1、.七年级下册英语报纸-学英语报纸答案七年级七年级语文报纸答案七年级语文报纸答案一、语文知识积累与运用1、根据语境及拼音在横线上填入恰当的字。(4 分) ru( )的眼睛,莫让一切都随风。一时一事的得失,似乎永远困 ro( )着我们,永远是生命的 fn( )恼之泉。一个人最难认识的是自己,悲惨的结局在于自以为 找 到 了答 案 而 其实 完 全 南辕 北zh( ) 。2.修改下面病句。(1)我们一定要发扬和继承神农炎帝坚韧不拔、开拓创新的精神。修改意见:(2)是否重视课内外阅读,是学好语文的关键。修改意见:.3、填写古诗句。 马 上 相 逢 无 纸。笔,思君不见下渝州。 独 坐 幽 篁里,。云南
2、地震牵动着全球民众的心!灾害发生后,全国各地派遣的救援人员十万火急地奔赴灾区。用木兰诗中“,。”一句来形容最为恰当。染军旅生活悲壮严酷气氛,烘托木兰勇敢 、 坚 强 性 格 的 名 句是 :,。一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去 ; 而 那 过 去 了的,。4、综合性学习:在我们常用的俗.语中,有许多和黄河有关,请任意写出一条并说说它的意义。(4 分)俗语:含义:5、下面衣一份是对 200 名初中生课外阅读调查情况表,请根据这个表回答下面的问题。阅读内容人数百分比卡通书11256%时文杂志3216%武侠小说3015%文学名著2613%.从表中可以得出一个结论,即。是。6、名著填空:(4 分)(1)
4、四大名著中任选一个你喜欢的人物,并列举出有关他的一个故事情节。 例:人物:孙悟空事情节:大闹天宫人物:故故事情节:二、现代文阅读阅读最后一课中的几段文字,完成 710 题。件事,谈到法国语言上来了。他说,法国语言是世界上最美的语言 最明白,最精确;又说,我们必须把它记在心里,永远别忘了它。亡了国当了奴隶的人民,只要牢牢记住他们的语言,就好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙。说到这里,他就翻开书讲语法。真奇怪,.今天听讲,我全都懂。他讲的似乎挺容易,挺容易。我觉得我从来没有这样细心听讲过,他也从来没有这样耐心讲解过。这可怜的人好像恨不得把自己知道的东西在他离开之前全教给我们,一下子塞进我们的脑子里。忽
5、然教堂的钟敲了 12 下。祈祷的钟声也响了。窗外又传来普鲁士的号声他们已经收操了。韩麦尔先生站起来,脸色惨白,我觉得他从没有这么高大。“我的朋友啊,”他说,“我我”但是他哽住了,他说不下去了。他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支粉笔,使出全身的力量,写了两个大字:“”也不说,只向我们做了一个手势:“放学了,你们走吧。”7、.韩麦尔先生说:“亡了国当了.就好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙。”“ 监 狱 大 门 ” 比 喻_,“ 钥 匙 ” 比 喻_,全句的深刻含义是_ _。8韩麦尔先生说,法国语言是世界上最美的语言歌曲中国娃中有这样的歌词:“最爱说的话永远是中国话,字正腔圆落地有声说话最算话,最爱写的字是先生
6、教的方块字,横平竖直堂堂正正做人要像它。”韩麦尔先生的话和歌词都表现了。9、“我”觉得他从没有这么高大的原因是:_。10、“他转身朝着黑板,拿起一支粉笔,使出全身的力量,写了两个大字:“法兰西岁!”.这段属于_描写;表 现 了 韩 麦 尔 先 生_ 的思想感情。(二) (16分) 牵 挂 一天清晨,从梦中醒来惊出了一身冷汗。梦境历历,如在眼前 天空飘着细雨,我回老家去,父亲说头痛得厉害。我吓坏了,忙用摩托车带他去医院,并且一路上默默祈祷有事! 之所以会做这个梦,是因为父亲当时刚下岗在家,A_。那几日,小弟要结婚,家中正在装修房子。父亲平日就爱喝两口,加上心中不舒畅和麻烦事,B_也是在所难免。X
