Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.-人教新目标九年级英语单元知识点精编_第1页
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.-人教新目标九年级英语单元知识点精编_第2页
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.-人教新目标九年级英语单元知识点精编_第3页
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.-人教新目标九年级英语单元知识点精编_第4页
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.-人教新目标九年级英语单元知识点精编_第5页
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1、 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.知识点精编及练习1. rather adv. 相当,相反 e.g. Youve done rather well. 你已经做得相当好了。e.g. Its rather hot in the room. 房间里相当热1)would rather do sth. “宁愿做某事”,无人称和数的变化。否定形式为: would rather not do sth. 不愿做某事e.g. He would rather go to Hainan on vacation.他宁愿去海南度假。e.g. Id rather not exchange t

2、he stamps.我不愿交换那些邮票。2)rather than 意为“而不是”,常用于平行结构中,连接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、两个动词不定式、动词-ing等形式连用。e.g. She cried rather than smiled. 她哭了而不是笑了。e.g. I decided to write rather than telephone. 我决定写信而不是打电话。【拓展】would rather do sth.than do sth. = prefer to do sth. rather than to do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。e.g. I would rath

3、er read a book than watch TV.= I prefer to read a book rather than watch TV.2. make作使役动词,“使让”结构:make+宾语+宾补1)make+宾语+名词(短语)e.g. We made him our monitor.e.g. They made the party a surprise.2) make+宾语+形容词e.g. Reading books makes us wise. 读书使我们明智。e.g. The Internet makes our life easy and convenient.3) m

4、ake+sb.+省略to的动词不定式e.g. Good friends always make us laugh.e.g. His parents often make him do some housework.【注意】此结构在被动语态中必须带上动词不定式符号to.e.g. The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.4)make+sb.+动词的过去分词e.g. Can you make yourself understood in English?你能用英语把自己的意思表达清楚吗?e.g. He couldnt make himself hea

5、rd because of the noise.由于噪音,听不到他说的话。5) make+sb.+介词短语e.g. His behavior made me in trouble. 他的行为使我陷入麻烦。e.g. Please make yourself at home. 请别客气。3. drive v.迫使 (drove, driven)1) drive sb. crazy/mad 使人发疯/发狂e.g. The terrible situation drove me crazy. 这种糟糕的情况让我发狂.2) drive sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事(尤指不好的事情)e.g

6、. Hunger drove him to steal. 饥饿迫使他去盗窃。【词义拓展】 drive v. 开;驾驶drive sb to . 开车送某人到Can you drive me to school today? 今天你能开车送我去学校吗?【联想】driver n.驾驶员,司机4. the more., the more. 越.越., 愈.愈.属于“the+比较级, the+比较级”结构。e.g. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。e.g. The more you re

7、ad, the more you know.你读的越多,你知道的就越多。5. have. in common 有.共同之处1)have one thing in common 有一个共同点2) have nothing in common. 没有共同点e.g. We have a lot in common, so we are good friends. 我们有很多共同之处,所以我们是好朋友。6. lately adv. 最近,不久前 近义recently adv. 最近地e.g. Have you talked to her lately? 你最近跟她交谈过吗?【辩析】late, late

8、ly, later,latestlate adj. 晚的 be late for e.g. He was late for school again.adv. 晚地 get to class late 上课迟到lately adv. 最近,不久前 (常用于现在完成时)e.g. We have raised plenty of money for the sick kid lately.3) later adv. 过后,稍后(可单独使用,也可位于一段时间之后)e.g. She went to London last Sunday. Two days later, she came back.4)

9、 latest adj. 最晚的,最近的,最新的e.g. This is the latest news.这是最新消息。7. be friends with sb. 成为某人的朋友make friends with sb意为“和某人交朋友” 表动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 e.g. I am still friends with you. 我和你还是朋友。 8. leave out 忽略,不提及,不包括 e.g. We can leave out the second sentence. 我们可以忽略第二个句子。e.g.When a child feels left out, he w

10、ill cry to get parents attention.9. friendship n.友谊,友情e.g. Our friendship cant be bought. 我们的友情是金钱买不来的。谚语A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水【词缀扩展】后缀-ship表示关系或状态,以-ship结尾的词:relationship(n.关系,关联),membership(n.会员资格),partnership(n.伙伴关系),hardship(n.艰难,困苦,苦难)等10. feel like doing sth 想要做某事相当于wa

11、nt to do sth或would like to do sthe.g. My father feels like visiting the Palace Museum. =My father wants to visit the Palace Museum.=My father would like to visit the Palace Museum. 我父亲想要参观故宫博物院。【知识拓展】feel like还可表示“感觉起来像”,其后跟名词或名词短语e.g. He gradually feels like a part of his class. 逐渐地,他觉得他是班里的一员了11.

