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1、2021/9/11Galo Cevallos, Senior International AdvisorOffice of International AffairsFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation ,美国联保储蓄保险公司国际事务部高级国际顾问戈罗萨瓦耶思Preserving Financial Stability:FDIC Response to the US Banking Crisis保护金融稳定:美国联邦储蓄保险公司对银行危机所作出的反应2021/9/11ProgramOutlineUS Banking Sector Overview 美国银行

2、业概览Post Crisis Financial Condition 危机后的金融状况Regulatory Framework and Role of the FDIC 监管框架和FDIC所起的作用Responding to the Crisis 对危机的应对Immediate Actions 立即采取的行动Managing a Rise in Bank Failures 管理越来越多的破产银行Strengthening the US Deposit Insurance System for the Future 为了将来而强化美国的储蓄保险体制Regulatory Reform 监管改革Do

3、dd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 多德弗兰克华尔街改革以及消费者保护法FDIC: Impact and Implementation Challenges FDIC: 影响以及实施上的困难FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC 对银行业危机的应对Program Overview 课程概览2021/9/11Overview of U.S.Banking SystemLarge, diverse and complexAmply RegulatedStressed7,513 in

4、sured institutions; US $13.6 trillion in assets; US $6.54 trillion in insured deposits; median commercial bank size US $154 million; largest US bank US$ 1.79 trillion in assetsThree Federal and 50 State supervisors 三个联邦监管机构,再加上50个州的监管机构ROA: 0.86%; ROE: 7.65%; NIM: 3.64%; Leverage Ratio: 9.2%; 865 Pr

5、oblem Banks; 96% of banks having 99.2% of total banking assets are considered well capitalized, as defined for Prompt Corrective Action purposes*Data as of June 2011US Banking Sector Overview 美国银行业概览Post Crisis Financial Condition 危机后金融状况美国银行业体制概览大,多元化且复杂有7531家受保险机构;资产达13.6万亿美元;受到保险的储蓄达6.54万亿美元。美国的中

6、间商业银行的规模为1亿5千4百万美元,美国最大的银行的资产为1.79 万亿美元有足够的监管虚弱不堪2021/9/11FDIC Insurer & Regulator既是保险者也是监管者BanksFederal ReserveCentral Bank & RegulatorOffice of the Comptroller of the CurrencyNational Banks and Savings BanksState Banking SupervisorsUS Banking Sector Overview 银行业概览Regulatory Framework 监管框架FDIC 既是保险

7、人也是监管者美联储既是央行也是监管者货币监理署国家银行和储蓄银行各州的银行监管者银行2021/9/11Earnings, Asset Quality, and Capital all affected during crisis and are still weak by historical standards. However, the industry has begun to see a modest recovery.US Banking Sector Overview 银行业概览Post Crisis Financial Condition 危机后的金融状况收益,资产质量以及资本在

8、危机中均受到影响,按照历史标准衡量仍十分衰弱,然而该行业已经有所恢复。资本比率准备金比率2021/9/11Number of “Problem” Depository Institutions is at an 18-year high As of June 30, 2011US Banking Sector Overview 银行业概览Post Crisis Financial Condition 危机后的金融状况“问题”储蓄银行的数量为18年以来最高问题银行的数量问题银行的总资产10亿为单位2021/9/11Key FDIC Functions Deposit InsuranceProvi

9、de Federal deposit insurance for banks and Savings associations in the United States. 为美国的银行和储蓄业提供联邦储蓄保险Sweeping deposit insurance reform some permanent, others temporary; US $3.9 billion in DI Fund (Reserves); 0.06% Fund Ratio (March 2011)Bank SupervisionSupervise and enforce consumer protection la

10、ws at state-chartered nonmember banks. 对在各州内成立的非成员银行进行监管并实施消费者保护法Primary federal supervisor for 4,723 banks; examined every 12 18 months; In 2010, 7,776 risk management and specialty examinations were conducted. (Dec. 2010)Resolutions and ReceivershipsAct as Receiver for failed banks and thrifts, re

11、imburse depositors, and liquidate assets. 接管破产银行和储蓄机构,赔偿储户,并变卖破产银行资产February 2007 - First bank failure in almost three years; total of 3 banks fail in 2007; Over 300 failures between 2008 and 2010; Almost 70 in 2011 to date; no depositor has ever lost a penny of insured deposits.US Banking Sector Ov

