1、PAGE PAGE 27 .简简介(2) .日常常用语 (3) . 业业务用语语 (88) .附录录一:国国际音标标 (18) .附录录二:专专业名词词 (211).附录二二:数词词及其他他常用词词 (23) 本手册根根据煤炭炭码头外外轮装船船作业的的需要,针针对日照照港煤码码头作业业工艺,设设备性能能,环境境条件,人人员状况况等特点点,收集集了包括括日常用用语,业业务用语语,英语语发音,专专业词汇汇等几方方面内容容,供装装船作业业人员使使用以及及学习培培训。您好!(见面打打招呼)Howw doo yoou ddo ?(Hoow aare youu ?)Helllo!Hi!非常高兴兴见到您您。
2、Nicce tto mmeett yoou !I aam vveryy gllad to meeet yyou!早上好! Goood morrninng!下午好! Goood aftternnoonn!晚上好!Goodd evveniing!欢迎您来来到日照照港!Wellcomme yyou to RIZZHAOO poort!你来自哪哪个国家家?Whaatss yoour nattionnaliity?我是大副副,我来来自巴拿拿马。Imm chhieff offficerr,Im ffromm Panaama 请帮我个个忙好吗吗?Wouuld youu plleasse ddo mme aa
3、 faavouur?请跟我来来。Follloww mee,plleasse.对不起,请请您再说说一遍。(I begg yoour) Paardoon.对不起,请请等一会会儿!Sorrry,pleeasee waait a mmomeent!对不起,让让您久等等了!Sorrry,I hhavee keept youu waaitiing forr a lonng ttimee.今天的天天气如何何?Howw iss thhe wweattherr toodayy?今天的天天气很好好。Its aa fiine dayy toodayy.今天非常常冷。Its qquitte ccoldd tooday
4、y.现在下雨雨,晚上上可能转转晴。It is raiininng nnow, itt wiill proobabbly cleear up thiis eevenningg.明天的天天气怎样样?Whaat wwilll thhe wweattherr bee liike tommorrrow?明天将下下雨。Its ggoinng tto rrainn toomorrroww.今天的温温度有多多高?Whaatss thhe ttempperaaturre ttodaay?大约摄氏氏三十度度。Its aabouut tthirrty deggreees ccenttigrradee.你怎么回回事?
5、Whaatss thhe mmattter witth yyou?我在楼梯梯上摔倒倒了,在在流血。I sslipppedd onn thhe sstaiirs andd feell dowwn. Its bbleeedinng.我病了。I aam ssickk.我希望你你很快就就好起来来。I hhopee yooulll bbe wwelll sooon.你认为如如何?那那样对吗吗?Howw doo yoou tthinnk aabouut iit? Is itt riightt?当然啦,关关于那方方面你是是绝对对对的。Cerrtaiinlyy, yyoure abssoluutelly rr
6、ighht aabouut iit.我认为你你在那方方面是弄弄错了。I tthinnk yyoure misstakken aboout it.非常感谢谢!Thaank youu veery mucch!不客气!My pleeasuure.Youu arre wwelccomee.Pleeasee maake youurseelf at homme!请原谅!Exccusee mee!没关系Thaatss alll rrighht!我可以进进来吗?Mayy I comme iin ?请进!Comme iin ,pleeasee!现在几点点了?Whaat ttimee iss itt?两点过几几分
7、。Its ttwo occlocck对不起,你你能告诉诉我准确确的时间间吗?Exccusee mee, ccan youu teell me thee exxactt tiime?不,我不不能,我我不知道道现在几几点钟。Sorrry, I cannt. I donnt knoow tthe exaact timme.一定是三三点半左左右。It musst bbe aabouut tthreee ppastt thhirtty.你会讲英英语吗?Cann yoou sspeaak EEngllishh?是的,会会一点儿儿。Yess, aa liittlle祝您旅途途愉快!A ppleaasannt
8、 ttripp too yoou !希望再见见到你。I llookk foorwaard to seeeingg yoou aagaiin!I hhopee too seee yyou agaain!欢迎再来来!wellcomme yyou (bee heere) aggainn!准备作业业过程:欢迎迎来到,我我是码头头调度,代代表港方方负责指指导装船船作业,希希望得到到你们的的支持与与配合,谢谢谢!Welccomee yoou tto . IIm forremaan, we aree inn chhargge oof lloaddingg caargoo. WWe hhopee wee ca
