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1、评判性思维和护理临床决策讲解课件评判性思维和护理临床决策讲解课件Main Topics:Why and which thinking is important to nurse?What is the definition and components of critical thinking and why it is important?How to improve the nurses critical thinking ability? Whats clinical decision making and how to make clinical decisions?Main Topi

2、cs:Why and which thinSignificance of Nursing ThinkingSignificance 思维形态动作思维形象思维(直观思维)抽象思维(逻辑思维)思维探索答案方向求异思维(发散思维)求同思维(聚合思维)思维是否具有新颖性、独创性再生性思维创造性思维Everybody thinks all the day and all the time.思维的类型思维形态动作思维思维探索答案方向求异思维(发散思维)思维是否Scenario :Its Tuesday. Youre on the way to classroom and these thoughts ar

3、e going though your mind: “I have so much to doanatomy(解剖) test on Wednesday, Physiology(生理学) paper due on Thursday.I really wanted to get a hair cut.Do I really have to shop tomorrow?Hey, what an interesting looking man that is on the corner.Im starvingWhat can I eat?” Aimless thinkingScenario :Its

4、 Tuesday. YoureThinkPurposefullyDialecticallyDynamicallyCriticallyInitiativelyThinkPurposefullyDialectically评判性思维(critical thinking)20世纪30年代德国法兰克福学派创立 一种批判理论和思维方式70年代开始运用于教学 本质是反思能力和建设性批判精神History评判性思维(critical thinking)Histor80年代初,被引入护理 护理科学的理论基础和哲学基础1992年,美国护理联盟(the National League for Nursing,NLN

5、)把评判性 思维列入评审护理学院的必须标准。 护理科学的理论基础和哲学基础评判性思维(critical thinking)HistoryOne of the core competencies One of the hot topics护理科学的理论基础和哲学基础评判性思维(critical tBandman(1988):“the rational examination of ideas, inferences, assumptions, principles, arguments, conclusions, issues, statements, beliefs, and actions.

6、 ”评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions“对思想、推理、假设、原则、争议、结论、问题、说明、信念和行动的理性检验。” Bandman(1988):“the rational exKozier et al(2000):Critical: not “eager to find fault” but “capable of judging carefully and accurately.” Thinking: to have an opinion, to reflect on, to call to mind, to devise by thinking, to

7、form a mental picture of (image), to reason. 评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions“评判性的”不是指“急于发现问题”,而是指“仔细地、正确地判断能力”; “思维”是指有思想、有反思、有回忆、有设计发明、有想象和有推理。Kozier et al(2000):评判性思维(critiKozier et al(2000):Critical thinking: “a purposeful mental activity in which ideas are produced and evaluated, plans made,

8、 and desired conclusions determined.” 评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions“一个有目的的、产生思想并对其进行评价,制定计划和确定理想结论的智力活动过程。”Kozier et al(2000):评判性思维(critiAlfaro-LeFevre(1999) :Entails purposeful ,outcome-directed (results-oriented) thinking.Is driven by patient, family, and community needs.Is based on principl

9、es of nursing process and scientific method.Requires knowledge, skills and experience.评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions必须是有目的的、结果导向的思维;受患者、家庭、社区需要的驱动;以护理程序和科学方法原则为基础;需要知识、技能和经验; Alfaro-LeFevre(1999) :评判性思维(crAlfaro-LeFevre(1999) :Is guided by professional standards and ethics codes.Requires strate

10、gies that maximize human potentialand compensate for problems created by human nature.Is constantly reevaluating, self-correcting, and striving to improve. 评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions受职业标准和伦理规范的指导;需要一定的策略,如:运用个人力量来发挥人类最大潜能的策略,弥补人性弱点的策略;需要不断地再评估、自我修正并努力改进。 Alfaro-LeFevre(1999) :评判性思维(cr评判性思维首