7、|k |B| 1 . c|O |m C_会 有 什 么事 ? 话 虽这 么 说 ,还 是.D_。早饭后,马上往家中打了个电话,正是父亲接的,听到父亲的声音,我的一颗悬着的心才算放了下来。支吾了几句,放下电话,心里格外轻松。 事后想是否如妻所说,自己的心未免太小太细了呢?整日牵挂这,牵不觉哑然失笑,又不是不食人间烟火,心小又有何妨?在这个世界上,有人让你牵挂,或者知道有人在牵挂着自己,不同样是一种幸福吗? 我想起去年春节前的一件事。那天,天格外冷。因为放了寒假,睡了个懒觉,快到 9 点了,听到有人敲门,打开门一看,是父亲。父亲搓着手,劈头就问,怎么没人接电话。我说电话在客厅里,卧室门又关得严实,
8、睡得死没听到。父亲缓缓地说,电话半天没人接,没事就好。说完就走了。望着父亲的背影,我的眼睛一片朦胧。 这就是牵挂。它是干渴中的一.汪清泉,冬日里的一轮暖阳,滋润、温是一个生命对另一个生命的关爱。是不是可以这样说,人世间因为有了这份牵挂才美丽,生命也因了这份牵挂而精彩呢。11. 入文中 、D 处。备选词语: 忐忑不安 心情郁闷 心有余悸 借酒浇愁A_ B_C_ D_12. 请用简洁的语言概括文中主要的两件事。第 一 件 _第 二 件_13. 作者选择的两件事情非常琐屑,请分析它们有什么作用。._14. 第段中划线的 “劈头就问”和“缓缓地说”分别表现了父亲怎样的心理?_15. 写一句话。这 就
9、是 牵 挂 。 它 是_三、古文阅读课内古文阅读伤仲永年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才.观之。自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。16、解释下列加点字词的意思。伤仲永诗立就其文理皆有可观者永环谒于邑指物作日扳仲17、翻译划线的句子。18“之”的用法不相同的一项A.于舅家见之 B.传一乡秀才观之 C.不能称前时之闻 D.忽啼求之19个什么样的道理。选做题 课外古文阅读廉 颇 思 赵.,廉颇亦思复用于赵。赵王使使者视廉颇尚可用否。廉颇之仇郭开多与使者
10、金,令毁之。廉颇见使者,一饭斗米,肉十斤,被甲上马,以示尚可用。使者还报曰:“廉将军虽老,尚善饭;然与臣坐,顷之三遗矢矣。”赵王以为老,遂不召。赵国的大将。毁:诽谤,说坏话。矢:通“屎”。20.解释下面句中加点的词。赵师数困于秦赵王使使者视廉颇尚可用否多与使者金使者还报曰21.翻译:赵王以为老,遂不召。答:素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!22.从文中哪几句话可以看出廉颇高度的爱国主义精神?答:七年级英语上报纸 42 期.姓名:分数:. 根据句意及首字母提示补全教师:日期:单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. -Whats on the chair?-There is n_ on
11、 it.2. The animals here are in a goods_, because there is nopollution( 污 染 ). 3. -Do you likeMonkey K_?-Yes, I like him very much. 4.-Do you like the hot weather?-No. I cant s_ it.5. -What do you think of KungFu Panda?-I dont m_ it. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填6. -Do you like the song?-I cant stand _(listen) toit.
