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1、开放英语第1页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三二、开放英语1教学设计方案 (一)教学对象及教学安排本课程总学时为80学时,每周4个学时,一学期完成。共3学分。本课程教学进度为每两周学习三个单元(Unit), 共18个单元,15周完成(包括复习课)。第2页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三(二)教学目的 通过本课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识, 具备初步的听、说、读、写能力:能掌握1,100词左右的常用词汇(包括入学时要求掌握的600词)和相关的常用词组;能读懂所学词汇和语法范围内的故事、短文及通知、便函等;能够用便条转达具体信息,写出简短

2、的私人信函。第3页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三(三)课程考核 本课程的考核由形成性考核和课程终结考试两部分组成,形成性考核占总成绩30%,课程终结考试占70%。 1 形成性考核:满分100分,占课程总成绩的30。 第4页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 课程考核 2 课程终结考试:内容包括大纲规定掌握的基本语言知识和技能。形式为闭卷,笔答。考试时间为90分钟。终结考试满分为100分,由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国统考。试卷分为四部分,第一部分为交际用语,占10分;第二部分为词汇与结构,占40分;第三部分为阅读理解,占20分;第四部分为翻译,占

3、30分。第5页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Study Guide 学习指导 对学习内容、学习目标、学习活动、语言要点、文化点滴、导学帮助、学习技巧、学后小结、词汇学习等做一一介绍 第6页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Unit OneTalking About People人物介绍第7页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 Unit 1 Talking About PeopleSituation Lin Xiaoyan arrives in LondonLanguage Focus 介绍自己: Im My names Im fr

4、om I live 询问他人情况:What is your/his name/job? Are you British? 表达喜好: She likes swimming. 介绍旅行安排: The plane arrives at 18.25.第8页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 In this unit you Meet the five people whose story is told throughout this module;(单元) Learn how to give information about yourself or another perso

5、n; Learn how to ask someone about themselves; Learn how to talk about leisure activities;(休闲活动) Learn how to give information about travel arrangements.(旅游安排) Study numbers: 数字 Practice telling the time: 时间 Study vocabulary for countries and nationalities. 国家与国籍第9页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session

6、1New words and Expressions age 年龄 job 工作 nationality n. 国籍 national a.民族的, 国家的 manager 经理 British 英国的 owner 拥有者 London 伦敦 information technology American 美国人 (IT)信息技术 restaurant 餐馆 teacher 教师 bank 银行 policeman 警察 university 大学 accountant 会计师 deputy 副的 engineer 工程师 company 公司 town 城市第10页,共73页,2022年,5

7、月20日,9点18分,星期三Here is a list of jobs for your reference. worker 工人 salesman 推销员 clerk 职员 shop assistant 售货员 nurse 护士 receptionist 接待员 editor 编辑 postman 邮递员 chef 主厨 civil servant 公务员 doctor 医生 baker 面包师 soldier 士兵 Chief Executive Officer officer 官员 (CEO)首席执行官 director 主管 第11页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星

8、期三Session 1In this session you Learn to give basic information about a person and their job;(介绍个人基本情况和所从事的工作) Study the use of a and an. Study the verb to be;Language Focus(P23)1 不定冠词 a/an 表示职业的名词前一般用冠词 a . 如果该名 词 以元音音素开头,需用冠词 an 。 I am a deputy manager(副经理) /a teacher/ a student/ a policeman . I am

9、 an information technology manager(IT经理)/ an accountant (会计)/ an engineer.(工程师)第12页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 2 与work 连用的介词 (work for, work at, work in , work with)(P3) You work with a person. I work with David in the same company. You work for a company. I work for an IT company (信息技术) You work at

10、 a place. I work at a school. You work in a town. I work in Beijing.3 动词 “ be ” 介绍自己和他人可以用 “be” 动词 . 其形式随主语变化: I am from China. We are Chinese. You are English. You are teachers. He is a manager. They are American. She is a deputy manager. The manager is British. It is in Shanghai. 第13页,共73页,2022年,5

11、月20日,9点18分,星期三 4 否定句要在 be 动词后面加 not, 一般疑问句 要将 be 动词 放在句首: He is not Chinese. Is he Chinese? Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. I am not a manager. Are you a manager? Yes, I am./ No, Im not.5 将 who, what, when, where, how 放在句首, 构成特殊 疑问句: What is your name ? My name is Wang Hua. Where are you from? I am from N

