1、20146月六Part(30Directions:Forthispart,youare30minutestowriteanessaywhy it is unwise to rsonbytheirappearance.Youcangivelestoillustrateyour.Youeast words but no n 200 20146月六Part(30Directions:Forthispart,youare30minutestowriteanessaywhy it is unwise to rsonbytheirappearance.Youcangivelestoillustrateyo
2、ur.Youeast words but no n 200 1PartListening(30Section Directions: In section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 conversations. of conversation, one more questions will be asked about what was said. Both conversation and questionswillbespokenonlyonce.Aftereachquestiontherewillbeapause.the pa
3、use, you readthefourmarkedA),B,C andD),anddecidewhichisthebestThen mark corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 single line through the 11. A the B. a talk C a birthday D at a jewelry 2. A. He enjoys finding fault with iof he know if he can do he used get straight he exams he man is generous with his
4、 comments on woman is unsure if there be woman is doubtful about r man is quite optimistic Study for some Attend a medical in his A college Shorter work was exhausted from her missed the comforts of was impressed by Mexican will not go to Mexico Cheer herself up a a more suitable al a psychology He
5、dresses more formally What he wears does not match has ignored his friends since man is generous with his comments on woman is unsure if there be woman is doubtful about r man is quite optimistic Study for some Attend a medical in his A college Shorter work was exhausted from her missed the comforts
6、 of was impressed by Mexican will not go to Mexico Cheer herself up a a more suitable al a psychology He dresses more formally What he wears does not match has ignored his friends since failed to do at 9 to 12 are on the conversation you just 9. go have promote a new join in a training reduce the nu
7、mber of passenger make air travel more cut down for air lessen caused by air Took balanced with Ate and fruit Refrained fish or rich Many them found it difficult to exercise on a Many them were concerned with their well-Not many of them chose to do what she Not many of them understood the Questions
8、to 15 are based on the aacomputer alatest computer anizing of an purchasing of some dramatic he job Dreduce the number of passenger make air travel more cut down for air lessen caused by air Took balanced with Ate and fruit Refrained fish or rich Many them found it difficult to exercise on a Many th
9、em were concerned with their well-Not many of them chose to do what she Not many of them understood the Questions to 15 are based on the aacomputer alatest computer anizing of an purchasing of some dramatic he job DTraining Corporate Information Bhissection,youwillhear3shortpassages.ofeachyouwillhea
10、rsomequestions.Boththepassageandthewillbespokenonce.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourmarkedA,B,C andD).Thenmarkthecorrespondingletter1, single line through the 1Passage Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just 16. Improve Get rid of empty Follow the cultura
11、l Attempt something 17. finding sufficient support for o account their own ability to constantly ind their ultimate making plans and carrying them 18. show people to get their lives back to show how difficult it is for people to lose remind people to check the calories on food markedA,B,C andD).Then
12、markthecorrespondingletter1, single line through the 1Passage Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just 16. Improve Get rid of empty Follow the cultural Attempt something 17. finding sufficient support for o account their own ability to constantly ind their ultimate making plans and
13、carrying them 18. show people to get their lives back to show how difficult it is for people to lose remind people to check the calories on food illustrate how easily people their Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage have just Michaels parents got Karen was adopted by Ray Karens mother died i
14、n a car A truck driver lost his life in a .ran a red light and collided sacrificed his life to save a baby was killed instantly in a burning got married to Karens The reported hero turned to be his He did not understand his father till too isfortune should have fallen on It reminded him of his miser
15、able Questions22 to25 are based onthepassageyou 22. ng odd jobs working long hours every ore hours taking shorter vacations each combat competition and raise provide more job help them aheir living prevent holding a second Change their Earn more Reduce their Strengthen ernments isfortune should have
16、 fallen on It reminded him of his miserable Questions22 to25 are based onthepassageyou 22. ng odd jobs working long hours every ore hours taking shorter vacations each combat competition and raise provide more job help them aheir living prevent holding a second Change their Earn more Reduce their St
17、rengthen ernments Chissection,youwillsagetimes.Whentheisreadfortime,youshouldlistencarefullyitsgeneralthepassageisreadforthesecondtime,youarerequiredtohestheexactwordsyouhavejustheard.Finally,whenthepassageisreadforthetime, you should check what you have 1Nursing,asatypicallyfemale,mustdealconstantl
18、ywiththet nurses theretowaitonthen. As nurses, we are toprovidenursingonly. We do ve any legal or moral any rovide teaching, assess physical as well as emotional problems, patient-,andmakeallofournursingsbaseduponwhatisbestorfor the patient.theretowaitonthen. As nurses, we are toprovidenursingonly.
