



1、2022-2023学年安徽省芜湖市方村中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Im sure our surroundings will become better.It is still a problem _ we can control the pollution.A. that B. whether C. if D. why参考答案:B 2. It never occurred to humans until the mid-1990s _ some animals can be cloned.Awhere Bthat Cwhich Dwhat参考答案:B考查固定句型。此处构成It

2、 occurs/occurred to sb.that句型,意思是“某人突然想起”,故选B。3. How did you find those days.The days_we spent together on the farm are not easy_Athat;to forget Bwhen;to be forgotten Cwhen;to forget Dthat;to be forgotten参考答案:A考查定语从句及固定句式。that代替先行词the days在定语从句中作spent的宾语。“be adj.to do”结构中通常用主动形式。4. A teachers _ to e

3、ducation is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings benefits to the development of society.A. guidance B. principle C. identity D. devotion 参考答案:D5. can I have some information about the course?It _ for beginners and lasts two weeks.A.designs B. is designed C. designed D. was desi

4、gned参考答案:B【考点】一般现在时及其被动式【试题解析】分析句子,可知空格的词要充当谓语动词;同时,由于it指代的是前者所讲的course,故design与course之间是被动关系。根据句意,可知选B。句意:-我能否要一些关于这个课程的信息呢? - 它是专为初学者而设的,为期两周。6. To his relief, the companys exports have been increasing _ . “原创” A. suddenly B. steadily C. automatically D. really参考答案:B略7. - Lets go shopping, shall w

5、e? - Wait a minute. I _ my housework and it wont take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am to finish参考答案:B8. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hours operation to have _ one-year-old twins at the head.A. isolated B. separated C. divided D.

6、removed参考答案:B9. What took you so long? I got lostI have no _ of direction Asense Bability Cknowledge Dfeeling参考答案:A略10. Im confident that well win this time. Youve been practicing so long. A. I bet you can. B. So what? C. Are you serious? D. Go ahead.参考答案:A略11. It is useless trying to _ her that she

7、 doesnt need to lose any weight.A. believe B. convince C. warn D. ensure 参考答案:B12. You are lucky to have a teacher as good as MrSmithHe is one a million Ain Bof Cout Dfrom参考答案:A略13. They told me it would be cheap but it cost me nearly $500. Ain a word Bat last Cin fact Das a result参考答案:C14. Although

8、 badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _ able to make a phone call. A. still B. even C. also D. ever参考答案:A解析:still仍,还;even甚至; also也;ever曾经。题意是“尽管在车祸中伤得很重,但司机仍能够打电话。15. It was April 29, 2011 _ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.A. that B. when C

9、. since D. before参考答案:B略二、 填空16. 用所给短语的正确形式填入下列句子的空白处。(每小题1分,共10分)pick on, have impact on, work out, eat away at, be aimed at, go against, suffer from, beat about the bush, call for, drop out1. The Presidents state visit expanding relations between the two countries is scheduled in November, 2011. 2

10、. According to the research, over 30% of the middle-aged people the mortgage problem by the time they retire. 3. I am tired of . Why are you always treating me in that way?4. I have to point out that his thinking all logic, which will probably be a big obstacle for him to cooperate with others.5. I

11、wish youd stop and tell me what you really want. 6. There is proof that up to now the program our community as supposed. 7. With the sense of failure his self-esteem, John was thinking about giving up the project. 8. Finally we reached an agreement that the situation prompt action. 9. Students of un

12、iversity has long been an issue concerning the principals. 10. I insist that the problem needs as soon as possible. 参考答案:1 aimed at2 will have suffered from 3 being picked on 4 goes against5 beating about the bush 6 has had impact on 7 eating away at 8 called for9 dropping out 10 working out/ to be

13、worked out三、 阅读理解17. Flying HighBarrington Irving landed his record-breaking light at age 23 and founded an educational nonprofit organization. His message for kids: “The only thing that separates you from scientists is determination, hard work and a strong liking for what you want to achieve.” The

14、secret, he believes, is having a dream in the first place.The moment of inspiration for Irving came at the age of 15 in his parents bookstore. One customer, a professional pilot, asked Irving if hed thought about becoming a pilot. “I told him I didnt think I was smart enough; but the next day he too

15、k me to the cockpit (驾驶舱) of the commercial airplane he flew and just like that I was hooked.”To follow his dream, Irving Turned down a football scholarship to the University of Florida. He washed airplanes to earn money for a flight school and increased his flying skills by practicing at home on a

16、$40 flight simulator (模拟) video game. Then another dream took hold: flying alone around the world. He faced more than 50 rejections for sponsorship before convincing some companies to donate aircraft components. He took off with no weather radar, no de-icing system, and just $30 in his pocket.After

17、97 days, 26 stops and dozens of thunderstorms, he touched down to a cheering crowd in Miami. “It was seeing so many young people watching and listening that pushed me into giving back with my knowledge an experience.” Irving has been doing it ever since. He set up his non-profit organization, Experi

18、ence Aviation (航空), aiming to increase the numbers of youth in aviation career. By bring challenging project-based learning, hands-on and other educational opportunities to school districts and local communities nationwide, the organization has excited the hearts and minds of youth. “We want to crea

19、te chances for students to accomplish something amazing,” he notes. Perhaps Irvings most powerful educational tool is the example his own life provides.4. According to Irving, what is the most important in achieving success?A. Meeting people to get sponsorship.B. Having something specific to accompl

20、ish.C. Communicating with different organizations.D. Getting chances to study technical knowledge.5. What do we know about Irving in paragraph 3?A. He finally raised enough money to keep going.B. he chose to reduce his budget as low as possible.C. He took on a further challenge while learning to fly

21、.D. He got the most useful flying tips from video games.6. Why did Irving set up his non-profit organization?A. To become a well-known public figure.B. To start a business in other related fields.C. To set an example to the young to follow.D. To direct more youth to a career in aviation.7. Which of the following best describes Irving as a pilot?A. Caring.B. Demanding.C. Gen


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