12、erview 美国银行业概览Role of the FDIC 美国联邦储蓄保险银行所发挥的作用FDIC 的主要功能提供储蓄保险监管银行清算和托管2021/9/11Primary Business Functions: 主要业务职能Deposit Insurance 储蓄保险Key Features of the US Deposit Insurance System美国储蓄保险体制的主要特点Designed to protect small depositors and promote market discipline 保护小储户并推动市场的约束力Membership is compulso

13、ry and funding provided by the insured 强制性会员制,且资金有受保险人支付Coverage - $250,000 保险额:25万美元Reliable ex-ante risk-based funding sources provided by industry with equally reliable contingency funding arrangements; 事先有来自行业的以风险为基础的可靠资金来源,并伴有同样可靠的备用资金安排Powers and authorities are sufficiently broad and flexible

14、 to respond to changing environment; 权利和权威足够广泛,能够灵活应对多变的环境Deposit insurance system well publicized and public disclosures required by law; 储蓄保险制度宣传到位,法律规定必须进行公共信息披漏2021/9/11Total Base Assessment Rates 总基本收费率Risk Category I风险级别 1Risk Category II风险级别 2Risk Category III风险级别 3Risk Category IV风险级别 4Initi

15、al Base Assessment Rate初步基本收费率12 16223245Unsecured Debt Adjustment无担保债务调整-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0Secured Liability Adjustment 有担保债务调整0 80 110 160 22.5Brokered Deposit Adjustment 通过经纪人进行的储蓄调整-0 100 100 - 10Total Base Assessment Rate总基本收费率7 24.0 17 43.0 27 58.040 77.5Primary Business Functions: 主要业务职能Deposit

16、Insurance 储蓄保险2021/9/11Primary Business Functions: 主要业务职能Deposit Insurance 储蓄保险2008年3月31日2011年6月30 日储蓄保险的资金储备比率2021/9/11Prior to closing a bank, the FDIC works together with other regulators to resolve weak banks. 关闭银行之前,FDIC与其它监管机构一起处理失去生命力的银行Once an institution is closed, the FDIC performs resolut

17、ions functions and also acts as receiver and liquidates the assets of the failed banks. 机构一旦关闭,FDIC将发挥清算职能,成为托管者并开始变卖破产银行的资产Problem Institutions: Up to 865 (2011) from 50 (2006) 有问题的机构:数量从2006年的50家上升到2011年的865家 Primary Business Functions: 主要业务职能Resolutions and Receivership 清算和托管2021/9/11Primary Busi

18、ness Functions: 最主要的业务职能Resolutions and Receivership清算和托管Prior to closing a bank, the FDIC works together with other regulators to resolve weak banks.关闭银行之前,FDIC与其它监管机构一起清算银行Once an institution is closed, the FDIC performs resolutions functions and also acts as receiver and liquidates the assets of

19、the failed banks.机构一旦关闭,FDIC将发挥清算功能,并成为托管者并开始变卖破产银行的资产Problem Institutions: Up to 888 (2011) from 50 (2006)有问题的机构:数量从2006年的50家上升到2011年的888家Bank failures: 58 YTD; 383 since 2007 破产银行:至今日止:共58家,从2007年起共383家2021/9/11FailedBank倒闭的银行Receivership托管Sell theWhole Bank出售全部资产SellDeposits& Branches出售储蓄部分&分行Liq

20、uidate Assets变卖资产SellAssetPools出售资产池Least-Cost Test or 须要进行最低成本测试 Systemic Risk Determination Required 或须确定所带来的系统风险FDICInsurerCoverage forinsured deposits赔偿储户Primary Business Functions:主要业务职能Resolutions and ReceivershipTypical Resolution Processes 典型的清算过程2021/9/11On-Site Activities现场活动SupervisoryFol

21、low-up监督跟进Off-Site Surveillance异地监察Supervisory Follow-up监督跟进Application应用ExitCoordinated Risk-Focused Supervision Throughout an Institutions Life Cycle在整个金融机构的生命周期进行协调的以风险为中心的监督Primary Business Functions: 主要业务功能Supervision 监督2021/9/11Risk Assessments An interagency effortDivision of labor without du

