1、雾化水和大容量喷雾器雾化的概念雾化吸入疗法的原理是利用气体射流原理,将水滴撞击的微小雾滴悬浮于气体中,形成气雾剂而输入呼吸道,以进行呼吸道湿化或药物吸入的治疗方法。雾化吸入有消炎、化痰、解除气管平滑肌痉挛、减轻喉头水肿的效果.尤其是对于气管切开且长期卧床患者效果明显。产生的微粒为215 m,平均6 m ,能到达各级气道。什么是大容量雾化治疗A type of respiratory therapy used in the hospital, long-term care and home environments.一种用于医院,长期护理和家居护理的呼吸治疗方式Provides visible
2、particles of water to the respiratory tract to thin mucus and assist in the mobilization of secretions. 向呼吸道提供可见的雾化水颗粒,以便稀释呼吸道分泌物,使其易于排出A bland aerosol (water or saline) is created by a nebulizer and carried to the patient via 22mm corrugated tubing. 雾化器产生纯净的雾气(蒸馏水或生理盐水),由22mm直径的螺纹管连接输送雾气给患者Delivere
3、d via mask, face tent or trach mask 雾化气体可通过面罩、氧气面帐或气切面罩送达患者LVN Therapy专有名词LVN - Large Volume Nebulizer 大容量喷雾器Nebulizer A device that transforms a liquid into an aerosol 喷雾器 一种将液体转换成喷雾剂(雾气)的装置Aerosol - Suspension of fine liquid particles喷雾剂、雾化颗粒悬浮着的细小液体微粒Bland aerosol - Soothing or non-irritating, no
4、 pharmacologic action, usually water or saline solution 纯净的雾化治疗-不添加药物,舒缓、无刺激,通常用无菌水或生理盐水Rain Out - Aerosol particles that drop out of suspension and collect in the 22mm tubing 凝水- 气雾颗粒沉积在22mm的螺纹管内LVN Therapy Definitions Who Benefits from Aerosol Therapy?雾化治疗适用与哪些病人 ?Patients with artificial airways:
5、 endotracheal or tracheostomy tube 使用气管插管或气切插管建立人工气道的病人Patients with thick secretions acute infection or underlying pulmonary disease 急性感染或器质性肺部疾病引起呼吸道分泌物浓稠的患者Post-extubation during a recovery period拔管后处于恢复期的病人Patients who have had fiberoptic bronchoscopy 使用纤维支气管镜的病人Patients with inflammatory obstru
6、ction, croup or laryngitis炎症喉阻塞,义膜性喉炎或喉炎的患者。LVN Therapy Benefits LVN大容量喷雾器治疗特点使用無菌蒸餾水或生理盐水氣動式,須連接流量表氣霧粒子大小2-20m氣霧輸出量3050 mg/liter28%-100%氧氣濃度可供選擇湿化治疗和大容量喷雾器的区别Humidifiers: add invisible water vapor (molecular humidity) to a gas mixture. Molecular humidity cannot carry bacterial or viral pathogens湿化治
7、疗:令不可见的水蒸气并与空气混合。湿化分子不能携带细菌和病毒Nebulizers: add visible water particles to the gas mixture in the form of an aerosol. Aerosol particles are large enough to carry bacterial and viral pathogens 雾化器:使可见的水滴与气体混合形成悬浮颗粒。气溶胶颗粒足够大可携带细菌和病毒LVN Therapy Humidification vs. NebulizationAQUAPAK Prefilled Large Volum
8、e NebulizersAQUAPAK预装水大容量喷雾器Convenient 方便Cost effective 经济Sterile 无菌Aseptic technique 无菌技术Closed system密闭系统Infection control感染控制Variety of options多种选择LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPakEquipment Requirements 需要的配件Aerosol generator (nebulizer) including a variable oxygen concentration feature 可以调节氧浓
9、度的雾化发生器Patients needing aerosol therapy often need supplemental oxygen需要雾化治疗的病人往往需要供氧Always verify delivered oxygen levels 可控制氧气供给水平Corrugated tubing 螺纹管Aerosol drainage bag 雾化排水袋Patient interface: face mask, trach mask, face tent 连接病人端:面罩、气切面罩、面帐External heater can be added as needed 根据需要添加加热器Great
10、ly increases the aerosol output 大幅度提高雾化输出量Always verify aerosol temperature at the patient可控制病人端的雾化温度LVN Therapy Equipment RequirementsEquipment Requirements需要的配件LVN Therapy Equipment RequirementsTemperature Monitor 温度监测器Aerosol Mask雾化面罩 Corrugated Tubing螺纹管 Reservoir 雾化瓶 Heater加热器 Adapter雾化接头 AquaP
11、ak 雾化水容量选择Three sizes, 440ml, 760ml, 1070ml to meet every clinical situation三种规格针对每种临床的情况2200mL discontinued/2200ml不再提供Three bland solutions, sterile water, .45% NaCl, .9% NaCL 三种不同配方:无菌水、0.45%NaCl、0.9%生理盐水Color coded labels by solution 不同配方有不同颜色的标签Available separately or packaged with 028 or 033 ad