12、anjing. How old are you? I am 35 years old. What is your job? I am an account. How old is the manager? He is 40 years old.第14页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三6 在口语中,可以用动词的缩略形式: I am Chinese. Im Chinese. He is English. Hes English. She is German. Shes German. They are managers. Theyre managers. What is th

13、at? Whats that? Where is she from? Wheres she from?第15页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 2New words and Expression Italy n. 意大利 Italian a. landlord 房东 parent 父亲/母亲 Russia n. 俄罗斯 Russian a. Greek a./n. 希腊人 Greece n.希腊 wife 妻子 secretary 秘书In this session you learn how to talk about other people in mo

14、re detail;(详细谈论他人情况) study the use of possessive pronouns (学习物主代词) and s; study singular and plural nouns.(学习单数和复数名词)第16页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Language Focus1. 代词 人称代词用于代替人或物: (I, you, he, she, we, they, it) I am David. You work in London. He is from Russia. She is from Italy. We are ten years

15、old. They are from London. It is our dog. 形容词性物主代词表示所属关系: (my, your, his, her, our,their,its) My name is David Your job is in London. His parents are from Italy. (意大利) Its name is Rex. Her mother is from Russia.(俄罗斯) Our dog is 8 years old. Their home is in London. 第17页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三P5人

16、称代词(用于替代人或物) I /we /you /they /he /she /it 形容词性物主代词(表示所属关系) my/your/his/her/our/their/its/第18页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三P6 Activity 13 : 1,his 2,he 3,hes 4,his 5,are 6,they 7,years old 8,he第19页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三2。 在名词后加-s 表示所属关系 Sallys friend is Greek. Johns father is Chinese. The managers

17、 home is in London. What is Pollys job?3。 规则动词 live, work 都是动词,主语是第三人称单数时,动词 词尾加-s,如 Mary lives in London. Mary lives in London. Mary works for an IT company. To live To work I live I work you live you work he lives he works she lives she works it lives it works we live we work第20页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,

18、9点18分,星期三4 名词的单数与复数 英语中名词有单、复数之分, 一个以上为复数。名词复数的规 则变化是在名词后加-s:Singular (单数) Plural (复数) job jobs bank banks brother brothers parent parents注意以下是不规则变化: man men woman women child children第21页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 3New words and Expressions piano 钢琴 guitar 吉他 detail 细节 local 当地的, 地方的 flight

19、 航班,空中旅行,飞行 mobile (phone) 可移动的(电话) arrive in arrive at 第22页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session3In this session you learn how to describe leisure activities; learn how to give information about travel arrangements.Language Focus动词like 的用法表示喜欢做某事,可以用动词like + 动词 ing 形式, e.g: I like playing football. Th

20、ey like watching TV. She likes studying Chinese. He likes playing computer games. My father likes cooking. We like bungee jumping.(蹦极跳) 第23页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三P7 Activity 15; b-e-d-a-f-cP8 Activity 17; 1, What is his name? 2,Where are they from? 3,Are they American? 4,what is her job? 5, How

21、 old is he? 6,Are they shop assistants? P9 Activity 19 :1/5,He likeshis 2/3/4, She likeshisP10 Activity 20;Answers: 1,She is flying from Shanghai. 2,She arrives at 20.50. 3,Her flying number is CA5027.第24页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Review Reminder介绍自己 Im . My name is /My names. Im from Im an account

22、ant. I works for I live in询问他人情况 What is your /his/ her name? What is your/ his/ her job? Are you from?第25页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 Is he /she from? Is your father American ? Is Marys landlord British ?表达喜好 I like listening to the radio /eating fish. He/she likes dancing/learning English. We/they

23、 like drinking milk/ eating Chinese food.介绍旅行安排 The plane leaves/arrives at 18.25. The flight number is CA5027.第26页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三小结:P11Talking:分小组用英语谈话:用英语介绍自己及询问他人的情况、表达自己及他人的喜好、介绍旅行安排等。第27页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三谢谢,再见!第28页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三开放英语1This is English 1 Unit 2第29