9、an oobtaain youur ssuppportt annd ccoopperaatioon.TThannk yyou.请问问值班驾驾驶员是是谁?Excuuse me ,whho iis oon ddutyy, ppleaase?大副副。Chieef ooffiicerr.请问问船上办办公室在在哪里?Excuuse me, whheree iss thheshhips ooffiice?请找找一下大大副?Excuuse me, whheree iss chhieff offficcer?大副副,我是是码头调调度,我我需要船船舶配载载图和装装船顺序序。Chieef ooffiicerr,
10、IIm forremaan. I nneedd sttowaage plaan aand thee looadiing seqquennce.大副副,我接接到通知知,货物物需要分分三轮装装货,第第一轮550000吨,第第二轮660000吨,第第三轮550000吨,不不包括用用调水尺尺的货物物。Chieef ooffiicerr,Wee arre iinfoormeed tthatt thhe ccarggo wwilll bee shhippped by thrree timmes. Thhe ffirsst iis 550000MT, thhe ssecoond is 60000MTT,an
11、nd tthe thiird is 50000MTT ,nnot inccluddingg thhe ccarggo ffor triimmiing.请问问完货吃吃水是多多少?Whatts thee deeparrturre (saiilinng) draaft?前吃吃水、中中吃水、尾吃水水The forredrraftt iss xxxx mm, thee miiddrraftt iss xxxx mm, thee affterrdraaft is xxxx m.请问问压舱水水排放多多长时间间?How lonng wwilll yoou nneedd foor ddebaallaastiin
12、g ?大约约5小时时30分分。Abouut ffivee hoourss annd 330 mminuutess.请问问再装多多少吨,停停机排水水。How manny ttonss wee caan lloadd beeforre wwe sstopp too deeballlasst?大约约需要再再装1万万五千吨吨后排水水。(或或:装完完顺序66后停机机排水)Itss abboutt 155 thhoussandd meetriic ttonss, tthenn wee sttop andd deeballlasst.We ccan stoop aafteer tthe no.6 ccarg
13、go iis ccomppletted.我能能用两台台装船机机同时作作业吗?Can we usee twwo lloadderss att thhe ssamee tiime?可以以。(不不可以)Yes. (oor NNo).请打打开四舱舱舱盖。(或请请把所有有舱盖打打开。)Pleaase opeen tthe hattch covver of hoold no.4.(Pleeasee oppen alll thhe hhatcch ccoveers.)因为为我们考考核装船船效率,请请船方停停机调整整吃水一一次即可可。Becaausee off ouur rrequuireemennt oof
14、 lloaddingg effficcienncy, plleasse aask thee shhip to stoop lloaddingg foor aadjuustiing draaft onlly ooncee.(船船方:)码头停停船在低低潮时为为多少米米,高潮潮时为多多少米?Whatt iss thhe llow tidde (or higgh ttidee) wwhenn shhip is aloongssidee tthe berrth?A(BB、5#)泊在在高潮时时深177米,低低潮时深深10米米。Itss 177 meeterrs iin hhighh tiide andd
15、100 meeterrs iin llow tidde.请问问船方是是否可以以装货?Capttainn, ccan we staart to loaad ccarggo nnow?(船船方:)可以。(不可可以,因因为舱里里有水)Yes, (No, beecauuse theere aree soome watter in thee hoold)(船船方:)为什什么还不不开始作作业。Why nott sttartt looadiing?我们们还没有有接到货货主的装装船通知知单。We hhavee noot rreceeiveed tthe shiippeerss looadiing nottic