12、apter 有单独包装和与028/033接头一起的包装供应LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPak Reservoir OptionsTwo Nebulizer Adaptor Options两种接头选择Adjustable air entrainment 可调节空气入口Full range of oxygen concentrations: 28 to 98% (yellow) 黄色接头有28-98%的氧气浓度可选择33 to 98% (blue) more silent, more rain out 蓝色接头氧浓度选择为33-98%,更安静,出雾更多Easy
13、 to use self-sealing puncture pins 简单实用的封口穿刺针Closed system: recycles large particles back to the reservoir, infection control 全密闭系统:回收多余的雾化粒子,便于感控Ideal particle size for optimal nebulization 理想雾化颗粒达到最佳雾化效果Special baffling system provides quiet nebulization 安静雾化Compatible with all AQUAPAK reservoirs
14、可与各种型号AQUAPAK雾化储水瓶相接Sterile assembly, covered puncture pins 部件都是消毒包装,穿刺针有针尖帽覆盖LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPak Adapters031-33 (033) Nebulizer Adaptor 雾化接头Quieter than the 028 adaptor, due to different internal baffle 不同的内部调节口设计,使它比028接口更静音Mist more visible than 028 due to slightly larger particl
15、e size 雾化颗粒略大于028接头,雾气可视性更好Consumes more water than 028 比028接头更费水More rainout than 028 比028接头水汽沉积更多33% - 98% oxygen settings/ 33-98%氧浓度设置Bright blue entrainment collar 接头为亮蓝色LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPak AdaptersRain Out in Aerosol Tubing在雾化管道中的沉积LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPak Rain OutV
16、ariable Oxygen Concentration: 不同的氧气浓度Venturi Effect 文丘里效应Oxygen from gas source is forced through a restricted orifice inside adaptor氧气从接头中的小孔通过Vacuum is created and room air is entrained through openings on adaptor 产生真空,使空气从接头的开口处进入Combination of oxygen flow and room air entrainment = total flow an
17、d FIO2氧气和空气的总和=总流量和总氧气浓度Total Flow Data 总流量数据LVN Therapy Delivery Options AquaPak Venturi Effect雾化装置设置(LPM/FLO2)总流量 LPMHudson RCI #0285 LPM/28%10 LPM/60%10 LPM/98%49.420.810.8Hudson RCI #0338 LPM/33%10 LPM/60%10 LPM/98%4919.710.5Large volume nebulizers can be heated to provide a heated mist to the p
18、atient. 大容量雾化装置可用加热方法向患者提供加热的雾气Heating the solution to be aerosolized raises the temperature of the gas leaving the nebulizer and increases its capacity to carry humidity. 对雾化水加热,使雾化气体温度提高,增加其携带湿气的能力Heat also increases the water output from the nebulizer by raising the temperature of the water. 加热可增
19、加雾化器的出雾量Indicated for patient needing excessive amounts of aerosol / hyperactive airways (i.e. Asthma) 用于需要大剂量雾化的病人或气道亢进的患者(如哮喘)Heated Aerosol 加热雾化LVN Therapy Delivery Options Heated AerosolAquatherm III Heater, Cat. No. 050-12/050-14加热器Push-to-turn temperature knob prevents accidental adjustment 温度
20、调控旋钮,防止意外触碰改变温度Self cleaning internal heater 有自动净化功能Output temperature and temperature at patient depends upon heater setting, room temperature, length of tubing and oxygen setting输出温度和到达病人端的温度取决于加热器温度设定、 房间温度、 管道的长度和氧气设置。Note: Always monitor temperature of aerosol delivered to patient 注意:不断监测到达病人端的
21、雾气温度LVN Therapy Delivery Options Aquatherm HeatersAerosol Output: Unheated vs. Heated雾气输出:加热和不加热的比较接头雾气输出数据LVN Therapy Delivery Options Aquatherm HeatersHudson RCI #028 接头设置总液体输出(ML/小时)病人端湿度mg/L不加热加热不加热加热5 LPM/28%10 LPM/60%10 LPM/98%2320.814.784.2101.687.615.721. RCI #033 接头设置总液体输出(ML/小时)病人端湿度mg/L不加热加
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