22、plication各自分工,无重叠Examination Sharing Arrangements检察结果共享安排Critical for deposit insurance pricing对储蓄保险定价至关重要Insured Foreign Branches 1034.3 Billion投保的外国分行Total FDIC Supervised4,6322.27 TrillionTotal OCC Supervised1,3498.58 Trillion Total FRB Supervised 8241.83 TrillionTotal OTS Supervised 708 922 Bill

23、ion Total Banks 7,51313.60 Trillion*As of June 2011As insurer, FDIC has access to examination records produced by other federal and state banking agencies 作为保险人,FDIC 可查阅其它联邦和州银行监督机构的检查记录Examination ratings and capital positions determined by agencies are used to price deposit insurance premiums and

24、gauge adequacy of deposit insurance fund.其它监督机构在检查后作出的的评级和资本状况的说明用来确定储蓄保险保费的定价并用来衡量储蓄保险资金是否足够Interagency Cooperation, Coordination, Communication 机构之间的合作,协调和沟通Primary Business Functions: 主要业务功能Supervision 监督风险评估在机构之间进行2021/9/11FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis美国联邦储蓄保险公司对银行业危机所作出的应对 Managing a Rise

25、 in Bank Failures whileStrengthening the US Deposit Insurance System for the Future在管理越来越多的破产银行的同时,加强美国储蓄保险体制,为未来打算2021/9/11This crisis has been characterized by a failure of many institutions, some very large and complex这次危机的特点是多家金融机构倒闭,有一些规模很大,很复杂FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC对危机的应对Manag

26、ing a Rise in Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the Future2021/9/11To Manage this Crisis we have devoted more resources to more intensive bank supervision and failed bank management 为了管理危机,FDIC将更多的资源投入到更大力度的银行监督和对破产银行的管理Staffing has more than doubled since the onset of the crisis; most

27、will supervise banks and resolve failures. The total operating budget for 2011 is $3.88 billion.危机发生后,工作人员人数增加一倍多,其中大多数用于监管银行并从事银行解体工作。2011年的总营运预算为38亿8千万美元。FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC对危机的应对 Managing a Rise in Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the Future2021/9/1119Resolution

28、s strategy first used in the early 1990s 解决破产银行的战略最早始用于20世纪90年代FDIC agrees to assume future losses, usually up to 80% FDIC 同意承担未来可能出现的损失,通常最高80Reduces FDICs immediate outlays 减少FDIC的支出Disposes of assets quickly, while preserving asset value 快速处理资产Gives investors support who otherwise would not inves

29、t due to shortened due diligence period 给予投资者提供支持,否则他们因时间短无法进行尽职调查而拒绝投资Aligns interests of FDIC and acquiring bank 使FDIC与购买行因利益一致而结盟Over 260 loss sharing agreements covering $148 billion in assets remain 还剩下260多个损失共同承担协议,涉及资产达1千4百80亿A key tool used to resolve bank failures has been the Purchase and

30、Assumption Agreement with Loss Sharing Option 在解决银行破产时使用的一个主要工具是购买资产并可选择签订损失共同承担协议FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC对危机的应对Managing a Rise in Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the Future2021/9/11As the Number of Problem Banks and Failed Bank have Grown, the Deposit Insurance Fund h

31、as dropped below the 1.35* Percent Lower Bound Established by US Congress随着问题银行和破产银行数量的不断增加,储蓄保险资金已经下降到低于美国国会规定1.35底线*DIF Minimum Increased from 1.15 with passage of Reform legislationFDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC对危机的应对Managing a Rise in Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the

32、Future倒闭银行问题银行2021/9/11The banking industry not taxpayers are rebuilding the deposit insurance fund 是银行业,而不是纳税人,在补充储蓄保险基金Rate Adjustment Recalibrated how assessment are calculated; adjusts for unsecured debt, secured liabilities and brokered deposits 收费调整 重新调准收费的计算方法;对无担保债务,担保债务和通过经纪人进行的储蓄进行收费调整Spec

33、ial Assessment Imposed a one time fee of 5 basis points assessed against total assets minus Tier 1 Capital (May 2009) 特别收费 对减去一级资本后的总资产一次性收取5个基点的费用 (2009年5月)Pre-paid assessments Prepayment of estimated risk-based assessments for the fourth quarter of 2009 and for all of 2010, 2011, & 2012 (September

