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1、2021/8/9 星期一1What does he do ?2021/8/9 星期一2Hero2021/8/9 星期一3Not One Less(一个也不能少)2021/8/9 星期一4 NOT ONE LESS2021/8/9 星期一52021/8/9 星期一62021/8/9 星期一7Discussion: If you were Wei Minzhi, What would you say to Huike?At the TV Station2021/8/9 星期一8魏敏芝和孩子们为自己劳动换来的收获倍感兴奋2021/8/9 星期一9Not One Less questionsLangu

2、age pointsReading practice1 1 2 3 4 5Reading practice2Phrase exercise1(choice)Phrase exercise 2Information 1 2 3 4 52021/8/9 星期一101. Who asks Wei Minzhi to take Mr Gaos place until the teacher comes backs?2. What do you know about Wei Minzhi ?3. Why does she get the job ?4. When Minzhi hears that Hu

3、ike has gone to town, how does she feel and what does she determine to do?5. Why does Minzhi want to find the TV station?6. Why do many people like this film?2021/8/9 星期一111.The village leader , Mr Tian. 2021/8/9 星期一12She is only a 13-year-old girl who has finished her primary school. She can read,

4、write and sing.2021/8/9 星期一133.Because there is nobody else in the village who can take it.2021/8/9 星期一144. She becomes very worried and determines to bring Huike back safely.2021/8/9 星期一155. She wants them to let her appear on the air, hoping that Huike will see her.2021/8/9 星期一166 Many people like

5、 this film not just because the story itself, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.2021/8/9 星期一17Read the text again and do some exercises about details.2021/8/9 星期一18Choose the best answers: 1.Why does Mr Gao stay away for a month ?_ A.Because he

6、is ill. B.Because he is going on a holiday. C.Because he has to look after his sick mother. D.Because he finds another job.C2021/8/9 星期一192.What is the most important thing for Minzhi?_ A.To write on the blackboard. B.To teach the students to read. C.Not to lose any more pupils from the school. D.No

7、t to let pupils play.C2021/8/9 星期一203.Why does Minzhi decide to bring Huike back?_ A. Because she likes him very much. B. Because he is the best student in the class. C. Because she makes the boy angry. D. Because it is her duty not to lose any more students.D2021/8/9 星期一214.The TV station decides t

8、o help Minzhi because_ A. the boss of the TV station knows her. B. the people at the TV station are deeply moved by her spirit. C. the people at the TV station think they can make money by helping her. D. Minzhi can read ,write and sing .B2021/8/9 星期一225.The text is mainly about_ A. a naughty school

9、boy called Zhang Huike. B. the teacher Mr Gao . C. a TV station helps a girl. D. a young girl named Minzhi .D2021/8/9 星期一23II.True or False 1.Minzhi graduated from Junior Middle School._2.Minzhi gets the job because only she can teach the pupils._3.Minzhi keeps her students in the classroom because

10、she dislikes them._4.Minzhi becomes very happy when the naughtiest boy runs away from school._5.With the help of her pupils, Minzhi buys a ticket at last._FTFFF2021/8/9 星期一246.Minzhi doesnt appear live on the air until she waits at the gate of the TV station for two days._7.At last only Minzhi and H

11、uike go back to their village without others._8.Many people like this film only because they are moved by the film._9.Most of the people in the film are not professional(专业的) actors or actresses._10.The film has a happy ending._TFFTT2021/8/9 星期一25Language pointsstay away 不在家;外出lock sb up 将某人监禁起来run

12、after 追赶4. cause trouble for sb 给某人惹麻烦5. bring sb back 送回某人6. determine to do sth = decide to do sth 决定做某事 2021/8/9 星期一267. can/could/ be able to afford to do sth 有足够的(时间/金钱)做某事(尤其用于否定句和疑问句) 8. live /adj. 实况转播的/ adv.直播地 9. on the air 正在播出的10. not justbut also = not only but also 2021/8/9 星期一271. tak

13、e sbs place 代替,取代 take the place of sb/sth 其他动词(短语),介词短语有:replace(替代) (do sth) instead of . (do sth) in place of. 2021/8/9 星期一281.The 13- year-old girl tries to keep her pupils in the classroom by_ them up in the classroom. A.locking B. keeping C. pulling D. following2.Time is gold , we cant _ to wa

14、ste a single minute. A.pay B.spend C.share D. afford3.Both the football matches will be broadcast _ in a minute. A.live B.alive C.lively D.living4.The girl has determined _ to college. A.going B.to go C. for going D.of going5.The news that our team won is being broadcast_. A.in the air B.by air C.wi

15、th air D.on the airADABD2021/8/9 星期一29II.Fill in the blanks with the right prep. and adv.1.Not One Less” is directed _Zhang Yimou. 2.The talk show will be _the air at 6 a.m.3.He often stays_ at this time of every year.4.The policeman is trying to run _ the thief.5.Please bring me _in your car.6.The

16、cruel mother locked his son _ in his room yesterday.7.When he was a boy, he always caused trouble_his parents.byonawayafterbackupfor2021/8/9 星期一301.What is the title of the film ? Who is the director ?By Zhang YimouNot One Less2021/8/9 星期一312.What is the film about ? Tell the story in your own words

17、 . The film is about a 13-year-old girl, called Wei Minzhi, who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr Gao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school. When one of them runs away to the big city, she follows him and brings him back.2021/8/9 星期一3

18、23.Does the film have a happy ending? How ? The film has a happy ending . Minzhi finds Huike and brings him back to the school, together with the people from the TV station.2021/8/9 星期一334.What do you think about the story of the film ? Why ? I think the story gives us hope. The film shows us that p

19、eople care for each other. Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when they know about their problems.2021/8/9 星期一34How do you feel about the ending of the film ? Why ? I like this film because it is so moving . I think the ending of the film is happy, but you almost have to cry .2021/8/9 星期一35How to make comments on a film ?如何评论一部电影?1.First, tell the story in your own words.2.Next, make comments on different things about the film, for example


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