16、ee yeet.请把把吊杆调调整好。Pleaase adjjustt yoour derrriccks prooperrly.请把把百吨吃吃水变化化表给我我。Pleaase givve mme tthe TPCC annd ttrimmminng ttablle.请问问船上哪哪个位置置的倾斜斜仪准确确?Wherre iis tthe cliinommeteer? Whiich onee iss acccurratee?(船船方:)大副办办公室的的Chieef ooffiicerrs货物物资料请请问货主主,我们们不清楚楚。Pleaase askk shhippper forr caargoo d
17、eetaiils , wwhicch wwe ddont kknoww cllearrly.指导作业业过程:第一一票货完完工后需需要商检检看水尺尺,请做做好准备备。It iis rrequuireed ffor surrveyyor to cheeck draaft aftter commpleetioon oof ffirsst bbatcch oof ccarggo.现在在的船体体太高,装装船机的的悬臂皮皮带只能能在零度度以下工工作。因因此这个个舱无法法装货,能能不能调调整一下下装舱顺顺序。The looadeerss aarm beelt cann woork onlly uundeer
18、 zzeroo deegreee.Now thee frree boaard is tooo hiigh to loaad iin tthiss hoold. Caan yyou aadjuust youur lloaddingg seequeencee?我先先装三舱舱,对你你的船体体有没有有影响?If wwe lloadd hoold No.3 ffirsst, is it saffe eenouugh forr yoou?(船船方:)为什什么停止止作业?why wass thhe lloaddingg woork stooppeed?现在在机器有有故障,须须停止作作业。Therress s
19、oometthinng wwronng wwithh thhe lloadder, soo wee haave to susspennd aand waiit.因港方停停电。Poweer iis ccut offf. 堆场货少少,需停停装推垛垛。Therre iis nnot mucch ccarggo aat yyardd, sso iit iis rrequuireed tto sstopp looadiing to pille.煤不够,需需等火车车卸煤。Coall iss noot eenouugh , sso wwe hhavee too waait forr moore coaal
20、tto bbe ddisccharrgedd frrom traain.海况、天天气不好好,需暂暂停作业业Sea conndittionn annd wweattherr beecomme bbad, soo wee neeed stoop wworkkingg.(船船方:)大约多多长时间间能恢复复作业How lonng ddo yyou neeed tto rresuume worrk?大约约2小时时后。Abouut iin ttwo houurs.请把把悬梯固固定一下下。pleaase fasstenn thhe aaccoommoodattionn laaddeer。请紧紧一下横横缆。P
21、leaase fasstenn brreasst llinee。对不不起,我我们只负负责装船船,其他他的事情情跟代理理联系!Sorrry, we aree inn chhargge oof lloaddingg onnly, iff thherees anyythiing elsse, pleeasee coontaact youur aagennt.(船船方:)有事事的话,请请到大付付的办公公室找我我。If aanytthinng cconccernned, plleasse ccomee too fiind me in chiief-offficeerss rooom.有事事的话,请请到码
22、头头值班室室找我。If aanytthinng cconccernned, plleasse llookk foor mme iin oour offficee att doock.如果果按您要要求的数数量装货货,恐怕怕前后的的吃水差差要超过过50公公分。If wwe lloadd caargoo inn fuull commpliiancce wwithh yoourss, wwe wworrry tthatt trrim of draaft wouuld excceedd 500 ceentiimettress.请不不要担心心,虽然然现在船船体有点点偏,但但这个舱舱完货前前,我会会保持船船
23、体平衡衡。Dont wworrry, altthouugh thee shhip is nott upprigght noww, wwe ccan mannagee too maake it alll riightt beeforre ccompplettionn off looadiing thiis hholdd.请给给我一个个确切的的排水时时间,因因为我需需要提前前检查设设备。Pleaase givve mme tthe exaact debballlasttingg tiime, siincee wee neeed to insspecct eequiipmeentss.(船船方:)电
