讲义教程说明jasmine-cambridge interview_第1页
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1、you for three or more years 这个学位对你以后选择职业帮助?高中 ?别是什么?在大学期间想参加什么课外活动?给三个录取你的理由。 你的朋友们怎么形容你?如果没有录取你,你会怎么样?erviewer 最后会给你机会提问,记得实现以及准备好通杀的体现自己对 econ 理解很深他/身世和学术(which stem fromyour reading and should be related to YOU and YOUR stories);同一个erviewer 提基本都是一样的,甚至每年都是一样的。relationship btw t and individualsIs

2、Britains economic recovery for real? LR I: stable policy, reg, training多久GDP of CN will catch up with US (一点点背景知识补充:IMF projected 2yrs)其实就是指数的运用还有如何challenge amptionsWhy is CN economy expanding? slowing down?Marshall-lerner condition: proof & still hold?ATC=MCgralotting各种数学函数图像non-repeated game, IS-

3、LM可能会考解释曲线是怎么产生的?你怎么看财政和货币政策的关系?讲讲电视机行业的竞争。现在的货币政策有效果么?英国加入欧盟的优点和缺点是什么?一个好的的基本要素是什么?What if, anythingt nationalt is able to deal with global warming?货币政策对经济的影响网友经历:画了一个图,然后跟我说一些关于这个图形的基本反应的东西,跟我一些提示和范例后,让我推测在上图里投资和 capitaldepretion 的关系和其在一个经济体里的稳定性毕业后,进入大学前你打算做些什么事情?5 年后你觉得自己是什么样子总结你的 A-level 阅读,最后读

4、的三本书是什么?觉得自己的优点和弱点分how you came to beerested in it and how you are sure it will erest why EconWhy CamWhy College (If not applying via OpenApp)Camerview网友经历:guiding question 上面有诸如ive easing(量 portfolio balance(资产平衡)之类definition,然后 化货币政策)后面就是提到文章中的一些点。因为很多面试的东西我已经不记得了(选 考官叫 Fillipa Sa,择性失忆?)所以我就讲我记得的。

5、在面试的时候,一下=.=在大家可以经济系上能找到她,应该是欧洲人因为 ive货币嘛=.=之后 带有很浓厚的口音。面试的时候她第一个问题就是easing,当然已经写在 guiding question 里面啦。就是论。原因是因为储蓄购入本国债券会使得债券供应减少,从而价格上 扬,导致居民总增加,从而导致居民对外国债券需求增加,因而抬高 汇率使得资产价值上涨从而达到平衡。然后她问为什么说量化货币政策会 导致 emerging market(新兴市场,诸如中国、等)的 problems,这 是因为加印美钞,美钞数量上涨其价值相对下降,也就是的汇率。汇 率下降的出口力就会增加因为相对来说便宜来外国人来

6、这里买东 西就便宜一些。这样就会导致很多靠出口的新兴市场诸如中国、的出 口力大大下降,可能会给他们带来经济以及就业问题。所以说也 汇率啊另一个潜在问题是因为相对贬值。这样物价就会上涨 由 于货币流通的 time lag 会导致人们相对失去力某学校宣传:如果国债不够,国家应该怎么做,你又该怎么做?答:1、向希腊等这样的国家学习,向国际求援。2、作为公民假如国家出 家渡过难关。3、调整国家的政治现这种情况,我把积蓄全部买国债支某学校宣传:“我选经济学是想将来为国家及第三世界国家能在世界 经济舞台上有举足轻重的位置。”教授点点头说:“咱们一起做个题吧:计算两个国家的 GDP,假设这两个国家和,问题是

7、得出的理论 值是否可以在实际当中达到?”用对数的知识解释,说不能达到,这 准备了那么多那么多经济史,经济,中国经济,发展策略,英国转,就这么被brush 掉了。我彻底被幸运和吐血双重击倒。 型 等等等externality 都是些基本问题,比如你觉得 UK 的PED export 怎样,import怎样,为什么。 后来问Marshall-Lerner Condition。 这里我就不知道了。虽然前一天晚上饶有兴致地在拜读笔记,看此 Condition 是怎么证明的。但是 P 问了个问题: 如果 UK 的 export PED 很大, import PED 很小,个值会偏大,因为中国的经济体制不

8、是很完善网友经历: 考了externality 和Marshall-Lerner Condition。 这简直是体制和经济政策,吸引外企投资或国内投资,把国债平过去,提高税率,总之要有相应的政策出台。她问,为什么在 portfolio balance 的基础上如果央行购入债券会使得households 的spending 和wealth 增加 portfolio balance 是资产组合平衡,- According to the ernment (website acsed on 28th March 2013)We are considering roducing a minimum un

9、it price for alcohol. Minimumunit pricing would raise the price of very cheap alcohol and so limit its纯数,重点有:函数和图像,运算,微积分;统计,重点有:正态分布,统计学原理和基本概念在投资等领域的应用;经济基本概念的数学推导(会有引导);一点提示:切忌不懂装懂,很多高深 jargons 或者concepts 别乱来。就算忘了定义(e.g.我当时就是忘了 multip r 的意思,很基础的),你 然大悟的反应(体现在面部和口头及答题)和思路才是重点。总体来讲经济面试考什么? 除了很无聊的一点

10、点经济学概念定义和应用availability. The impact of minimum unit pricing would depend on the price level. However, there is evidence to suggestrmful drinkers would be most affected by a minimum unit price and moderate drinkers least affected. What are the aspects of market failuret might justifyervention?How mig

