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1、Unit 2ReadingLanguage主讲教师:刘文文湖南省长沙市一中卫星远程学校Period 1New words and expressionsthroughoutconfusingbe made up ofvocabularyCelticGermanic tribesEuropean mainlandAngleSaxon贯穿 遍及令人迷惑的由组成词汇凯尔特语日尔曼部落欧洲大陆盎格鲁人撒克逊人JuteinvadeVikingScandinavianDenmarkNorwaycreatenowadaysofficialconsist of朱特人侵略唯京人斯堪的纳维亚的丹麦挪威创造现今官方

2、的,正式的由组成Norsefactorcontribute toNormanconquertake control ofconquestinvasionrulereplacedespitehave an impact on挪威语因素是成因之一諾曼人(的)征服控制征服侵略统治代替尽管对产生影响raiseox (oxen)muttonbaconpluralupper classadopttonguemother tongueoccasionoffice occasions饲养牛羊肉熏猪肉复数上层阶级采用语言,舌头母语场合,机会官方场合modernincludeLatinGreekpronuncia

3、tion-undergostyledialectprocessrenaissance现代的包括拉丁语(的)希腊语(的)发音经历,经受风格方言过程文艺复兴Fill in the blanks with the followingwords and dates from the passageFill in the blanks with the followingwords and dates from the passage5th centuryFill in the blanks with the followingwords and dates from the passage5th ce

4、nturyCelticFill in the blanks with the followingwords and dates from the passage5th centuryCelticEuropeanAnglesAnglesFrenchAngles1066FrenchAngles10th century1066French播放音频Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a history article.Reading a history articledifferentReading a norm

5、al textReading a history articledifferentReading a normal text1. Notice the dates and years 2. Make a time chart, listing relevant information such as times, places and events, etc. TimeEventsBefore the middle of 5th centuryAt the end of 9th centuryBy 10th centuryIn 1066By the latter half of 14th ce

6、ntury In 1399During the Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsBefore the middle of 5th centuryAt the end of 9th centuryBy 10th centuryTimeEventsBefore the middle of 5th centuryAt the end of 9th centuryBy 10th centuryPeople in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.TimeEventsBefore the middle of 5

7、th centuryAt the end of 9th centuryBy 10th centuryPeople in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.The Vikings invaded Britain and brought their languages.TimeEventsBefore the middle of 5th centuryAt the end of 9th centuryBy 10th centuryPeople in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.The Vi

8、kings invaded Britain and brought their languages.Old English was the official language of England.In 1066By the latter half of 14th century In 1399During the Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsIn 1066By the latter half of 14th century In 1399During the Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsThe Nor

9、mans conquered England and took control of the country.In 1066By the latter half of 14th century In 1399During the Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsThe Normans conquered England and took control of the country.English was adopted by all classes in England.In 1066By the latter half of 14th centur

10、y In 1399During the Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsThe Normans conquered England and took control of the country.English was adopted by all classes in England.Henry IV became King of England and used English for all official occasions.In 1066By the latter half of 14th century In 1399During the

11、 Renaissance in 16th centuryTimeEventsThe Normans conquered England and took control of the country.English was adopted by all classes in England.Henry IV became King of England and used English for all official occasions.Modern English began.True or false:True or false:FTrue or false:FDenmarkTrue o

12、r false:FFDenmarkTrue or false:FFDenmarkwasntTrue or false:TFFDenmarkwasntFFthe king of England.Henry became TFthe king of England.Henry became The word for the animal:The word for the meat:The word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowsheepThe word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowp

13、igsheepThe word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowbeefpigsheepThe word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowbeefmuttonpigsheepThe word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowbeefmuttonpork / baconpigsheepThe word for the animal:The word for the meat:Ox/cowTick the German way of making plurals.Tick the German way of making plurals.Tick the German way of making plurals.Tick the German wa


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