12、7. I think _(cook) is formoms. I dont want to cook. 8. Thanks for._(join) us. We had a great timetogether.9. Do you mind _(stop)talking? Were doing our homework now.10. My grandfather is 80, but he is_(health). 从 B 栏内为 A 栏内的句子选择合适的答语。1. nothing 2. situation 3. King4. stand 5. mind 6. listening 7.coo
13、king 8. joining 9. stopping 10.healthy 11-15 CDAEB姓名:分数:. 用方框内所给的适当形式填空补全句子。1. -_our math teacher atschool yesterday?-No. He went to the hospital.教师:日期:2. Professor Lang Xianpingsarticle was in last _ magazine. 3.-How about _ to me, Alan?.-OK.4. As a good teacher, you shouldknow the students likes a
14、nd _. 5.-What do you think of my _?-I like them. They make you cool. 把下面的描述与所给的汉语对号入座。AB.C.E.( ) 6. My new study is very nice. Ilike it very much. ( ) 7. -What do youthink of the sunglasses?them.-I like( ) 8. -Do you like the scarf?-Yes, I think its beautiful. ( ) 9.-How do the key rings look?-They
15、look bright and nice.( ) 10. I bought a new walletyesterday. s black. . 按要求完成下.列各题。11. 对划线部分提问)_ _Lily_ _ sports shows? 12.Ann Rice doesn对划线部分提问)13. What do you think of thescarf?( 改 为 同 义 句 ) _you _ the scarf? 14.What about watching a talk show?(改为同义句) _ _ _atalk show?15. The teacher showed the stu
16、dentsthe picture.(改为同义句) The teacher_ the picture _ thestudents. 16. I think Avenue of Stars isvery great.(改为否定句)I _ _ Avenue ofStars _ very great. 根据汉语提示补全句子17. 你爸爸认为这个皮带怎么样?_ _ your father._ _ this belt? 18. 我不能忍受情景喜剧。I _ _ the sitcom.19. 我不在乎你对此事的想法。I _ _ your ideasabout it. 20. 请你告诉我准确的时间好吗?_ _
17、_ me the correct time? D.参考答案:1. Was s 3. talking 4.dislikes 5. sunglasses 6-10 BDCEA12. What t 13. How do; like 14.How about watching 15. showed; toWhat does; think of 18. cant stand19. dont mind 20. Can you please telldoes; think of 16. dont think; is17.姓名:分数:教师:日期:. .用其适当的形式填空,补全句子。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
18、The news is too boring. I_it!Little Tom _. There arealways some books on his bed. I neverplay computer games. _ you?Jane thought the colorful skirt wasvery beautiful. _, its much toougly. -What do you _ FengXiaogangs movies? -I like them verymuch. I think they are wonderful. . 根据汉语提示补全句子。6. 你喜欢哪种电视节
19、目?_ _ _TV programs do you like? 7. 把你的新钱包拿给我看一看。Please _ your new wallet_ me. 8. 我赞成你的看法。I _ _ you. 9. 她很在乎别人怎么看待她。She _ what other people._ _ her very much. 10.实际上,他不懂英语。_ _, he doesntknow English. 空白处填上合适的单词,补全对话。Kate: Good morning, Sue! Sue: Good(11)m_.Kate: What would you(12)l_ to do this weeken
20、d? Doyou have any idea? Sue: Yes. I d like towatch Kate: That (13)s_boring.Sue: How (14)a_ going tothe movies?Kate: I (15)a_ with you. Ienjoy(16)s _movies. Sue: What(17)k_ of movies do you likebest? Kate: Of course, the action movies.Sue: What do you (18)t_of Chinese comedies? Kate: I cant(19)s_ the
21、m. Sue: Why?.Kate: (20)B_ they areawful. I like western comedies. They arereally humorous(幽默的 ). Sue: Yeah, Ialso think so. Well, lets see an actionmovie. Kate: s a deal.1. cant stand 2. enjoys reading3. How about 4. In fact 5. think of6. What kind of 7. show; to 8.agree with 9. minds; think of 10.I
22、n fact 11. morning 12. like13. sounds 14. about 15. agree16. seeing 17. kind 18. think19. stand 20. Because七年级 Unit 11 单元测试题姓名:分数:基础知识运用教师:日期:. 单项填空 21. -What do youthink of this movie?-_A. I love it.B. Its sunny.C. What about you?D. It is an.action movie. ( ) 22. -Who is thewinner(获胜者) of the Engli
23、sh speechcontest?boy.-Kevin, a _A. twelve years old B.twelve-year-old C. twelve-years-oldD. twelve year old ( ) 23. -Do you likeAnimal World?-_.Its too scary.A. Yes, I do.C. No, I dontB. Yes, it is.D. No, it isnt( ) 24. Do you mind _ the door?I feel its too cold.A. to openC. to closeB. openingD. clo
24、sing ( )25. -I really like this story. _-I like it, too.A. How do you do? B. How aboutyou? C. What do you like? D. What isyour story? ( ) 26. Excuse me, can I askyou some questions _ fashion?A. byB. at.C. aboutD. with ( ) 27.-I like Sports News very much.-_A. I like, too. B. I do, too.C. I like it.D