11、ht minimum pribe evaluated usingSTEPS?Are there alternatives to minimum pri? Which of these do you feel might be more effectivesible in combination with otholicies?此 Condition 还成立吗? 到现在还不知道。有望大神解答。2. 题目一: y=90 + x2, x 是生产数量,y 是成本。问应该生产多少件。 典型的micro虽然没交但自己看过很多遍了。当时一开始还全弄错了。大概三分钟后才被提醒反应到要考虑 ATC! 抓狂了。但

12、最后还是磕磕绊绊地解完。大概是这样的: ATC= 90/x + x = MC=y= 0+ 2x 解出来 x=90 其中有很 多小问题,包括画图,曲线形状,交点含义等等,不一一罗列。比较有趣包括为什么 x 是这个 值,而不是小一点或者多一点(用日常语言解释)。 还有你直接看原式,能知道什么关于 economy of scale 的信息?(90 是fixed cost。所以如果生产多了平摊到每个 unit 成本就少了) 当时我看了半天原式不知道问题什么意思。突然然大悟,瞥到 P在那里很满意地点头。3. 题目三: Game Theory。 Kate and Dan are playing a gam

13、e. Dan is given 20*5pounds=100 notes. He has to give Kate a sum. Kate can choose to accept or rejet. If she accepts, they will get the sum Dan decides. If she rejects, both will get 25 pounds. Ask: how much should Dan give? 这个很简单的,顺利做出。是 25 或者 30Take the initiative to go beyond your textbooks and ci

14、rcumstan luck:)! Good- Jasmineerview questionsSourceURL:ments/some-practice-erview-questions2011Lots of students are preparing for their economics universityerviewshedays ahead. Here is a selection of some of the questions I have been firing atthe Euro Zone debt crisis?against other currencies?4. Sh

15、ould the B of England raise erest rates from their current low level to 3% to increase aggregate demand?5. Should the Bof England abandon the idea ofing inflation at 2%?6. Is the phrase “expanary fiscal contraction” a contradiction erms?3. The base rate is 0.5%, UK 10 year bond yields are 2%, mortga

16、ges rate average 5%, overdrafts average 18% pa and some door-step loans have an annual percentageerest rate in exs of 2,000% How can these differenbe explained?2. If the Euro Zone is in such trouble, why isnt the Euro depreting ralymy own students recently. There is no particular order of importance

17、 and they not designed to replicate what might be asked, they are simply the questions I like to ask to see if students have an understanding andt goes beyond the mundane nature of AS and A2 courses. I usually throw in some logic andive puzzles at the same time for variety!1. Can Gee Akerlofs famous

18、 study of the market for lemons be appd to口语表达能力和临场应变能力;有没有(和PS 里边写的一样的)对经济的热爱和钻研精神。7. House pri in Britain have fallen 10% from their peak in 2007. Howshould we react delight or worry?8.odern economics, it is axiomatict greater choice is benefil. Is itin real life?bidder must pay. What is the likel

19、y result of this game?crisis?legal?behaviour as teachers?Are slums one of societys greatest inventions?Why is a schoolteacher in Switzerland paid muoren ann one?If a schoolteacher in Britain was to be paid a bonus on sucsfulcompletion of their students degree course, wouldt change theirDoes cost cut

20、ting in businesses increase their efficiency?Should all forms of cooperative behaviour betn businesses be madeWhy do senior executives insist on paying themselves so much? What if anything can and should be done about it?What, if anything, distinguishes innovation from novelty?What are more useful i

21、nanizations - teams or committees?11. Natural calamities are commonplace, and societies mostly cope with their effects. So why have we found it so hard to cope with the global finanl10. In a game called the dollar bill auction, the players agree to auction a dollar bill with one-cent increments to t

22、he bids. The dollar goes to the highest bidder. The twist ist both the highest bidder and the second-highest9. Which system would you prefer votary blood donations or a market systemt pays people for supplying their blood for transfus?them consumer?. (i) How can it do this? (ii) Is this a good deal

23、for a rural n 24. Supe 1,000 people each toss a coin once a year starting in 1995. Afterfifteen years (in 2010) what are the odds t a particular cointosser would have tossed all heads? What are the chant someoneamong the 1,000 who had started tossing coins in 1995 would have tossedhave been throwing

24、 at some of my students preparing for Economics &on German and Swiss two year bonds turned negative. What explainssuch low bond yields?Many non-economists are inclined to blame economics for the messwere in - are they right?How valid is the idea of diminishing returnshe short run production function

25、 forernet businesses?Should the Bof England now start to raiseerest rates in a bid to boost aggregate demand?erest rates or yields - on ten year bonds ied by the UK ernment are at the lowest level since 1703. Over the summer yieldsManagement and Economicserviews over the last few days! I hope you fi

26、nd themeresting!all heads are much higher?25. In a family with two children, if one of them is a girl called Mice, what is the probabilityt bore girls?2012These are not the real thing! But here is a selection of the questionst I23. Is a Tobax an idea whose time has arrived?22. Adidas sayst it will p

27、roduce a pair of Reebok trainers for $1 and sellA complex piece of machinery like an oil rig or a nuclear reactor sometimes malfunctions. Is the British economy malfunctioning? Can it be repaired?What are bs for?8. The Romans forced engineers to sleep under a bridge once it wasiledcorporate investment projects?9. Small is beautiful, but it is also efficient - why is ernment andbusiness so obsessed by economies of scale?10.To help recovery, the focus should be on debt and leverage economy and turning ins


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