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1、川大大学英语(四)000418春在线作业21、D2、C3、C4、A 5S D一、单项选择题共40题,80分1、Regardless of how hard she tried, Jennie couldn* t figure out what her boyfriend thought.A珍妮努力的想都想不出她的男朋友在想什么。B珍妮想的多么努力啊,但是还是揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。C尽管珍妮很努力,但是还是不明白她的男朋友在想什么。D不管珍妮如何努力,都揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。正确答案是:D2、一 Do you prefer tea or coffee? AMilk.BYes, I

2、 like tea.CCoffee, please.DNone.正确答案是:CWhen Susan and I on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult towork together.AcompiledBgatheredCcollaboratedDjoined正确答案是:C4、There a book and some magazines on the desk.AisBareChaveDhas正确答案是:A5、一 Do you think I could borrow these magazines? 一AN

3、o, you can t.BYou could borrow other magazines.CThe magazines aren1 t here now.DT m sorry, but the magazines you want are out.正确答案是:D6、一 Have you got a table for four, waiter? 一 AWelcome to our restaurant.BYes, sure. This way, please.CWe have looked the seats.succeeded. Hitchcocks ability to put you

4、 on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers of suspense (悬念) movies.、He had taken up different jobs before he succeeded.A错误B正确正确答案是:BIn 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an American film company which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His fir

5、st job at the studio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he was writing scripts (剧本) and working as an assistant director.For the rest of the 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filming was often a rough-and-ready (匆忙做成的) affair and th

6、e assistant director was required to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became a cameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be in charge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money.At the same time, this bein

7、g the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning the language of cinema: telling a story - not through dialogue, but through visual images (视觉 影象).This led to his success later.When he began to direct his own films, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films that held

8、 the audiences attention and kept tension (紧张感).He succeeded. Hitchcocks ability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers of suspense (悬念) movies.(3)、Telling a story through dialogue prepared Hitchcock for his success later.A错误B正确正确答案是:AUntil 1983, Tillson Lake had be

9、en a lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed. During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that the lake had disappeared.Some people didnt believe what they were seeing. They looked again, but to their amazement they found they had bee

10、n right the first time. The lake was simply no longer there. In its place was a big muddy hole, 30 feet deep. It was as if the lake had been a giant bathtub and someone had pulled the plug.The lakes owner, Joseph Unanue, did indeed pull the plug. Thats exactly what happened. The dam that held back t

11、he water to form the lake was falling apart, so government officials ordered him to repair it. They issued him a permit to lower the dam level five feet or more.He did much more. Mr. Unanue found repairs to the dam would cost $100,000. He didnt want to spend that much, so he opened the dam and lower

12、ed the water level until the lake was completely emptied. People living above the dam ended up with no lake. People living below the dam ended up with tons of mud and lots of dead fish. Everyone involved was angry with Mr. Unanue.Area residents believed Mr. Unanue acted out of spite (恶意).They said h

13、e wanted to get back at them because the town wouldnt let him develop an amusement park on the lakeshore. When he couldnt build his park, he just went away and took his lake with him.(2)、The lake was compared to a bathtub because it could be emptied out.A错误B正确正确答案是:BDHere are the menus.正确答案是:B7、 It

14、was on the beach Miss White found the kid lying dead.AthatBthisCitDwhich正确答案是:A8、The publisher and the author made an agreement.AisBhasCareDhave正确答案是:D9、Physics always my strong point.AisBareCbeingDto be正确答案是:A10、Peter will as managing director when Bill retires.Atake offBtake overCtake onDtake in正确

15、答案是:B11、He put forward a theory,of great importance to the progress of science of technology.Al think which isBwhich I think isCwhich is I thinkDI think it is正确答案是:B12、一 Hi, Im glad to see you, 一AThank youBMe, tooCMy name is MaryDlm glad to hear that正确答案是:B13、I didnt know my identity card (身份证) was

16、needed, sir.AThats sorry.Bl dont believe you.CSorry, but thats no excuse.DYou cant say that. 正确答案是:C14、His answer is not correct, and.Aneither am IBeither is mineCneither is mine Dmine is neither 正确答案是:C15、We consider the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.Athat it necessary Bit necessary t

17、hat Cnecessary that Dnecessary of it that 正确答案是:B16、The shops offer almost everything ranges from cheap to expensive.AthatBwhichCwhatDlt 正确答案是:A17、We moved to the front row we could hear and see better.Aso asBso thatCbecauseDsuch that 正确答案是:B18、The young lady coming over to us our English teacher; t

18、he way she walks tells usthat!Amust beBean beCwould beDcould be 正确答案是:A19、Only after I had reached the supermarket that I had forgotten to take my pursewith me.Al had realizedBl realizedCl have realizedDdid I realize 正确答案是:D20、一 I think he is a good lecturer. 一ASorry, it doesnt matter.BSo do I.CYes.