12、king n. 国王,君主e.g. Who killed the young king? 谁杀死了这位年轻的国王?e.g. He was the king of pop music. 他是流行音乐之王近义 ruler n. 统治者对应 queen n. 女王,王后拓展 King (姓氏)金联想 kingdom n.王国 kingly adj.国王似的,国王的12. power n.权力,力量e.g. We must believe the power of love. 我们必须相信爱的 力量谚语Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。拓展 powerful adj. 强有力的,有

13、影响力的powerful weapons 强大的武器13. pale adj. 苍白的,灰白的e.g. He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他一定是病了。他脸色看起来如此苍白。短语as pale as chalk 像粉笔一样苍白(面色苍白)turn pale 变得苍白(脸色) 14. call in召来,叫来call in后跟名词或代词作宾语。当call in后接代词作宾语时,需要将代词放在call和in之间e.g. Wed better call in a doctor. 我们最好叫一位医生来。e.g. Do you want to call her in?

14、你想要把她叫来吗?【同类归纳】 含call的相关短语call on 号召 call back 回电话call up 打电话;号召 call for 需要,要求15. neither.nor. 既不.也不.在句中可连接两个并列的成分。当neither.nor.连接两个并列的主语时谓语动词实行就近原则,且用肯定形式。e.g. Neither he nor I am a student. (连接主语)我和他都不是学生e.g. He likes neither math nor physics. (连接宾语)他既不喜欢数学也不喜欢物理e.g. The shoes are neither too lar

15、ge nor too small. They fit me. (连接表语)这双鞋既不大也不小。它们正好适合我。16. palace n. 王宫,宫殿e.g. This palace has seven doors. 这座宫殿有七道门短语 the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆the Summer Palace 颐和园Childrens Palace 少年宫17. try to do sth与try doing sth 1) try to do sth“努力做某事”,想把事情办成、做好e.g. I am trying to learn English. 我尽力学习英语2) try doi

16、ng sth“尝试某事”,指试验一下某种方法是否可行e.g. Its hot today. I try opening the window, but I am still hot. 今天天气很热。我试着打开窗户,可我还是热.18. take ones position 取代某人的位置 = take ones place= take the position of sb. = take the place of sb.e.g. If you dont take part in the sports meeting, who will take your position for the gam

17、e?19. wealth n. 财富 e.g. Dont exchange health for wealth. 不要用健康换取财富e.g. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起让人健康、富有、聪明。短语 a wealth of 大量的,丰富的联想 wealthy adj. “富有的”, the wealthy “富人”20. to start with 起初,开始时相当于to begin with, 常用在句中作状语。e.g. To start with, I didnt get

18、used to living in the south of China. 起初,我不习惯在中国南方生活。start with. 意为“以.开始”,也可以说begin with.e.g. Knowledge starts/ begins with practice. 实践出真知。21. uncomfortable adj. 使人不舒服的,令人不舒服的uncomfortably adv. 使人不舒服地,令人不舒服地e.g. What he said made me uncomfortable. 他的话使我不舒服。e.g. This sofa is very uncomfortable. 这个沙发

19、很不舒服。 be uncomfortable with sb. 与某人在一起不舒服反义 comfortable adj. 使人舒服的,令人舒适的【词缀扩展】-able是adj.后缀,类似的形容词有:countable(可数的),believable(可信任的)bookable(可预订的),comparable(可比较的)等。22. clean up把.打扫干净 【动副短语】e.g. Wed better clean up the classroom at once. 我们最好在立刻把教室打扫干净。e.g. The park is dirty. Lets help to clean it up.

