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1、健身营养学课程实施方案一、课程简介课程名称健身营养学(Fitness Nutriology)课程代码课程性质双语(是) 多媒体(是)新课(是) 精品课(否)学分与学时学分:2学时:32先行课程大学英语课程简介(含教学目标和主要内容等)要求学生学习人体营养学基本知识,理解与健身活动相关的营养结构原理,了解基本烹饪方法的营养特点,学会为自己和他人设计健身营养配餐。课程通过生动的案例讲解激发学生的兴趣,形成跟踪学习营养学发展前沿知识的习惯,培养传播健身营养学知识的社会责任感。主要内容包括:(1)健康饮食导论。(2) 饮食文化。(3) 身体构成值得关注)。(4)身体指数: 保持乐观的态度。(5)基础代

2、谢率。(6)健身与能量代谢 。(7)超重问题。(8)膳食构成分析。(9)健身与蛋白质。(10)健身与维生素。(11)矿物质真的很重要(专业课必填)英 文 简 介Students are required to learn basic knowledge of nutriology, understand nutrition structure involved with physical activities, and develop the ability to design nutritious food for body builders, oneself or others. And

3、students will be happy in attending case analysis and, accordingly form the habit to pursue frontier knowledge in nutriology, and he or she would in later time become a responsible citizen in communicating the knowledge in nutriology and contributing to the society.Main Contents: (1) Eat to be Healt

4、hy. (2) Talking about Diet Cultures. (3) It is worthwhile to Care about Body Composition. (4) Optimistic on Body Indexes . (5) Understanding Resting Metabolic Rate. (6) Body Building and Metabolism. (7) Glance on Overweight. (8) Diet Components Analysis. (9) Protein Perspective. (10) Vitamin Perspec

5、tive. (11) Minerals Really Matter.教师姓名幸强国职称教授/博导学历博士研究生学位博士研究方向公共经济政策、城市发展与地方治理研究主要承担课程(近三年、含研究生)Researches on Urban Economy in Western China(Dr.);Analysis of Urban Economy(Ms.)、Performance Evaluation(Ms.);Urban Economy(undergraduate)、Engineering Economics(undergraduate)、Time Value of Money(undergra

6、duate)。二、教学大纲教学目标要求学生学习人体营养学基本知识,理解与健身活动相关的营养结构原理,了解基本烹饪方法的营养特点,学会为自己和他人设计健身营养配餐。课程通过生动的案例讲解激发学生的兴趣,形成跟踪学习营养学发展前沿知识的习惯,培养传播健身营养学知识的社会责任感。Students are required to learn basic knowledge of nutriology, understand nutrition structure involved with physical activities, and develop the ability to design n

7、utritious food for body builders, oneself or others. And students will be happy in attending case analysis and, accordingly form the habit to pursue frontier knowledge in nutriology, and he or she would in later time become a responsible citizen in communicating the knowledge in nutriology and contr

8、ibuting to the society.(分章节)主 要 教 学 内 容1 Eat to be Healthy(健康饮食导论)American Survey on Nutrition (美国的一项营养调查))Why Eat: The Simple Explanation(为什么要吃饭)The Need for Energy (身体能量需求)Metabolic Fuels(消化需要能量)Understanding Protein(蛋白质的概念)Vitamins and Minerals(维生素和矿物质)Case Analysis:Evaluation of SWUFEs Dishes ;

9、Nutrition Consciousness;Beauty Comes from Eating (案例分析:点评西财的饮食;营养学意识; 吃出健美) 2Talking about Diet Cultures(饮食文化)French Food Paradox(法国饮食悖论)Why Hanger(饥饿原理)Appetite(食欲)Regional Diet Styles(区域饮食方式)Mediterranean Diet (地中海饮食)Case Analysis: Evaluation of Chinese Dishes; Cooking Art and Nutritional Value (案

10、例分析:中式菜肴评估;烹饪方式和营养)(分章节)主 要 教 学 内 容3 It is worthwhile to Care about Body Composition (身体构成值得关心)3.1 USA Survey on Physical Activity (美国的一个关于身体锻炼的调查案例)3.2 Introduction to Body Composition (浅说身体构成)3.3 Five Levels of Body Composition (身体构成的5个层次)3.4 BMD (bone mineral density) TEST (骨密度测试)Case Analysis: W

11、hy BMD Building Should Begin from Babyhood? Fitness Makes You Happy(案例分析: 为什么骨密度要从娃娃抓起?快乐健身)4 Optimistic on Body Indexes (身体指数: 保持乐观的态度) 4.1 BMI (身高体重指数)4.2 Skinfold Thickness (皮褶厚度)4.3 WHR (腰臀比)4.4 Percentage Body Fat (脂肪指数)4.5 Wisdom on Body Indexes (认识身体指数的智慧)Case Analysis:A Skinning girls proble

