



1、 定语从句语法填空专项练习50题is reported on TV that 6,000 people died accidentally in Lebanon due to a sudden explosion (爆炸).Lincoln asked the people to think of slavery (奴隶制)in the way these men did.The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through he could see what was going oninside house.We warmly welcomed (热架

2、!欢迎)the foreign guests at the airport, most of werescientistsIt* s helpful to put children in a situation they can see themselves differently.China will hold a national mourning(哀悼)Saturday for martyrs(烈士)died in the fight against the COVID-19.For the young people want to go abroad to study our scho

3、ol is a good choice.The days black people were looked down upon are gone.There is a period in American history the black people were discriminated(歧视).Libai was one of the greatest poets (诗人)in China (be) familiar to the readers.The man you are talking about is in the next room.In the dark street, t

4、here wasn t a single person to she could turn for help.York,I visited last year, is a nice city.After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town he grewup as a child.The film brought the hours back to me I was taken good care of in thatfaraway village.The college won t take on an

5、yone eyesight is weak.Recently I bought an English dictionary,price was very reasonable.Recently I bought an English dictionary, the price of was very reasonable.is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.Have you seen the film “ Titanic .leading actor is world famous?This is the reas

6、on he was late for the meeting.Is this the reason he explained at the meeting for his carelessness inhis work?am your good friend, will try my best to help you out.All is useful to us is good.This is the school my father worked 30 years ago.She will never forget the days she spent in Beijing.This is

7、 the last factory he used to work at, many workers ofstill have a good relationship with him.I don t like the way he spoke to me.I still don t understand the way he explained.is known to us all, the earth moves around the sun.One of the students(have) worked out the problem.She is one of the student

8、s are able to answer this question.She is the only one of the students(be) able to answer this question.We talked a lot about the persons and things we remembered at college.Let me think of a proper situation this sentence can be used.has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.I ca

9、n think of many cases students obviously knew a lot of Englishwords and expressions but couldn t write a good essay.I shall never forget the day Shenzhou V was launched(发射),has a great effect on my life.I think they ve got to the very point a change is needed, otherwisethey will fail.With her husban

10、d k川ed in an accident, Mrs. Yang remarried a rich old man, children were all married.is natural, she goes abroad with her husband.1 lost a book,title I can*t remember now.is known to us alh the light on the earth is given by the sun.He has four brothers, the eldest of were killed in the Wenchuan Ear

11、thquake (i文I地震).I have read plenty of books(write) by Guo Jingming.(非谓语/定语从句)I have bought two pens zbut neither of writes well.47. He seldom finishes his work on time.always makes his boss very angry.47. He seldom finishes his work on time.always makes his boss very angry.Many people who had seen t

12、he film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes people were eaten by the tiger.The engineer(匚程师)whom my father works is about 50 years old.50.1 watched the very novel (小说) I once had thought was uninteresting from beginning to end.定语从句语法填空专项练习答案7.who 8.when9.whenl.As 2.that/i

13、n which 3.which4.whom5.where 6.who7.who 8.when9.whenlO.that are 11. who / whom / that whose 17. whose 18. which 19. As12. whom 13. which20. whose 21. why14. where 15. when 16.22. that / which 23. wholO.that are 11. who / whom / that whose 17. whose 18. which 19. As12. whom 13. which20. whose 21. why14. where 15. when 16.22. that / which 23. who24. that 25. where 26. that / which 27. which / that, which28. that 29. that/ wh


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