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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2测试卷所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、一Middle school students dont know much about shopping online, _ they?一 _. Its very popuar with teenagers.Ado;No Bdo; Yes Cdont; NO Ddont; Yes2、You look so cool in

2、the new leather jacket. It is more than cool. _it, I often feel cold _a windy day.AWithout, in BWithout, on CWith, on DWith, in3、She needs little money for tickets, _?Adoesnt sheBneednt sheCneed sheDdoes she4、Where is Daming?He _ to Dalian for an important meeting.Agoes Bwent Chas been Dhas gone5、-

3、Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a guidebook?- Sorry, Im new here. You _ ask the policeman over there.AshallBcanCmustDneed6、The weather is really _/fan/these days.AfunBfineCfromDfact7、- What a pity! You missed the beginning of the movie, it _ for 10 minutes.- Oh, a traffic jam!Abegan B s

4、tated C has been on D has been off8、_ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?AIt isBIt wasCThere isDThere was9、-Where is Mr. Wang?-He together with his students _ Haibin ParkAhave gone to Bhas gone to Chas been to Dhave been to10、 black clouds in the sky! I think its going to rain.AWhat BWhat

5、 a CHow DHow a. 完形填空11、完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk normally, but would never run very well. He had to _ his first three years of life in hospital. By the time he was eight, you

6、wouldnt know he had a problem when you saw him _.Children in our neighborhood always ran around during their _, and Joey would jump and ran and play, too. We never told him that he probably wouldnt be _ to run like the other children. So he didnt know. In the seventh grade he decided to go out for t

7、he cross-country _. Every day he trained with the team.He worked harder and ran more than any of the other members. Although the whole team runs, only the top seven _ would be chosen to run for the school. We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know.He continued to run

8、four to five miles a day, every day even when he had a fever. I was _ so I went to look for him after school. I _ him running all alone. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two more miles to go.Yet he looked straight ahead and kept _. We never told him he couldnt run four miles with a h

9、igh fever. So he didnt know.Two weeks later, the names of the team runners were called. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team. He was in seventh grade the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He just _ it.1AcostBtakeCs

10、pendDpay2AlieBsitCstandDwalk3AplayBraceCstudyDexercise4AableBsorryCgladDafraid5AclassBteamCgroupDschool6AstudentsBboysCrunnersDplayers7AafraidBhappyCangryDworried8AfoundBthoughtCrealizedDbelieved9AridingBrunningCplayingDwalking10AdidBhadCleftDtook. 语法填空12、The Value of a DollarWhen I was nineteen, I

11、had a job at a local bookstore. One night, a young couple came in and walked here and there looking for a book. They seemed 1 (be) the usual type to give mall 2 (worker) a hard time. When they came to the register (收银处), she was a dollar or two short of 3 (buy) the book she wanted.She looked 4 (disa

12、ppoint). I had a customer discount (折扣) card and it was still active. I told the girl 5 (gentle), “Hang on, dont worry, youll have the money to buy the book.” I put in my password.She gave me a 6 (thank) smile. With a dollar left, she and her boyfriend left the store. I believed that I would never s

13、ee 7(they)again.I dont remember 8 long it was, but they did return later that evening just to bring me 9 beautiful card that said “Its people like you who make the world a 10 (good) place to live in.”Im deeply moved by the little girl and her boyfriend. In fact, they have also made the world a littl

14、e brighter. 阅读理解A13、Wechat is popular among us, but if someone deletes you or blocks(屏蔽)you on it,does it mean youve made him or her angry?It depends.Maybe you have just left messages too often without much valuable information. For example, the questions are those like how are u? what are u doing?

