



1、-ar successful movie in 2 09. It is abo ut ldier mind is set into body of be alien. He was dangerous 2 called Pandora. His find a h is the key to 3 the nergy ) the latest figures Avat test film make than in sales around the Wh i had been shown i fo several it became opular fil m ever 5 A vatar knock

2、ed the movie itanic off the in l t() B t Titanics James r be too , ecase A vatar di ected well! vatar the best selling film ever was Titanic.James decided Avatar 1999 the t ize vision did The Lord of Rings:The 9 that CGI ) had progressed make this film. After several of the spectacular vatar success

3、fully showed us a fully )expenece1.A. who B. C. ose t2. A; city planet D.aircraft3. A. B solve D.damage4. B.As for D.Acording 5.A de B. ilt C. watched D. needed6.A. B.Satisfied C. pleased D.upset7.Ae B.Before C.While D.Although8.A l e cath seh9.A eliv B. use consider D.frustratA. s s weeAUS ent k am

4、 visitd th e Badaling sec of Great Wall in eijing Nov18th2009.The at the second in pr r aa durin his visit ChiBuilt riginally bt dfns work in ie Chinthe Grat Wall oday e one of the st -see places fr visiting forein leadrs t t country in past sixty “ m pird b mjesty of e Wall and atfu for warmth Chi

5、eopleam said aft hi half-hour ur. magical said whn walk ig e reat Wallit r ind of th f ry and o e hre n earth is t that lon We bette e the es of iI brou ght ba k the admiration( ) for th e c iviliztio() I b h ere th e eetings of Amric opIa ai n climbing chtower) enjo distant viw at the tio e Wall i

6、e fifth U pesidnt to i th Gr Wall. chard vsitd e eatWall in 1 a in 1 d Bill Clinto in 18, 2002e S esident George W. s and his wifeLaa toued the ame section aa 1.Wh at did Barack Obamado on Nove A. H ed the Badalig section Wall.B disc r with thers.C. wroe a letter to peopleD He d his friends e he cli

7、 atwe.Wh t unline d ean in Chinese?- B. D. said that was warmth chinese the the Chinese civilizationthe of Wall paragraph _ the Badaling of Wall five C. six best title for the passage? Barack Obama Visited the Great Wall History of who onceVisited the Wall the Chinese CivilizationB Expo 2010 will in

8、 will last May October 31st The covers total area of ) both with 3.93 km2 in Pudong 135 km2 in . Tee are five f n markedA B C D andE. th different functions.Zoe A wi ll s nal pavilions( ) f As i co untri es Asian ones. B will be to China Pavilion( ) and Oceania () c Pavilions International izationTh

9、eme n() Expo Centre Perfor- Cen tc will host - tional Eopean American an Afrian countri A large bli amunt will built at e e f this e. D h orp Pavi lion) land is original p laces of modern Chinas natioal industry. So some f the ld inds buildings will be kpt d renovated() into paviliZon E will host lo

10、ne() Corporate rban Civilizati ( ) and Ur t P r How will 2010 A.About four months. five months.C.About a year. a year.2Which following not according passage?A.The covers the 5.28 km2. Expo site sides C.There five functional markedA B C D andE.D.All of the five zones have the Same functions.3.Which w

11、ill be horne A. B.ZoneB. D. D. They will build _ at the entrance of Zone C. large large public amusement - theme pavilionsD.a large garden5.If you visit _ . an vi it Bt Pa Area can know some national C. find some the chance to get know Oceanian C t tica, e place on the Earth too l r ost crea H o w e

12、ve r i are diff nt for pe nguins. r al ty pe s of p make their ho e in Antarcti w i hort e all r the i cy co e nt r ey dont ha Happ y . Som e of Antar ctica pe are red ris k of dying utThe seek for food near theAn cT the floating s a i a while y ear c In r e y gl obal w armin of Earth mperatur be en

13、 c ice eople to global en dri using ha t f sil as natur al of fos off tha t th E art h.Th e st s in t he a above An t arc t ic s n ti sts fo at of co tinen t is e ially affe c e d by global Global warming is for penguins so y cant find enough eat scientist Wolf d.Experts hopeful co n ditions in An b

14、e Th ey say l can r ed ce global warmi g by using cars and l tri city less ofte n kid can help lf s gges t tal k t y n ds d fa y out gl bal warmi ng i i penguins a ho i portan t it is to warming tod a y. penguins near An tar c oasts around iceC. in the sid e of thecontm nt a quiet lace earth. warm m

15、g_ causes sea to around worldB.causes to melt penguins a comfortable place makes Earths lower and lower Experts people reduce .A.if cars and electricity more often if they cars andelectricity less oftenC.if they give up if they to the penguins. . What the best of the passa ge?A.Global Warming Threat

16、ens Antarcticas Penguines Coldest on C.The Adwantage Global WarmingD.Some Ways Engangered Animals.Several years a television reporter of the important in- was very another owned one of the largest companies in the world owned many buildings in the center of The reporter was about important. know if

17、someone is y important the reporter asked the banker.The banker for few moments then said “I think anybody who is invited the Whiter House to the President of United States is really important.”The reporter then ow ner of very large company. you agree with that ” asked.The his “No. think the Preside

18、nt invites a lot of people to the House.Youd only important while visiting the a fromthe president of country and the President the US said he was busy to it.” The reporter turned to third man. “Do you think ”“No don” he said. “I don think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.“Then what would make the visitor important” the reporter and the men asked.“Oh I if the visitor to the White talking to the President rang then said It for you. happened in England America


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