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1、Unit2Workingthea.Wordsandsunburn, struggle, super, expand,circulate, equip,rid. of, be satisfied leada.life,searchfor, wouldnksto,Unit2Workingthea.Wordsandsunburn, struggle, super, expand,circulate, equip,rid. of, be satisfied leada.life,searchfor, wouldnksto,with the hope of,nb. This l strain of ri

2、ce makes sible to produce one-third more of the crop thesamefields. Hecareslittle about spending themoneyonhimself orleading a comfortablelife.2.AbilityEnable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they w

3、ill realize the problemstarvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.3.LearningabilityHelpSslearnhowtodescribeDrYuanincludingTeachingimportantsa. Help tocomprehend thetex

4、t and grasp the mainidea of theb. Grasp theusageof somewordsandc. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.sHowtohelp studentslearnmoreaboutHelpstudentsreallymaster theusageofwordsand Talking,questioning-and-answeringactivityandArecorder

5、,aprojector andaStep1.Greetingand1. Greet the studentsas2. Revise the warming up withthefollowing Howdo you think togrowour mainfood-, the farmers plow the field. They have to make the soil loose enough plant 2)Second,grow some young plants 3)Third,theyinserttheyoungplantsothe looseast,theyHowdo you

6、 think togrowour mainfood-, the farmers plow the field. They have to make the soil loose enough plant 2)Second,grow some young plants 3)Third,theyinserttheyoungplantsothe looseast,theywillget theStep2Pre-1Ask the following1).WhatsthemainfoodinCanadaand oesand 2).What is themainfood in3 )What isthema

7、infood inSoutheastAsian 2 Show thestudents cturesand ask the Whatishappening tothesepeopleinEastAsianandSoutheastAsianThen show morenewsernational Factsger andPoverty1)Every 8seconds, a childheworlddiesfromn 800 million people in the world suffer from malnutrition (良)799 million of them are from the

8、 world. n 153 of them are ofastask thestudentsto If you had the chance to do something to help end what would you do?ger in the Encouragethestudents l theiropinions,Thengive :The only way to solve the food shortage problem is to increase the output of the grain crop per land area through the advance

9、ment of science and technology.leadthestudentstopayattentiontothepeopleYuanLong Ask : What do you know about him?FatherofHybridThenleadtothetopicofthereadingpassage. APioneerForAllPeople Step 3 ListeningListento the , try tofindoutsome informationof theName Education Achievement Hobbies Step4FastRea

10、dthepassagequicklyandanswerthetrue-or-false1.DrYuanismoreana 2.DrYuanskindofriceisthemostsuitable1.DrYuanismoreana 2.DrYuanskindofriceisthemostsuitableforChinas3.DrYuanwouldrathern4.DrYuanhasdreamswhenheisasleepandalsowhenheis5.DrYuanenjoysasimplen mostrich andfamous Step5CarefulReadeachparagraphand

11、answer thefollowing Para 1.WhatdoseDr.Yuanlooklike?Why? 2.What is his achievement?Para 1. WhydidDr.Yuanwanttoincreasethericeoutputwhenhewas2.Howdoeshehelpridtheworldof Para 3.41.WhatkindoflifeisDr.Yuanleading? 2.What is Dr Yuans dream?Step6find outthe mainidea ofeach Step1.Learn theThePeasantsLiShen

12、(772-ding at Main1appearanceand2Hisbirth, education and34HisSweatdownthefieldsoon. Whoknowsfoodonatray, Due to their toiling day?Finishtheexercisesin Learning about lthetextinabout150words. Sweatdownthefieldsoon. Whoknowsfoodonatray, Due to their toiling day?Finishtheexercisesin Learning about lthet

13、extinabout150words. a.Usetolthe b.TrytousetheproperThesecondperiodLearningabout(TheingformastheSubject&TohelpstudentslearnaboutThe ingformastheSubject&Tohelpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesomeusefulwordsandexpres To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.I.WarmingWarmingupreadi

14、ngaloudthetextAPIONEERFORALLLanguage islearned in context.So reviewthe textlearned yesterdaybyitaloud.TrytoforceoutyourEnglishslowlyandII.DiscoveringusefulwordsandsIn pairs do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 on pages 11 and 12. You must finish them in 5 III.LearningaboutReadand Read the text about Yuan aga

15、in, paying attention to the which theingformasthesubjectandIn the sentence “Wishing for things, however, cost nothing. “the ing is used as Itcan bealso used asobjectof the sentence. For his le:Yuanlikes ConsolidatingbydoTo consolidate your understanding you will be given 10 minutes to go over exerci