25、. I dont ( ) 28.-Jane, thanks for _ orprogram(节目).welcome.-YoureA. joinB. join inC. joining atD. joining ( ) 29.-What does your father think of soapoperas? -He cant _them. He never sees them.A. likeB. mindD. agree ( ) 30. IC. standenjoy _ very much, but I don twant _ now.A. swim; to swim B. swimming
26、;to swim C. to swim; swimming D. to swim;to swim. 完形填空My grandfather doesnt like.watching He thinks that peopleshouldn, and it is a waste( ) of timeto watch TVshows and soap operas, hedoesn“If you have , why don” 礼物).He always us, “Young people 好处).”( ) 31. A. onC. inB.D. tofor( ) 32. A. ButC. Becau
27、seB. SoD. Then ( ) 33. A.talk aboutB. talk withC.look forusuallyneverD. look at ( ) 34. A.B. sometimes C.D. always ( ) 35. A.lookreadB. newsB. watchD. see ( ) 36. A. booksC. rain D.C.money ( ) 37. A. eithertoo C. alsoB.D.to ( ) 38. A. inC. withB. forD. as( ) 39. A. friendC. friendlyB.D.friends.unfri
28、endly ( ) 40. A. bringB. takeD. makeC. get阅读部分 . 阅读理解。AMy uncle bought a big house in asmall village(乡村). He hoped to live aquiet and relaxing life there. In the firsttwo years, there were few people there .He felt very satisfied() with his life.In the morning, he went running for anhour. In the eve
29、ning, he went for a walknear the mountain.But now, more and more peoplecome to the small village for a visit,because it is very beautiful. Parents taketheir children there to enjoy beautifulnature(). Some young people comehere to draw pictures. Soon, the villagebecomes very noisy() and crowded,espec
30、ially(尤其) during the holiday. Theriver becomes very dirty.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 41. What was the village likein the beginning?A. It was crowded. B. It wasvery noisy. C. It was quite dirty. D.It was quiet. ( ) 42. How did my unclefeel in the beginning?A. He felt very satisfied.B. He felt very upset. C. H
31、e was veryangry.D. Hefelt very busy. ( ) 43. Why do so manypeople come to the village now?A. Because they want to find a jobthere.B. Because they want to visit thebeautiful village. C. Because the village isvery crowded. D. Because they want tovisit my uncle.( ) 44. What does the underlinedword “ups
32、et” mean in Chinese?A. 绝望的C. 难过的B. 高兴的D. 烦躁的 ( ).45. What does my uncle decide to do atlast?A. He decides to live in the village.B. He decides to leave the village.C. He decides to make friends withthese visitors. D. He decides to buy a newhouse.BMany children love to watch They spend a lot of time
33、watching TVevery day. But many parents dontallow(允许) their children to watch In fact, a child can learn both goodthings and bad things from TV . There aremany kinds of TV programs, like sitcoms,soap operas, news documentaries, etc. Thesitcoms bring a lot of laughter() andhappiness to our life. Soap
34、operas tell usmany interesting or moving()stories. The news helps children to knowabout the latest(最新的) things in theworld. The documentaries talk about the.great people and some important events(重要事件 ). Children can learn somethinguseful from these programs. If parents choose some goodprograms for
35、their children, watching TVmay become a good way for children tolearn things.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 46. According to this passage,many children spend _ every day.A. a lot time reading booksB. a lot of moneyC. many hours in front of the TVsetsD. a long time talking withparents ( ) 47. Many parents _.A. do
36、nt let their children watchTVB. dont let their children watch TVon school days C. let their children watchTV every day D. let their children watchTV on weekends( ) 48. From TV programs,.children can _.A. learn good things and bad thingsB. learn nothingC. only learn good thingsD. only learn bad thing
