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1、UNIT 10.11Business English: A Reading Course第1页BACKGROUND INFORMATIONI. Attitude is everything?Happiness and humor are brothers. II. Happiness, happy.Happiness exists everywhere. Everyone has a different definition to the true meaning of happiness. III. HumorHow to be humorousFor women, the most imp

2、ortant is confidence.第2页WARM-UP QUESTIONS1. Why do people say attitude is everything? How can we look on the positive side of life?2. Do you think women are less humorous than men? What are the advantages in learning to be funny in the workplace?Business English: A Reading Course第3页4READING SKILLS:

3、INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 成语(idioms)谚语(proverbs)典故(allusion)习语Business English: A Reading CourseUnit 10第4页习语起源A、文学名著Unit 10第5页B、圣经故事Unit 10第6页C、古希腊、罗马神话传说Unit 10第7页D、民间习俗和传说Make hay while the sun shines. 机不可失。As cool as a cucumber 泰然自若。Strike while the iron is ho

4、t. 趁热打铁。You can not eat your cake and have it. 二者不可兼得。Unit 10第8页E、民间故事Columbuss egg 哥伦布竖鸡蛋,喻指万事开头难。Black Friday 黑色星期五,喻指倒霉日子。Unit 10第9页习语特征 A. stationarity固定性 习语结构都是固定,不能被更改或替换,即使是同义词也不行,比如:不能把rain cats and dogs改成rain dogs and cats或rain a cat and a dog等等。也就是说,习语任何一个组成部分都是固定,随意更改会出现词不达意甚至啼笑皆非结果。如:out

5、 of question 毫无疑问out of the question 没问题Business English: A Reading CourseUnit 11第10页B. Integrality整体性/完整性 习语作为完整语义单位不可随意分割截取使用,应防止望文生义或断章取义。如: to lose ones head 惊慌失措 (不是 “失去了头” ) let the cat out of the bag 泄密(意义与猫和袋子毫不相干) be/feel under the weather 感觉不舒适,生病 beat generation 迷惘/垮掉一代 on the carpet(地毯)

6、受训斥 Business English: A Reading CourseUnit 11第11页C. NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY民族性人民大众在长久劳动中创造出来,与一个民族地理环境、历史背景、经济生活、风俗习惯、宗教信仰以及价值观念等方面都有不可分割联络。普通都用较恰当比喻,引发人们联想,但这种联想是由各民族现实环境和生活经验决定。如形容事物快速而大量地产生: like mushrooms (英语),雨后春笋(汉语)。英国:大海、水相关习语,如:to spend money like water挥金如土; to rest on ones oars暂时一歇; over hea

7、d and ears灭顶之灾; over head and ears in debt负债累累;狗:英国爱狗a lucky dog幸运儿; 中国人模狗样,狗仗人势Business English: A Reading CourseUnit 11第12页D. RHETORICITY修辞性 习语经常利用音韵友好来到达朗朗上口、易懂易记、栩栩如生目标,许多英语习语利用头韵、尾韵、重复等手法来增加语言语音美感和修辞效果。如:as busy as a bee(忙如蜜蜂), might and main(竭尽全力), trials and tribulations(烦躁和苦恼)均为头韵;high and d

8、ry(孤立无援),by hook and by crook(不择伎俩)均为尾韵;step by step(逐步),neck and neck(齐头并进)均为重复。比喻是英语习语最主要修辞伎俩,大部分习语都是利用形象化比喻使得语言栩栩如生。如,把车站搬运工叫做red cap,因为干这一行都是带红色帽子;把酒店侍者叫做bell boy,因为客人一按门铃,侍者就会跑过来服务,等。Business English: A Reading CourseUnit 11第13页14READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS EN

9、GLISH READING 俗语(colloquialisms)谚语(proverbs)俚语(slang expressions)习语idioms来自其它教材第14页习语特征A、INTEGRALITY完整性 习语作为完整语义单位不可随意分割截取使用,应防止望文生义或断章取义。如: be/feel under the weather 感觉不舒适,生病 beat generation 迷惘/垮掉一代 on the carpet(地毯) 受训斥 来自其它教材第15页B、CONVENTION习用性它指习语广泛地被英语国家人民所沿用,含有广泛社会基础和强大生命力。如:rain cats and dogs

