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1、五年级下册英语空中课堂Module 3 Things we do南山区海滨实验小学(深圳湾部)彭雅如Unit 9 Seeing the doctorPeriod 1版权声明:本文为【南山区小学英语核心团队】原创,依据知识共享协议 【CC BY-NC-SA 4.0,即署名-非商业用途-相同方式共享】进行授权,转载请附上本声明。doctordriver police officerteacher Brainstormingnurse fireman JobsThink and sayhospitalbusycarefulillnesspatienthelpful1. Do you sometime

2、s see the doctor? 3. How do you feel when you see the doctor? 2. Why do you see the doctor? Think and answerHello, children. Today is the Health Day in our school. We have invited Dr. Wu to tell us about the illness. Dr. WuMs Guo Drink more waterTake some medicineSee the doctorHave a good restLook a

3、nd learnWhats wrong with her?have a coldShe has a cold.Look and learnhave a coldhave a runny nosehave a coughShe has a cold.Take some medicineSee the doctorHave a good restLook and learnShe should. What should she do?Drink more waterTake some medicineSee the doctorHave a good restLook and learnWhats

4、 wrong with her?have a toothacheShe has a toothache.She has a toothache.See the doctorShe should. What should she do?Think and sayHe has a fever. He should see the doctor. ( ) He should play outside for hours. ( ) He should use the ice pack. ( ) He shouldnt watch too much TV. ( )Yes or NoYesNoYesYes

5、 ice packWhats wrong with him?Can you help him? Take some medicine.Look and learnShe has a headache.Whats wrong with her?talk loudlykeep quietgo to bed latetake some medicineshouldshouldntMatch and say+Look and findhave a toothachehave a headacheache+acheear+ache+acheback earache backache She has a

6、_.He has a _.She has a _.She has a _.Think and spellcoldfeverheadachetoothacheJoeMikeAsk and answerWhats wrong with ?She/ He has a She/ He should/ shouldnt Miss Black(cough)(headache)(fever)(toothache)LindaListen and fill_Listen and enjoyDiagnosis Report (诊断报告)Name: MikeDate: 15th AprilIllness have

7、a fever Advice:You should have a good rest.You should take some medicine.You shouldnt watch too much TV.Look and learnDiagnosis Report (诊断报告)Name:Date:Illness Advice:You should _.You should _.You shouldnt _.Think and writeJimLindaLilyAmyNew phrases Sentence patternsWhats wrong with ?. should . . shouldnt Think and summarize5BM3U9P1have a coldhave a headachehave a feverhave a toothacheHomeworkRead the words on Students Book page 59. Preview the dialogue on Students Book page 58.Alice has a fever. Please finish her


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