15、do u love me? too often. You know, people may feel bored after answering such kinds of questions time after time.Another possible reason may be that youve sent something unpleasant to your friend or in your friend circle. I just blocked one of my middle school classmates yesterday becauseshe was try

16、ing to sellfakegoods in the friend circle, and I hale it quite much.Some people delete the ones name from friendslist because they no longer want to see it (maybe ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend) andthey dont want the one to see their“ Moments” (动态) on WeChat (maybe they publish very private pictures

17、or life or thoughtsthey dont want to share with him or her.)So why you are blocked may depend on his or her mood or preference (喜好), and the reasons a person gets blocked are various from person to person. So I suggest you to write an email or make a phone call to that person if he or she really mea

18、ns a lot to youto see why he or she is dissatisfied with you ,and to find out how you can make up for the case.1From paragraph 3, we can know if you are blocked that is because _.Ayou are asking too many boring questionsByour friend is angryCyour friend doesnt like answering questionsDyour friend ha

19、s no time to reply2In paragraph 5 ,the underlined word it refers to _.Athe goods Bthe name Cthe private life Dthe friend circle3_causesof being deleted or blocked are mentioned in the passage.A4 B2 C3 D54Which is the best title for the passage?AFriend Circle BWhy Are You Blocked?CA Popular Way of Co

20、mmunication DHow to Make Your Friend SatisfiedB14、 One day a little boy dialed a telephone number and started to speak and he put part of his hand over the phone at the same time. He wanted to change the tone(音色,语调) of his voice. While all this was happening, a man who was working nearby watched car

21、efully and listened with great interest to the conversation that followed:Lady, can you give me the job of cutting your lawn(草坪)?I already have someone to cut my lawn, answered the woman at the other end of the phone.Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.

22、 Im very satisfied with the person who is cutting my lawn.The boy said, Lady, Ill even sweep the floor and the stairs of your house for free.No, thank you.With a smile on his face, the young boy thanked the lady and hung up the phone. The man then walked over to the boy and said: Son, I like your at

23、titude(态度). Id like to offer you a job.No, thanks, said the boy.But youre looking for a job, arent you?No, sir, answered the boy. I was just checking on my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who cuts that ladys lawn!1The boy made a phone call and spoke in a strange way because _.Ahe

24、 didnt want the lady to hear his real voiceBhe didnt like his voiceChe wanted to get a new jobDhe played a joke with the lady2What does the underlined word performance mean in Chinese?A表演B认真C表现D努力3After the boy hung up the phone, he smiled because_.Ahe could find another jobBhe didnt mind the ladys

25、attitudeCthe man wanted to give him a new jobDhe got the answer he wanted4The man would like to offer the boy a job, because_.Ahe needed a person to cut his lawnBhe thought the boy was very poorCthe boy was refused but he still looked happyDhe was a boss5What can we learn from the story?AThe boy rea

26、lly needed a new job.BThe lady didnt like the person who is cutting her lawn.CThe boy accepted the new job which the man offered.DThe boy found the truth in a clever way.C15、Kevins experience in learning to cookNotes: ingredients原料; leftove:剩余物。1Which of the following is the first step according to

27、the flow chart?ABUY INGREDIENTSBPUT SOME IN A PANCPUT LEFTOVERS IN FRIDGEDTHROW AWAY LEFTOVERS2What can we infer(推断)from the flow chart?ADavid liked ordering pizza better than cooking.BDavid managed to cook delicious food.CDavid enjoyed throwing things after cooking.DDavid failed to learn to cook.D1

28、6、 When you look up into the night sky, you can see the moon. But did you know that youre only seeing one side of the moon? The other side, also known as the far side of the moon, has long been a secret to us_But now, we have a chance to see whats on the far side.On Jan 3, Chinas Change 4 probe (探测器

29、) landed on the far side of the moon. It is the first probe in history to land there.Change 4 has already done a lot of things on the moon. One of its jobs is to grow plants. Change 4 took six living things to the moon, such as cotton , potatoes and fruit flies. The cotton has already started growin

30、g. This is the first time humans have grown plants on the moon.Change 4 also took a lot of pictures of the moons far side. With these pictures, scientists will learn more about the moon.1What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?AThere is a secret place on the other side.BWe are not inte

31、rested in the far side.CWe dont know much about the other side.DThe other side has already been known to humans.2What do we know about the Change 4 probe?AIt landed on the far side of the moon.BIt left Earth on Jan 3.CIt is the first probe made by China.DIt has found out all of the moons secrets.3Wh

32、at has Change 4 done so far?a. It has grown some plants on the moon.b. It has become the first probe to land on the moon.c. It has built a probe on the moon. d. It has taken photos of the far side of the moon.Aa bBa dCc dDb cE17、Many kids help parents to do chores such as washing the dishes, cleanin

