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1、XXXX大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task: Daily Sales Calls任务:每日销售拜访Code序号: OH-SM-CS-D002Objectives:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to ensure market reach target are achieved.目的:课程结束后,每一个学员将能够确保到达每个目标市场。Standard:All sales associates will conduct planned sales calls daily cove

2、ring key accounts, key prospects, other active accounts and new prospects.标准:每个销售员工在制订销售计时必须包括重要客户,有潜在生意的客户,其他行为的客户和新的客户。Resources:Whiteboard, Flip Chart, Sales Kit, Giveaway, SPG, SPP or Star Choice Form培训器材:白板,翻转展示板,销售资料夹,礼品,SPG, SPP及Starchoice表Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间IntroductionIce bre

3、ak介绍打破僵局Raise interests提高兴趣Lecture F/CAnd Buzz group讲解和集体讨论Role play角色扮演Summary总结Active music and the trainer is in uniform of sales manager standing straightly and smile.大声音乐,着销售经理制服站直,微笑。Self-introduction and give a warm welcome.自我介绍向学员表示欢迎。Question to test the trainees level:Does anyone know what

4、 the sales person do at hotel?提问学员:谁知道销售部在酒店内是做什么的?every associate will be a sales person in the hotel.强调:酒店内任何一名员工都将是销售人员。W.I.F.M: 我们从中能获得什么?Gain self confidence mean half success.充分的自信是成功的一半。Divided trainees into several group to discuss then critique after discussion.(What need we preparing befor

5、e sales calls?) (F/C 1)将学员分为几组讨论然后评估( 销售拜访时我们需要准备什么?) Business card 名片 Collateral material 销售资料 Note pad and pen 便签及笔 Promotional material when applicable有用时将携带推广资料 Standard Sales Presenter 标准的销售展示 SPG and Choice enrollment forms仕达屋优先宾客计划申请表Promotional material from sister hotels when applicable必要时将

6、携带其它饭店资料。Note: Good preparation half successful.强调:良好的准备是成功的一半。Ask two pares of trainee to demonstrate sales call. One pare is with good prepare the other pare is without prepare.让两个学员表演销售拜访:一个是有充分准备,一个则相反。Let others to critic and then the trainer emphasis the key points of good preparation.让其他的学员评估,训导师对准备充分的销售拜访强调要点。Review all key points which are listed on Flip Chart .回顾翻转展示板上的要点。(F/C 1)Remarks: Daily sales call is an activity for our daily job, sometimes need some experience to do it, one important thing is keep good relationship with our


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