璃碎地声 意外的情况发生了,诗的发展出现了波折。玻璃,古时指天然的玉类美石。碎地,落在地上摔碎。意思为儿童手里的冰块忽然掉在
11、地上,摔碎了,那声音就像美玉落地摔碎一样。儿童的心情怎样呢?诗人没有写,但可以想象出,一定是感到突然,有些遗憾,先是果呆地站在那里望着地上碎裂的冰块。几乎同时送到耳朵的声响竟是那样优美,又个意想不到,也许他会瞬间转忧为喜,高兴得又蹦又跳了。句子解析忽作玻璃碎地声 这最后一句,意外,又合情理。沉甸甸的冰块,用丝线提着,掉下是很自然的冬天地面冻得很硬,冰块又硬又脆,落地摔碎也很容易。但儿童不考虑这些,只顾高兴地跑呀,敲呀,结果摔碎了。活画出儿童天真可爱的形象,而且情趣横生,余味无穷,给人以美的享受。01 诗中孩子弄冰的场景,充满了乐趣:心态上,寒天“弄冰”,童心炽热;色泽上,“金”盘“彩”丝串“银
12、”冰;形态上,是用“金盘”脱出的“银铮”,圆形;声音上,有 “玉罄穿林响”的高亢,忽又转 作“玻璃碎地声”的清脆。全诗形色兼具以感目,声意俱美以悦耳赏心,绘声绘色地表现出儿童以冰为钲、自得其乐的盎然意趣。02 全诗突出一个“稚”字。稚气和乐趣能使儿童忘却严冬的寒冷,保持他一如既往的活力和快乐。孩童与老人在心理特征上有诸多的相通之处,唯其如此,孩童的“脱冰作戏”的场景在老人的眼里才有依依情趣。03 正是以这种老少相通的心理特征为审美基点,杨万里通过“以稚为老”的手法使童趣化为诗趣,一方面从稚子的心理出发,描写“脱冰”的动作细节;另一方面基于世人的心理去感受,欣赏其行为细节,这样孩童的稚气与老人的
13、“天真”相映成趣,融为形之于笔端的盎然诗意。诗人发自内心地尊重儿童的天真,才能把孩子玩冰的情趣描绘得如此真切酣畅。White space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping whiteWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It is the most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds and then use it properly most common in minimalist design. Keeping white space sounds very simple and then use it properlyWhite space is an advanced method of design. It is a blank space. It
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