20、 公园很脏。让我们帮忙把它打扫干净。【同类归纳】 up短语put up 张贴 stay up 熬夜 give up 放弃wake up 醒来 set up 建立 eat up 吃光 use up 用光 fix up 修理 grow up 成长,长大look up 查阅 pick up捡起 dress up 打扮,装饰turn up 调大,调高 clean up 打扫干净23. weight n.重量,分量 e.g. The dogs weight is 50 pounds. 这只狗的重量是50磅.e.g. Whats the weight of the apples?这些苹果的重量是多少?短语

21、 lose weight 减肥,体重减轻put on weight 增肥,增重联想 weigh v. 称.重量;有.重He weighs 120 pounds. 他重120磅归纳“动词+-t/-th”可变成相应的名词,常见的词有:high(高的)height(高度),wide(宽的)width(宽度),deep(深的)depth(深度),long(长的)length(长度)等24. shoulder n. 肩,肩膀e.g. If you want to cry,cry on my shoulder. e.g. I hurt my left shoulder yesterday. 昨天我伤到了我

22、的左肩短语shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩;紧挨着on ones shoulder (任务)落在某人肩膀上25. goal n.球门;射门,目标 近义aim n.目标,目的e.g. My friend has achieved his goal. 我的朋友已实现了他的目标。短语set a goal 确定一个目标 life goal 人生目标;生活目标 26. let.down使失望 相当于disappoint 【动副短语】I work very hard because I dont want to let my parents down. =I work very hard

23、because I dont want to disappoint my parents. 27. kick v. & n. 踢;踹;蹬e.g. The boy kicked the ball away. 那个男孩把球踢开了.kick sb. off 开除某人e.g. Why were you kicked off by the school basketball team? 你为什么被学校的篮球队开除了?28. be hard on sb 对某人苛刻,对某人要求严厉e.g. You shouldnt be so hard on yourself. 你不应该对自己这么苛刻.29. beside

24、s adv. 而且 prep. 除.以外,还e.g. She is too tired to go, besides, its snowing. 她太累了,不能去,而且天还在下雪【辨析】 besides, except, except for, but1) besides 除.之外(还有)整体中加入部分,表一种累加关系e.g. Besides milk, we also need vegetables.2) except 除.之外(还有)整体中减去部分,表一种排除关系e.g. We are all here except/ but Tom.(不包括Tom)3) except for 除.之外

25、对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,起部分修正作用e.g. He is a good man except for his bad temper.除了脾气有点儿差之外,他是个好人。4) but 除.之外类似except,常用于no, nothing,anything 之后e.g.She could do nothing but cry. 她除了哭,什么都做不了。30. courage un. 勇气,勇敢e.g. I have no courage to be a fireman. 我没有勇气当一名消防队员 短语 lose courage 丧失勇气,灰心联想 encourage v.使.鼓起勇气

26、,鼓励courageous adj.勇敢的,无畏的31 pull v.拉,拖 反义push v.推e.g. Please pull the door. Dont push it.请拉门,不要推门。谚语Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 别把你所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里短语pull down 拆毁,摧毁pull together 齐心协力,通力合作e.g. Lets pull together to face the challenge. 咱们齐心协力去面对挑战吧。32. relief n.轻松,解脱短语 to ones relief 使某人放心/

27、安心的是a sense of relief 解脱感 in relief 欣慰地e.g. He smiled in relief.e.g. To my relief, they spoke English.33. nod v.点头 (nodded, nodding)e.g. She nodded and smiled. 她点点头笑了短语 nod off 打盹;打瞌睡 nod to sb 向某人点头34. agreement n.(意见或看法)一致,同意in agreement(意见或看法)一致e.g. The teacher nodded in agreement.【词缀扩展】-ment是常见的

28、名词后缀,类似的名词还有:development(发展), disappointment(失望),movement(移动), advertisement(广告), excitement (兴奋), improvement(改善)35. fault n.过失,缺点 faulty adj. 有缺点的,不完美的e.g. Its not my fault. 不是我的错。e.g. A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友36. disappoint v. 使失望e.g. Your choice may disappoint your t

