高中英语 Module 5《The First Americansreading and vocabulary》课件 外研社选修9_第1页
高中英语 Module 5《The First Americansreading and vocabulary》课件 外研社选修9_第2页
高中英语 Module 5《The First Americansreading and vocabulary》课件 外研社选修9_第3页
高中英语 Module 5《The First Americansreading and vocabulary》课件 外研社选修9_第4页
高中英语 Module 5《The First Americansreading and vocabulary》课件 外研社选修9_第5页
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1、2021/8/11 星期三1Module 5 Reading and Vocabulary 22021/8/11 星期三2Was Zheng Hethe First Foreignerto Visit the2021/8/11 星期三3Look at the title of the passage and predict what will be talked about in the passage. Write down three key words and show them to the partner. And the read the passage to see hoe mu

2、ch you are right.Brainstorm2021/8/11 星期三4Zheng Hes original name was Ma He. He was born around 1371 in China, Kun Yang, a town in southwest Yunan Province.Zheng Hes remarkable journey began when the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered him to sail to the countries beyond the horizon, all the way to t

3、he end of the earth.Between 1405 1433, Admiral Zheng He sailed the Indian and Western oceans, visiting more than 30 countries from Asia to Africa and as far as the central and eastern coasts of the African nations. Introduction Zheng He2021/8/11 星期三5The First TripZheng Hes first fleet included 27870

4、 men on 317 ships. On the way back it sailed along the west coast of India and returned home in 1407. Course - Zheng He直挂云帆济沧海长风破浪会有时To set the sails of cloud and brave the boundless sea.The time will come to ride the wind and part the waves 2021/8/11 星期三6More importantly, they served to transmit Ch

5、inese culture to South and Southeast Asia and the east coast of Africa. At the time, many of the countries of these regions were still relatively undeveloped, and therefore quite attracted to Chinas advanced civilization. Zheng Hes western voyages were not just an opportunity to carry out overseas t

6、rade. 2021/8/11 星期三7Scanningfind the main ideaChinese Admiral Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.Not everyone believe that Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.There are lots of evidences to show that Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the Ameri

7、ca. 2021/8/11 星期三8Careful-readingHow do we know that someone used the Cap of Good Hope as a sea route as early as 1459?How do we know that not everyone was in favor of Zheng Hes Voyages?How does Menzies imply that the Chinese must have drawn the first map?Menzies was shown a map with date on itAn of

8、ficial called Liu Daxia opposed themA draw of Chinese junk2021/8/11 星期三9treasure admiral porcelain oppose silk merchant conclude recordWords-Practising1. An _is the most senior officer in charge of a group of ship.2. Silk is a very fine _that is produced by a small insect.3. A _is someone who buys a

9、nd sells things, especially in other country.4. _is a hard white material which is used to make cups, plates and bowls.5. To _is to arrive at an opinion after looking at all the facts.6. _are written documents which keep information for the future.7. _is valuable objects, metals and jewels.8. If you _something, you dont approve of it and are against it.admiralfabricmerchantPorcelainconcludeRecordsTreasureoppose2021/8/11 星期三10Read again and find the following names 1. a writer 2.A leader of a country 3.A Chinese sailor 4. A European explorer202


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