16、ses 1,2,3,4 and 5 on pages 12 and 13. You may just write on your text book. I mean the students book you are working by.ReadyusedmaterialsforThe ingformastheSubject&1)Usingthe ndtoshakehandsisaany2)It is no use/ no good/ fun / a waste of time/ a good pleasure 3)It is useless/ nice/ erestingworthwhil

17、e ng4)Thereis(was)no2. admit 承认;excuse 原谅tpone 拖延ipate 期望;fancy 想象te finish 3)It is useless/ nice/ erestingworthwhile ng4)Thereis(was)no2. admit 承认;excuse 原谅tpone 拖延ipate 期望;fancy 想象te finish avoid ;econsider ive deny involve detest keep ;dislike mind save dread miss suggest pardon 原谅;understand 逃避;

18、permit cant;cantfeellike giveup putoff 3)instead of, look forward to, object to, keep on, see about, take to 等。4)havedifficultytroubleproblemahardtimefunagood timein) + ) + ) + ) + + 动名词”等结构中,动名词做介词宾语,in5)itIconsiderita wasteoftimearguingabout6)therebe”结构当中,be为动名词时,该结构也是一种带逻辑主语的动名词形式。Wecanimaginethe

19、rebeingalotoffussaboutWereyouedatthere vingbeenmore你对没3. 式1)need, require, want, deserve2)(be)worthThethirdperiodUsinganic(TohelpstudentsreadtheanicTohelpstudentstousethelanguagebyreading,listening,speakingandI.WarmingWarmingupbylisteningandreadingLanguage is created to be listened to and . So open

20、your book to page 13 and read aloudwhilelisteningtotherecording.WatchyourpausesII.GuidednthethoughtReadingandRead the tenceby I.WarmingWarmingupbylisteningandreadingLanguage is created to be listened to and . So open your book to page 13 and read aloudwhilelisteningtotherecording.WatchyourpausesII.G

21、uidednthethoughtReadingandRead the tenceby sentence, and put o .Who will be totry.Ionlyhavefourofyoutodothistask.OK,WangShan.Yougotit,theopportunity,IReadingandNext you are to read and underline all the useful s or collocations in passage.Copythemtoyournotebookafterclass.ngNowyouaregoingtodoexercise

22、sNo.1,2and3onpage14followingtheFor listening turn to page 14 and then 15 for the listening exercises 1, 2 and 3.Areyou 5.Reading,speakingandWhen trying to argue o or out ng something we may use the In pairs you are to make up a dialogue to argue each o or out farming.Iwillarguewithyourmonitor,LiangB

23、ochao.GetIII.GuidedWritingWriting ter which includes all the information about the uses of computer t willencourage more farmers to buy and use. You are asked to base ter on the n 200 and pattern of the article you anic Farming.Limitter to WritingaWrite a speech for Professor Yuan . He is to attend

24、ernational conference modernagriculture.YoumayalsomakeuseofthelibraryandnetworkIV.Furtherapplying Finding fortheReadonline to find as much information sibleaboutProfessorYuanhisresearchgroup.ShareyourfindingswithyoupartnernexttimeyouareWritingaGo back home erview your parents or your grandparents hi

25、nas its past and present situations. Write a report in English in about 500 words as IwouldIdontIdItsagreatShouldI/ItsbetterThisisgoodvalueIfIhavea choiceId WhatistheadvantageYouneedActingatextTurn either one of the two o a text play. Rehearse it and play it in front of class.TheplayshallIV.Closingl

26、east10ClosingdownbyActingatextTurn either one of the two o a text play. Rehearse it and play it in front of class.TheplayshallIV.Closingleast10ClosingdownbyfillingaToendtheperiodpleaseheformClosingdownbyImagine and write about what the agriculture will be like 50 years from now Use your imagination

27、to compete for “wild thinking prize”.ThefourthperiodStep1Pre-he 1.Talkaboutthethenanicfarmingandfertilizerfarming.Andome newhelisteningspreadlikeStep2 Listentotheandanswerthefollowing1.Whatdoesthel 2.Whatdo thecolumnCropsgrownmeanshowtheircropsgrow.WellorFertilizermeanswhatkindoffertilizertheyanicor

28、 Other plant nutrition means maybe, besides those two fertilizers, they still someerfulListentotheStepandfinishtheGetthestudentstoWhydoyouthinktheresultsfromthetwofarmersaresoLookat the summariesof the story. Decide which is correct and explain why theothers are wrong.Step4ListeningHand out the listening material , listen to the t right answersStep5ListeningonPage, then complete the passage with Listentothe,andPutthesestagesofturningfertile oadesertin Fertilefarmland.WhatanicSoilisblownaway.Plantsdie.es ()Notenoug


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