29、eacher. 你的选择可能会让你的老师失望.联想disappointing adj. 使人失望的(常用来修饰“物”)disappointed adj. 对.失望的的(主语通常是“人”)disappointment n. 失望37. offer v. 提供 ;主动提出;自愿给予1)offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物【扩展】provide sb with sth. =provide sth. for sb. e.g.The government offered food to the homeless.= The government offered t

30、he homeless food .=The government provided food for the homeless.=The government provided the homeless with food.2)offer to do sth 主动提出做某事Jim offered to lend me some books. 吉姆主动提出借给我一些书。练习一:用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空。1.Knowledgeisthemostvaluable_ (wealthy)inourlife.2.Theclothesintheshopareonsale.Ifeellike_(buy

31、)several sweatersformyparents.3.Weallfeltthattheyoungpeoplehadtoomuch _(power).4.Theyoungmanworkedhard.Hebecameafamous_(bank) intheend.5.Look!These_(palace)arewheretheemperorsoftheMingandQingdynastieslived.6. People prefer to wear Tshirts made of cotton in summer because they make people feel more _

32、(comfort).7Although its now an hour after the good news, he still remains _(excite).8We _(sudden) realized that everything seemed to have changed in one night.9A good _(famous) is better than a good face.10Either the students or the teacher _(know) him very well.11. They are working to measure the r

33、eal _ (weigh) of the elephant.12I dont want to miss _(see) that film on television tonight.13Everyone in her family is in _ (agree) that she should join the English club.14Words could not express her _(feel) at that moment.15His teammate suddenly fell down when he was so close to _(get) to the finis

34、hing line.16I prefer _(experience) the failure rather than _(give) up my dream.二、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。rather,drive,friendship,realize,late1.Althoughyouwillreturntoyourhometowntomorrow,Iwill rememberour_forever.2.Theboysdid _wellinthesoccergame.3.IhaventseenBob_.Maybeheisawayon holiday.4.InChina,pare

35、ntsalways_ theirchildrentodo toomuchhomeworkeveryday.5.ThemomentIsawher,I_ somethingwaswrong.三、单项选择 1.-Mysondislikesshopping.-Nowonderhewouldrather_houseworkat homethan_shoppingwithus. A.do;togo B.todo;goC.do;go D.to do;to go2.ItriedtomakeAlice_hermindbutIfounditdifficult.-Well,Isawyou_thatwhenIwent

36、past.A.changed;do B.changes;doingC.change;todoD.change;doing3.ItsreportedthatChinese_morethan40mnutdrdngWht. -Itstrue.IthinkWeChatistakingtoomuchofourtime. A.cost B.pay C.take D.spend4. -WhatdoyouthinkofthenewmovieTheWanderingEarth?-It s_ wonderful_Ireallylike itA.so;that .uh;tht C.too;to D.enough;t

37、o5. -CouldyoutellmewhyyoulearmEnglishsowell? -Its verysimple._youstudy,_gradesyouwillget.A.Theharder;betterB.Theharder;thebetterC.Harder;betterD.Harder;thebetter6.-Itstoocoldhere.Idliketogosomewhere,_toocold_toohot.-Iwanttogowithyou.A.both;and B.neither;nor C.either;or D.neither;or7.Nancysaysshewont

38、gotothepark.-Iwontgothere,_.A.also B.either C.too D.aswell8.Whatswrongwithmylittlesister,Dr.Lee? Well,Ihaveto_herfirst.A.examine B.review C.spread D.admire9.Nobodythoughtiteasytofinishsomuchworkin_.A.twodaystimeB.two-days timeC.twodaystimeD.twodaystime10.Ididnthearyoucomeinjustnow.Thatsgood.Wetried_

39、anynoise,foryouweresleeping.A.notmake B.nottomake C.tomake D.making根据汉语意思及所给提示完成句子1.即使他一个人生活在农村,他也从来不感到孤单。He never feels lonely _ he lives in the countryside alone.2罗伊在伦敦工作,他每天乘公交上班要花费大约半个小时。Roy works in London. It _ him about half an hour _ by bus every day.3他虽然找到了一份好工作,但仍然闷闷不乐。Although he found a good job, he still _.这个年轻人刚回到家,他的父母便向他询问面试的事情。As soon as the young man _, his parents asked him questions about the interview.5能用更少的时间寻找信息意味着你能更加富有效率。Spending less time _ information means that you can get m


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