Unit 3 单元复习学案-高一英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册_第1页
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Unit 3 单元复习学案-高一英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册_第5页
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1、Reading 词汇Ln.婚礼,结婚庆典3.vt&vi.装饰;点缀;粉刷5. n.传统,传统的信仰7.adj.惹人注意的,引人注目的9.n.印象,感想;影响,效果11. n.进入,出场;入口;进入权13.adj.浪漫的;爱情的15.n.特殊场合,盛会;时刻;时机17. n.乐队,团队;一伙,一帮;带19.v&n.转动,扭转;曲折处21. vi&n.游行示威;行进23. n.啤酒25. adj.每年的,年度的;一年的27. n.酸adj.酸性的;酸味的B2U3单元复习.n.典礼,仪式.adj.适合正式场合的,正规的,庄重的.n.新娘.n.风俗;个人习惯;光顾lO.n.新郎.adj.普通的,平常的

2、;平庸的.n.班机,航班;航程16. adj.愉快的,高兴的18. n.戏装,装扮用服装vt&vi.&n.鼓掌,拍手n.水流;潮/电流adj.当前的;通用的vt&vi.烘,烤,焙(肉等)26. n.发动机,引擎28. n冻西;活儿vt.填满;把塞进n.交通工具,车辆;手段,工具Reading词形转换.decorate vt&vi.装饰;点缀;粉刷一 n.装饰,装饰风格f adj.装饰的.tradition n.传统,传统的信仰f adj.传统的,习俗的f adv.传统上3.impression n.印象,感想;影响,效果一 vt.使敬佩,给深刻印象fadj.令人印象深刻的;令人赞叹.entra

3、nce n.进入,出场;入口;进入权f v.进入;开始参加;成为的一员.ordinary adj.普通的,平常的;平庸的f adv.平常地,通常地,一般地一 adj.非凡的;非常奇特的.romantic adj.浪漫的;爱情的一 n.浪漫史;爱情.current n.水/潮流;电流adj.当前的;通用的一 n.货币;通用;流行.adj.每年的,年度的;一年的n.年刊f adv.每年,一年一次地Reading 短语1.千载难逢的机会2.发生,举行3.一间装饰华丽的旅馆房间4.身着色彩鲜艳的礼服5.遵照传统6.给某人留下深刻的印象7 .让某人想起某事7 .让某人想起某事8 .绝不,根本不.许下一个

4、不同的承诺.相互扶持并幸福地共同生活11 .这么说吧,大致说来12 .笨手笨脚13.下飞机14.放假一周15 .可感觉到,在传播中16 .在人群中找好位置17 .立即行动18 .沿街前行19 .一波又一波的街边摊20 .陷入派对的狂欢中21 .抓住机会去做某事Reading句子翻译 1 .不是所有的传统习俗我都了解,但有一些给我留下了深刻的印象。.接下来的风俗也都不同寻常。. Then they took seven steps together by the fire, and with each step made a different promiseabout how they wer

5、e going to support each other and live together happily. Then there was an explosion of bright colors and lively music, and the group jumped intoaction.狂欢节的人潮带着我们穿过不断扩大的人海,一路上跳个不停。.我太沉浸于派对的狂热之中,几乎没有注意到五个小时已经过去了。Grammar & Integrated & Extended 单词1. vt&vi.赚得;获利;赢得3. n.公寓套房5. n.链子,链条;连锁店vt.用锁链拴住7.prep.

6、每,每一9.n.包,盒;包裹;一套vt.包装ll.adj.月亮的,月球的13.n.民族,国家;国民15.n.一代人;代;产生2. n.镜子4. vi&vt.寻找,搜寻;打猎;追捕6.n.收入,收益8.n.梳子vt.梳理;搜寻lO.vt.促进,推动;促销;提升12.vt遵守;注意至IJ;观察14.n.尊敬/重;荣幸/誉vt.尊敬/重16.n.来源;起源;源头17.n.特性;身份19.n.责任,义务;上班;职责;税2Ln .前夕,前夜23.n.盘子,碟子;板块;车牌25.n.猪肉27.vt.选择,挑选29.adj.方便的,省事的,便利的3 Ln ,对联,对句33.n .午夜,子夜35.n.爆竹,鞭