34、 2009) 提前收取的费用 对2009年第四季度以及2010,2011以及2012全年的以风险为基础的预估费 用提前收取Restoration Plan Implemented a Restoration Plan to return the Designated Reserve Ratio to the statutorily mandated level of 1.35 by September 30, 2020. 恢复计划 实施一项恢复计划在2020年9月之前将储蓄保险资金补充到国会指定的法律规定的 1.35% 的水平上FDIC Response to the Banking Cris

35、is FDIC对危机的应对Managing a Rise in Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the Future2021/9/11The FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund Ratio: 1934 PresentFDIC 储蓄保险基金比率: 1934年至今Bank Insurance Fund: 1934 - 1988BIF + SAIF:1989 - 2005DIF: 2005 -FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis FDIC对危机的应对Managing a Rise in

36、 Bank Failures while Strengthening the FDIC for the Future2021/9/11FDIC Response to the Banking Crisis Overview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ActFDIC对危机的应对概览: 多德弗兰克华尔街改革以及消费者保护法2021/9/11Overview: 概览On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street

37、Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2010年7月,奥巴马总统签署多德弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,成为法律。This legislation was designed to accomplish many critical reforms. Within the banking sector, several key objectives included:该项立法旨在完成许多重要改革。在银行业几个主要的改革目标包括:Provide consumers of financial products and services greater and mor

38、e effective protections while consolidating consumer protection authority into a single independent federal agency 为使用金融产品和服务的消费者提供更大和更有效的保护,同时将消费者保护机构合并成一个独立的联邦政府机构Identify, mitigate, and better manage systemic risk in the financial system 发现,降低并更好地管理金融体制内的系统风险Eliminate Too-Big-To-Fail 消灭大而不倒Streng

39、then oversight and regulation of banks and nonbank financial institutions 加强对银行和非银行金融机构的监督和监管Fortify the U.S. deposit insurance regime 巩固美国储蓄保险体制U.S. Financial Regulatory Reform 美国的金融监管改革Overview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 概览: 多德弗兰克华尔街改革以及消费者保护法案2021/9/11Consumer Fina

40、ncial Protection Bureau A new independent agency, housed at the Federal Reserve, with broad authority and a substantial budget to create and enforce rules designed to protect consumers of a wide range of financial products and services. Bureau will have exclusive rulemaking responsibilities and will

41、 share supervision and enforcement with FDIC and other federal regulators.消费者金融保护局:是一个新的独立机构,其地点设在美联储,拥有广泛的权利和庞大预算以制定和实施旨在保护使用各种金融产品和服务的消费者的规则。该保护局享有独有的规则指定责任并将与美联储和其它联邦监管机构共同分担监督和实施责任。U.S. Financial Regulatory Reform 美国金融监管改革Overview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ActOvervie

42、w: 概览On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2010年7月,奥巴马总统签署多德弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,成为法律。This legislation was designed to accomplish many critical reforms. Within the banking sector, several key objectives included:该项立法旨在完成许多重要改革。在银

43、行业几个主要的改革目标包括:Provide consumers of financial products and services greater and more effective protections while consolidating consumer protection authority into a single independent federal agency 为使用金融产品和服务的消费者提供更大和更有效的保护,同时将消费者保护机构合并成一个独立的联邦政府机构Identify, mitigate, and better manage systemic risk i

44、n the financial system 发现,降低并更好地管理金融体制内的系统风险Eliminate Too-Big-To-Fail 消灭大而不倒Strengthen oversight and regulation of banks and nonbank financial institutions 加强对银行和非银行金融机构的监督和监管Fortify the U.S. deposit insurance regime 巩固美国储蓄保险体制2021/9/11Financial Stability Oversight Council The Council will serve as

45、an early warning system to identify and manage systemic risks, including companies, market activities, and practices in the financial system. The Council will have the authority to identify banking and non-banking companies, which because of their potential systemic importance, should be subject to

46、more rigorous regulation and supervision, increased risk disclosure, higher capital, liquidity, and risk management requirements. The first meeting date for the Council took place on October 1, 2010. 金融稳定监督理事会: 将成为一个预警机构,找出并管理系统风险,包括公司,市场活动以及在金融行业内的一些做法。 监理会将有权找出银行业,非银行业的一些公司,因其潜在的系统重要性将其至于更加严格的监管和监

47、督,并要求其提供更多的风险披漏,并提出更高的资本、流动性和风险管理要求。U.S. Financial Regulatory ReformOverview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ActOverview: 概览On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2010年7月,奥巴马总统签署多德弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,成为法律。T