37、s ( ) 49. Theunderlined word “forbid” means“_” Chinese.A. 同意C. 带领B. 禁止D. 引导 ( ) 50.Which of the following is TRUE?A. All TV programs are good forchildren. B. All children like watching TVC. Not all TV programs are goodfor children.D. Watching TV is the best way forchildren to learn things.综合语言运用. 词汇
38、(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A) 根据句意及汉语提示写单词,补 全 句 子 。 51. I think Chinese_(文化) is very great. 52. -Dyou like eating this kind of fruit、.-No, I really t _(忍受) its smell(味道).53. The _( 形 势 ) isbecoming worse and worse. 54. It is not agood _(主意) to swim in theriver. 55. -Carol is wearing a new skirttoday. She look
39、s nice.-I_(同意) with you.B) 用所给词的适当形式填空,补全句子。56. Do you mind _(tell)me something about yourself? 57.Yesterday, he _(say) nothing andwent away. 58. How about_(sing) a song for us?59. There are more than 1,000_(word) in this text.60. The flowers in the garden arevery _(color). I like them verymuch. . 按
40、要求完成下列各题。 每空一词,缩写算一词。(每小题 2 分,共10分) 对划线部分提问) _._the best thing?对划线部分提问)_ _ your mother_ _ the watch? 63.Tom put his letter on the desk just now.(改为否定句)Tom _ _hisletter on the desk just now. 64. Can youanswer this question? (作否定回答)No, _ _.对划线部分提问 ) _she always _ colorfulclothes?. 从方框中选择合适的选项填(每小题 2 分
41、,共 10 分)Host: Hello, everyone. We aregoing to talk with Linda, a school girl.Welcome to the show, Linda. Linda: Thankyou.Host: Do you like watching TV?Linda: (66) _. Its eresting and relaxing. Host: What doyou think of soap operas? Linda:(67)_ Host: (68) _Linda: I dont mind them. Host: And talkshows
42、?Linda: (69) _ They arereally interesting.Host: OK! (70) _ It isquite interesting to talk with you. 从方框中选择合适的单词填空,补全短文。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)many (72) _TV programson TV every day, like soap operas, talkshows, game shows and sitcoms. 参考答案:. 21-25 ABCDB 26-30 CBDCB. 31-35 ACADC 36-40 ABDBA .41-45 DABCB 46-5
43、0 CAABC. 51. culture 52. stand 53.situation 54. idea 55. agree 56.telling 57. said 58. singing 59. words60. colorful. 61. What is 62. What does;think of 63. didnt put cant 65.Why does; wear . 66-70 CFBDA. 71. relaxing 72. different 73.favorite 74. always 75. boring My (73)_ TV programs are sitcoms.T
44、hey are really interesting and funny.Home with Kids is one of them, and I liketo watch it very much. I also love soapoperas and game shows, and I am (74)_ happy or sad with thecharacters(角色) in the shows. But I dontlike sport shows, becauseI dislike having sports. I dont liketalk shows, either, and
45、I thing they arereally (75) _. 书面表达。(每题 10分)好,并结合这个单元所学的知识,说说你对以下物品的看法,并简 50 词。.七年级英语上学期月考答题纸七年级英语上学期月考答题纸一单项选择二情景交际。 三,完形填空四阅读理解1五连词成句六写作部分 填空七写作2. 根据表格信息用英语写一段话,介绍你和你的朋友 Lily 的情况。不少于50 词。_ 2._寒假六年级英语报纸答案寒假六年级英语报纸答案不同的一个1. A. pointB. bikeB. toyB. catB. dogB. thisC. pineC. diveC. dateC. not2. A. tal
46、l3. A. day4. A. coke5. A. thanC. thank二、选出不同类的单词1. A. oldB.B.B.youngC. age2. A. shorterC. old3. A. centimetertallerkilogramC. kilometer.4. A. brotherB.sisterC. teacher5. A. littleB.brownC. yellow当的词,使短文完整。(10 分)My name is Sarah. I am 14 yearsold. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I _ anew friend. _ name is Che
47、n Jie. Sheis 13 years old. She is one year _than me. How _ is Chen Jie? I am 1kg heavier _ her. How _ is she?And Chen Jie is 160 cm _. She is_ than me. Chen Jie _ longhair. But my hair is _ than hers.四、用括号内单词的正确形式填空:1 Tom is _(tall) thanAmy. But he is _(young) than her.2 Who is _(strong),Zhang Peng
48、or Mike?3 The desk is 150 cm._(long).4 Wu Yifan runs _(fast)than Zhang Peng.五、根据问句,选答句1. Who is younger than you?2. How heavy are you?3 Which book do you like?4. How tall are you?5. How old are you?A. Im thirteen years old.B. Im 35 kg.C. I like the big one.D. John.E. m 141 cm tall.六、根据所给的标点符号连词成句, 注