7、炮37.il机会,运气;巨款;命运39.n.谜语,谜4Lvi .渐渐出现18.adj.先前的,以往的;稍前的2O.adj.珍贵的,珍贵的;珍奇的22n瓷器;瓷24.n.种类,类别;vt.整理,分类26n(咬下的)一口;咬;咬伤v.咬28.vt&vi.定居;结束;解决3O.adj.整洁的,整齐的;有条理的32.vt.代表;为发言34.n .点心,小吃36.n.烟火,烟花38.n.灯笼,提灯4O.n.柳树,柳42n眼泪,泪珠v.撕裂/碎43.n .袖子Grammar & Integrated & Extended 词形变化vt.促进,推动;促销;提升一vt.遵守;注意至U;观察察者3.4.nati

8、on n.民族,国家;国民f 国籍generation n.一代人;代;产生 f 生产者5.6.7.select vt.选择,挑选f选择性的settle vt&vi.定居;结束;解决fconvenient adj.方便的,省事的,便利的fadv.方便地,便利地一8.n.提升;升职n.观察,遵守一 n.观adj.国家的,国内的f n.v.产生,引起f n.发电机;n.选择,挑选f adj.认真挑选的;n.定居;解决f n.移民n .方便,便利fn.代表;描绘,表现fadj.幸运的 f adv.幸.使世代相传,流传.适逢,正当.端午节.中秋节10.形成我们的民族认同12.咬一口鸡肉adj .不方便

9、的represent vt.代表;为发言;表达 adj .典型的,有代表性的9. fortune n.机会,运气;巨款f运地 adj ,不幸的Integrated & Extended reading 短语1.下定决心.重阳节.遵循传统.为向表示敬意.代表合家团圆11.让我们作为中国人而自豪13.满心喜悦和激动14.三代同堂15.回乡之旅17.门上的春联19.熬夜21.包饺子.在温暖舒适的房间里.午夜将至.被照亮16.窗上整整齐齐的剪纸18.墙上的年画20.看春晚22.在新年伊始.看着年迈的父母.放鞭炮.庆祝祖国富强Reading课文填空Alex, 1.has been to many cou

10、ntries, is a travel writer. Next, he will share different 2. (experience) of attending a wedding in India and the Rio Carnival with us.The wedding ceremony was held in a hotel room, which could contain hundreds of guests 3.formal and colorful clothes. The bridegroom entered the room by 4.(ride) a be

11、autiful white horse while the bride in an eye-catching red silk sari was led by her father to her new husband. The couple walked around 5. small fire four times hand in hand and took seven steps together by the fire, 6.(promise) how they would live their new life. People danced just for the celebrat

12、ions.People in Brazil spent seven days 7.(celebrate) the Rio Carnival. They gathered together in the street party and watched the band playing 8. (energy) samba beat and the dancers twisting and turning. 9.(excite), the crowd also joined in the activities. It was almost 10. (possible) to notice five

13、 hours fly by. What an amazing scene!Extended reading 课文填空It is just past five oclock on the Chinese New Years Eve, and the dinner table is already covered with white china plates and bowls, full of all sorts of j.(dish): chicken, duck, pork, fish and vegetables.Many people have settled in big citie

14、s, far away from their hometown. Every year, they travel back for the Spring Festival, for 2. dream of “three generations under the same roof5. The high-speed train has made it much 3. (convenient) for them to go back home.Already their home 4.(decorate) for the joyous occasion. From the neat design

15、s of the paper-cuttings on the windows, 5. the Spring Festival couplets on the door, and to the New Year paintings on the wall, everything 6.(represent) joy, luck and happiness.After dinner, the hours until midnight go 7.(slow) by. The whole family are going to stay up late on the Chinese New Years Eve. They gather around the television 8.(watch) the Spring Festival Gala, while eating snacks, chatting with each other and making dumplings, 9. they wi


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