



1、精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】1/4精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】1/4【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集精品文档合集精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】2/4精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】2/4This Philippine Bidding Documents (PBDs) for

2、the procuremdnt of Consultingcorporations (GOC|s), govemmenl financial institutions (GFIs), This Philippine Bidding Documents (PBDs) for the procuremdnt of Consultingcorporations (GOCr mandatory use in projects that arc lliianced in whole H in part by the GOP or the WorldPBDs for contracts financed

3、by World Bank shall no limited to bidding where only national consultants have been short listed and the estimated cost is below the established threshold, subject to application of acceptable provisions as indicated in this PBDs and the Loan Agreement or the Project Appraisal Document.In order to s

4、implify the preparation of Bidding Documents for each procurement, the PBDs groups the provisions that are intended to be used unchanged in Section II Eligibility Documents of Part I; and Section II. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) and Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (GCC) of Part IL Data a

5、nd provisions specific to each procurement and contract should be included in Section III. Eligibility Data Sheet of Part I, Section I1L Bid Data Sheet (BDS), and Section V. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) of Part II. The forms to be used arc provided in the attachments.Care should be taken to

6、check the relevance of the provisions of the Bidding Documents against the requirements of the specific Consulting Services to be procured. The following general directions should be observed when using the documents:All the documents listed in the Table of Contents are normally required for the pro

7、curement of Consulting Services. However, they should be adapted as necessary to the circumstances of the particular Project.This PBDs is divided in two (2) parts, namely Part I and Part IL Documents under Part I shall be made available to all entities who intend to respond to the Invitation to Appl

8、y for Eligibility and to Bid (IAEB). The PROCURING ENTITY shall make the documents under Part II of this PBDs available to eligible Bidders determined in accordance with the provisions of Section II. Eligibility Documents of Part LSpecific details, such as the Fame of the PROCURING ENTITY and “addre

9、ss for proposal submission/ should be fiimished in the ITB, BDS, and SCC. The final documents should contain neither blank spaces nor options.精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】3/4精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】3/4(d)lance lo Corisiiltiinl:The criteria for evaluation

10、and the various methods ofLvaluation in jthc ITB Auld be carefully reviewed. Only those that arc selected t used lor the piucurcment t Aas reouirefinetliiiappncabiTOuld bedeleted troni (d)lance lo Corisiiltiinl:The criteria for evaluation and the various methods ofLvaluation in jthc ITB Auld be care

11、fully reviewed. Only those that arc selected t used lor the piucurcment t Aas reouirefinetliiiappncabiTOuld bedeleted troni theBDS.provide iniportanlThe cover should be modified as required to identify the Bidding Documents as to the names of the Project, Contract, and PROCURING ENTITY, in addition

12、to date of issue.(g) If modifications must be made to bidding procedures, they can be presented in the BDS. Modifications for specific Project or Contract should be provided in the SCC as amendments to the Conditions of Contract. For easy completion, whenever reference has to be made to specific cla

13、uses in the EDS, BDS, or SCC these terms shall be printed in bold type lace on Section II. Eligibility Documents, Section 1. ITB, and Section III. GCC, respectively*精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】4/4精品文档合集:【精编汇总版】PBDCSrevised2ndEd051005watermark合集】4/4TABLE OF CONTENTSPARTISection I

14、. Invitation to Apply fortoEligibility DocumIII. Eligibility Data SheetBidSection I. Invitation to Apply fortoEligibility DocumIII. Eligibility Data SheetBidSection H.Sectioncnts11 TOC o 1-5 h z Section I. Letter of Invitation to Bid25Section II. Instructions to Bidders29Section III. Bid Data Sheet51Section IV. General Condit


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