33、g the floors and taking out the trash in the house. In return, some kids get money or other rewards from their parents, such as 20 minutes to play computer games.But some people do not think that kids should get rewards(奖赏) for doing chores. One of them is Susie Walton, a parenting educator. She bel

34、ieves that if kids get rewards, they will think that work isnt worth doing unless you get something in return. For example, kids wont sweep the floor if they see it is dirty. But they will clean the floor if their parents reward them for it. “Every house is a team effort,” Susie said. “A home is a l

35、iving space for everyone in the family. Its important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities to keep our home clean.Other people have different opinions. They believe that money or other rewards can motivate kids to do more chores. It also teaches them real world lessons about how we need

36、 to work to earn money. Now, there are also apps(应用软件) that encourage kids to do chores. The apps give kids points and digital gifts that can be used either online or in the real world. With the ChoreMonster app, kids earn digital points after doing chores. Kids can exchange their points for real re

37、wards, such as time to play video games or a trip to the mall. “Our goal is to encourage kids to earn rewards, says Chris Bergman, founder of ChoreMonster. “Kids need positive(积极的) power to make them do chores.What do you think? Should kids be rewarded for doing chores? Or should kids help out aroun

38、d their homes without getting anything in return?Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you. Your response may be published in Time For Kids. Please include your grade and contact information of your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline for responding is F

39、ebruary 18.1How does the author start the passage?ABy giving some facts. BBy listing some opinions.CBy comparing different views. DBy showing his own experiences.2Which of the following is Susie Waltons opinion?ADont ask kids to do housework. BDont reward kids for doing anything.CDont give kids rewa

40、rds for doing chores. DDont allow kids to play computer games.3Whats Paragraph 3 mainly about?AHow to earn money by doing chores.BThe apps that encourage kids to do chores.CHow to exchange their points for real rewards.DThe advantage of rewarding kids for doing chores.4Whats the meaning of the under

41、lined word “motivate” in the passage?Aremind Bencourage Cprevent Dwarn5What is the purpose of writing the text?ATo call on readers to do more chores.BTo tell readers of two different opinions.CTo invite readers to express their opinions.DTo show the authors views about doing chores.F18、Several days

42、ago, Brenda had a car accident that led to one of her legs being cut off. Since then she didnt talk to anyone.“I wish I could bring her friends to visit her,” said Brendas mother. “But its a long bus trip.” The nurse smiled, “Dont worry. We have a plan.”Later that day, the nurse had taken Brenda to

43、another room. “Heres your new roommate, Annie Wiggle-Do,” the nurse introduced a dark-hair teenager on the other bed.As soon as the nurse left, she jumped out of her bed with her only foot and sat at the other end of Brendas bed, “I lost my leg from bone cancer,” she said. “What happened to yours?”

44、Brenda was so shocked that she couldnt say a word. “Youre lucky.” Annie continued. “Youve still got your knee. They had to take mine.”“Id like to have a chat with you, but my friends are coming any time now, so I have to get ready.” Annie said when she took off her hair! Her head was completely bald

45、(秃头的).“Oh, I forgot to tell you, the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed my hair.” Annie looked out her wigs(假发), brown and yellow, short and long, straight and curly.“Thats why I thought up Annie Wiggle-Do.” Annie smiled. “Get it? Any wig will do? Annie Wiggle-Do?” “When Annies fri

46、ends came, she introduced Brenda to them all. Before long, Brenda started chatting with Annie and her friends. They didnt make her feel like a strange person at all!The girls shared their names with each other. When it was time to go to bed, Brenda said, “Good night, Annie-Wiggle-Do. Cant wait till

47、morning.”1We can infer that no friends visited Brenda because _.Ashe had no friends at school Bshe didnt want to see her friendsCher friends were very busy Dher friends knew she had an accident2In order to cheer Brenda up, the nurse planned to _.Aintroduce some healthy friends to herBlet her share the same room with AnnieCshow her some more seriously injuredDmove her to a room filled with light and music3When Brenda first saw Annie,


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