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1、时间:120分:150人:高三外语校对人伊I(选择题)II(非选择题I(共两节,满30 分第一部分第一节(51.57.5 分5 时间:120分:150人:高三外语校对人伊I(选择题)II(非选择题I(共两节,满30 分第一部分第一节(51.57.5 分5 A、B、C10 1WheredidthewomanATo downtown Berkeley 2Whenwillthemanleaveforhome?AOn3What doesthe man BTothemansBOnCOnAThediamondisnotbeautifulBThedesignisnotfashionable CThe pri

2、ce is too high for them now4WhatwillthewomanAGo to the movies 5Whoisthemanmostprobably?BDosomeCAttenda第二节(15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分5 5566 7 6Whendidtheman haveclass of Civil ALastBLastCLastWhatisthewomansSharingthecost ofthetextbookand usingitThinkingaboutProfQianscoursemoreseriously CSitting together in

3、 class from now on78 9 Wheredoesthemanaskthewomantohandinherresearch?AAthismeetingBAthis CAthis9Whatwillthemanngat5:00 thisAHavingaBHavingaCTalkingtohis81012 10Whowantstogoto AThemanandhis BThemanswifeandsonCThemanandAHavingaBHavingaCTalkingtohis81012 10Whowantstogoto AThemanandhis BThemanswifeandso

4、nCThemanandhisWhydoesthewomanadvisethe mantogoto Egyptby Hecanhavea safeandhappy Hecanhave abetterrest duringthe Hecansavealotandenjoytheoceanscenery 12What does the woman think of the man?91316 13WhenwillthewomanleaveherAAtBAtCAtWhatdoesthewomanplantotakewithOnelargebagandtwosmallbags BTwolargebags

5、andonesmallbag COne large bag and a handbagWherewillthemansaygoodbyetothehewaitingBOutsidetheCAtthe16WhatdoesthemanaskthewomantoAWaitforhimattheairportBComebacka10 17 20 题。 17When was Greenpeace founded?klaterCGivehima doesthe man AHeisthe anizerBHeisaleadingnuclear CHeisoneof theplan sthe manbeenin

6、volvedin ingtheuse ofnuclearweaponsBProtecting animalsand 20HowdidpeoplereacttothemansappealATheyshowederestinitBTheywereagainsttheCTheyexpressedtheirsupportindifferent第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40 分)第一节(15230分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、CD)中,选出最佳选项,并在答AMy mother has always e the importance of education. Education

7、 is essential. will help me get accepted to college if I perform well academically and advance my for she future. Most jobs now east a high school diploma, and for many a college degree is preferred. It is t all students have excellent heir to help them achieve and have the opportunity to go to coll

8、ege, get a job, support themselves and their family, and impact the community.Aswek,Ivereflectedonimpact my teachers have had, and will continue to have, in my life. From Mr. Bowker, ath,toMr.Bernsteen,myhealthteacherwhotaughtmethevalueofhardmy teachers have helped the student I am today. But one of

9、 the teachers who left a on me was my summer school teacher, Mr. Davis, who impacted classroom.Hefoundtimetoconnectwithmersonallevelandtalktomeafterclass.IfeltMr. Davis cared about my academic suc s and ath,toMr.Bernsteen,myhealthteacherwhotaughtmethevalueofhardmy teachers have helped the student I

10、am today. But one of the teachers who left a on me was my summer school teacher, Mr. Davis, who impacted classroom.Hefoundtimetoconnectwithmersonallevelandtalktomeafterclass.IfeltMr. Davis cared about my academic suc s and was committed to setting an le of Mr. Davis could relate to what it was like

11、to be a rising h-grade black society.Hetaughtmehowtospeakupconfidentlyandsharemyideaswithothers.HetoldtI was brilliant t when I spoke, the world should listen. And when I would put my downbecause I was unsure of my answer, Mr. Davis would ysay, “No guts, He never made me feel inadequate; he encourag

12、ed me to always pursue knowledge because he, too, was learning every day. Mr. Davis helped me navigate the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.I think having more black male teachers like Mr. Davis in the classroom could s.Theywould sharethe background andofmanyoftheirstudentshelp bui

13、ld long-lasting teacher/student relationships. But, y, the students of color in Nevada will have a teacher t looks like them is one of the As the student es more ethnically diverse, teachers in Nevada still predominantly (显著地)white. According to a 2012 k he Clark School District, nearly 70 percent o

