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1、英语(A 级1部分:词汇选项(115 1 15 分151 英语(A 级1部分:词汇选项(115 1 15 分151 1.Forsomeobscurereason,thesimplegame2.Theseaturtlesnaturalhasbeenconsiderablyreduced.1分3.IgotanotefromMoiraurgingmetoouch.1分4.Itsibletoapproachtheprobleminadifferentway.1分Be。1 分toinvadeprovokedstormsBtshecouldnttoleratethe。1 分toinvadeprovoked

2、stormsBtshecouldnttoleratethelonghours.1分6.Jane7.At80,PeckwasstillvigorousandlivinginParis.1分8.Foresterstaredathiscar,tremblingwithrage.1分9.Ayoungmanisbeinghailedaherotonightafterochildren.1 分10.Iwantedtoaskheroutbutwastshemightrefuse.1分10.Iwantedtoaskheroutbutwastshemightrefuse.1分ttimewedidnotfully

3、graspthesignificanceofdhappened.1分12.Andersonleftthethehadsomeworktodo1 分t erwasasafeandnon-pollutingenergysource.1分13.He14.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking courses.1分15.Shealwaysfinds14.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college stud

4、ents taking courses.1分15.Shealwaysfindsfaultwitheverything,1分2部分:阅读判断(1622 1 7 分 A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡B 涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C 涂黑。TheForbiddenNew York used to be the drinksordoesanything naughty ( Forbidden Apple.t never sleeps.Theses days, its thet never east, not in public).The Big Apple is q

5、uickly o If you wanted a glass of wine with ic in Central Park, could you have one? chance. Drinking alcohol in public isnt allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs (碎屑) of your sandwich., you could be arrested. Its illegal if you went to a bar for drink and a t would be OK, wo

6、uldnt it? Erno. You cant smoke in public in Whats going on? Why is the t used to be ing like this? mayorofNewYorkisbehinditall.Heahsbroughtinawholelotofnewlawstostopcitizensngwhattheywant,whenthey The press are shocked. Even the New spent $100,000 on a “Dont blame the have joined the argument. They

7、n. One New officer said, raise money for the city by giving people fines for breaking some very laws. Its all The result is a lot of fines for minor raise money for the city by giving people fines for breaking some very laws. Its all The result is a lot of fines for minor . Yoav Kashida, an Israel t

8、ourist, fell asleep thesubway.Whenhewokeup,officersfined himbecausehehadfallenasleeponseats (you use two seats in the subway). Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined blockingadrivewaywiththeircar.ItwastheirownTheangryeditorofvanityFairmagazine,GraydonCarter,says, “UnderNewYorkCitylawit is acceptable t

9、o keep a gun in your place of work, but not an empty ashtray.”He should cametohisofficeandtookawayhisashtray烟灰缸)ButnotalloftheNewYorksinhabitantsarecomplaining.Dugatty,72,said,“Thehaschangedforthebetter. Ifmorecitieshadtheselaws,Americawouldbealaceto Nixon Patricks, 38, a barman, said, “I like the n

10、ew laws, if people smoked in here, wed go smellingofRecent figures t New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 n lets other US cities. And its true-its safe, cleaner and more n YorkforitscleaneillegalinNewYork.1分16.SomeactivitieshaveCNot17.ItisnowillegaltosmokeordrinkalcoholanywhereinNewYork.1 分CNot

11、18.Eatingheparkisillegal.1 分CNot19.Thebusinessmenlikethenewlaws.1分CNot20.ElleandSergeSchoronitmanparkedtheircaronthepublicdriveway.1分CNot21.TheeditorofVanityFairmagazinethinksCNot20.ElleandSergeSchoronitmanparkedtheircaronthepublicdriveway.1分CNot21.TheeditorofVanityFairmagazinethinkssomeofthenewlaws

12、are.1 分CNot22.NewYorkiscleanerandnbefore.1分CNot3部分:概括大意与完成句子(2330 1 8 分251个正确的小标题;(2)273064 个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。请将 涂在答题卡相应的位置上.AreYoua1) Almost nothing we do in this word is done in isolation. At work or at play, youll yourself in groups, working with other people: your team at work, a meeting with yourf

13、amily,aholidaywithfriends,agroupofstudentsworkingtogether,adayoutmountains, a group of neighbors wanting to make changes. It is now t being to work sfully with eople is one of the major keys to s. Partly because needtso2)Inalmosteverysituationwhereyoureinagroup,youwillneedaskilledleader.Allneed lead

14、ers and all sful groups have good leaders. Groups without leaders or with leadersalmostalwaysbreakdown.Membersofaleaderlessgroupoftenofeel and frustrated. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments leadersalmostalwaysbreakdown.Membersofaleaderlessgroupoftenofeel and fru