24、子子称显示示多少吨吨,准确确吗?How manny ttonss iss itt byy shhoree sccalee? IIs tthatt fiigurre aaccuuratte?我们们的电子子称比较较准确,误误差不会会超过00.255%。Abouut xxxxxx MTT. OOur shoore scaale worrks preecisselyy , thee errrorr neeverr exxceeed 00.255%.中间间的水尺尺无法看看到,请请向前(向向后)调调整一下下位置。We ccan nott seee tthe midddlee drraftt cllearr
25、ly, plleasse cchannge youur pposiitioon.(船船方:)装船船速度是是多少?Whatt iss thhe lloaddingg raate?我们们的装船船速度是是每小时时40000吨。The loaadinng rratee iss foour thoousaand mettricc toons perr hoour.货不不足,因因此无法法达到您您的配载载要求。Carggo iis nnot enooughh ,sso wwe ccan nott meeet youur sstowwagee pllan.因为为双线作作业,需需调整装装舱顺序序。Due to
26、twoo looadeers at worrk, we neeed tto aadjuust loaadinng ssequuencce.海况况、天气气不好,请请船方加加缆并随随时做好好离泊准准备。Sea conndittionn annd wweattherr iss noot ggoodd, ppleaase infformm shhip to ttakee moore linnes andd bee reeadyy foor uunbeerthhingg att anny ttimee.请把把左舷或或右舷、船中处处,提前前放好软软梯以便便看水尺尺。Pleaase putt doown s
27、offt lladdderss beeforre hhandd att poortssidee annd sstarrboaard sidde iin mmidddle of vesssell foor ddrafft cchecckinng. 因舱舱容不够够,皮带带上有煤煤,需排排到别的的舱口。Sincce hholdd caapaccityy iss noot eenouugh, thhe rrestt cooal in thee beelt shoouldd bee seent intto ootheer hholdds.接港港调通知知,先装装A泊的的船,你你的船临临时不装装货,有有异议
28、请请与外代代联系。Infoormeed bby pportt auuthooritty, we willl lloadd veesseel aat bbertth AA. soo yoour vesssell iss too bee suuspeendeed lloaddingg. AAny objjecttionn, ppleaase conntacct yyourr aggentt .现在在左倾(右倾),请问问大副水水尺修正正后是多多少。Now it is lisstinng tto pporttsidde/sstarrboaard sidde. Whaat iis yyourr drra
29、ftt affterr coorreectiion?能否否多装xxx吨再再排水(或或将xxx舱装完完后再排排水)。Can youu sttartt deeballlasstinng aafteer lloadd xxxxxMMT mmoree caargoo?(Cann yoou sstarrt ddebaallaastiing aftter commpleetinng lloaddingg hoold NO.xx.)压舱舱水是否否排完,还还需要多多长时间间排完?Havee yoou ccomppletted debballlasttingg ? Howw loong willl iit tt
30、akee too coomplletee deeballlasstinng?(船船方:)还需需要4小小时。Fourr hoourss(船船方:)5舱舱还有几几分钟煤煤?How manny mminuutess dooes it takke tto ccompplette hholdd NOO.5?大约约10分分钟Abouut tten minnutees.请放放下梯子子。Pleaase putt doown thee laaddeer.请把把货灯放放到船方方吃水位位置。Pleaase putt thhe llighht aarouund vesssells draaft possitiion.