10、 倾盆大雨play cards close to ones chest 保守秘密A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。a lions share 最大份额A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.自作自受来自其它教材第16页C、STATIONARITY固定性习语结构都是固定,不能被更改或替换,即使是同义词也不行,比如不能把rain cats and dogs改成rain dogs and cats或rain a cat and a dog等

11、等。也就是说,习语任何一个组成部分都是固定,随意更改会出现词不达意甚至啼笑皆非结果。如:out of question 毫无疑问out of the question 没问题来自其它教材第17页Questions:1. Why did waiters like to follow Jerry? 2. Whats Jerrys attitude towards choice? 3. Why did Jerry say he was allergic to bullets? 4. According to the author, who has saved Jerry in the end?Bus

12、iness English: A Reading CourseTEXT A: BE HAPPY CAUSE I CHOOSE HAPPINESS第18页TEXT A: BE HAPPY CAUSE I CHOOSE HAPPINESSNotes on the Text:1. Jerry is the kind of guy you love to hate. 杰里是那种让你又爱又恨家伙。 love to hate:又爱又恨,深爱。如:Struggle with this town because you love to hate it but to let it go. 与这个城市争斗,因为你

13、对它又爱又恨,却不愿放弃。Business English: A Reading Course第19页TEXT A: BE HAPPY CAUSE I CHOOSE HAPPINESSNotes on the Text:2. We lose touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. 我们失去了联络,不过当我对生活做出选择而不是机械反应时候,我经常想起他。3. While trying to open the safe, his hand, sha

14、king from nervousness, slipped off the combination. 当他试图打开保险箱时,他手担心得发抖,把号码锁号码组合也掉了。Business English: A Reading Course第20页TEXT B: HUMOUR MENotes on the Text:1. Breaking into your offices testosterone-fuelled comedy clique can be toughand even more so if youre a woman. 要加入你办公室里以男性为特征搞笑团体是困难,假如你是女人就更困难

15、。testosterone-fuelled:原意是 “受睾丸激素刺激”,这里比喻以男性为特征。2. stand-up comic: 以说笑话为主喜剧演员。Business English: A Reading Course第21页TEXT B: HUMOUR MENotes on the Text:3. “In the workplace men and women can feel put-on by the cynical and sarcastic humour of a male boss and not know how to react,” he says. 他说: “在工作场所,

16、不论男女,在面对老板玩世不恭和极具讽刺幽默时,都会感到极难堪,不知道怎样应对。”Business English: A Reading Course第22页TEXT B: HUMOUR MENotes on the Text:4. If you tell a boss you dont like that what hes doing, its confrontational, whereas to do it with humour, the biter is being bitten back. 假如你对你上司说你不喜欢他所做事,那就产生了反抗,然而用幽默方式去说,你就能够以牙还牙。Bus

17、iness English: A Reading Course第23页KEYS TO EXERCISESI. 1. The reason the waiters followed questions about the text. 2. He thought that it was ones choice how one lived life. 3. Because he was choosing to live and wanted the doctors to operate on him as if he was alive, not dead.II. 1. reflect on 2.

18、get it 3. hold up 4. went up to5. are supposed6. slipped offBusiness English: A Reading CourseTEXT A第24页KEYS TO EXERCISESIII. 1. 每当有些人向我埋怨时,我能够选择接收埋怨,也能够指出生活中主动一面。2. 经过18小时手术和几个星期细心照料,吉瑞出院了,子弹碎片依然留在他身体里。3. 我拒绝看他伤口,不过问他抢劫发生时他在想什么。Business English: A Reading CourseTEXT A第25页TEXT B I. T F F F F II. B C B A A III. B C B A DIV. 1. 企业培训师2. 客户经理3. 性别差异 4. 幽默是一件残酷事情,应正确方法是学会然后做出正确反应,以牙还牙。 5. 美国安海斯-布希企业全国客户经理维基戴维斯,在其工作场所所利用这些技巧,取得了成功。她工作环境以男性为主,情况往往演变成一个“我对他们”对立。6. 但它不但仅是关于演讲技巧,还在于让你观点为大家所了解不要试图太逗人发笑,只要顺应自己感受。Business English: A Reading CourseKEYS TO EXERCISES第26


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