48、his legislation was designed to accomplish many critical reforms. Within the banking sector, several key objectives included:该项立法旨在完成许多重要改革。在银行业几个主要的改革目标包括:Provide consumers of financial products and services greater and more effective protections while consolidating consumer protection authority in

49、to a single independent federal agency 为使用金融产品和服务的消费者提供更大和更有效的保护,同时将消费者保护机构合并成一个独立的联邦政府机构Identify, mitigate, and better manage systemic risk in the financial system 发现,降低并更好地管理金融体制内的系统风险Eliminate Too-Big-To-Fail 消灭大而不倒Strengthen oversight and regulation of banks and nonbank financial institutions 加强

50、对银行和非银行金融机构的监督和监管Fortify the U.S. deposit insurance regime 巩固美国储蓄保险体制2021/9/11Eliminate Too-Big-To-Fail Ends the possibility that taxpayers will be asked to write a check to bail out financial firms that threaten the economy by creating a safe way to liquidate failed financial firms, imposing tough

51、new capital and leverage requirements that make it undesirable to get too big, updating the Feds authority to allow system-wide support but no longer prop up individual firms, and establishing rigorous standards and supervision to protect the economy and American consumers, investors, and businesses

52、.消灭大而不倒: 消除要求纳税人解救威协美国经济的金融机构的可能性,方法是通过建立一个安全的方式以清算倒闭金融机构,施加更严厉的新的资本要求和杠杆要求,从而让大而不倒失去吸引力,更新美联储的权限以取得系统内的支持,但不再拯救某单个公司,建立一套严格的标准并监督体系以保护经济和美国消费者、投资者和企业。U.S. Financial Regulatory ReformOverview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ActOverview: 概览On July 21, 2010, President Obama sign

53、ed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2010年7月,奥巴马总统签署多德弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,成为法律。This legislation was designed to accomplish many critical reforms. Within the banking sector, several key objectives included:该项立法旨在完成许多重要改革。在银行业几个主要的改革目标包括:Provide consumers of financia

54、l products and services greater and more effective protections while consolidating consumer protection authority into a single independent federal agency 为使用金融产品和服务的消费者提供更大和更有效的保护,同时将消费者保护机构合并成一个独立的联邦政府机构Identify, mitigate, and better manage systemic risk in the financial system 发现,降低并更好地管理金融体制内的系统风

55、险Eliminate Too-Big-To-Fail 消灭大而不倒Strengthen oversight and regulation of banks and nonbank financial institutions 加强对银行和非银行金融机构的监督和监管Fortify the U.S. deposit insurance regime 巩固美国储蓄保险体制2021/9/11Strengthen Oversight and Regulation With the goal of monitoring and managing the build up of systemic risks

56、, the Act establishes the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), which in concert with the Federal Reserve and FDIC will have enhanced powers to regulate systemically important firms safety, size, and range of activities. 加强监督和监管: 目标是监督和管理系统风险的存积,该项法案成立了金融稳定监督理事会(FSOC),该监理会在联手美联储和FDIC后,将拥有更大的

57、权利监管系统重要性公司的安全性,其规模及其所从事的业务活动。 The Act will also strengthen oversight and regulation of all other financial institutions and their holding companies by requiring holding companies to hold minimum levels of capital, restricting proprietary trading in the banks books, requiring capital buffers to miti

58、gate procyclicality, and creating tougher rules that limit transactions between affiliates. 该项法案还将加强所有对其它金融机构及其控股公司的监督和监管,方法是通过要求控股公司保持最低资本水平,限制该银行账目上的自营交易,要求进行资本缓冲以减少顺循环以及指定更严格规定,限制所属机构之间进行的交易。U.S. Financial Regulatory ReformOverview: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection ActOvervie

59、w: 概览On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 2010年7月,奥巴马总统签署多德弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,成为法律。This legislation was designed to accomplish many critical reforms. Within the banking sector, several key objectives included:该项立法旨在完成许多重要改革。在银

60、行业几个主要的改革目标包括:Provide consumers of financial products and services greater and more effective protections while consolidating consumer protection authority into a single independent federal agency 为使用金融产品和服务的消费者提供更大和更有效的保护,同时将消费者保护机构合并成一个独立的联邦政府机构Identify, mitigate, and better manage systemic risk i


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