1、英语口语:倾诉应该怎么说?【倾诉用英语口语怎么说】pour out; pour forth例句:They have confessed their love for each other .他们相互倾诉了自己的爱情。They were speaking to each other without words .他们默默无语地互相倾诉衷情。At last , amongfriends , he was free to speak his mind .他终于向自己人倾诉衷肠。She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffee .她边喝咖啡边
2、向我倾诉她的苦恼。I had half a mind to open my heart to this fine woman .我只是半心半意地向那好女人倾诉衷肠。If i spoke to her, how i could tell her of my confused adoration ?要是说了,怎么向她倾诉我迷惘的爱慕?It revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held secret .想起他过去曾经向她倾诉衷肠,更使她感到厌恶。andShe returned to the charge th
3、e next evening, requested her niece to confide in her .and第二天晚上,她又回师发起攻势,请侄女向她倾诉衷肠。【倾诉的英文是什么】倾诉的英文:pour out参考例句:She returned to the charge the next evening and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart第二天晚上,她又发起攻势,向侄女倾诉衷肠以解除她心头的重负。She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she cou
4、ld unburden herself.她渴望有一个同情她的人,以便向他倾诉衰情。He poured out his tale of misfortunes.他倾诉自己的不幸遭遇。He confided his troubles to his fiend他向朋友倾诉烦恼。She often pours her troubles to friends.她经常向朋友们倾诉自己的苦恼。She told him all her woes.她向他倾诉自己不幸的遭遇。He unloaded some of the anguish onto me.他向我倾诉他的一些苦恼。She unloaded her t
5、roubles onto her mother.她把她的烦恼向母亲倾诉。orClear the air ;lessen or remove fears,worries suspicions by talking about them openlyor( 公开倾诉以) 减轻或消除恐惧、忧虑或疑虑【倾诉的英语翻译】pour out例句Clear the air ;lessen or remove fears,worries or suspicions by talking about them openly( 公开倾诉以) 减轻或消除恐惧、忧虑或疑虑So place them somewhere
6、you can see and smell the sweet bouquet,Because the flowers represent what we all want to say把花束摆在你随时能看到地方,闻闻它的芳香,因为鲜花能 代表我们对您倾诉衷肠。In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were lifted in mid-air他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉; 他的两只手举到半空中。She returned to the charge the next even
7、ing, and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart第二天晚上,她又回师发起攻势,请侄女向她倾诉衷肠,帮助解除她心头的重负。Even from mehe withheld any more particular confession, promising to write and tell me all甚至对我,他也没有进一步倾诉衷曲,只答应在信上把一切都告诉我。He wanted to get his problem off his chest, but there was no one to whom he
8、 could pour it out.他想把闷在心里的问题讲出来,但找不到一个可以倾诉的人。Personally, I turn to my dogs. I have a Labrador who has listened faithfully for ten years and never betrayed mytrust.我自己的知己就是我的狗,我有一只拉布拉多猎狗。10 年来它一直专心听我倾诉秘密,并且从未辜负我的信任。He unloaded some of the anguish onto me.他向我倾诉他的一些苦恼。Alice began to unload her trouble
9、s onto her mother.爱丽斯开始把她的烦恼向母亲倾诉。【诉说用英语怎么说】tell (to another person)例句Ardythe was still speaking as she had been earlier, her voice choked, the words disjointed阿黛丝仍象她先前那样诉说着,声音哽咽,话语断断续续。Let it all hang out; do not keep anything secret毫不保留地诉说Thinking that I might be a ready and sympatheticlistener,sh
10、e started raving about the shameful way she had been treated by the rest of her family.她认为我可能是一个同情的听者,因而开始向我愤怒地诉说她家的人如何对她不好。Murmur a little sadly,how Love fled.凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝。Thinking that I might be a ready and sympathetic listener,she started raving about the shameful way she had been treated.她以为我可能会同情她,乐意听她诉苦,于是就开始愤愤不 平地向我诉说她所受的虐待。The doctor did not make any attempt to stop them. He quietly accepted whatever they told him, the good things and the bad.我们的医生却不去阻止他们,他只是默默地听着他们诉说一 切,不论好坏。To him I will bring my plaint我会对他诉说。They b
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