14、f students identified as students of color, but 76 percent of teacherswerewhite.Thenumbersforblackmaleteachersaremorediscouraging.Just2percentof teachers nationwide are black men.But you can help change the numbers. Whether you decide to study education in college graduateschool,orapplytoprogramsinL

15、asVega males will consider teaching as a career.chasTeachForAmerica,IhopemoreMy peers and I need more les of excellence and s in classroomsles look like us. You can be the to impact our life and push us to achieve. You can whenwelookto thefrontoftheroom,wecanseea itofourselvesreflected 21.Mr.Davisle

16、fttheauthorvery mainly because he A.wasextremelyknowledgeableand hard-B.wasaroletoteachheartsandchangeC.spentmuchtimetheauthorwithD.keptinclose touchwiththeauthorevenafter22.Theunderlinedword“guts”inParagraph3iseaning to A.B. C. D.23.Bywritingthepassage,the ends to A.showstudentslovefortheirC.expres

17、s sympathyforstudentsof B.appealtomoreblackmalestobeD.advertiseforblackmaleB, Liaoning Province, reportedly blocked streets Thousands of taxi drivers in their vehicles on Sunday against unlicensed vehicles using taxi-hiring apps ()and apps-based car rental companies providing passenger , including h

18、igh-end Although the drivers also complained about the withdrawal of the fuel subsidy(补贴) by ernment, their main was the loss of business because of the rising number ernet-basedcarOn Wednesday, news reports t Beijing transport authorities will take measures stopthe illegal “taxibusiness” ofprivatec

19、arsthrough the newly ernetapps,following footstepsof and It is not yet clear how the ernment will handle the e and whether it declare the offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxi-hiring app backedbyTencentHoldings,andKuaidiDacheillegal.ButShanghaitransportregulatorshaveset a rule, by ban

20、ning Didi Zhuanche, or car servioffered by Didi Dache in December.Such regulations will cause a setback to the car-hiring companies and investorst are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming declare the offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxi-hiring app backedbyTencentHoldings,and

21、KuaidiDacheillegal.ButShanghaitransportregulatorshaveset a rule, by banning Didi Zhuanche, or car servioffered by Didi Dache in December.Such regulations will cause a setback to the car-hiring companies and investorst are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming business. Just last month, Didi

22、Dache got $700 million in funding from global investors, including Singapore seinvestmentcompanyTemasek Holdings,RussianinvestmentcompanyDSTGlobalandTencent.Besides,themarketisuncertain t Kuaidi Dache is about to finalize its latest round of funding after getting $800 million fromglobalRegulatory ie

23、s, however, could cast a shadow on the future of ernet-car-hiring , which e popular in most of Chinas big cities. To be fair, companiesbusiness is anything but bad. For le, Didi Zhuanche e by with established car rental companies to provide high-end car service mainly for throughernetand mobilephone

24、Every link in this business chain has legal companies and hardto define it asillegal and ban. Therefore, it 24.Why didtaxidriversinblockthestreetswiththeirBecausethey wanted theauthoritytoincreasetheirdrivingBecausetheywanted tobetaughthowtousethetaxi-hiring.C.Because theywanted toappealtopassengers

25、nottohiretheprivateD.Becausethey wantedtomaketheirmain sknown tothe 25.Theauthorsattitudetoernet car-hiring service is B. C. D.Whichof the following ementsisAllthe taxidrivers in Chinabenefit a lotfromtaxi-hiring TaxidriversmainlycomplainedaboutthewithdrawalofthefuelsubsidybyC.ernet-basedcar-hiringe

26、popular all over D.ernet-basedcar-hiringarechallengingthetraditionaltaxi27.Wecanlearnfromthet A.forbadeapps-basedcarrentalB.ShanghaiisthesecondcitybanningDidiC.itisnotdifficultto picturetheapps-basedcarrentalcompanies D. ernational investment companies have strong he future of apps-based rental CSer

27、vice Foods makes it easier for cooks to reduce mealtime complains. Service Foods is t they can reduce s, in t the company is offering a series mealtime-reductionAccordingto a iveof ServiceFoods, s can occur when busy cooks substandard,lowqualitymeats.Asproductssitin he meatcaseatthestore,the can age

28、 out too much. The natural flavor disappears, and it can be replaced n strangeflavor.AccordingtoServiceFoods,sfromchildrenarecommonwhenyousubstandard meats. Kids may ve the words to describe why they dont like the meats, theyre certainly willing to express their displeasure. By serving meats from Se