19、We do ve any legal or moral any rovide teaching, assess physical as well as emotional problems, patient-,andmakeallofournursingsbaseduponwhatisbestorfor the patient. If, in any circumstance, we t a ns order inappropriateorunsafe,wehavealegal totorderorrefusecarry it Nursingisnotanine-to-fivejobwithk
20、endAllnursesaretbefore they the . The emotional and stress, t occurs due to working hours is a reason for a lot of the career dissatisfaction. It sometimes t we work overtime, twechangeshiftsfourorfivetimesatdisturbsalourngandeatinghabits,andisolatesusfromeverythingexceptjob-friends and Thequalityof
21、nursingcaredramaticallybythesesituations.hospitalsare now staffed by new graduates, as experienced nurses finally give tryingtochangethesystem.Consumersof relatedhaveevidentlybeen affected enough yet to demand 35 But trends continue predicted,theywilltmostcriticalhospitalcarebeprovidedbyand sometime
22、s y trained Part(40Sectionhissection,theresagewithtens.Youarerequiredordforeachfromalistofinawordthepassage.Readthepassagethroughcarefullybeforemakingyour.Eachheisidentifiedbyaletter.PleasemarkthecorrespondingletterforitemonAnswerSheet2singlelinethroughthecentre.Youmaynotuseanythe he nQuestions 36 t
23、o 45 are based on the following MillionsofAmericansareenteringtheir60sandaremorenaboutretirement.Theyknowtheyneedtosave,buthowmuch?Andwhatexactlyaresavingfor-tothe he nQuestions 36 to 45 are based on the following MillionsofAmericansareenteringtheir60sandaremorenaboutretirement.Theyknowtheyneedtosav
24、e,buthowmuch?Andwhatexactlyaresavingfor-tospendmoretime thegrandkids,gotraveling,orstartcareer?Itturnsthusbandsandwivesmayhave differentideasthe Thedeepestdivideheiryears.FidelityInvestmentsInc.found41percentofthe500couplesitsurveyed onwhetherbotheastonespousewillworkinretirement.Wivesarerightregard
25、ingtheirhusbandsretirementage,butmen theirwillbe when they stop working. And husbands are slightly more aboutstandard of n wives Busyjugglingcareersands,mostcouplesdonttakethetositdown, ortogether,andthinkaboutwhattheywouldliketodo5,1020yearsfromnow.They theyareonthesamepage,butthe ishave even talki
26、ng about Ifareself-employedorinatveastandardage, you be more apt ay thinking about these es. It is often retirementtprovidesthecatalysttostartplanning.Gettingofforacceptinganearly-retirement canforceyourhand.Butdontwaityou get a severance (遣散费) check to begin 2Sectionhissection, you are going to sag
27、e with ten attachedtoit.EachementcontainsgiveninoneoftheIdentify the paragraph from which the is You may choose paragraphnonce.Eachparagraphismarkedletter.Answertheby marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet WhatIf Sectionhissection, you are going to sage with ten attachedtoit.Eachementconta
28、insgiveninoneoftheIdentify the paragraph from which the is You may choose paragraphnonce.Eachparagraphismarkedletter.Answertheby marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet WhatIf Middle-ClassJobsA ThemostrecentheUnitedesbeganinDecember2007andafterthelendofthe,fewAmericanswouldteconomicarebehin
29、d us. The unemployment rate, in particular, remains above 9%. Some marketindicators,suchastheproportionoflong-termunemployed,areworsefor twar .B There are two widely circulated narratives to explain whats going on. Keynesiannarrativettherehasbeenamajordropinaggregatedemand.tothisnarrative,theslumpca
30、nbelargelycuredbyusingmonetaryandfiscal政的)stimulus.Themainanti-Keynesiannarrativetbusinessesarefromyandover-regulation.Accordingtothisnarrative,theslumpcancured by having ernment commit to and follow a more hands-C Iwanttodemandorfortheregulatoryenvironment,Iwishtotstructuralisanimportanthecurrentra
31、teofemployment.Theeconomyisaeoftransition,inwhichthemiddle-classtemergedafterWorldhavebeguntodecline.AsErikBrynjolfssonandAndrewputitinae-bookRaceAgainsttheMachine:Therootofourproblemsistwereinaoragreatstagnationbuttweheearly(阵痛) of a great D Infact,IvetheGreatofthe1930ssoretedpartasaneconomictransi
32、tion.Theimpactofernalengineandthesmallelectricmotoronfarmingandmanufacturingthevalueuneducatedlaborers.Instead,bythe1950s,amiddleclassofclerical事文秘工作的) workers was the most significant part of the labor n1930partasaneconomictransition.Theimpactofernalengineandthesmallelectricmotoronfarmingandmanufac