49、意大小写1 are, tall, you, how2 tall, cm, am, 145, I3 me, you, shorter, than, stronger,are, and4 Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the,cm, 40.5 you, is, than, who, taller中的内容补全句子Name Age HeightZhang Peng 13 171John 14 155Mr Lee 31 1691. Line up from taller to shorter._ _2. Line up from younger to older_ _3
50、. Zhang Peng is 171cm. He is_ than Mr Lee.4. John is _ cm shorterthan Zhang Peng.5. John is fourteen. He is_ than Zhang Peng, but he is_ than Mr Lee.八、阅读理解My s Wu Yifan. m 13 years.old. Im in Class 2, Grade 6. I have manygood friends. John is my best friend. He is1 year younger than me, but he is 2
51、yearsolder than Amy. Hes 141cm tall. Hes5cm shorter than me. Hes 10cm tallerthan Amy. We like playing computergames. And we often play computer gamesand watch TV on the weekends. But thisweekend we are going to have a picnic inthe park.根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F1. Wu Yifan is in Class Six, G
52、radeTwo.2. Amy is 10 years old.3. Wu Yifan is 131 cm tall.4. They like having a picnic.5. Theyre going to have a picnicthis weekend.Dad: Which monkey do you like,Ben?Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, it.s taller than the brown one.Dad: Which monkey is stronger?Ben: The brown monkey is stronger.But t
53、he yellow monkey is taller.Dad: I like the little monkey. Itsyounger and funnier.Ben: How long is its tail?Dad: I think the little monkey isonly 40 cm tall. Its tail is about 30 cm long.Ben: I think the yellow monkey is150 cm tall.Dad: The yellow monkey is tallerbut the little monkey is funnier.根据对话
54、内容,选择正确答案1. Which monkey does Ben like?A. The brown one B. The yellowone C. The yellow one and the brownone 2. Which monkey is funnier?A. The brown one B. The yellowone C. The yellow one and the brownone 3. How long is the little monkeys tail?A. 40 cmB. 150 cm.C. 30 cm4. How tall is the little monke
55、y?A. 40 cm B. 150 cmC. 30 cm5. Where are Ben and Dad now?A. In the zoo B. In the parkC. In the school人在年龄,身高和身体强壮程度等方面(新版)七年级下学期英语期末试卷 (含答题纸听力稿参考答案)20162016 学年度第二学期期末试卷七年级英语第卷本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为第 1 至 65 题,第卷为第 66至 101 题。试卷总分 140 分,考试时间100 分钟。 第一部分 听对话回.答问题本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有 5
56、秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 1. Whatis Alices mothers job?ABC2. What is the boy going to do?ABC3. What time is it now?AC 4. When is Toms birthday?BBAC5. Is Millie swimming? A. Yes, sheis. B. No, she isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know. 6. Whats Toms father like?.A. Fat.C. Thin.B
57、. Short.7. What color is Lilys blouse?A. White. B. Red. C. Black. 8.Where are they talking? A. In a shop.B. At the bus stop.C. In thepolice station. 9. What will the girl do thisafternoon? A. Have a party. B. Visitthe old people. C. Go shopping. 10.Where does the boy live? A. In EighthStreet. B. In
58、Ninth Street. C. In FifthStreet. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题听两遍。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1112 小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。 1l. Which place does thewoman want to go to?A. The factory.B. The.shop.the man help her?A. He will ask his driver to help her.B. He will drive her there.C
59、. He will give his bank card to her.C. The bank. 12. How will听第一篇短文,回答第 1315 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。13. A. Maths B. EnglishC. Chinese 14. A. runningswimming C. skating 15. A. 5B.听第二篇短文,回答第 1620 小题。 16. When is s grandmothers birthday?A. On April 3B. OnApril 13 C. On April 30 17.How many people go
60、 to see Sandysgrandmother?A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four 18. Who does Sandy sgrandmother live with?A. Sandys uncleB.Sandys cousinC. Sandys aunt19. What does Sandy buy for hergrandmother as a present?A. A birthday cake B. somefruitWhen does Sandy go back home?A. At 5: B. At 4:00C. At 4:C. both A and B 20.二、单项
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