29、rvice s can be reduced. Service Foods meats are all natural anic, meaning the have-no chemicals or water or t could change the taste. And the meats flash-frozenrightaftercutting,sotheyre certainly willing to express their displeasure. By serving meats from Service s can be reduced. Service Foods mea

30、ts are all natural anic, meaning the have-no chemicals or water or t could change the taste. And the meats flash-frozenrightaftercutting,sotheywonttastestrangetoyourIf youre facing different types of s, Service Foods may still be able to help Somes have mealtimeboredom. The samemeals, hesame k can b

31、e incredibly boring and hard to look forward to. When it comes to these s, Foods has the answer right on the web. Just go to long list of recipes to try. Some of these are made in demonstration format, so you can watch and get step-by-nstructions how to prepare the meals. By following these recipes

32、from Service Foods, complasrelatingto boredom can certainly be reduced.While Service Foods knows s at mealtime can never be totally eradicated, as kids will always cky kids with concerns, the company ng sible to withtheproblem andgetcooks thehelpthey ServiceFoodscansolvemealtimeboredombyservingflash

33、-frozenexpressingchildrensinstructingdifferentwaysofD.supplyingnaturalfood29.Theunderlinedwordhe last paragraph can be replaced with A.B. C. D.Fromthepassagewecancookfood forpicky t ServiceFoodscandothefollowingEXCEPTB.teach howto prepare C.providenaturalanicD.helpreduce sabout 31.Whatwillthe reader

34、sprobably doafterreadingthe A.PayforServiceFoodsC.WriterecipesforServiceB.anicmeatfromnowD.Answerson the DU.S.Are you a United Ses citizen and a high school senior or college undergraduate student? Then you can win 1,000. No other qualifications. Just be what you already are. Each year, U.S.Bgives a

35、way 401,000 scholarships for those simply being an American citizen who will be or attending college. All you have to hardly any time at all.“No Essay s fill out some basic information about yourself. It Most scholarships come but once a year and some once in a lifetime. The beauty of the “No Essay”

36、 Scholarship t it comes once a nd you can apply every single month. theapplicationisveryeasy.Infact.Youcouldhavefilleditoutprobably20timestarting read this article. You can only apply once a month, but if you are a high school senior or college student, then you can win 2,000. Winners are drawn at r

37、andom.klyEven n once-a-month is once-k. The Zinch. kly scholarship is just simple as filling out basic information about yourself. All U.S.high schoolers and college are fit for this 1,000 scholarship. All it requires is filling out a short form about yourself answering an unusual question in 280 ch

38、aracters or less. The question kly. You apply k, once k.HavefunwithScholarshipZonesimple as filling out basic information about yourself. All U.S.high schoolers and college are fit for this 1,000 scholarship. All it requires is filling out a short form about yourself answering an unusual question in

39、 280 characters or less. The question kly. You apply k, once k.HavefunwithScholarshipZoneIt seems nearly every website wants you to register. But not many sites offer as great reward as Scholarship Zone does. By simply registering, you are automatically entered for next scholarship drawing of 10,000

40、.You are not really required to do anything after you in college? Then why not take minutes to apply?32.What doweknow about the“No Essay” t. A.ItchoosesitswinnersinastrictC.ItcanbewonseveraltimesaB.Itis onlyfor highschool D.Ittakesa longtimetoapply 33. To apply for the kly Scholarship, one needs to

41、answer a A.iscommonB.canbedifferentkC.deals al D.shouldbeanswered 34.Which scholarshipis east280 endedforcollegeB.“No Essay” A.U.S.klyD.ScholarshipZone35.WhatdothefourscholarshipshaveinA.They areeasy toapply C.Theymustbe dforB.TheyareforAmericanD.Theycanbedforagainand第二节(5210 分(涂在答题卡上 A hobby is an

42、investment of time. It also can be an investment of money and Many people choose to develop n one type of hobby. When it comes tochoosingthehobby,considerthefollowingHobbies are usually an activity of some t brings out a certain t you When you have a talent like ing or woodworking, it can be easy to

43、 determine which suits your skill. Skill can be developed and challenged as you go along. It is not asary requirement. Ahobby is fitting because you love it, not because youre a al Some peopleparticularly enjoytaking partin t they n agroup with It can be a lot more fun Itsimportanttoshare you do.e a