11、先是一种理性思维,护理运用强调的是一种观念、一种意识 评判性思维理论是一个完整体系 反思(Reflection)和推理(rational reasoning)是评判性思维的实质过程 临床决策是护理评判性思维的核心目的 护理程序是评判性思维的应用工具 评判性思维(critical thinking)Definitions评判性思维首先是一种理性思维,护理运用强调的是一种观念、一种General critical thinkingCritical thinking in clinical situationsSpecific critical thinking in nursing 评判性思维(c

12、ritical thinking)TypesGeneral critical thinking评判性思维Specific Knowledge Base(专业基础知识)Experience (经验)Skills in Critical Thinking (思维技能)Attitudes for Critical Thinking(态度倾向)Critical thinking in nursingComponentsSpecific Knowledge Base(专业基础知识Skills in Critical ThinkingIs the core component.Critical analy

13、sisInductive reasoningDeductive reasoningCritical thinking in nursing-ComponentsSkills in Critical ThinkingIs Case:With the caring experience of 35 children undergoing maxillary surgery, several conclusions of peri-operational interventions for maxillary surgery patients are drawn as follows:123 归纳法

14、(induction)general principles particular facts or instancesCase:With the caring experiencCase:A patient underwent a partial gastrectomy operation this morning. The surgeon prescribed as follows: 1. Following nursing interventions for the patients undergoing general anesthesia2.演绎法(deduction)the gene

15、ralthe specificinferencereasoningCase:A patient underwent a parSkills in Critical ThinkingSix critical thinking cognitive skills:interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulationAmerican Philosophical Association(APA,1990) Critical thinking in nursing-ComponentsSkills

16、in Critical ThinkingSix1.Confidence.2. Independence of thought.3.Fairness.4.Integrity.5.Responsibility and Accountability.6. Curiosity.7.Risk Taking and courage.8.Creativity.9.Perseverance. 10.Humility. Attitudes for Critical ThinkingCritical thinking in nursing-Components1.Confidence.Attitudes for

17、CrCommitment LevelComplex LevelBasic LevelLevels of Critical Thinking in Nursing尽职层次复杂层次基础层次CommitmentLevels of Critical TStrader (1992): “the process of establishing criteria by which alternative courses of action are developed and selected.” Definitions Clinical decision making in nursingSmith H.

18、and Donald (2002): A problem solving activity that focuses on defining client problems and selecting appropriate treatment interventions. Strader (1992): “the process oRoche (2002): A complex process in which nurses combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience to make judgments regarding

19、client care. Definitions Clinical decision making in nursingKozier et al (2000) : A critical thinking process for choosing the best actions to meet a desired goal. Roche (2002): A complex proce护理临床决策就是护士在临床护理实践过程中,对面临的现象或问题,从所拟定的若干个可供选择的方案中做出决断并付诸实施的过程。 Definitions Clinical decision making in nursin

20、g护理临床决策就是护士在临床护理实践过程中,对面临的现象或问题Ethical decision making护理伦理决策Clinical decision making护理临床决策Managerial decision making in nursing 护理管理决策Classifications Decision making in nursing The classification is not absolutely! Ethical decision makingClassifIdentify/Define the Problem确定问题State the Goals/Identify

21、 the Objectives陈述目标Seek Alternatives and Make Choices 寻求备择方案并做出决策Implement the Solutions实施方案Evaluate and Feedback 评价和反馈Process stepsDecision making in nursingIdentify/Define the ProblemProPersonal Factors/Individual Factors Influencing Factors Clinical Decision making in nursingValues Past Experienc

22、e Knowledge Base Individual Preference and Risk Way of Thinking Emotional Intelligence Personal Characteristics Personal Factors/Individual FaEnvironmental Factors Influencing Factors Clinical Decision making in nursingThe physical environmental factors The social environmental factors Environmental Factors InfluencSituational Factors Influencing Factors Clinical Decision making in nursingAnxiety, Stress, Fatigue Freedom, Rationality, and Voluntarily Related Infor


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