



1、必修二Unit 1教案一、复习旧知(D表建议的句子:How/what about do i ng sth.Why not do sth.Why don5 t you do sth.WouId you I i ke sth./to do sth.Sha I I we do sth.(2)询问别人意见What do you think of sth./doing sth.How do you Ii ke sth.What i s your idea/opinion of sth./doing sth.How do you know thatDon5 t/do you th i nk that (3

2、)表达自己的意见I th i nk/beI i eve/suppose that.I n my op i n i on/v i ew依我之见Sorry, I don t agree with you.No,thanks./Yes, pI ease备注:此局部内容常见于听力单项选择情景会话中,理解了说话人的场合,语气,便于迅速 答题。二、新课讲解重点词汇积累surv i ve vt. & v i.幸存,幸免,生还 surv i vor生还者,幸存者 surv i ve sth. 从中幸存eg. :The baby surv i ved the earthquake i n 2008.It was

3、 Iucky that the boy survived the traffic accident.(列题:After the sunken boat acc i dent, no one except a few peop I e who weresaved from the sea.surv i ved survivingsearch of寻找,固定短语同义t司:search for I ook for hunt fori n search of sb. /sth.寻找某人某物eg. : I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.He sear

4、ched for work at var i ous stores.创辛析 i n search of , search for , search-for , search : i n search of , search for 接 sb./sth.,意思是为了找到某人某物。Search后面接sb./sth.,意思是搜查某人某物,为了 找到其他东西。所以searchfor的意思是搜查什么,为了找到什么。(search接搜查范 围,for接搜查对象)例 题:They_the who Ie v i I Iage_the missing chi Id.A. searched ,for for,/

5、i n, i n search for D. were in,search ofcouId never have imagined绝不可能想到could have done的意义:表示对过去发生的事进行推测,通常翻译为“本能”, “本来可以”,在肯定句中带有一定的责备批评的语气。couIdn, t have done或者couId never have done等否认形式,通常翻译为 “绝不可能”eg. : You couId have got the f i rst pr i ze i f you had been more carefuI. He couIdnJ t have done i

6、t because he i s a considerate man.相关短语:wou I d have done本将,may have done本可能,shou I d have done 本应该(shouldn t have done 本不应该),must have done 本一定例题:We the difficulty together, but why didn5 t you te I I meface face have faced have facedadj. amazing 令人吃惊的surprising 令人吃惊的adj. amazed感到吃惊的surpr i sed感到吃惊

7、的vt . amaze是吃惊surpr i se是吃惊n. amazement 惊讶surpr i se 惊奇相关用法:amaze sb.surpr i se sb.to one s amazementto one s surpr i sei n amazementi n amazementbe amazed at sth.i n amazementbe amazed at sth.i n surpr i sei n amazementbe amazed at sth.eg.例题:From h i s look, I cou Id see that he d i dn t be I i eve

8、 what I sa id.vt .挑选,选拔辨析se I ect, choose, e I ect, p i ckselect指在同类中精选最合适的,从而淘汰一局部,较正式。choose指在两个 或多个中选择其一,普通用语。elect指选举,投票或举手表决,用在特定的场 合。pick常与out连用,指挑拣出,认出,有挑剔的意味。Eg. :He se I ects me to attend the conference.Please choose one from them.We eIect him chai rman.She p i eked out a dress to the party

9、.She didn t pick me out in the crowds.例题:Our shop on I y the products of good qua I i ty.return作为回报,作为回应i n return (for) = i n reward (for)作为对的回报in turn:依次,轮流;反而,反过来eg. : I have noth i ng for you i n return.PI ease buy the t i cket i n turn.He gives me what he has. I give him what I have in turn.was

10、 a time when这是时at war交战 at work在上班There was a time when曾有一段时间 at schooI在上学注意time后用when.eg. :This was a time when the two counties were at war.There was a t ime when I di dr? t know what to do.than 少于 no I ess than 不少于not I ess than 不少于more than 多于 not more than 不超过 no more than 仅仅,只有 (onIy, just)mor