15、strated. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments snpeopleasthereisnobodytokeepthegoalsclear.alitiesand other disappears. Often group members begin not to come to meetings in order to more3)Somepeoplearenaturalleaders.Theritychef,AntonioCarluccisays,“Trueleadersreborn

16、andyoucanspottheminkitchens.”Theyrepeoplewhocombinetoughness,fairnesshumour. Although a lot of people t there are some natural born leaders, most now t leadership can also be taught. Our al and experienced staff trainalmostanyonehowtobeasfulleader.Goodleadersdontmakepeopledothingsinsy, controlling w

17、ay. You can learn how to involve everyone, encouraging the whole group worktowardsacommon4) Our training courses use activities and techniques to develop a range of qualities are sary to be a good leader. Self-confidence is vital and being able e your fearsabout being a leader. sful leaders also nee

18、d to be calm elligent. They needbe able to work out good strategies and make sound judgments under re. Lastly, probablymostimportantly,goodleadersneedtobesensitive,bleandbeabletoget ona wide range of people. Good leadership is essentially the ability to influence others and good leaders allow all me

19、mbers of the group to contribute.1分AAgoodleaderneedsavarietyofBThesetechniquesareusedtotrainCTrainingcanmakegoodDMostofgoodleaderarenatural-EItsimportanttohaveagoodFPeoplearein.1 分AAgoodleaderneedsavarietyofBThesetechniquesareusedtotrainCTrainingcanmakegoodDMostofgoodleaderarenatural-EItsimportantto

20、haveagoodFPeoplearein .1分AAEItsimportanttohaveagoodFPeoplearein .1分AAgoodleaderneedsavarietyofBThesetechniquesareusedtotrainCTrainingcanmakegoodDMostofgoodleaderarenatural-EItsimportanttohaveagoodFPeoplearein.1 分AAgoodleaderneedsavarietyofBThesetechniquesareusedtotrainCTrainingcanmakegoodDMostofgood

21、leaderarenatural-EItsimportanttohaveagoodFPeoplearein27.Oneofthemajorkeystos is .1 分Atheabilitytoworkwith Clackofgood DsingpeopleEworkingoutgoodingfearsaboutbeinga28.Groupsoftenbreakdownbecauseof.1 分Atheabilitytoingfearsaboutbeinga28.Groupsoftenbreakdownbecauseof.1 分Atheabilitytoworkwith Clackofgood

22、 DsingpeopleEworkingoutgoodingfearsaboutbeinga29.Goodleadersalwaysavoid.1分Atheabilitytoworkwith Clackofgood DsingpeopleEworkingoutgoodingfearsaboutbeinga30.Self-confidenceisthekeyto.1分Atheabilitytoworkwith Clackofgood DsingpeopleEworkingoutgoodingfearsaboutbeinga4部分:阅读理解(31453 45 分 41 TheSmellofFor

23、many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by the smell of freshly-baked o their stories. Now Dale 4部分:阅读理解(31453 45 分 41 TheSmellofFor many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by the smell of freshly-baked o their stories. Now Dale Air, a lead

24、ing firm of aroma (香气consultants,hasbeenapproachedbyBarclaystodevelopsuitablelsmellsforbs. Researchers have t surrounding customers with the “smell if money” encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the securityandButbeforeasmellcanbemanufacturedo saircondition

25、ing It must be identified and yzed, andthis has proved to be difficult. The problem t notes-andcoins tend to pick up the smell of their surroundings. So s sittinginacashregisteratafishmongers鱼贩willsmelloffishandmealsinrestaurantswilltendtosmellofnotesusedtopayItmaybeachallenge,butaromaexpertshavelit

26、tlettheuseoflsmellsbe an effective form of subconscious n Poly, a British travelthesmellofcoconuts椰子oitstravelagenciesandsawabigincreaseinspendingbymakers. Many cafes now have electric dispensers (自动售货机t release the smell of roastedcoffeeneartheir,subtlyencouragingcustomerstocomeinandhaveadrinksnack

27、.Even prestigiouscar makerRolls-Royce hasbeenspraying theinside of itscarsto thesmelloftheleather“The sense of smell is probably the most basic and primitive of all human senses,” explains researcher Jim ORordan. “There is a direct pathway from the olfactory (嗅觉的) ans in the nose to the brain.” It i

28、s certainly truet most people find certain smells incredibly strong, stringing memories and feelings in a wayt few other stimulants (刺激物) canrival.It isaphenomenonmarketingconsultantshavelong recognized,but untilrecently have stillinitsinfancy,”saysORiordan, “WhoknowswhereitwilltakelsmellshaveNOTbee