19、 Its a good idea.DI dont mind.正确答案是:B2L一Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?*AHello! International AirlineBYoud better look up the schedule firstClm sorry, but its completely bookedDlm afraid you have to change 正确答案是:CDown the entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade stud

20、ents. Each one is carrying a small basket with a single egg inside. Soon more students join them-each one of them is also carrying a basket with an egg. The eggs in a basket are part of a new school program that helps young people understand that having a baby is a great duty.At the beginning of the

21、 program, the teacher puts the students in pairs-one girl and one boy. Each pair gets an egg, which they must take care of for two weeks. For those fourteen days, the students have to take care of the eggs as though they were real babies. Students whose eggs get broken have to start the two weeks al

22、l over again with a new egg.One person in each pair must have the egg with him or her at all times-twenty-four hours a day. At no time can they let the egg be out of sight. If a teacher catches you without your egg, said one student, she makes you go get it. They are really strict. The teachers also

23、 make the students spend half an hour each day sitting with the egg and just watching it. That can get pretty boring. But its also something that parents spend a lot of time doing.Children say that the program has helped them understand the duties involved in having a child. It was really hard, said

24、 one student, You had to think all the time about the egg.、From the last paragraph, we can infer that.Aa program is the only way to educate children Bone has to think about a program all the time Conly one child grasps the purpose of the program Dthe program is of help to childrens understanding of

25、parents 正确答案是:DMr. Liu,at university in Changchun, works at Changhou Company now. Awhose wife I met Bl met whose wife Cl met his wife Dhis wife I met 正确答案是:A24、一 How much is this necklace? Alts very nice.Bits a birthday present from my parents.Clt costs fifty pounds.Dlts a bargain. 正确答案是:C25、一 Lets

26、go to the library this afternoon. AYes, thats right. BNo. I cant.CWhat about you?DThats a good idea. 正确答案是:D26、一Didn, t they come to the party last week? 一Yes. They didn5 t want to come with us at first, but then we persuade them.Awould Bcould Cwere able to Dhad to 正确答案是:C27、Peter, whom everyone sus

27、pected,to be innocent. Aturned out Bturned off Cturned up Dtumed over 正确答案是:A28、一 Oh dear! Ive just broken a window.! It cant be helped.AGreatBNever mindCThats fineDNot at all正确答案是:B29、they met each other and became good friends.Alt was in the countryside whereBBeing in the countrysideClt was in the

28、 countrysidewhenDlt was in the countryside that正确答案是:D30、一 Id like to book a room, please.ASingle or double?BGood or bad?CWhich room?DWe dont have books here.正确答案是:A31、If s already 5 o5 clock. Don, t you think if s about time? Awe are going home Bwe go homeCwe went homeDwe can go home正确答案是:C32、一 Hel

29、lo, I would like to open an account, 一AWhich account do you want to see?BHave you make up your mind?CWhat kind of account do you have in mind?DYou re welcome.正确答案是:C33、She knew that society would her for abandoning her children.AdiscussBblameCsayDcondemn正确答案是:D34、I won t make the mistake next time.A

30、likeBsameCnearsimilar正确答案是:B35、 Our childs behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important part of a principle of behaviora

31、l psychology.The principle states that a behavior is influenced or affected by how the environment people, places and thingsimmediately responds to the behavior. Perhaps without realizing it, you have used this principle many times.On the occasion when you told your child what a good boy he was afte

32、r he cleaned up his room, you used the principle. When you sent your child to his room for fighting with his brother, you used the principle. When I gave Kim a cookie after she started to cry, I used the principle. In each of these examples, a particular behavior occurred firstcleaning up aroom, fig

33、hting, and crying.In addition, there was a reaction to each behaviorthe child was praised, sent to hisroom, or given a cookie. By these actions, we have influenced the previous behaviors and have helped to determine whether those behaviors will occur again in the future.(2) On what kind of principle

34、 is the lecture based?AA principle in chemistry.BA principle in behavioral psychology.CA principle in physics.DA principle in geology.正确答案是:B36、一 一 Yes, I II be happy to cash it for you.ADo you need any cash?BAre you happy with the cash?CAre you happy to cash it for me?DMay I cash a traveler5 s chec

35、k here?正确答案是:D37、Bring me the bill, please.AYou are welcome.BPIease wait for a moment, sir.Cill hurry up. DBe quick 正确答案是:B38、We go to the cinema a week.AoftenBonceCseldomusually正确答案是:B39、If you me, I shall be very grateful to you.Amust helpBwill helpCmay helpDneed help正确答案是:B40、Unemployment is not

36、the 一 the real problem is the decline in public morality.AtroubleBmatterCissueDthing正确答案是:C 二、判断题共5题,20分All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer.Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer.Games

37、 and sports often grow out of peoples work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is

38、popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back to thousands of years ago, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are i

39、nventing new sports or games all the time.People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. Sports help to train a persons character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.(4)、From

40、 this passage we can see that according to the author sports and games are significant to our life in many respects.A错误B正确正确答案是:BAlbert Einstein had a great effect on science and history, greater than what only a few other men have achieved. An American university president once commented that Einst

41、ein had created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be some time before the average mind understands fully the identity of time and space and so on-but even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something larger than ever thought before.By 1914 the young Einstein had gained

42、world fame. He accepted the offer to become a professor at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study, but soon his peace and quiet were broken by the First World War.Einstein hated violence. The misery of war affected him deeply, and he sat unhappily in his office doing little. He lost interest in his research. Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work.In the years following World War I honors were increasingly he


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