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1、高一牛津(上)Module 2 Making discoveries Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 牛津高中英语课堂教学课件Module 2 Making discoveriesUnit 1 Tales of the unexplainedthe seventh periodProjectTelling a mysterious storyRead the article and answer:Where have people reported seeing a wild man-like creature?When and where did an Ame

2、rican mountain climber see a Yeti?All over the world.In 1998 and on the Chinese side of the Himalayas.3 What does a Yeti look like?4 What do scientists think of Yetis?It looks like a human but it has thick black fur and is about six feet tall with huge shoulders, very long arms and large hands.They

3、convince that Yetis exist while studying the footprints. Find main idea of each paragraph:Para 1: Yetis are reported to have been seen all over the world.Para 2-4: Descriptions of Yetis in different places.Para 5-6: Scientists different opinions abort Yetis.Para 7: Scientists hope to find the truth.

4、Listen to the passage and decide True or False 1. There are no Yetis in the world according to the report. 2. An American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti once. 3. Yetis ran with an amazing speed. 4. Footprints of Yetis are similar to human. 5. Yetis possibly lived in Asia about 3,000,000 ye

5、ars ago. 6. Scientists have solved the mystery.FTTFTFDiscussion:Do you believe that such a creature exists? Why or why not?New Language Points1.Searching for the Yeti (18) 寻找野人search vt. 搜查,在搜寻;搜(身)The police searched every room in the house.经察搜查了房子里的每一个房间。The tourist searched the whole town but cou

6、ld not find a fruit-shop open.那个游客找遍了全镇但是没有发现有一家水果店开门。Ive searched all the drawers, but my notebook is still missing.我已找遍了所有的抽屉,但我的笔记本还是没找到。search for 寻找;在里面(身上)搜寻(寻找)All night they searched for the lost car.他们整夜都在寻找丢失的汽车。Many soldiers, together with the villagers, searched the woods for the missing

7、 boy.许多士兵和村民们一道在树林里寻找失踪的男孩。The police searched the city for the murderer.警察在城里寻找凶手。search out 寻找到search through 把仔细搜查一遍in search of 寻找Each reported sighting produces similar descriptions of the creature. (18)每个目击报道都提供了对野人这种动物的类似描述。produce 生产;产生,造成,带来;拿出,出示;澳大利亚以生产羊毛而著名。Australia is famous for produc

8、ing wool.他们每年都不能生产足够的粮食。They couldnt produce enough food every year.这位作家在过去的几年里创作很少。This author has produced little in the last few years.The engineers ran after the creature, which ran with amazing speed and strength.(18)当时工程师追赶野人,野人确以惊人的速度和体力奔跑起来。 run after 追(逐),追赶如果你同时追赶两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。If you run af

9、ter two hares, you will catch neither.他没致力于学习,而是浪费时间追求女孩。Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time running after girls.run away逃跑The teen-ager ran away after being punished. 被惩罚后那个少年逃走了。 相关连接:run for竞选He didnt want to run for president that year.那年他不想竞选总统。 run into偶然碰到(困难)遇见(人),

10、相撞She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.她太困了以至于撞到了路灯杆上。run out of用完Our water has run out.我们的水已用完了。Dont run out of patience with her.不要对她失去耐心。maze vt. 使惊讶,使惊愕Your attitude simply amazes me.你的态度简直使我惊讶。He was amazed that his son should spend so much time playing computer games.他惊讶地发现他的儿子竟然把那么多

11、时间花在玩电脑游戏上。 amazing adj. 使人惊讶的The speed of the horses along the track was simply amazing.马在跑道上奔跑的速度简直令人吃惊。It is amazing that he should have said nothing about the murder.令人惊讶的是他对谋杀竟然只字未提。 Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti.脚印是目前支持野人存在说的为数不多的实证之一。su

12、pport 支撑;支持;搀扶;养(家),维持(生活);He was supporting himself with a stick.他用一根拐杖支撑着自己。He supported the government in its plan to build more railway lines.他支持政府计划建设更多的铁路线。Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor.比尔不得不搀扶着吉尔负责她就会摔倒。On average, these footprints are 14 to 18 inches long, 5

13、to 9 inches wide and much larger than that of a human.(18)平均说来,这些脚印长1418英寸,宽59英寸,比人类的脚印要大得多。 on (an/the) average 平均,平均起来,一般说来On average we receive 50 letters a day.我们平均每天收到五十封信件。Women make on the average only two-thirds of what men earn. 平均妇女只挣得男人三分之二的工资。Write a story about one of the mysteries .Pla

14、nning:Discuss the mysteries in groups1.Which mystery are you interested in?2.What will your story be about?Preparing1.Find information from various sources on the mystery. 2.Decide what to include in the story and what to leave out.3.Organize the information you decide to use and write an outline for the story.ProducingFollow the outline and write the story.Proofread the story, correct any mistakes and add any new ideas you can think of.Revise the story based on the s


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