12、ms; Body Builders BMI (案例分析:一个骨感女孩的问题; 健身者的BMI指数) 5 Understanding Resting Metabolic Rate (基础代谢率)5.1 Energy Expenditure (能量消耗)5.2 Energy Balance (能量平衡)5.3 Resting Metabolic Rate (基础代谢率)5.4 Thermic Effect of Feeding (消化活动中的能耗)Case Analysis:How to calculate your daily calories allowance? Quartered Food

13、 Dishes: China and USA Comparison (案例分析:怎样计算日均热量需求?食物四分盘:中美比较)6 Body Building and Metabolism (健身与能量代谢) 6.1 Energy Expenditure Related to Physical Activity (身体锻炼中的能量消耗)6.2 Measurement by Doubly Labeled Water (双标水测定法)6.3 Daily Energy Budget (日能量预算)6.4 Energy Budget for Body Builder (健身者的能量预算)Case Anal

14、ysis:MET Measurement in Fitness; Rational Arrangement of Three Meals (案例分析:健身活动的迈托测定; 三餐的合理分配)7 Glance on Obesity (肥胖一撇) 7.1 USA Survey on Obesity (美国人的肥胖问题)7.2 Acceptable BMI Ranges (可接受的BMI区间)7.3 Role of Physical Activity (锻炼的功能)7.4 International Correlations between Diet and Disease Incidence (膳食

15、与疾病的相关性)7.5 Body Weight and Premature Death (体重与寿命的关系)Case Analysis:The Harmful Effect of Fry Food;The Bigger and Bigger Hamburg(案例分析:油炸食品的危害;越来越大的汉堡包)三、教学进度计划周次星期章节内容授课方式课时作业要求教师备注1四(1) Eat to be Healthy. Seminar 3Topic research (for the group to do class report); and Preview (for other students)幸强

16、国Report is required to have case analysis2四(2) Talking about Diet Cultures.Seminar3幸强国3四(3) It is worthwhile to Care about Body Composition.Seminar3幸强国4四(4) Optimistic on Body Indexes.Seminar3Topic research (for the group to do class report); and Preview (for other students)幸强国Report is required to

17、have case analysis5四(5) Understanding Resting Metabolic Rate.Seminar3幸强国6四(6) Body Building and Metabolism.Seminar3幸强国7四(7) Glance on Overweight.Seminar3Topic research (for the group to do class report); and Preview (for other students)幸强国Report is required to have case analysis8四(8) Diet Components

18、 Analysis.Seminar3幸强国9四(9) Protein Perspective.(10) Vitamin Perspective.Seminar3幸强国10四(11) Minerals Really Matter.Seminar3幸强国11四Final Test(Open test in English) 2幸强国Finish test paper independently Grade Structure Participation:10%;Class report:40%, Final test :50%(分章节)主 要 教 学 内 容8 Diet Components An

19、alysis (膳食构成分析) 8.1 Fat Intake (脂肪摄入)8.2 The Type of Fat in the Diet (膳食中的脂肪类别)8.3 Sugars in the Diet (膳食中的糖)8.4 Dietary Fiber (膳食纤维)8.5Salt in the Diet (膳食中的盐)8.6 Alcohol Drinking (饮酒)Case Analysis:Body Builders Dishes; The Paradox of Alcohol Drinking (案例分析:健身者的餐盘; 饮酒悖论)9 Protein Perspective (健身与蛋白

20、质) 9.1 Proteins in Biology (生物蛋白质)9.2 Nitrogen Balance (氮平衡)9.3 Protein Requirement and Dietary Staple (蛋白质需求和膳食结构)9.4 Protein Requirements for Various Age and Physiological Groups (不同人群的蛋白质需求)9.5 Protein Requirement for Body Builder (健身者的蛋白质需求)Case Analysis:Milk Consumption in China;Steamed Fish;So

21、ybean Products in China (案例分析:中国的牛奶消费;清蒸鱼;中国的豆制品系列)10 Vitamin Perspective (健身与维生素)10.1 Discovery of Vitamins (维生素的发现)10.2 Major Vitamins (主要维生素)10.3 Major Resource of Vitamins (维生素来源)10.4 Variety of Foods for Body Builder (健身者的广谱膳食)Case Analysis:Is it necessary to require 30 Daily Food Sources? A Gl

22、ance on Vegetable Variety (案例分析:每日30种食物是必要的吗?谈谈蔬菜分类)11 Minerals Really Matter (矿物质真的很重要)11.1 Minerals in General (矿物质概念)11.2 Dietary Minerals (食物矿物质)11.3Micro-Minerals (宏观矿物质)11.4 Trace minerals (痕量矿物质)11.5 Calcium Requirement (钙需求)Case Analysis:Could Soybean be a Major Source of Calcium? Calcium Supplement for Body Builder;The Myth of Selenium Supplement;Snacks Taste (案例分析:黄豆能作为食物钙的主要来源吗?健身者的钙补充策略;补硒的神话;享受零食) 教 学 资 源教材(自编):Xing Qiangguo: Fitn


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