29、nusedin3分sroducing the “smell of 32.Researchers people3分to s will AtospendBtofeelconfidentaboutCtoearnmoreDtowithdrawmoneyfroms33.Thedifficultyofproducingthe “smellofhat3分soplesattitudesAtospendBtofeelconfidentaboutCtoearnmoreDtowithdrawmoneyfroms33.Thedifficultyofproducingthe “smellofhat3分soplesatt

30、itudestowardmoneyareBitshardtoidentifyyzeCnotechnologytDexpertshaveno34.Theword eaningto3 分helastparagraphis35.Researchersthink3分lsmellshelptoimprovepeoplesBthetechnologytoproducelsmellsheearlylsmellsareDtheproductionoflsmellsisSpoiltforChoice(A 级Choice, we are given to1be ve, isa right. In daily li

31、fe, people have come to expect situations about which they are required to make say or he these are just irksome moments at work which demand some extra energy or er, chbreakslikechoosingwhichtypeofcoffeetoorderwhichcoffeeshoptoto. But sometimes selecting one option as ed to another can have serious

32、 or s. More complex -making is then either tponed, or o hands of the army of als, Iifestyle coaches, lawyers, advisors, and the like. waiting lighten the emotional burden for a fee2. But for a to. But sometimes selecting one option as ed to another can have serious or s. More complex -making is then

33、 either tponed, or o hands of the army of als, Iifestyle coaches, lawyers, advisors, and the like. waiting lighten the emotional burden for a fee2. But for a good many4 he world, in rich poor countries, choice is a luxury, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising right to make , the

34、whole system is merely an , created by companies advertiserswantingtoselltheirThemainimpactofendlesschoiceinpeopleslivesisanxiety.Buyingsomethingasbasicascoffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy s to a wide range of consumer goods a ess, even any people, he shopper giving up and away6, or just buying

35、an unsuitable t is not really wanted in order to solve the and reduce the unease. Recent surveys in the United Kingdom have t a proportion of electrical goods bought per household are not really needed. The advertisers theshareholdersofthemanufacturersare,nonetheless,It is not just their t isthe pro

36、blem, but the speed with which news products come on the market. in design and production t new items almost ready bythe tgoodshit the shelves7.Products also needtohave a short t the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The classic le computers which are almost obsolete oncet

37、hey are bought. , there were only one or available from a limited number of manufacturers, but now there are many companies all not only their own products but different s of the same machine. This ection problem.Goneare thedayswhenonecouldjust walkwith nochoice,noo a shop andbuy oneTheplethoraofcho

38、ice isnot limitedtoconsumeritems.Withthegreatermobilityofaround the world, people have more choice about where they want to live and work a recent hepast,nations migratedacross huge swathes ofthe earth in searchfood, adventure, and more hospitable environments. Whole nations crossed continents chang

39、ed the face of history, So the mobility of people is nothing new. The creation of esandborders9effectivelyslowedthissalstohelpthemmakesbecause3分36.SometimespeopleaskAthesmayhaveseriousimpactontheirBonlyalshavetherighttotCtheyhavesufficientmoneytoDtheyhaveemotional37.When people cannot easily decide

40、what to buy, which of the following is the choice?3分AGivingCBuyinganunsuitableDSeeking38.Whydoproductshaveashortlifespannowadays?3分ATheyareofpoorBTheyarequicklyreplacedwithnewCTheyCBuyinganunsuitableDSeeking38.Whydoproductshaveashortlifespannowadays?3分ATheyareofpoorBTheyarequicklyreplacedwithnewCThe

41、yhavetoomanyDTheyarenotdesignedby39.Howdoesmigrationtodaydiffertofthepast?3 分oplenowmigratetofindbetterBPeoplenowmigrateforbetterCPeoplenowmigrateforbetterDPeoplenowhavemorechoiceaboutwhereto40.Whichofthefollowingbestexpressesthewritersviewonchoice?3分ABettermorennoBBetternonmoreCAllchoiceisDMorechoi

42、ce,mores:HangUporKeepMillions of people are using cell phones today. In many it is actually unusual not touse anysarevery popularwithyoung people. t the phones are n a means of communicationhaving a mobile phone ttheyarecoolandThe s around the world in mobile phone use make some health worried.Somed

43、octorsarethefuturemanypeoplemaysufferhealthfrom the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serous debate about this Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. Theyfrom the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serous debate about this Mobi

44、le phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They tthereisnotmobilephonesarebadforyourOn the other hand, why do some medical studies show he brain cells of people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the es of the brain and head can detectedwithmodernscanning扫描equi