11、ethan 与其,不如 rather than 而不是 other than 除了 at the most 至多at the I east 至少eg.:n.怀疑,疑惑vt,怀疑;不信重点句型:There i s no doubt that There i s doubt whether/i f (是否)without doubt毫无疑问 in doubt有疑问,不确定 no doubt无疑 地 eg.:prep.(介词)值得的be worth doing sth.prep.(介词)值得的be worth doing sth.值得做某事worthy有价值的worthwhi Ie值得去做某事wor

12、thy有价值的worthwhi Ie值得去做某事worthy有价值的worthwhi Ie值得去做某事be worthy of sth./being donebe worthwh i Ie to do sth. eg.:三、课堂练习!1!1!、过关检测!1!、过关检测Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a 1 the summer before my busy sen ior year, but my mother asked me todo her

13、a _2_. One of her col leagues needed a ful+time 3_.“You pIanned tovo I unteer at the I oca I hospital ; why not vo I unteer to 4 Nick instead Then sheto I d me that th i s six yearold boy was not a 5 chi Id.Nick was a IoveIy I ittIe boy who suffered from many d i sorders. Norma I daycare centers wou

14、Id not 6 h im. As a baby, he had ser i ous ear i nfect i ons wh i chI eft him with equi I ibrium (平篌亍)problems. He couldnt 7 or run proper I y. I was_8 if I was to take the job when my mother 9_,“Dont you want to be a nursei n the future I doubt i f you even have the 10.”Then I to I d her I was 11 f

15、or the job.The day started at 7: 00 a. m. Nick was my wake-up call! With so much energy and very I ittIe 12, he was quite a mix.At the park, when he saw a I I the other ch i I dren p I ay on the jungle gym and swings, the boys face 13 up-How he wished he belonged to the group of hi s age! Youwou I d

16、 th i nk i t wou I d be_14 to it wasnt! It took time, a lot of one step up the slide each day. We he got cIoser to tak i ng the slidewou I d th i nk i t wou I d be_14 to it wasnt! It took time, a lot of one step up the slide each day. We he got cIoser to tak i ng the slidewou I d th i nk i t wou I d

17、 be_14 to it wasnt! It took time, a lot of one step up the slide each day. We he got cIoser to tak i ng the slideget a child totime. But withworked together of h i s I i fe.go down a sli wou I d th i nk i t wou I d be_14 to it wasnt! It took time, a lot of one step up the slide each day. We he got c

18、Ioser to tak i ng the slideget a child totime. But withworked together of h i s I i fe.go down a sli 滑梯).Be I i eve me, pat i ence and support, N i ck took to face h i s 15 and gradua I I yD. re Iaxat i onD. tradeD. guideD. comfortD. re Iaxat i onD. tradeD. guideD. comfortHa I fway through the summe

19、r, he 16 it to the top of the si ide. With my armsholding him t i ght I y, we flew down the si ide! I wa i ted for h i s 17_. After rea I i z i ngthat he was safe and sound, he gave me a b i g 18 and asked, “May I godown aga i n, a IonenI had never been happ i er in my Ii fe when I saw th i s little

20、 child climb the I adder and enjoy what other chi Idren 19 for granted.Th i s _20 ch i I d taught me that be i ng a nurse means respect, k i ndness and pat i ence.B. courseC. projectB. favourC. bus i nessB. waitress C. guardB. naughty C.B. rece i veB. pI aywonder i ngB. argued10.c I everC. acceptC.

21、standquest i on i ngC. chailengedB. courage C. faithA. eager B. sorryC.B. ba Iance C. knowledgeB. cheered C. I it14.B. simple C. i nterest i ng15.D. happyD. adoptD. waIkD. doubtingD. commentedD. timegratefuI D. readyD. controID. shutD. flexibleB. worr i esC. chances D. s i tuat i onsB. naughty C.B. rece i veB. pI aywonder i ngB. argued10.c I everC. acceptC. standquest i on i ngC. chailengedB. courage C. faithA. eager B. sorryC.B. ba Iance C. knowledgeB. cheered C. I it14.B. simple C. i nterest i ng15.D. happyD. adoptD. waIkD. doubtingD. commentedD. timegratefuI D. readyD. controID. s


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