24、页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Unit 2 Meeting and Greeting 相识与问候Situation David takes Xiaoyan to her hotel. David 送小燕到旅馆Language Focus 介绍自己: I go to work by bus. 描述时间安排:We usually work from to 表达时间: Its a quarter past five. 表达提议/请求:Would you like sth? Could you do sth? To have She has black eyes. 第30页,

25、共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三In this unit you Learn to say more about yourself;介绍个人情况Learn to describe a typical day(日常作息时间); Learn to make offers / requests(提议/请求); Learn to check into a hotel(入住登记); Revise telling the time with the twelve hour clock(用12小时制报时) Spell aloud(拼读字母)。Session 1 In this sessi

26、on you learn to talk about routines(日常活动); learn to describe activities you like doing and dont like doing(描述喜欢和不喜欢的事情); learn to use adverbs of frequency and some 第31页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 prepositions(频率副词和介词)Language Focus1 表达问候的方式 Hi! 熟人之间很随便的问候语。 Hello. “中性”的问候语,认识或不认识的人都可 以用. How are you

27、? 不常见的熟人之间的问候 语,答:Fine, thanks.或者 Very well,thank you. Fine. And you? 再回答问候之后,反过来问候 对方 “你好吗?”2 行为动词的否定形式 行为动词的否定式由 do not (dont),does not (doesnt) +动词原形构成.第32页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 比较肯定句 否定句 I like swimming. I do not (dont)like You like You do not (dont)like. He /She likes He/She does not (doe

28、snt) like We like We do not (dont) like They like They do not (dont) like.口语中通常用缩略形式dont/doesnt I dont like playing the piano. She doesnt like playing football/basketball/tennis.在正式的文体中不用缩略形式. I do not like bungee jumping. He does not like playing computer games. 第33页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三3. 频度

29、副词(1)常见的频度副词有never(从不), sometimes(有 时),often(经常),usually (通常), always(总是). 从0%(never)到100%(always)可以这样排序: 0%100% never sometimes often usually always(2) 注意频率副词在句中有不同的位置.在 be 动词之后: Im usually ill on planes. Are you usually at home on Monday? He isnt usually ill on planes.在实意动词之前: I usually work on Fr

30、iday. I sometimes go to London.第34页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三在含有助动词的句子中,至于助动词之后,实意动词之前: e.g: He doesnt always work on Tuesday. I dont usually go to work by bus.4 介词 at, for, in at (在时刻) e.g:I have tea at breakfast time. (at lunchtime, at dinnertime) for (作为) e.g: She likes fish for breakfast.(for l

31、unch, for dinner) in (在期间) e.g: I work in the morning.(in the afternoon,in the evening) 第35页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Activity 1 (P13); b-d-a-c-e2 (14) ; 1,No, she doesnt. 2, Yes, he does. 3,No, she doesnt. 4, David . 5, No, they dont .3 (P15)1,flying ; 2,good ; 3,like ; 4,David 5,ill ; 6,coffee ;

32、7,go第36页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Activity4(P15);1,David works in New York. David doesnt work in New York.2,doesnt like ; 3,dont live ; 4,dont like5,dont work ; 6, dont feel第37页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 2In this session you learn to describe a typical working day; (描述日常作息时间) study the verb

33、 to have.(学习动词have)New words and Expressions start 开始 finish 完成 sandwich 三明治 at home 在家 pub 酒馆 by train 乘火车 bar 酒吧间 colleague 同事 canteen (机关、企业的)食堂 Language Focus第38页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三1 动词 to have有多种含义,主要有以下三种:(1) to possess (characteristic) 具有(特点) e.g: I have black hair. (2) to possess (th

34、ing) 拥有(东西) e.g: She has a car.(3) to eat or to drink( 吃,喝) e.g: He has lunch in the canteen(机关、企业的)食堂 We have a sandwich(三明治) for lunch. Would you like to have a coffee?2 动词 to have, to go 和 to finish 第三人称单数形式的变化: he /she/it has/goes/finishes 第39页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三3 行为动词疑问句的构成及其简略回答(1) 行为动