45、pmentInonecase,atravelingsalesmanhadtoat a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. wouldoftenetthenameofhisownson.This manusedtotalkonhismobilephonefor sixhoursaday,everydayofhisk,foracoupleofyears.Hisfamily doctorblamedmobilephoneuse,buthisemployersdoctordid

46、ntWhatis tmakesmobilephonespotentiallyharmful?Theanswerisradiation.High-machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile companies As the t there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to abouttheirsafetycontinues,ittitsbesttousemobile lessoften.Useyour

47、regularphoneifyouwanttotalkforalongtime.Useyourmobilephonewhen you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, lly he future, mobile phones may have a warning t says they are bad yourhealth.Sofornow,itswisenottouseyourmobilephonetoosforthefollowingreasonst3 分 Ctheyre 42.Theworld

48、 inparagraph3couldbebestreplacedby3 分43.Thesalesmanretiredyoungbecause3分AhedislikedusingmobileBhewastiredoftalkingonhismobileChecouldntremembersimpleDhisemployersdoctorpersuadedhim44.OnthesafetyeofmobilephonesthemanufacturingBhewastiredoftalkingonhismobileChecouldntremembersimpleDhisemployersdoctorp

49、ersuadedhim44.Onthesafetyeofmobilephonesthemanufacturingcompanies3 分AdenytheexistenceofmobilephoneBdevelopnewtechnologytoreducemobilephoneCtryto tmobilephonesarermfultottheamountofradiationistoosmalltoworry eofwritingthisarticleistoadvisepeople3 分AtobuymobileBtoupdateregularCtousemobilephoneslessDto

50、stopusingmobile5部分:补全短文(46502 10 分 Mt.DesertThe coast of the Se of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world. A straight line running from the southernmost coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would about .Ifyoufollowed thecoastline n these s,youwouldtravelnten times as far. This irre

51、gularity is the result of what is called a drowned (46). t time, the whole t is now Maine was part of a mountain t towered the sea. As the glacier (冰川) descended, however, it expended enormous force on mountains,andtheyAs the mountains othe , ocean water charged over the lowest parts of the remainin

52、g forming a series of twisting inlets and lagoons (咸水湖). The highest parts of the mountain range, nearest the shore, remained as islands. (47)Marinefossilsfoundherewere 225 feet above sea level, indicating the level of the shoreline prior to the glacier.The-longrockycoastlineofMarinekeepswatchoverne

53、arlytwothousandManyoftheseislandsaretinyanduninhabited,but manyarehometothrivingcommunities.Desert Islandisone ofthe largest, most beautifuloftheMainecoastManyoftheseislandsaretinyanduninhabited,but manyarehometothrivingcommunities.Desert Islandisone ofthe largest, most beautifuloftheMainecoast isla

54、nds.Measuring by.Mt.Desertwasessentiallyformedastwodistinctislands,Foryears, Mt.Desert island, particularlyitsmajorsettlement, BarHarbor,afforded home for the wealthy. Recently though, Bar Harbor e a ly growing community as well. But, the best part of the island is the unspoiled forest land known as

55、 National Park. Because the island sits on the boundary line bet n the temperate (温带) and sub-Arctic zones, the islands supports the plants and animals of both zones as well as beach, inland, and alpine (高山的) plants. (49). The establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916t this natural reserve will

56、be etually available to all people, not just the Visitors to Acadia may receive nature instruction from the park naturalists as well as cing, cycling, and boating. Or they may choose to spend time at the archeological learningabouttheStoneAgeinhabitantsoftheThe best view on Mt. Desert Island is from

57、 the top of Cadillac Mountain. (50)From summit,you cangaze backtowardthe mainland orout overthebeautycreatedbyaretreatingOcean and462 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.DesertIslandisoneofCThewealthyresidentsofDThetermcomesfromtheEThismountainrises1,532FItissplitalmostinhalfby472 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.DesertIsland

58、isoneofCThewealthyresidentsofDThetermcomesfromtheEThismountainrises1,532FItissplitalmostinhalfby482 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.DesertIslandisoneof482 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.DesertIslandisoneofCThewealthyresidentsofDThetermcomesfromtheEThismountainrises1,532FItissplitalmostinhalfby492 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.De

59、sertIslandisoneofCThewealthyresidentsofDThetermcomesfromtheEThismountainrises1,532FItissplitalmostinhalfby502 分AItsinamajorbirdBMt.DesertIslandisoneofCThewealthyresidentsofDThetermcomesfromtheEThismountainrises1,532FItissplitalmostinhalfby6部分:完形填空(51651 15 分阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4 个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1 个最佳SexchangesurgeryguidelinesChina is set to clinicalguideline onsex-changesurgery, accordingtoa putonthewebsiteoftheMinistryofHealthThe ministry is now soliciting public and al opinions on the draft guideline. comin


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