31、(船船方:)船体体不平衡衡,为什什么只向向一侧抛抛料?The shiip iis nnot in thee baalannce noww, wwhy alwwayss deepossit at onlly oone sidde?频繁繁旋转会会引起机机器故障障。Freqquennt rrotaatioon oof tthe macchinne wwilll caausee prrobllemss.结束作业业过程:(船船方:)船什什么时候候能完货货?Do yyou knoow wwhatt tiime thee looadiing willl ccompplette?十分分钟后完完货。Chieef
32、 ooffiicerr ,tthe loaadinng wwilll bee coomplleteed iin tten minnutees. 外代代让您打打开高频频16频频道。Agennt aask youu too keeep wattch on VHFF16.你们们到达卸卸货港所所允许的的最大水水尺是多多少?Whatt iss thhe mmaxiimumm drraftt alllowwed at disschaargiing porrt?前吃吃水,中中吃水,尾尾吃水foreedraaft is xx M ,midddraaft is xx M,aafteerdrraftt iss x
33、xx M.(船船方:)船什什么时候候离泊?Do yyou knoow tthe deppartturee tiime?大约约在午夜夜.Yourr veesseel wwilll goo saailiing at middnigght.(船船方:)什么么时候能能够公估估?Whatt tiime forr thhe ddrafft ssurvvey?大约约在9点点钟Maybbe aat nninee ocloock再见见,欢迎迎再来!By-bby, wellcomme tto ccomee aggainn!元音附录一:音标读 音 规 则则示例很象“衣衣”,舌面面稍靠上上,舌尖尖稍靠下下see不是短
35、得太太重nowtt注意结尾尾的ii不要要读成了了i:boy前面一个个元音清清楚而且且较长,后面一一个模糊糊而且较较短nearr前面一个个元音清清楚而且且较长,后面一一个模糊糊而且较较短air前面一个个元音清清楚而且且较长,后面一一个模糊糊而且较较短poorr辅音音标读 音 规 则则示例结尾不要要有“哦”音pig结尾不要要有“哦”音beatt 结尾尾不要有有“饿”音tap 结尾尾不要有有“饿”音deerr 结尾尾不要有有“饿”音cab 结尾尾不要有有“饿”音get有点象汉汉语里“拆”字的头头音,声声带不振振动chaiir有点象汉汉语里“这”字的头头音,声声带振动动channge上牙碰下下嘴唇,气
37、流只能能从鼻腔腔出来,声声带振动动no续上表音标读 音 规 则则示例鼻后腔音音tankk舌前轻抵抵上牙根根和上颚颚之间,气气流从舌舌头两旁旁流出,声声带振动动。let和汉语拼拼音发音音类似,略略噘嘴rabbbit“也”字字的头音音,单独独发音时时很轻,很很弱yet“我”字字的头音音,单独独发音时时很轻,很很弱wet先噘嘴,再再放松,开开始嘴型型象“去”,声带带不振动动try先噘嘴,再再放松,开开始嘴型型象“去”,声带带振动dreaam附录二:锚地:aanchhoraage 商商检: draaft surrveyyorss A泊位位: bbertth A 海海关:CCusttomss码头: do
38、cck 代理理:ageent 靠泊:ccomee allonggsidde边检检:Immmiggrattionn 开装:ccommmencce lloaddingg 港港监:HHarbbourr maasteer装毕:ccompplette lloaddingg 货主:thee shhippper 离港:ddepaartuure 大大副:cchieef ooffiicerr 手续:fformmaliity 码头调调度:fforeemann 水尺:ddrafft 完货前前调水尺尺:trrim排空:ppumpp ouut 压压舱水:balllasst wwateer 装船顺序序:looadiing
39、 seqquennce 排压压舱水:debballlastt 积载系数数:sttowaage faactoor 搁搁浅:sstraandiing 装船速度度: lloaddingg rratee 碰撞撞:coolliisioon调整装船船顺序:adjjustt seequeencee意外事事故:cconttinggenccy配载图:stoowagge pplann 提出出抗议:raiise an objjecttionn倾斜仪:cliinommeteer 风级:0级 ccalmm 1级 llighht aair淡水:ffressh wwateer 22级 llighht bbreeeze 海水
40、:ssaltt waaterr 33级 ggenttle breeezee满载吃水水:fuull loaad ddrafft 4级级modderaate breeezee空载吃水水:liightt looad draaft 55级 ffressh bbreeeze甲板:ddeckks 6级 sstroong breeezee船首:bbow 77级 nnearr gaale船尾:ssterrn 8 级 ggalee舱口:hhatcch 9 级级 sstroong galle舱盖:hhatcch ccoveer 100级 sstorrm射灯:llighht 111级 vviollentt stto
41、rmm 手电筒:torrch望远镜:tellesccopee对讲机/高频:VHFF 中垂:saggginng船长:ccapttainn 中中拱:hhogggingg大副:cchieef ooffiicerr 拱头头:trrim by heaad二副:ssecoond offficeer 电话:tellephhonee三副:tthirrd ooffiicerr 安安全帽:hellmett船员:ccreww 计计算器:callcullatoor轮机长:chiief enggineeer 值班水水手:ddutyy offficcer装船机:loaaderr 引引航员:pillot甲板:ddeckk 木
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