35、词作谓语的一般疑问句需用助动词 do/does ,并将其至于主语前。 e.g: Do you eat in the canteen at lunchtime? Does Xiaoyan like flying?(2)一般疑问句通常只需要简略回答, 用 do/does 代替句中的行为动词。 e.g: Do you have a canteen? Yes, we do. Does she finish early on Friday? No,she doesnt(3)特殊疑问句要将疑问词至于句首, 这与汉语语序不同。 e.g: Where do you have lunch? What time

36、do you start work?第40页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Activity12(P20); 1,Where do you live? 2,What time do you have lunch? / When do you have lunch? 3,What time do you leave London?/ when do you leave London? 4,How do you go to the office? 5,Where do you work? 6,What do you drink in the morning?/ When do

37、 you drink tea?第41页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 3In this session youlearn language for checking into a hotel(旅馆入住登记) learn language for making requests and offers (提出请求表达提议) practice the English alphabet(英语字母读音) practice telling the time using the twelve hour clock. (用12小时制报时)Language Focus 1

38、.12 小时表达法 (1) 表示整点过130分用 past(晚于,过): 12.10 It is ten past twelve. 12.30 It is half past twelve. (2) 表示离整点还差129分用 to (在.之前) 9.40 It is twenty to ten.第42页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三表示“一刻钟”可用 a quarter: 5.15 It is a quarter past five. 3.45 It is a quarter to four.表示“半小时”常用 half: 7.30 It is half past se

39、ven .表示“午前”用 am ,表示“午后”用 pm, ,表示“在中午”用 at noon: e.g: Whats the time? Its 9 am.(9 oclock in the morning) I usually take a nap at noon. 我经常在中午睡午觉。2. 表示时间的介词 at 表示在某点时间: e.g: She arrives at 7 oclock. I have coffee at breakfast-time.第43页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 for 表示在某段时间: I go swimming on Tuesdays

40、for two hours.fromto 表示从某点到另一点的持续时间: He works from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening.3. 提出请求 Could you +do sth? 常用于表达请求。 Could you spell it, please? Yes, of course. Could you tell me your car number, please? No,sorry. Could you sign the register, please? Of,course. Could you call me at 7oclock, p

41、lease? Certainly.第44页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Activity15(P21); 16(P22); 17(P23)选做; 21(P24)第45页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Language Focus名词复数 大多数的名词复数形式由单数名词结尾加-s 构成,但是也有例外情况。以辅音+y 结尾的名词要变y为i ,然后加 -es. baby babies party parties以元音+y 结尾的名词,变复数是直接加-s ,如: daydays, boyboys, 以ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z结尾的名词变复数时

42、,加es, 如: box boxes bus buses 第46页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 church churches bush bushes以f 或 fe 结尾的名词,变复数时将 f 或 fe 变为ve ,然后加-s ,如: half halves leaf leaves life lives wife wives有些名词复数形式的变化是不规则的,如: child children foot feet man men person people(persons) tooth teeth woman women 第47页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点

43、18分,星期三Review Reminder介绍自己 I like/dont like Im often ill on planes/boats. I usually work on I go to work by描述日常作息 I start work at We work from to I usually finish work at I never work at home in the evening.第48页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三表达提议/请求 Could you do sth ? Would you like sth ? Would you like

44、 to do sth ?入住登记 I have a reservation for a double room. Could you spell your name/tell me your car number, please ? Could you sign the register, please ?12 小时表达法 Its past Its to Its a quarter/ half past第49页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三频率副词 I never/sometimes/often/usually/always eat in the canteen at

45、lunchtime.动词 to have She has black eyes. I have an English teacher. Would you like to have a coffee ?第50页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三谢谢,再见!第51页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 开放英语1 This is English 1 Unit 3第52页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Unit 3 What do you do?Situation David shows Xiaoyan round the bank Da

46、vid 带小燕参观银行。Language Focus 介绍他人:This is 表达提议:Ill do sth. 描述位置:Your office is on the first floor. Theres/Therere第53页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Vocabulary orange 橘子 n. juice 果汁,汁 n. beer. 啤酒 n. wine 葡萄酒 n. crisp 土豆片 n. peanut 花生 n. ticket 票,入场券 n. message 口信 n. immediately立即,马上adv. Immediate a. contac