44、 member of a hobby n to sit alone in your erests and network with other hobby t do Hobbies are generally an t you undertake because of the joy it brings you. course many people have discovered the t also comes t earns you a alJustmakesureyou makethetfits yourlifestyle Butmostof the skilled hobbies l

45、ike art, buildingor writing have a seriesof or t you can take to further your skills. In some cases its a really good idea to lessons, lly if you are clueless as to where or how to begin. Step by step books forButmostof the skilled hobbies like art, buildingor writing have a seriesof or t you can ta

46、ke to further your skills. In some cases its a really good idea to lessons, lly if you are clueless as to where or how to begin. Step by step books for hobbiescanoften befoundin bookstoresasA.However,hobbiesvetobeskillB.Mosthobbiescaneasilybe C.Look oneup orstartyour ithinyour ownhome, at yourD.Read

47、hobbybooks tolearnmoreaboutyourchosen E.Makealistof tyouenjoyordontknowF.Itcanbeasarypartofselectingthetis rightfor G. Whether its full time, part time or all, you must decide whether your hobby s 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分第一节:完形填空(201.530分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、CD)中,选出可以填入空Whenever we hear about the

48、 “homeless”, most of us think of the World. But ist ess is everywhere. For le, how many of us would expect to peopleon thestreets ofa countrylikeKurt Muller and his wife Rita have even years making for the homeless ofBerlin,Germanyscapital. 44_onelonghotsummerwhen most Germanswere on holiday. Kurt a

49、nd his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, _46_ a gavefood tothe he street The Mullers soon t food and clothing werent _47_. “What those people also need nd 48_,” says Rita. The Mullers didnt _49_ to give their phone number to the people and told them to phone anytime. Rita 50_ there was somebody

50、at home to answer phoneandtheirhome wasalways 51_ to hocouldntfaceanothernightontheThe couple were soon _52_ all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing to _53_ donations. Today, over thirty companies 54_ donate food and other goods to the and teers help to _55_ them to the homeless.

51、 The public also give clothes and money and shoeproducer_56_newKurt and Rita receive no 57_ for their hard work, “we feel like parents,” says Rita, “and shouldnt 58_ money for their children. The love we get on the streets is our Though Rita admits she often gets 59_, she says she will continue with

52、 her work because likesthe feelingof havingmadea heA.A.A.A.A.A.brought B. B. B.B. B. B.setB. C. C. C. C. C. C.setC.D.D.D.D.D.D.gave D.47.A.A.A.A.madeA.A.A.askfor A.A.A.A.A.A.B. B. B.found B. B. B. pay C. C. C.madeC. C. D.D.workedD.D.D. carry out54. D.D.D.D.D.D.D.C. A.A.A.madeA.A.A.askfor A.A.A.A.A.A

53、.B. B. B.found B. B. B. pay C. C. C.madeC. C. D.D.workedD.D.D. carry out54. D.D.D.D.D.D.D.C. C. C. C. oB. B. B. B. B. B.B. C. C. C.C. II 卷第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分第二节(101.5 15分阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)Onlineis o ost cities, where people are able to make full of the ernet technology. Nowadays, can we ?y

54、 hasnotexperiencedonline Online (e) by most people due to various reasons. From of consumers, it can save some time for people who ve much spare time. click the mouse, they can they want while staying at home. For the retailers, itcan cut some costs for those who dont have much circulating funds ).

55、(compare) with the traditional trade mode, it doesnt need renting a house. , there still some disadvantages in online ., a face-to-face deal makes online (rely) and trustworthy. Second, people will lose funofbargaining. is undeniablet on ernet e an irresistible trend modern society. Its of great t w

56、e need to make the relative laws in the ragrowth of online . his way njoy the pleasure (convenient) of online shopwithoutthe concernofbeing 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分第一节:短文改错(10110分有10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。(2.10处,多者(11处起)DearI am very excited to t youre coming to Xian for travel. Both my parent m

57、iss you lot.Soisourfriend,Ruby.AprilisbesttimeoftheyeartovisitXian.Thereisonlyafewrainthe weather is neither too hot or lot.Soisourfriend,Ruby.AprilisbesttimeoftheyeartovisitXian.Thereisonlyafewrainthe weather is neither too hot or too cold. There are so many I wanted to take you to after finish my work like a he local charity. When you come, you can stay with My house is about three kilometers far away from Xian Moslem Street where is full of local Best第二节表达(满分25分假定你是 Minion,你的英国笔友正在写一篇关于各国中学生课外阅读(extra-Dearnk you


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