33、turingthevalueuneducatedlaborers.Instead,bythe1950s,amiddleclassofclerical事文秘工作的) workers was the most significant part of the labor n1930and1950,theUnitedeseconomyunderwentagreatDemand fell for human effort such as lifting, squeezing, and hammering. increasedforworkerswhocouldreadandfollowdirection
34、s.Theevolutionaryeventually changed us from a nation of laborers to a nation of E)Theproportionofemploymentclassifiedasclericalworkersgrewfrom5.2%1910akof19.3%in1980.(However,by2000thisproportionhadedgeddown17.4%.)Overall,workersclassifiedasclericalworkers,technicalworkers,andlsexceeded50%ofthelabor
35、forceby2000.Correspondingdeclineshemanualoccupations.Workersclassifiedaslaborers,nfarmorminers,peakedat11.4%ofthelaborforcein1920butwerebarely6%by1950n4%by2000.Farmersandfarmlaborersfellfrom33%ofthelaborforce1910 to n 15% by 1950 and only 1.2% in F)roductionofthetractorandhefactorylyenoughtojustifyh
36、isemployment.,nevermuchnaoccupation, was no longer viable ( 可行的). Meanwhile, were manufacturing occupations like cigar rolling and glass blowing light G)Thestructural-wouldtthedemandforuneducatedheUnitedeshadfallen,thesupplyremainedhigh.Thehighschoolgraduationratewasonly8.8%in1912stilljust29%in1931.
38、onandcommunicationsinfrastructurebusinessesephoneoperators,clerksandsimilarIfyoucouldread,followsimpleinstructions,andoaroutine,youfind a t-war I) The trend 1950ssawthecreationofanewsuburbaneconomy,pluralityofwhite-workers.nexpandedionandcommunicationsinfrastructurebusinessesephoneoperators,clerksan
39、dsimilarIfyoucouldread,followsimpleinstructions,andoaroutine,youfind a t-war I) The trend from manual labor has continued. Even sector, the of production and non-supervisory workers employmentwentfromover85%justafterWorldWarItonoreyears.Toputthisanotherway,theproportionofwhite-collarhasdoubledoverth
40、epast50years.Onthefactoryflooritself,workephysicallydemanding.Instead,itrequiresmorecognitiveskillsandtheabilityunderstand and carry out well-defined J)Asnotedheeconomypeakedintdate,computersandadvancedcommunicationsdalreadybegunephoneoperationsanding.Theriseofalcomputer,andswidenedtheimpactoftheset
41、echnologiestoincludenearlyeveryand K)Theeconomytodaydifferstofagenerationago.Mortgageandloanunderwritershavebeenreplacedbycreditscoring.Recordhavebeenreplacedbymusicdownloads.Bookstoresareclosing,whilesalesofonelectronicreadershaveincreased.Dataentryhasbeenmovedoffshore.customer support also has bee
42、n outsourced (外包) L)Thesetrendsservetolimittheavailabilityofwell-definedjobs.Ifajobbecharacterizedbyaprcisesetofinstructions,tjobisacandidatebeautomatedoroutsourcedtomodestlyeducatedworkersincountries.result is what David Aut or calls the polarization of the job M)UsinglatestCensusBureaudata,Matthew
43、Slaughtertfrom20002010theearningsofcollegegraduates(withnoadvanceddegree)fellbyinntheearningsofhighschoolgraduates.Infact,overperiod the only education category to show an increase in earnings was those advanced N) The outlook for mid-skill jobs would not appear to be bright. technologyandelligencec
44、ontinuetoimprove,puttingmoreat risk. For le, many people earn a living as drivers, including trucks taxicabs.ofdriverlessvehiclesappearstoperiod the only education category to show an increase in earnings was those advanced N) The outlook for mid-skill jobs would not appear to be bright. technologya
45、ndelligencecontinuetoimprove,puttingmoreat risk. For le, many people earn a living as drivers, including trucks taxicabs.ofdriverlessvehiclesappearstobemovingcloser.lehefieldofhefallof2011,anexperimentncourseinlelligenceconductedbytwoStanfordprofessorsdrewtensthousands of registrants (报名者). This inc
46、reases the student-teacher ratio by factor of close to a thousand. Imagine the number of teaching t might eliminated if this could be done for math, economics, chemistry, so O)Itsimportanttotwhenweofferaionunemployment, a loss of jobs means an increase in productivity. economistshavetproductivityinc