47、t 与 取得联系;接触第54页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 prepare 准备 vt. foreign 外国的 adj. invite 邀请 vt. luggage 行李 n. boss 老板 n. floor 楼层,地板 n. ground 地面,楼层 n. post (一批)邮件 邮寄 职位 n. post room 邮件分发室 reception 接待处,招待点n. personal 个人的 adj. person n. banking 银行业务n. business 工商企业;营业,业务 n. top 顶部的,最高的;顶端 adj. ;n. 第55页,共73

48、页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 stair 楼梯 n. lounge 休息厅,休息室 n. lift 电梯;举起 n./vt. capital 首都 n. stupid 愚蠢的,傻的 adj. telephone phone 打电话;给 打电话;电话 vi./vt./n. personal computer(PC) 个人电脑 fax 传真 n. machine 机器 n. photocopier 复印机 n. plant 植物 n. corner 角落,拐角处 n. water 浇水;水 vi./n. 第56页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 P27 Ac

49、tivity 1 1,orange juice 橘子汁 2.water 水 3.beer 啤酒 4.wine 葡萄酒 5.whisky 威士忌酒 6.crisp 土豆片7.peanut 花生 8.gin and tonic杜松子酒第57页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 1In this session you learn how to introduce someone;(介绍他人) learn how to make offers.(表达提议)Language focus 一杯酒:a glass of wine 一杯茶:a cup of tea(1)表示

50、相互关系的词汇你学过的有: husband (丈夫) wife (妻子) sister (姐妹) brother(兄弟) classmate(同学) friend (朋友) neighbor (邻居) landlord/landlady(房东) 第58页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三(2)介绍他人 表达方法: This is +name, my+讲话人的关系。 e.g. friend,sister,husband,wife,brother,class- mate,neighbor, landlord/landlady. e.g. Xiaoyan, this is Pol

51、ly, my girlfriend. Polly, this is Xiaoyan, my colleague from Shanghai.Culture Note 酒吧里的饮酒文化 buying a round (请每人喝一杯酒)(3)提议与应答 (P28) Would you like a drink ?/ some crisps? Yes, please. / No, thanks. Would you like to come to the shop one day?第59页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三 Yes, I would, thanks./ No, I

52、 wouldnt, thanks.“提议”还可以用what开头的疑问句来表达: What would you like to drink ? Id like a gin and tonic, please. What would you like, Polly? Id like some crisps.主动提出自己做某事,常用 Ill + 动词原形。 Ill buy the drinks.第60页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三练习: P29 Activity 4Part A:1, Would you like an apple ?2,Would you like to

53、read the newspaper ?3,What would you like to drink?/ Would you like something to drink ?4,Would you like a drink of milk ?5,would you like to come to dinner ?6,Would you like a sandwich ?第61页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三练习: P29 Activity 4Part B:1, Would you like to meet my /his/her/their mother ?2,Wou

54、ld you like to go to your /my/the hotel ?3,Would you like some apples ?4,Would you like to go to the cinema ?5,would you like to watch TV ?6,Would you like to read a/this/my book ?第62页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三相关练习: Activity 6 P30 Part A:1, Ill go to the bank of you .2, Ill work late .3, Ill buy th

55、e tickets .4, Ill carry your bags for you .5, Ill call your wife for you.6,Ill give a message to your/the boss for you .Part B:a-2 ; b-5 ; c-1 ; d-3 ; e -4 ; f-6 ;第63页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三Session 2(P31) In this session you learn to use ordinal numbers;(学习序数词) learn to use demonstrative pronoun

56、s;(学习指示代词) study the use of the.(学习定冠词the的用法)Language Focus 1、序数词(1)多数序数词由基数词+th 构成 six sixth eleven eleventh eighteen eighteenth thirty-five thirty-fifth fifty fiftieth hundred hundredth第64页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三以下词例外: first , second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth序数词相关练习:Activity 9 (P31)1-e; 3-a; 5-b; 7-h; 9-d; 2-f; 4-g; 6-I; 8-j; 10-c 第65页,共73页,2022年,5月20日,9点18分,星期三2、不定冠词a/an和定冠词the的区别:(1)不定冠词 a/an与可数名词的单数搭配,相 当于汉语中的“一”,指某一类人或事物中的 非特


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