47、reasesareagoodthing,eventhoughmaycauseunemploymentforsomeheshorthelongrun,thenotrunout.ofjobs.Rather,newjobsemergeasoldjobsdisappear.Theltaveragewell-beingrises,andthemorepeopleareabletoadapt,widespread the 246.Evenfactoryfloorworktodayeellectuallychallengingnphysically 47.Increasesinproductivitypro
48、velthoughsomepeoplemaylosetheir48.Theunemploymentrateremainedhigheventwoyearsafterernmentthe recent was 49.Theauthorttherecentemploymentrateismainlycauseda decrease of middleclass 50. The creation of a suburban he 1950s created lots of office decadeofthe21stcentury,onlypeopletgraduateexperienced an
49、increase it 52.Oneeconomicstheorysuggestsusingmonetaryandfiscalstimulustocopeneconomic .53. The popularity of online courses may eliminate many teaching 54.Computertechnologyhasbroughtaboutrevolutionaryherecordand55.White-collarworkersaccountedexperienced an increase it 52.Oneeconomicstheorysuggests
50、usingmonetaryandfiscalstimulustocopeneconomic .53. The popularity of online courses may eliminate many teaching 54.Computertechnologyhasbroughtaboutrevolutionaryherecordand55.White-collarworkersaccountedfornhalfofthelaborforceof the 20th Section Directions:Thereare2hissection.Eachpassageisfollowedby
51、questionsorunfinishedements.ForeachofthemtherearefourA,B ,C andD.Youshoulddecideonthebestchoiceandmarktheletter on ,Answer Sheet 2 single line through the Passage Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following Deepreading-asedtotheoftenlreadingwedoontheWeb-anendingbuilding or a work of art. Its disap
52、pearance would jeopardize ellectualandemotionaldevelopmentofgenerationsgrowinguponline,aswellthepreservationofacriticalpartofourculture:thenovels,poemsandothertcanbetedonly.byreaderswhosebrains,have been trained tounder stand Recentresearchincognitivescienceandpsychologyhastreadingslow, immersive, r
53、ich in sensory detail and emotional and complexity-isadistinctiveexperience,differentinkindfromthemeredecodingwords.Althoughdeepreadingdoesnot,strictlyspeaking,requireaconventionalthe built-in limits of the ed page are uniquely helpful to the deep experience.Abookslackofhyperlinks(),forle,freesthere
54、adermakings-ShouldIclickonthislinkornot?-allowinghertoremainhe tpportedbythewaythebrainhandleslanguagerichinindirectreferenceandfiguresexperience.Abookslackofhyperlinks(),forle,freesthereadermakings-ShouldIclickonthislinkornot?-allowinghertoremainhe tpportedbythewaythebrainhandleslanguagerichinindir
55、ectreferenceandfiguresofspeech:bycreatingamentaldrawsonthesamebraintwoulkbeactiveifthescenewereunfoldingtarethestuffofarealsovigorousexerciseforthebrain,propellingusinsidetheheadsofcharactersandeven,ggest,increasingourreal-lifecapacityforNoneofthisislikelytohappenwhenwerebrowsingthroughawebsite.we c
56、all the activity by the same name, the deep reading of books and hetheyproducehecapacitiestheydevelop.Agrowingbodyoftonlinereadingmaybelessengagingandlesssatisfying,evenforthenatives to whom it is so familiar. Last month, for le, Britains LiteracyTrustreleasedtheresultsofastudyof34910youngpeopleaged
57、8toResearcherst39%ofchildrenandteensreaddailyusingelectronic,butonly28%edmaterialseveryday.Thosewhoreadonlyonscreenweretimeslesslikelytosaytheyenjoyreadingverymuchandathirdlesslikelytoafavoritebook.Thestudyalsotyoungpeoplewhoreaddailyonlynthosewhoreadin orboth in and onscreen2What the author say abo
58、ut deep a complement to online pbefore it is too is suitable for reading is an indispensable part of Why does the author advocate the reading of helps promote ellectual and emotional enables readers to te the complexity of helps build up immersive reading is ing an endangered what way edreading diff
59、er from ensures readers cognitive enables reader to be fully activates different region of the helps the reader learn rhetorical .What do the studies show about online gradually impairs keeps arousing readers provides up-to-date renders reading less Whatdowelearnfromthestudyreleasedbyhelps promote e
60、llectual and emotional enables readers to te the complexity of helps build up immersive reading is ing an endangered what way edreading differ from ensures readers cognitive enables reader to be fully activates different region of the helps the reader learn rhetorical .What do the studies show about
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